Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 287 Whoever believes in me will have eternal life

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Although he could withdraw in full even if he didn't shoot anything, Li Tianyu found it troublesome, so he simply found a place to sit and wait.

Zhou Weijun and his second daughter Zhou Ruiling are already at the auction venue.

Of course Jia Qingyun was also there. He was entrusted with a heavy responsibility this time to take a piece of rough jadeite on behalf of Lu Yuezhai.

Jia Qingyun's starting goal is the piece of wool numbered E18.

However, in order to show his "feeling" towards Zhou Ruiling, Jia Qingyun decided to hand over E18 to Zhou Weijun and take other pictures by himself.

With such a big favor, Zhou Weijun could not fail to appreciate it, and would definitely try his best to match Zhou Ruiling with himself.

Thinking like this, Jia Qingyun looked at Zhou Ruiling who was sitting diagonally across.

It's so beautiful and terrible.

Jia Qingyun is going crazy.

Zhou Ruiling looked left and right. He didn't see Li Tianyu.

"Dad, Li Tianyu didn't come in."

Zhou Weijun: "Well, maybe I don't like this kind of occasion."

Zhou Ruiling let out an "Oh" without saying any more.

Anyway, Li Tianyu is also an expert in counterfeiting.

At the same time, Li Tianyu bought a bottle of mineral water and bought a place to sit down.

Many TV screens were hung on the walls in the venue, which were broadcasting the auction scene live.

You can still see what's going on inside without entering the venue.

At this time, the jade rough stones that were originally in the auction area were moved to the auction venue on the second floor.

At the time of the official auction bidding, the guests still had the last chance to take a look at the rough jadeite stones.

Zhou Weijun is not only the owner of Zhou's Jewelry Company, but other industries are more famous and wealthy. Of course, it is impossible to just shoot a piece of wool.

There were two semi-explicit materials that looked pretty good, and they were easily taken into the bag by Zhou Weijun.

The so-called "semi-clear material" means that a cover piece is directly cut or cut in half on the rough jade stone.

The green head is already exposed by the half-expected, and the risk is small.

However, these two pieces are not ice types, and the water head is also normal, so they can only be used as materials for low-end jewelry.

Of course, Jia Qingyun's Lu Yuezhai was also rewarded. At a bid price of 50 million yuan, he successfully sold a top-grade jadeite rough with a skylight.

Finally, it was the jade rough stone numbered E18.

The rough stones produced in Da Makan Laokeng must be fine.

This piece of E18 wool is a hot commodity, and all the guests in the audience cheered up and put on a gearing posture.

Zhou Weijun really hesitated. Although this piece of Da Makan wool is relatively hot, the bidding will definitely be fierce, and the final transaction price must be "blood price."

But from the perspective of knocking it out, it is indeed a rough ice jade, and the income will inevitably be high.

It occurred to him that Li Tianyu had memorized the K32 seed material, but that piece was an out-and-out "head covering".

In other words, there is no obvious trace on the outer skin of the K32 rough jade stone, which can indicate that there are green heads inside.

Such wool is extremely risky.

Li Tianyu's background is mediocre. He is not a professional jadeite rough expert, and his credibility is definitely not as good as Jia Qingyun.

But I don't know why, maybe because of Ai Baoquan's influence, maybe because he doesn't want to invest too much, Zhou Weijun is still inclined to Li Tianyu's rhetoric.

At this time, a number of guests came to the stage to look at the piece of E18 wool. The look in their eyes is really inevitable.

The bidding of E18 rough jadeite has begun.

The starting price is 30 million yuan in soft RMB!It's a sky-high price!

But the guests showed no weakness.

"Thirty-five million!" A fat man held up his card.187 Novel

"Forty million!" A middle-aged woman covered in gold jewelry held up a placard.

At this time, Jia Qingyun looked at Zhou Weijun with a puzzled expression in his eyes, as if asking "Why don't you bid?"

Zhou Weijun thought to himself, Jia Qingyun had good intentions after all, so he pretended to behave anyway, gritted his teeth and raised a sign: "Sixty million soft yuan."

The other guests looked over in amazement, thinking that this big boss was different, really fierce, and immediately wanted to eat a piece of fine wool.

Zhou Weijun also didn't want ink marks, and 60 million yuan was a soft RMB.

As a result, it really didn't work. The middle-aged woman immediately raised a placard: "65 million!"

Another man with a Wandao dialect held up a placard: "75 million!"

The audience was in an uproar, this stone has been fired to the sky.

Jia Qingyun looked at Zhou Weijun again, and Zhou Weijun shrugged helplessly.

Jia Qingyun thought, such a good ice-seeded rough stone is worth more than tens of millions. I am willing to give you away if you don't want it, then it will be mine.

At this time, the auctioneer has raised the hammer: "75 million, one time, 75 million..."

Jia Qingyun held up a card: "80 million!"

There was another commotion in the audience. This is too tyrant. A single stone has cost 80 million!

Not to be outdone, the Wandao dialect gritted his teeth: "83 million!"

Li Tianyu shook his head in front of the TV. The price was so ridiculous that he would lose a lot of money.

But this is a gambling, the benefits and risks are equally large.

Next, it should be the final transaction price.

Jia Qingyun gritted his teeth, stomped his feet, and raised his placard fiercely: "86 million!"

All the guests are boiling, which is definitely today's sky-high price.

Even in the country's rough jadeite auction houses, this transaction price is rare.

When the auctioneer saw that the other competition was silent, he dropped the hammer directly.

Although he paid a huge price, Jia Qingyun still showed a triumphant expression.

Jia Qingyun wants people across the country to know that Lu Yuezhai is using the best materials!

Soon, the rough jadeite K32 was pushed out.

Zhou Weijun regained his energy, he had already decided to follow Li Tianyu's advice.

Zhou Weijun looked at Zhou Ruiling and said, "This time, Dad is going to press Bao on your Uncle Li."

Zhou Ruiling: "Dad, I told you, what kind of uncle is he!"

"K32 comes from the riverbed of Wuluhe, with a starting price of 20 million yuan in soft RMB." The auctioneer promoted the auction.

This rough K32 jadeite is far less popular than E18.

In fact, the reason why this rough jadeite was pushed to the auction area is also the suggestion of a few real experts.

At the auction venue, only two or three competitors competed with Zhou Weijun for this K32.

Where are they the opponents of Zhou Weijun who are inevitable.

Zhou Weijun finally got the K32 seed material at a price of 40 million to 5 million.

Li Tianyu finally let go of his heart, Zhou Weijun finally accepted his suggestion.

Those who believe in the universe will have eternal life, and Zhou Weijun may have to make a lot of money.

After half an hour, the auction was over.

Then came the thrilling "site calcite" session.

The on-site calcite can definitely be called thrilling, ups and downs.

It is said that every year someone has a heart attack at the stone site and is urgently sent to a doctor.

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