Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 299 Everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The stream is very long, almost running through the lobby of the hotel.

The water is clear, and you can even hear the peculiar rushing sound of streams.

Guo Guang craned his neck and looked inside, he couldn't help shouting: "Oh, there are fish in it!"

Li Tianyu joked: "Old Guo, you are also a store manager anyway, don't look like you have never seen the world."

Guo Guang laughed: "Don't tell me, I have never seen such a design before. Is there a rockery over there?"

Everyone looked in the direction of Guo Guang's fingers, and as expected, there was a rockery at the end of the lobby.

The rockery is quite big, covering almost the entire wall, extending up to the ceiling.

The eyes of several people were staring out.

Who has never seen a rockery before, but this is the first time I have seen such a high and large rockery.

This stream should have flowed down from the rockery and formed a small waterfall.

Everyone involuntarily walked over there, and there was a small water hole at the foot of the rockery.

There are waterweed floating on the water pool, and some fish can be vaguely seen playing under the waterweed.

There are also some unnamed plants around the water pool. They are tall and short, with large leaves, some plain, some bright, and seem to be tropical rainforest plants.

These plants are all real things.

Cao Chunwen couldn't help but admire: "Great, this is moving the waterfall indoors."

Han Lei asked Li Tianyu: "Boss, is this designed by a professional company? It's too cool."

Li Tianyu said haha: "That is necessary. Let professional people do professional things. It is my Li Tianyu's always-on principle."

Now Li Tianyu's face is getting thicker and thicker. When he said these words, his face was pale and there was no tendency to blush.

Anyway, even if it is bragging, he can realize it, so what's the embarrassment.

And in the hearts of his employees, Li Tianyu, the boss, is really qualified.

At least from the perspective of the lobby, the standard level of this hotel is not low.

In the hotel lobby, apart from these special layouts, there are many functional areas that a high-end hotel should have.

The first is the check-in and check-out, as well as the reception desk for inquiry services, located opposite the main entrance.

The reception desk is about ten meters long, and you can line up seven or eight lines at the same time.

Not only that, at this time even computers, facial recognition equipment, identity authentication and other equipment have been configured.

In other words, as long as there are employees, they can start working immediately.

Opposite the reception desk, there is a rest area for tourists, with many leather benches and leather sofas.

The small stream runs through this rest area.

Visitors to the hotel and residences can sit in the rest area and listen to the sound of the stream, watching the fish, shrimp, and even crabs in the stream.

On the other side, there is a semi-open screen, and on the other side of the screen is a bar restaurant, serving various snacks such as drinks, coffee and desserts.

Everyone looked around, and they all nodded.

Guo Guang was very happy to see the small bar: "Boss, are you trying to open our bar to this hotel?"

Li Tianyu: "I have this idea. The two sides can be operated together, but the bar here does not need to be too professional."

Then, Li Tianyu turned to Shen Yanhe: "Sister-in-law, can't you see here?"

Shen Yanhe is already seeing dazzling eyes now, and the more I look at this hotel lobby, the more I like it.

Although the Imperial Capital Junlun Hotel where she works is a four-star hotel, the grade is also very high, and the lobby decoration is quite luxurious, but compared with Li Tianyu's hotel, both the look and the design are not small difference.

In other words, at least in terms of hardware facilities, this hotel is better than Emperor Junlun Hotel.

This made Shen Yanhe quite surprised, but also very pleasantly surprised.

Because she thought that in such a short time before, Li Tianyu's hotel is at best a fast and standard hotel.

But on the spot, she found that she was completely wrong.

This is an express hotel, at least it is a luxury hotel, and it must be over-spec.

Shen Yanhe: "Boss Li, what should I and I say, I think this lobby alone is definitely the best hotel design I have ever seen."

Shen Yanhe's words are not hydrated at all, and the heartfelt sigh is also praise.

This is from the lobby manager of a four-star hotel, which is absolutely significant.

As for other aspects, such as the more important guest room planning, restaurant, and other facilities, Shen Yanhe dare not say anything, after all, she has not yet understood.

But judging from the lobby of this hotel, unless other facilities have not been completed, they are definitely not much worse.

Li Tianyu: "By the way, there are guest rooms. Let's just look at a few rooms. To be honest, since the hotel is completed, I haven't been able to take a closer look."

What Li Tianyu said was true and not a lie.

The hotel took five days to complete, and yesterday was the first day of delivery.

As soon as Li Tianyu came over, he began the so-called "acceptance work."

The hotel covers an area of ​​more than 8,000 square meters, but the "occupancy area" does not mean the "building area" or the "usable area".

The design ability of this system is too great, which makes this hotel bewildered.

Li Tianyu wandered upstairs and downstairs for a long time. He looked east and west. After being confused, it was night before he knew it.

I really admired while screaming tired.

How to say it, painful and happy, that's how it feels.

Therefore, Li Tianyu didn't see many places at all yesterday, not because he didn't want to see it, but because it was too late.

At this time, Shen Yanhe was refreshed.

It seems that the hotel has indeed been completed, otherwise Boss Li would not be so confident to take everyone around.

Li Tianyu is indeed wandering around blindly, but at least it seems to be a little organized.

The whole hotel is actually a back shape.

The front is low and the back is high, with three floors in the front and five floors in the back.

In the center is a small square.

This square is not open in the open, the zenith is a transparent plastic steel glass cover.

It can not only ensure the temperature here, but also have a good lighting effect.

And this small square is also breathtakingly designed, not simple, it is just a small garden.

The square is also surrounded by streams and dotted with various vegetation.

In the meantime, of course, there are seats for guests to rest and relax here.

Li Tianyu doesn't know much about plants, but Shen Yanhe still knows some. According to her, these vegetations can adapt to the four seasons, and they can maintain basic colors even in winter.Literature 520

Of course, the temperature control system in the small square will not reduce the temperature here, so even if it is a tropical rainforest plant, as long as sufficient humidity is ensured, there is no problem.

Shen Yanhe: "These flowers, plants and trees are very easy to take care of, Boss Li, the design team you invited is not only very thoughtful, but also quite visionary."

Li Tianyu laughed and said: "Of course, I have very high requirements for quality, so high that I feel like a pervert."

But hehehe, where did he hire any design team?

Everything in this hotel.

Design, construction and construction of the overall style.

It is as small as the configuration of electrical appliances, furniture, and the placement of decorations.

It's all done by the system.

Otherwise, Li Tianyu should not be called the host, he should be called the uncle.

In the other part of the first floor of the hotel, there are a lot of leisure and entertainment facilities.

Gyms, SPA centers, children's entertainment centers, etc., as long as you can think of, there are everything.

The swimming pool is on the basement floor, and there is more than one.

There are three swimming pools, not small in size, and there is even a large water park.

In the second half of the first floor, there are several conference halls and meeting rooms, large and small, with various sizes.

Customers can book these venues and hold various events.

Of course, the restaurant is also on this side.

As a star luxury hotel, there are of course several restaurants.

First, the cafeteria is mainly used for breakfast.

Second, high-end restaurants, where guests can order meals individually.

Third, the VIP restaurant, here is all private rooms with different sizes, divided into several decoration styles, anyway, there are dazzling, attractive and cool.

Going up from the second floor, it is all part of the guest room.

By this time, everyone was already dizzy.

But they are still in high spirits. They looked at a few rooms, and the decoration styles were all different.

There are Chinese classics, Western luxury, and future science fiction. Of course, there are also regular family fun rooms, children's paradise rooms, and animal forest rooms.

Everyone's eyes are not enough, they can only keep admiring.

At this time, Li Tianyu looked at everyone's expressions with fatigue, knowing that he had reached the limit.

So he took everyone back to the lobby, sat in the rest area surrounded by the stream, and started chatting.

Guo Guang: "Boss, this hotel is too magnificent. How many people have to be hired?"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "It doesn't matter how many people you hire, as long as you can make money."

Han Lei: "The style is very high. If I were a tourist visiting Dibei Water Town, I would definitely choose to live here."

Cao Chunwen smiled: "I want to live too, I'm afraid the price is too high and I can't afford it."

Guo Guang: "Shall we let Boss Li give you a discount?"

Han Lei: "Lao Guo, you are so stupid. My sister-in-law is going to work in the hotel. Do you still need a discount?"

Cao Chunwen: "Oh, we have to do business, not take advantage of the unit."

Li Tianyu laughed: "Old Cao, don't worry, if our employees come here to stay in a hotel, there will definitely be internal staff prices."

Then, Li Tianyu turned to Shen Yanhe again: "Sister-in-law, how is it? Are our working environment and hardware facilities still satisfactory?"

Shen Yanhe has completely let go of his doubts at this time, and smiled slightly: "Boss Li, I won't hide it. I think the hardware indicators of this hotel will definitely reach five-star, or even exceed it. The rest is To serve."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Sister-in-law, I will speak directly if I have something to say. Go back and think about it. I urgently need to establish a professional hotel operation team. You'd better give me an answer in these two days."

Shen Yanhe and her husband Cao Chunwen looked at each other, and then said, "Boss Li, I don't think about it anymore, I have already made a decision."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Then tell me, there are no outsiders here."

Shen Yanhe: "I am very grateful to Boss Li for giving me this opportunity. I hope I can work here."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Don't you ask about the position and salary?"

Shen Yanhe: "No need to ask, I know that Boss Li will definitely not treat me badly. Just let me come over to be the lobby manager. As for the treatment, just the same as my original unit.

Li Tianyu was happy: "Sister-in-law, you are a real person, and I won't hide it anymore. You must not be the lobby manager when you come over."

Shen Yanhe: "Then what do you want me to do?"

Li Tianyu: "I want to set up the operation team of our hotel as soon as possible. You must be one of the leaders."

Shen Yanhe was startled, Li Tianyu meant to let her be a greater leader.

But why does he trust her so much?

Even if you have doubts about Shen Yanhe's character, what about his ability?

Li Tianyu is so sure that Shen Yanhe will be competent for higher management positions?

In fact, Li Tianyu did not make this decision on a whim.

Before meeting with Shen Yanhe, Li Tianyu really thought about just letting her be a lobby manager.

But after the two shook hands, Li Tianyu had a certain understanding of Shen Yanhe. In addition to the observations from the time we met to the present, Li Tianyu believed that Shen Yanhe is a strong woman with strong ability, so there is no problem in giving him a higher position. .

In addition, Li Tianyu also learned through the "intelligence master" that Shen Yanhe was actually quite popular in the Imperial Capital Junlun Hotel, but his current situation was more embarrassing because of the constraints of the villain.

Therefore, Shen Yanhe became a leader in the hotel, and it was a normal thing to bring some people from the Emperor Junlun Hotel over.

You know, the four-star operation team is hard to come by and is a very precious resource.

Of course, Li Tianyu would not let Shen Yanhe take the lead alone, and would arrange for another person to cooperate with her.

As for who the candidate is, Li Tianyu has not yet decided.

This is not in a hurry, and it will not be too late to decide later.

Cao Chunwen watched Shen Yanhe stunned, so he pressed her elbow, and Shen Yanhe reacted.

"Since Boss Li trusts me so much, then I am not hypocritical. I am willing to try hard. Of course, if Boss Li, no, Li always feels that I am not capable enough, and he can replace me at any time."

Li Tianyu: "That would be the best. When are you going to come over?"

Shen Yanhe hesitated and said, "Give me about two weeks. I will go through the resignation procedures as soon as possible."

Li Tianyu nodded. In fact, he knew that two weeks were already fast.

The lobby manager of a four-star hotel is a key position. It is safer to set aside one month's resignation time.

Maybe Shen Yanhe also made the greatest determination, so he wanted to finish the resignation as soon as possible.

Li Tianyu: "If you have related employees over there, you can bring them together. We all warmly welcome them."

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