You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Zhou Ruiling was quite angry at first.

But hearing Li Tianyu say so, most of his anger disappeared.

Why did it disappear?

Because Zhou Ruiling suddenly realized that he was completely at a disadvantage and couldn't beat this guy.

Those who know the current affairs are handsome!

Zhou Ruiling immediately rolled his eyes: "Can I play enough?"

Li Tianyu smiled: "Is it enough?"

Zhou Ruiling nodded firmly: "Enough fun."

Li Tianyu: "Okay, then apologize."

Zhou Ruiling was stunned: "Apology, apology? Why!?"

Li Tianyu: "Because you provoked me first, who would apologize if you don't apologize?"

Zhou Ruiling: "I...I can't do it!"

Li Tianyu: "Can't do it? That's OK, then let's go back and continue to use it. I am not ashamed anyway.

With that said, Li Tianyu turned and was about to walk back.

Zhou Ruiling quickly grabbed Li Tianyu's arm.

Li Tianyu: "What are you doing? Let go! Whether men and women give or receive kisses!"

Zhou Ruiling: "Don't worry, we haven't finished talking yet."

Li Tianyu: "What are we talking about? Didn't the talk collapse?"

Zhou Ruiling said angrily: "Who, who told you that the talk broke down? We are still in the midfield entanglement stage!"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "What entanglement is not entangled? Your words are too dirty, and it is easy to misunderstand."

Zhou Ruiling: "Oh, what do I say to you as a person? How can you bully a little girl when you are such an adult?"

Li Tianyu: "Yeah, you? Little girl?"

Zhou Ruiling raised her eyebrows: "Ah, didn't you just say it? I'm nineteen years old, am I a little girl?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "I'm an adult at the age of nineteen. What are you going to do with a little girl? You are going to be in the countryside at your age, and your children will be able to drink soy sauce."

"you you you……"

Zhou Ruiling was almost mad, "you" for a long time, did not say a complete sentence.

Li Tianyu: "You speak human words!"

Zhou Ruiling: "You run the train with your mouth full! Nonsense! Despicable! Shameless! Cold-blooded!"

Li Tianyu: "Well, this time the talk is broken, right?"

With that said, Li Tianyu turned and left.

Zhou Ruiling stretched out his hand again to grab him.

Zhou Ruiling: "No, I didn't talk about collapse. I was not calm and unconscious just now. Can I apologize?"

Li Tianyu: "That's OK, you apologize."

Zhou Ruiling gritted his teeth.

She was really aggrieved in her heart.

She has grown up so much that almost everyone is used to her. Where did she apologize to others?

But now that the situation is not good, it can only be difficult.

Zhou Ruiling: "I'm sorry."

Li Tianyu exaggeratedly said: "Ah? What did you say?"

Zhou Ruiling was angry: "I'm sorry!"

Her voice was so loud that she shocked a waiter who was passing by, and almost fell the teapot in her hand.

Li Tianyu patted Zhou Ruiling's head: "It's almost the same, all right, I can forgive you reluctantly for the time being."

Zhou Ruiling "cut" disdainfully.

Li Tianyu: "What?"

Zhou Ruiling waved her hand quickly: "It's okay, it's okay, I just had a dry throat and coughed."

At this moment, Tian Jinpeng ran over at some point.

"Railing, are you okay?"

Tian Jinpeng may not be assured that Zhou Ruiling is with Li Tianyu.

What if this kid is plotting wrong.

Zhou Ruiling: "It's okay, I'm fine!"

Li Tianyu coughed slightly: "Okay, let's go back."

With that, Li Tianyu turned around and left.

Zhou Ruiling hurriedly followed: "I said, what should I do about this? You have to explain it for me. If my parents find out, I will definitely be detained!"

Li Tianyu glanced at Zhou Ruiling: "Okay, I will explain."

Zhou Ruiling breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good."

Li Tianyu: "But..."

Zhou Ruiling was startled: "But what?"

Li Tianyu: "You have to cooperate with me, don't yell for a while."

Zhou Ruiling: "Okay, I see."

Tian Jinpeng walked ahead and glanced back.

Seeing Li Tianyu and Zhou Ruiling whispering there, I felt uncomfortable.

Zhou Ruiling had a good family background and a beautiful person, so why did he fall in love with such a poor boy!

Go back to the rest area.

Li Tianyu began to explain.

Of course, he couldn't say that he was talking nonsense just now, after all, it was too blunt and it seemed that he was not very reliable.

After careful consideration, Li Tianyu thought of such a rhetoric.

Li Tianyu: "That's it, I was a little too excited just now, after all, I like Xiaoling so much."

Zhou Ruijin and Tian Jinpeng were startled, they didn't figure out what this kid was trying to say.

Li Tianyu continued to explain: "That's it, we are indeed better off, but now we have broken up."




The last "what" was called out by Zhou Jinling.

She didn't expect Li Tianyu's so-called "explanation" to be such an interpretation.

Li Tianyu glanced at Zhou Ruiling, as if saying, "Don't yell."

Zhou Jinling had to shut his mouth.

But isn't this explanation getting darker and darker!?

Zhou Ruijin: "So, you are okay now?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, in fact, I did wait for someone here, and it was accidental that I met Xiao Ling."

Tian Jinpeng smiled contemptuously: "Are you waiting for someone? Who are you waiting for here?"

According to Li Tianyu's statement just now, he is a poor man, an ordinary office worker, and a Phoenix man.

This is the Peace Hotel, one of the most historical, famous and compelling places in the magic capital.

Those who come here to consume are either rich or expensive, so how can ordinary people?

According to Tian Jinpeng's judgment, this kid is still running the train with his mouth full, which is quite hateful.

When Li Tianyu heard it, he replied: "You don't know each other, let's stop talking, go back to each house, and find each mother."

With that said, Li Tianyu waved his hand to the three of them and sat down again.

Is this over?

This guy is too free and easy, right?

Zhou Ruijin took his sister Zhou Ruiling aside: "Just leave him alone?"

Zhou Ruiling's head hurts a little, and he feels that he really smashed himself today.

The key to encounter such a monster.

I don't know how this guy knows so much about her.

"Yes, yes, let's stop chatting with him, let's go."

Zhou Ruijin hesitated for a moment: "But what did you do with him, just forget it?"

Zhou Ruiling: "What's the matter? Sister, are you all right?" Book Six

Zhou Ruijin whispered, "Didn't you live together?"

Zhou Ruiling: "Oh, no, no, it doesn't matter if there is, sister, you are so old fashioned."

With that said, Zhou Ruiling just pulled Zhou Ruijin away.

Tian Jinpeng wanted to argue with Li Tianyu again, but this guy didn't even look at him at all, so he had to leave with the twin sisters.

Tian Jinpeng said to Zhou Ruiling, "Fortunately, you wake up early. I think that guy is not right in his heart, it's not a good thing."

Zhou Ruiling: "Okay, okay, stop talking, I don't want to mention him again!"

When Tian Jinpeng heard it, he thought that Zhou Ruiling's old love was over.

"I think he is just a bastard, what else does he say to come here to wait for someone? Mostly just come to eat and drink."

Zhou Ruijin glanced at Li Tianyu again, thinking that the person's conditions were so bad that it was indeed impossible to wait for someone.

On the other side, Li Tianyu sighed, and the world was finally quiet.

Continue to drink coffee while looking at the Bund outside the window.

It is also very enjoyable to think about it. The old masters and wives of the magical British nobles also sat here drinking coffee and enjoying the scenery.

At this moment, several cars stopped outside one after another.

Several people were asked to get off the bus by the waiter.

It is very stylish.

One of the fat middle-aged people is Li Tianyu’s acquaintance, Ai Baoquan.

Ai Baoquan and these friends didn't know where they came from, anyway, their faces were quite happy, talking and laughing.

It can be seen that the status of these people, including Ai Baoquan, is extraordinary.

These people, surrounded by several waiters, entered the foyer of the Peace Hotel, and then went straight to the restaurant.

Tian Jinpeng's eyes were sharp, and after seeing Ai Baoquan and the others, he immediately stood up and greeted him.

The twin sisters of the Zhou family followed behind.

The three of them seemed to be familiar with the people who came.

Among them are Tian Jinpeng's father Tian Luoning, and twin sisters Hua's father Zhou Weijun.

Ai Baoquan and the two of them are also quite iron, and they will get together to play every time they come.

So, these people went to the rest area again.

Talk while walking.

Tian Luoning: "I have already booked a private room inside, let's go directly in."

Zhou Weijun: "Hey, doesn't Ai always have to wait for someone?"

Tian Luoning: "Yes, I forgot, Mr. Ai, is he here?"

Ai Baoquan: "It should be here."

As he said, Ai Baoquan twisted his fat face and looked left and right.

Tian Jinpeng: "Uncle Ai, who are you looking for? Maybe it hasn't come yet. I'll ask the waiter to help you pay attention.

Ai Baoquan shook his head: "No need, no, he should be here. It's really not possible. I'll call him... Hey, here comes, just sit there."

Ai Baoquan pointed forward, just to the place where Li Tianyu was sitting.

Tian Jinpeng, and the Zhou family twins were startled.

is that a lie?

The person Ai Baoquan is looking for is that kid?

Why use "that kid" to describe it is entirely because these three people don't even know what his name is.

Ai Baoquan walked over before everyone could react.

"Oh, brother Li, you are here!"

Li Tianyu looked back, happy, and quickly stood up and shook hands with Ai Baoquan.

The two haven't seen each other for a while, and they still feel close.

I don't know if it was Li Tianyu's illusion. When I saw Ai Baoquan this time, I felt that he was getting fat again.

But judging from his physical condition, he is still quite good, his face is red, ruddy, and full of energy.

Li Tianyu: "It's been a long time, President Ai, you have become handsome again."

Ai Baoquan laughed: "Brother Li, you still can talk."

Li Tianyu: "What does it mean to be able to speak, I am sincere."

Ai Baoquan waved his hand: "Okay, don't give me ecstasy, by the way, I will introduce some friends to you."

With that, Ai Baoquan introduced Zhou Weijun, Tian Luoning, and a woman named Xu Linglan to Li Tianyu.

Xu Linglan is over forty years old, very temperamental and charming.

It can be seen that this woman was definitely a stunning beauty when she was young.

Ai Baoquan didn't mention her identity, and it is estimated that her status is not low, because several other people are quite fond of her.

Because Li Tianyu is Ai Baoquan's "brother", all these people with great status greeted him kindly, and did not bully or scorn him.

Of course, Li Tianyu also responded appropriately, yelling eldest brother and eldest sister.

He didn't even realize that, with such a call, he called his "generation" up.

When the juniors were introduced, the atmosphere was a bit wrong.

Zhou Ruijin, Zhou Ruiling, and Tian Jinpeng, all these three were already dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that Li Tianyu was really waiting for someone here, and the person waiting was Uncle Ai Baoquan Ai.

Who is Ai Baoquan?

The president of Aihua Real Estate, the highest leader, and the top five real estate tycoons.

Obviously a big man.

As for Li Tianyu, he said before that he lived in a rented house of 20 square meters, crowded the subway, and had a monthly income of 8,000 yuan, which can be regarded as "the hope of the village" at most.

The identities of these two individuals differed by a thousand miles, so why did they get involved together!?

Don't dare to write this in novels!

So when the three of them were introduced, they were all silent.

Zhou Weijun: "Rui Jin and Rui Ling, what did you two do? Say hello to Uncle Li!"

Uncle Li!?

This status has risen too fast!?

It was Zhou Ruiling's ex-boyfriend just now!

No, to be precise, it should be a poor ex-boyfriend!

However, hearing Zhou Weijun's questioning, the two beautiful twin sisters had to greet Li Tianyu rather quietly.

"Good Uncle Li."

"Uncle Li has worked hard."

Li Tianyu is quite proud now, without feeling awkward at all.

"Hello, right, I heard that you are still in college, right?"

"I miss it, my college days are gone forever."

"You have to cherish, study hard, and make progress every day."

Zhou Ruiling couldn't help sticking out his tongue, thinking that this guy is really big face.

But after looking back, why did he know his name, and there are so many things, so all "solved the case".

It is estimated that Uncle Ai Baoquan Ai told this guy.

But what is this guy's name?She still doesn't know Zhou Ruiling, only her last name is Li.

And who is he?

Isn't it really an ordinary office worker?

However, Uncle Ai didn't introduce it.

The guy named Li is still a mysterious man.

Compared with these twin beauties, Tian Jinpeng is even more difficult.

He was sneered at Li Tianyu's words just now.

It hasn't been a few minutes before I will call someone "uncle".

The key point is that the person surnamed Li looks about the same age as Tian Jinpeng, not nearly one or two years old.

This is too embarrassing, you can't make people laugh when you say it?

So Tian Jinpeng screamed for a long time, and didn't call out.

Tian Luoning frowned, "Jin Peng, what are you talking about? Why don't you shout!"

Tian Jinpeng grimaced, "Uncle Li is good."

Li Tianyu was too happy: "Good, uncle is good."

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