Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 294 Opening a Hotel in Dibei Water Town? incredible

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At 60 yuan per square meter per day, the price is really high.

When it comes down to 1,000 square meters, that is 60,000 yuan per day, and 1.8 million soft sister coins per month. How much can you get every year?

21.6 million soft sister coins.

This is incredible.

If it can be rented out at this price, Li Tianyu's wealth will be greatly increased.

And this is only one year's rent.

The contract can be signed for not one year, like a similar large company, at least five years, and some even sign for more than ten years.

However, is this price a bit higher?Will these people agree?

Facts have proved that Li Tianyu's worries are completely unnecessary.

"I rent!"

"Our company is set!"

Li Tianyu was stunned, screaming awful, co-authoring and paying back.

These people, no, these companies are too rich, don't they care about the rental cost?

The rent of more than 20 million soft sister coins a year is not high!?

At this time, Wang Jingmei and Jiang Daming began to quarrel again.

Wang Jingmei: "Yuanfan's profitability this year is not so good, right? Is it okay to rent such a high-end office building?"

Jiang Daming: "I said Manager Wang, if you don’t understand the situation, don’t talk nonsense. We Yuanfan’s benefits this year are good. What do you think we rented for the new office space? Isn’t it because we want to start new business? If we have poor efficiency and no money , What to do?"

Wang Jingmei: "That's not necessarily true, maybe it's a stumbling block, the dog jumped over the wall in a hurry, and desperately fight!"

Jiang Daming pointed at Wang Jingmei's fingers and trembled, and he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Finally, Jiang Daming gritted his teeth: "Mr. Li, didn't you say that you want 60 yuan per square meter? Our company will pay 65 yuan!"

Li Tianyu was startled, and reflexively said: "Every square meter per day?"

Jiang Daming: "Yes! Sixty-five per square meter per day! We have to sign for five years!"

Wang Jingmei's expression changed a long time ago: "Mr. Jiang, don't be impulsive? Can you be the master?"

What a joke, the unit price is increased by five yuan, so you can add a lot of it at once!

Jiang Daming blew his beard and stared at his eyes: "How can I not be the master? I am the deputy general manager and a partner. My share is not low!"

Wang Jingmei: "You...well, we at WorldCom Technology will pay 70 yuan!"

This time it was Jiang Daming's turn to go crazy.

How can there be such a raise, it is simply frantic and outrageous!

Jiang Daming gritted his teeth, thinking you want to do it?Then get it through.

He was about to raise the price again, but he was stopped by Li Tianyu.

These two people are too foolish. Although raising the price looks like a good thing for him, it is actually not reasonable.

What he wants to do is long-term business.

No matter how big a company is, no matter how rich it is, it also needs to calculate costs.

Although rent has always been the bulk of the company's operating costs, it should not be too much.

If the unit price is too high, this transaction will probably not last long. In case someone breaks the contract and withdraws after renting for a few months, then Li Tianyu has to come over and worry about the aftermath.

Therefore, the rent should be modest and within a reasonable range.

Li Tianyu is not so short of money.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Jiang, Manager Wang, you two listen to me first."

Jiang Daming stopped talking.

Wang Jingmei: "Mr. Li, you said."

Li Tianyu: "I want to ask first, do your two companies need to rent a 1,000 square meter office space?"

Wang Jingmei and Jiang Daming were startled after listening.

Then the two looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

Li Tianyu's eyes widened.

Co-authored with you two treasures, so they went to quarrel?

When Wang Jingmei thought about it carefully, she was really embarrassed. Just now, she really only wanted to be true to Jiang Daming, and she didn't elaborate on her needs.

This is indeed too unprofessional.

Jiang Daming felt the same way and smiled awkwardly: "Mr. Li, I was a little excited just now. We, Yuanfan Industry, really don't need a thousand square meters."

Wang Jingmei: "Then how much do you plan to use?"

Jiang Daming: "We need to house about 60 or 70 people, probably..."

Wang Jingmei waved his hand and said first: "Hey, President Jiang, don't forget, I have more experience than you in this regard. Four hundred square meters is enough, and at most it will not exceed 500 square meters."

Jiang Daming hesitated: "What you said makes sense. I'm afraid that if the company expands in the future, the area will not be enough."

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Jiang, you come to me again when you expand. Maybe I can give you a larger area."

Jiang Daming and Wang Jingmei were very surprised. Seeing Li Tianyu's expressions, they were quite confident and confident. It seemed that there were other writing rooms besides this thousand square meters.

Jiang Daming said to Wang Jingmei: "Okay, then, I want 500 square meters, and the rest belongs to you WorldCom, how about it?"

Wang Jingmei glanced at Wang Daming: "What's left belongs to me, isn't it just one person and half."

Jiang Daming smiled awkwardly: "How? We are also old acquaintances, so let's do it, no one will suffer."

Wang Jingmei is also uncomfortable, anyway, 500 square meters is enough for them.

Wang Jingmei: "Mr. Li, what about the rent?"

Jiang Daming: "Yes, we..."

Li Tianyu knew what the two had to say.

I raised the price a bit earlier, and then it was a bit hard to tell.

Li Tianyu: "You don't need to worry, it's better to calculate based on 60 yuan per square meter per day."

Both Wang Jingmei and Jiang Daming breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, they were grateful to Li Tianyu and thought this young man was really good.

At a young age, he speaks quite reliably.

Unlike other young people, such as Lei Feng, he is just two hundred and five, crazy, not capable of ass, but he is arrogant, it is really ridiculous.

Now that the three have reached an agreement on rent, there are some minor problems in other aspects.

For example, on the issue of the contract lease term, both WorldCom Technology and Yuanfan Industrial have proposed a five-year lease.

Of course, the rent must rise to a certain extent every year. Generally speaking, this figure is 5%, but Li Tianyu proposes to increase it by 6%.

Neither Wang Jingmei nor Jiang Daming had any objection. After all, Li Tianyu did not embarrass them both in the first year's rent. This is already very kind.

As for the payment method, both WorldCom Technology and Yuanfan Industrial are companies with deep pockets, and of course they don’t have to worry about accounting.

Both parties agreed that the rent shall be settled annually.

In other words, Li Tianyu can immediately get a year's rent, which is more than 20 million yuan in soft RMB.

I don't dare to think about this kind of thing, I feel excited just thinking about it.

Zhang Guopeng provided a ready-made lease contract, and Li Tianyu signed and pledged with the two companies respectively.

This matter is so settled.

The next day, Li Tianyu got in the car to return to the capital.

Before leaving, Li Tianyu specifically called Ai Baoquan to express his gratitude to him.

Ai Baoquan felt very sorry, and wanted to have another drink with Li Tianyu.

But it doesn't matter, Ai Baoquan still wants to return to the imperial capital anyway, and there will be time for gatherings in the future.

As for Ai Heping's boyfriend, he has been playing crazy now, and Li Tianyu doesn't bother to talk to him.

After returning to the imperial capital, Li Tianyu first took a day off.

In the afternoon of the next day, he went to the doll bar.12 Novel Network

He did not inspect the business situation in the past.

In fact, the doll bar is now in operation, Li Tianyu, the owner, is no longer important. He or he is the same.

As soon as Li Tianyu arrived at the bar, it was not yet open for business.

He sat at the bar as usual and asked for a few glasses of wine from Zhuang Xingwang.

After drinking, Guo Guang, Han Lei and others also arrived.

Li Tianyu greeted the two for a meeting, after pondering, he also called the security captain Cao Chunwen.

Several people sat down in the small conference room on the second floor.

Guo Guang also brought up a bottle of red wine and put it on the conference table.

Han Lei took four cups.

As soon as the red wine arrives, the aroma is overflowing.

This smell is good wine.

Li Tianyu: "What day are these? Still drinking."

Guo Guang laughed: "It's August 15th, so I don't have to clink glasses to celebrate."

Li Tianyu was taken aback.

It turns out that this is going to be a holiday.

But it's not here yet, just celebrate, isn't it a bit too anxious?

Guo Guang: "It's a real day, I don't know if you are still there!"

Li Tianyu couldn't laugh or cry: "Should I be dying?"

Han Lei glared at Guo Guang.

Cao Chunwen: "Old Guo, you didn't stray too much, how could the boss be away."

Guo Guang laughed: "I didn't mean that."

The crowd poured red wine and toasted to celebrate.

Li Tianyu also came to speak a few words.

"During this period of time, everyone has been really hard. Now the bar is on the right track. You are the first to take the lead. Of course, Li Tianyu will not treat you badly.


"The boss has worked hard too!"

"Follow Boss Li and have meat!"

The four enthusiastically clinked their glasses, and then drank them all, making the appearance that drinking red wine is also heroic.

Then, we are about to enter the topic.

Guo Guang: "Boss, what are you looking for with us? Isn't it about a commendation meeting?"

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows: "Isn't this just playing?"

Han Lei asked curiously: "That's it? Then?"

Li Tianyu sat up straight, cleared his throat, and said quite formally: "I want to discuss something with you in a meeting."

Seeing Li Tianyu's mysterious and serious look, everyone was very curious.

Then, Li Tianyu's words really surprised the other three people.

Li Tianyu: "I am going to open a hotel."

"What, what!?"

"real or fake!?"

"Boss, are you kidding!?"

"Today is not April Fool's Day!"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "You all be serious. My bars are all up. Is it unusual to open a hotel?"

Guo Guang thought for a while: "That's what I said, but boss, what hotel are you going to open? It's not a homestay?"

Han Lei: "What kind of bed and breakfast? Can a bed and breakfast be considered a hotel? By the way, is it an express hotel?"

Cao Chunwen: "When opening a hotel, the location is also the most important. I don't know where the boss is going to open it?"

Guo Guang: "This is not easy to handle. For a place with cheap rent, the location is definitely not going to be good. For a good location, the rent is definitely a high price."

Han Lei: "That's right, especially in the imperial capital, where every inch of land is very valuable. In a core area like Wulitun, it is almost impossible to open a hotel."

Han Lei changed the conversation again: "But boss, if you really want to have so much money, when we didn't say, let alone open a hotel, just build a castle, we have no objection, anyway, just follow you."

Li Tianyu answered with a wry smile: "Why do I listen more and more wrongly? Are you expressing opinions or are you hurting me?"

Guo Guang: "Aren't we discussing this, we should make it clear that we may encounter difficulties."

Cao Chunwen: "I think the boss should have resolved these difficulties early, or else he wouldn't ask us to talk to us."

Han Lei looked at Li Tianyu: "Boss, is that right?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, it's solved."

Guo Guang: "Where shall we open this express hotel?"

Li Tianyu: "Who said I want to open an express hotel?"

The other three stopped talking, looking at Li Tianyu curiously, waiting for him to reveal the answer.

Li Tianyu finally said his thoughts.

"I am going to open a hotel in Dibei Water Town, and it is still luxurious."

Guo Guang, Han Lei and Cao Chunwen all stared, their expressions can only be described as shock.

Han Lei: "Di, Dibei Water Town? Boss, are you sure?"

Guo Guang and Cao Chun looked at each other and didn't know what to say.

Obviously, they all didn't believe Li Tianyu's words very much.

This is not to blame for their reaction.

After all, everyone in the imperial capital knows that it is not difficult for anyone to open a hotel in the imperial water town.

Even if it is rich, it may not be possible.

Han Lei: "Boss, I heard that all hotels in Dibei Water Town require special approval. The procedures are very difficult to handle."

Li Tianyu nodded: "I know this, do you have any more?"

Han Lei: "Also...I've been to Dibei Water Town several times. It is already a mature scenic spot. There should be no more places to open a hotel for us."

Han Lei's doubts are also those of Guo Guang and Cao Chunwen.

Li Tianyu chuckled and said, "Xiao Leilei, these two questions you mentioned shouldn't be a problem to me."

Han Lei was startled: "Can it be solved?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "It can be solved, are there other problems?"

Guo Guang couldn't help but said, "The other problem is money. It should be relatively easy to open an inn in Dibei Water Town. For a hotel..."

Guo Guang did not go on.

Everyone understands that, first of all, whether there is any vacant land in Dibei Water Town to open a hotel, and if there is, it will be a sky-high price to get it.

Not to mention the cost of building a hotel on the ground and then renovating it.

No matter how great Li Tianyu is, he is just a bar owner, how can he have such a large financial resources to do this?

However, Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Don't worry, money is not a problem. You haven't mentioned the biggest problem."

Guo Guang was stunned: "What else could be wrong?"

Han Lei reacted: "Aren't you talking about lack of people?"


Li Tianyu snapped his fingers: "Yes, the operation team, the biggest problem is that there is no professional operation team."

I have to say that Han Lei's head is the fastest.

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