You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu checked the time. It was past nine o'clock.

Ai Baoquan, the old boy usually stepped on the dots, so he had to wait for a while.

Li Tianyu turned his head and took a look. He happened to see a vending machine and walked over to buy a can of Suntory coffee.

Yo, it's eight yuan a can, it's really worthy of being the vending machine in the tallest building in the capital, it's quite expensive.

But it's warm, which is good.

Li Tianyu was about to return to the rest area with his coffee.

At this time, he found that this side was an elevator hall.

But the elevator hall was surrounded by fences, and a few security guards stood guarding it.

At the entrance of the fence, there are two ceremonial ladies wearing red full-length dresses.

Beautiful in age and slim in figure.

At the entrance, a beautiful welcome bulletin board was erected with a few large characters-the entrance of the center building sales ceremony venue.

It turns out that this is the direct elevator to the internal sales ceremony venue, which is really tight enough.

If it is not an invited VIP, then even the "Tongtian Elevator" can't get up.

Li Tianyu didn't look much, and went straight back to the rest area to sit.

Never stand when you can sit.

Never sit when you can lie down.

Li Tianyu is really getting lazy.

At the same time, several people came over.

Li Tianyu still knows these people.

Among them is Qi Juntao, an "old acquaintance" I saw on the high-speed train not long ago.

Qi Juntao is here, and of course Zhang Xiaomeng and Ren Congyang are among them.

In addition to the three of them, there is also a man.

The man's name is Xu Shi.

Belongs to the same company as Qi Juntao and others.

Their company is called Zhongjia Office Equipment Trading Company.

Just listen to the name of the company. The main business of this company is a company that sells office equipment.

There are all kinds of equipment, such as printers, copiers, commercial air conditioners, projectors, and even desks and chairs.

At the same time, they can also suggest the overall design of the office environment for each company.

Zhongjia Office Equipment Trading Company has done a good job in the country. Its business volume in Imperial Capital is very large, and its industry share can reach 40-50%, which is quite impressive.

But the company's business in Magic City is just getting started.

Qi Juntao, Ren Congyang, and Zhang Xiaomeng rushed over from the imperial capital to help the magic capital build a branch team.

Why are these people here today?

Undoubtedly, of course it came for the internal sales meeting of the Magic City Center Building.

Although only designated people were invited to participate in this internal sales event in Magic City, the publicity campaign was very hard and there was a lot of movement.

This is an excellent opportunity for the Zhongjia Equipment Trading Company branch of Magic City.

Because the people who participated in this internal sales meeting ceremony were all big names, and there were no unknown people.

If you can find them, talk a few words, or even just get familiar with them, it would be worthwhile.

But here comes the problem.

Since Zhongjia's company is not well-known in Modu, even the side with Xu Shi is very lighthearted, and it is not even invited to the sales meeting in the center building.Tower Novel

However, Xu Shi is still very confident. He has been active recently, and he has become familiar with some people in the central building.

If you tell the staff in the central building clearly, you should be able to let them in.

Several people walked and talked.

Ren Congyang: "Manager Xu, are you sure to go in?"

Xu Shi: "I don't think the problem is big. It's just an internal sales ceremony, not a bidding meeting. It should be less strict."

Ren Congyang: "That's good, if we can get in, then we have to have a good chat with these big people."

Xu Shi: "That's right, old Ren, this time you have to help and give full play to your business ability. It's best to talk about a few more orders."

Ren Congyang waved his hand: "Of course, since I'm here, I will try my best to help you."

At this time, Ren Congyang looked back at Qi Juntao: "And there is Qi Juntao, you don't know, he has a very strong momentum now."

Xu Shi chuckled: "Hey, no matter how fierce it is, I am a newcomer. I am very tender compared to you!"

Xu Shi's voice was not loud, but it was enough to make Qi Juntao and Zhang Xiaomeng who were walking not far behind could hear them clearly.

Qi Juntao's expression was a little uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything.

He is not familiar with Xu Shi himself, and it can even be said that he doesn't know him at all. He just used the company instant messaging to contact him several times on the Internet.

On the contrary, Ren Congyang has a good relationship with Xu Shi.

Xu Shi was transferred from the imperial capital, and when he was in the imperial capital, he often organized business groups with Ren Congyang.

And the combination of the two is quite good, otherwise Xu Shi will not be transferred to the magic city to be responsible for the business promotion here.

Therefore, Ren Congyang hates Qi Juntao very much now, and even with Xu Shi, he also doesn't wait to see him.

Fortunately, Qi Juntao was mentally prepared, but he could endure this intentional or unintentional run.

Zhang Xiaomeng said in a low voice, "I really don't understand why the company wants you to come over. You can suffer from this."

Qi Juntao responded with a wry smile: "Where does the leader above know what Ren Congyang thinks? I thought we two had a good relationship and were a good partner."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "That's what I said, you have to be careful, try to keep a low profile, or you might give a small report."

Qi Juntao nodded: "Understand, I just need to talk less."

At this time, a few people had already arrived at the elevator entrance.

Xu Shi looked left and right, but did not see the familiar "acquaintances" before.

He saw a man in a suit next to him whispering something to the hostess and security guards.

The man in this suit is named Xue Changming, and he is the manager of the lobby on the first floor of the Magic City Building.

Of course Xu Shi saw that this person was extraordinary, so he leaned forward.

At this time, Ren Congyang turned his head back and said to Juntao, "Qi Juntao, take a good look and see how Xu Shi does work for people in this situation."

Qi Juntao was startled, so he nodded without saying a word.

People under the eaves have to bow their heads.

Xue Changming said politely: "Sir, what can you do?"

Xu Shi glanced at the little brand on Xue Changming's chest, smiled and said, "That's it, I am the head of the Magic City branch of Zhongjia Office Equipment Trading Company, and several of them are my colleagues."

With that said, Xu Shi also pointed to Ren Congyang and the others not far behind him.

Xue Changming: "Well, do you have any help?"

Xu Shi's face was stagnant, and he couldn't see any thoughts from Xue Changming's expression.

Xu Shi has seen all kinds of people over the years, and the first reaction is that this guy is obviously hard to deal with!

However, Xu Shi was not discouraged, so he clarified the matter first and looked at the reaction of the other party before speaking.

Xu Shi squeezed out a smile and bit the bullet and said what he had come from.

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