Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 275: Ai Baoquan? Big Brother

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu: "Why are you here? There is business here?"

Qi Juntao: "Today, the Magic City Center Building is going to hold an internal sales ceremony, let's come in and see if we can enter..."

When Qi Juntao said this, he felt a stern look.

Looking back, Ren Congyang stared at him.

Qi Juntao had to sigh: "Anyway, because we can't get in, it's basically no show."

At this moment, Qi Juntao's eyes lit up suddenly: "Brother Li, can you go in?"

Zhang Xiaomeng was a little surprised when he listened next to him. He didn't understand why Qi Juntao was so worthy of this man named Li Tianyu.

The nature of this internal selling ceremony is mostly clear.

Those who can be invited are all big and decent people, and ordinary people are simply not qualified to go in.

Even if Li Tianyu has a good job, a high salary, and a certain amount of connections, he can't be said to be a big man, right?

Make an analogy.

No matter how the cultivator in the novel cultivates, it is still a mortal body, which is different from the real god.

This is an essential difference.

Those people are not bosses or bosses, and their level is completely different from ordinary people.

Ren Congyang and Xu Shi also heard the conversation between the two and walked over.

Ren Congyang: "Qi Juntao, are you crazy? Why can you get in?"

Xu Shi also looked displeased: "What you are talking about, Qi Juntao, you are too clueless. If he can get in, there will not be overcrowded?"

Qi Juntao's expression was stagnant, and the two of them sang and played together, which was a bit too bullying!

At this moment, Li Tianyu said indifferently: "Student Xiaoqi, are you going to enter the venue? It's easy, just follow me in a while."

When everyone heard it, their expressions were different.

Qi Juntao was a surprise.

He now believes in Li Tianyu's words, and he said that if he can enter, he must be able to enter.

The expressions of others are not so good-looking.

Although Zhang Xiaomeng didn't hate this Li Tianyu, and thought he was a little handsome, but when he heard Li Tianyu's words, the first reaction was "this man is bragging."

As for Ren Congyang and Xu Shi, not to mention, they are all light to use "sneer" to describe them.

Ren Congyang: "What you said, I really almost believed it. Do you think this is a normal occasion? It's a person who can go in?"

Xu Shi also sneered and said, "Old Ren, don't rush to conclusions, in case someone really can get in."

Ren Congyang: "Do you think he looks like someone who can get an invitation letter?"

Xu Shi looked at Li Tianyu for a few moments, and said embarrassingly, "This little brother, if you can get in, just go over and try. Let's see how you got in?"

Zhang Xiaomeng kindly reminded: "You must have an invitation letter to go in, or it won't work, we have tried it just now."

Qi Juntao: "Brother Li, do you have an invitation letter?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "I don't have an invitation letter."

When Qi Juntao heard this, he was dumbfounded: "No, no?"

Li Tianyu was happy: "Although I don't have an invitation letter, I can also go in."

Ren Congyang said disdainfully: "Do you really think you can be an uncle here? Don't just talk about it."

Li Tianyu did not respond to Ren Congyang's ridicule, but Qi Juntao said: "You will come in with me in a while. By the way, this beauty, do you want to go in?"

"Beauty" of course refers to Zhang Xiaomeng.

She was startled: "I, of course it would be best if I can go in, but..."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "That's fine, you can follow me in a while, and I will bring you in."

Zhang Xiaomeng murmured in his heart when Li Tianyu was so sure.

Where does this guy's confidence come from?

Could he really go in?

how can that be possible?He has no invitation letter!

By the way, maybe he is the staff here, or maybe he has a relationship with the staff.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaomeng nodded: "That's OK, it's best to get in. Thank you in advance."

Even though he said so, he still felt that Li Tianyu couldn't get in, let alone brought her and Qi Juntao in.

Qi Juntao was a little worried.

Li Tianyu's big talk has already been said, if it can't be done, then Ren Congyang and Xu Shi will inevitably be another cynicism.

Don't say that Qi Juntao can't raise his head when that happens, Li Tianyu is the first to bear the brunt.

Fortunately, Li Tianyu is not a member of their Zhongjia Company, so he can leave after a big deal.

At this moment, a few people were walking in the corridor not far away.

Walking ahead is a fat middle-aged man.

This man is very stylish, with his head high and his chest high, hugging.

Behind him, several people walked.

Among them is a beautiful woman with a slender figure and a nice face, wearing a professional dress, probably in the role of a female secretary or assistant.

There is also a tall man who is even more conspicuous. His complexion is dark and fortitude, and his figure is tall and straight. When he walks around, he is a bodyguard.

Obviously, this chubby middle-aged man should be a local tyrant.

Who is this guy?

Don't guess, it's Ai Baoquan, Li Tianyu's old acquaintance.

And behind him walked a tall man, it was Yang An who had a deep friendship with Li Tianyu.

As for the beauty in professional skirts, it was Ai Baoquan's newly recruited female assistant named Huang Meiyun.

After Deng Shi saw Ai Baoquan, his face changed, and he whispered, "Did you see it? That is President Ai Baoquan Aihua Real Estate Group."

Ren Congyang immediately said, "The president of Aihua Real Estate, that's terrible, shall we go and talk to him?"

Deng Shi hesitated: "Let’s see the situation, let’s introduce ourselves first, and pass the business card. If we can meet up to ten minutes, then it’s best. I have a chance to visit again in the future."

Deng Shi is indeed an old fried dough stick in the sales circle, knowing that stalking is useless.

Especially for people like Ai Baoquan, if you want to sell something, you must have eye for each other.

There is a degree of advancement and retreat, as long as Ai Baoquan thinks you are not annoying, you can talk about it, and that is half the battle.

Ai Baoquan led the people up the stairs, getting closer and closer to the rest area.

Deng Shi and Ren Congyang greeted them with smiles.

Deng Shi: "Hello, Mr. Ai."

Ai Baoquan stopped and looked at Deng Shi: "Who are you?"

Deng Shi took out another business card and handed it to Ai Baoquan.

"Mr. Ai, I am from Zhongjia Office Equipment Trading Company. My name is Deng Shi. I am now the head of business development of Magic City."

Ai Baoquan took the business card and glanced at it: "Zhongjia office equipment, oh, I seem to have heard that some of your products seem to be used in our Aihuadidu headquarters."

Deng Shi was overjoyed: "Yes, yes, President Ai's memory is really good."

Ren Congyang also introduced himself, very logical and routine.

Ai Baoquan: "What's the matter with you two?"

Deng Shi: "That's it. We know that Aihua Real Estate also has a company in Magic City, so we want to find a time to ask you to talk about the possibility of cooperation."

When Ai Baoquan heard this, he frowned. It was too much trouble. You should also ask him for such trivial things like selling things and buying things?


So he waved his hand: "Let's talk about this later, I am very busy now and I won't talk anymore." The fifth novel

With that, Ai Baoquan hurried Deng Shi's business card to Huang Meiyun, a beautiful female assistant, and walked away.

Neither Ren Congyang nor Deng Shi went up to struggle.

This kind of big man, the more entangled, the less effective.

Qi Juntao and Zhang Xiaomeng also saw Ai Baoquan, and their faces couldn't help showing awe.

Zhang Xiaomeng said in a low voice, "So this is Mr. Ai from Aihua Real Estate. He is a bit too fat and not handsome at all."

Qi Juntao glanced at Zhang Xiaomeng: "What's the use of being handsome? Can you eat it? Mr. Ai has a mine at home, and you can get thousands of things if you just take it out of your pocket, let you marry or not?

Zhang Xiaomeng "cut" and didn't speak.

If you want her to marry, she might be married.

In today's society, whether men are handsome or not, tall or short are the second most important thing, the key is still one word-money.

Zhang Xiaomeng was thinking at this time that Mr. Ai from Aihua Real Estate would definitely be able to enter the venue.

At this moment, Zhang Xiaomeng suddenly saw Li Tianyu walking towards Ai Baoquan.

What is he going to do?

Is it possible to negotiate business with Ai Baoquan?

It is estimated that Li Tianyu will return without success.

Ai Baoquan is the president of Aihua Group, it is impossible to manage these trivial matters.

Didn’t Ren Congyang and Deng Shi just stay behind closed doors?

Qi Juntao said suddenly: "By the way, Brother Li seems to have something to do with some leaders of Aihua Real Estate."

Zhang Xiaomeng: "Huh? How deep is the relationship?"

Qi Juntao: "Isn't the house I bought in Jinjingmeiheyuan belonged to Aihua Real Estate, I really couldn't buy it without the help of Brother Li."

Zhang Xiaomeng said "Oh", "But he can't always have something to do with Ai Baoquan, right?"

Qi Juntao: "Well..."

He also said it was bad.

In the past, when Li Tianyu and Qi Juntao and his brother Qi Wei were in high school, they were always mixed together.

But when I saw him last time when the imperial capital bought a house, I felt completely changed.

Can't say how it feels.

If you have to say anything, it is four words-unfathomable.

At this time, I saw that Li Tianyu had already reached Ai Baoquan's and turned to stand side by side with him.

Next, something incredible happened.

Li Tianyu actually chatted with Ai Baoquan, and talked and laughed, quite at ease.

Qi Juntao and Zhang Xiaomeng were stunned.

On the other side, Ren Congyang and Deng Shi's jaws almost fell.

How is this going?

Ai Baoquan and Li Tianyu really know each other?

Not only do they know each other, but they also seem to have a good relationship.

Wait, what is Li Tianyu doing?

He actually put his arm around Ai Baoquan's shoulder and whispered!?

Ai Baoquan didn't know what he heard from Li Tianyu, and he was so happy that he fell forward and laughed.

Damn it!


Is the sun coming out from the west?

This is totally unreasonable!

Li Tianyu not only talked and laughed with Ai Baoquan, but also punched the bodyguard behind Ai Baoquan with his fist.

Is this kid Li Tianyu looking for a fight?

But the result?

The bodyguard even smiled naively, without getting angry at all.

During the conversation, Li Tianyu and Ai Baoquan had already come close.

Li Tianyu pointed at Qi Juntao and said with a smile: "Mr. Ai, this is my little brother named Qi Juntao."

Qi Juntao and Zhang Xiaomeng were still in a state of shock and stunned speech.

Ai Baoquan proactively stretched out his hand to Qi Juntao: "Oh, hello, hello, you are Tianyu's little brother, that's my little brother."

Qi Juntao reacted and immediately took Ai Baoquan's hand.

The hand of a big man is really thick!

Qi Juntao felt his hands were shaking.

Zhang Xiaomeng was shocked.

Her eyes were already big, but now they look bigger, and the beads will fall out.

Ai Baoquan took the initiative to shake hands with Qi Juntao, incredible!

Li Tianyu pointed to Zhang Xiaomeng again and said, "This is Qi Juntao's colleague and my friend."

Ai Baoquan said "Oh" and stretched out his hand to Zhang Xiaomeng.

Zhang Xiaomeng immediately shook Ai Baoquan, the tension on his face was not much better than Qi Juntao.

At this time, Li Tianyu said again: "Mr. Ai, come into the venue soon, can you bring my two friends in?"

When Qi Juntao and Zhang Xiaomeng heard this, they all suddenly realized.

No wonder Li Tianyu was full of confidence and said that he would definitely bring the two of them into the venue.

It turned out to be really dependent on it!

At least on the surface, Li Tianyu and Ai Baoquan are very close together, which can be described in three words-extraordinary!

Just listen to Ai Baoquan said: "No problem, this is a trivial matter. I'll just ask my assistant to talk to the man in the building."

Both Qi Juntao and Zhang Xiaomeng looked happy.

Qi Juntao: "Thank you, President Ai, won't it cause you trouble?"

Ai Baoquan laughed loudly after hearing this: "No, no, no matter what, don't worry, Tianyu's business, that's my business!"

With that said, Ai Baoquan motioned to Huang Meiyun.

Huang Meiyun took the initiative to step forward and whispered something to Xue Changming.

It should be two more people when letting in here.

Xue Changming looked here, then smiled and nodded immediately.

Who is Ai Baoquan?

Aihua Real Estate is a golden sign.

Not to mention two more people, even if you add ten more people, it's fine.

After a while, Huang Meiyun walked back and said softly to Ai Baoquan: "Mr. Ai, Manager Xue agreed. We can go in anytime."

Qi Juntao and Zhang Xiaomeng were overjoyed.

This time, the internal sales ceremony of the Magic City Center Building is a treasure house of resources.

As long as the two of them can get in, they can establish contact with many business leaders. These resources can't be bought for much money!

As for the two people who were watching, their eyes were staring out, their faces were at a loss and inconceivable.

Xu Shi: "How is it possible? Impossible, how could President Ai agree to that kid? Two people were brought in in the area!?"

Ren Congyang's face paled: "This time it's bad. If Qi Juntao can really get in, he might get a lot of orders from the boss, then he really wants to develop!"

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