Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 308 I'm a VIP, I Have Privileges

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Xu Biru and his super handsome boyfriend Zhao Junhao also came a bit late, so they could only get a number and line up slowly.

Tan Jing had no words, and found it quite meaningless to meet Xu Biru.

Since the cousin is here, Li Junhai will naturally not show weakness in his aura: "Yes, is this kind of Internet celebrity restaurant so good? Of course we have to come and experience it."

Xu Biru ignored Li Junhai at all and said to Zhao Junhao next to him: “Some people may not have looked at the menu yet, thinking that there are cheap home-cooked dishes here.”

Xu Biru's accent made Tan Jing disgusting.

Li Junhai was young and vigorous, and of course he couldn't bear it. He rolled his eyes and pulled Li Tianyu over.

"Let me introduce to you. This is my cousin. He is a senior executive in a large enterprise in the Imperial Capital. It is relatively conservative to say that the annual salary is one million, right? Cousin."

When Li Tianyu heard it, he touched his nose and felt that Li Junhai was indeed conservative.

Don't talk about the annual salary of millions, now it is basically several hundred million.

However, who makes Li Tianyu a low-key person now.

Li Tianyu: "Yes, it is indeed a little conservative."

Xu Biru looked at Li Tianyu up and down, but didn't quite believe what Li Junhai said.

There are many talents with an annual salary of one million in the emperor, but it is not so easy to see.

Although this is the Jinyuan Center, it is impossible for everyone to earn one million a year.

There are more senior white-collar workers with an annual salary of 300,000 to 400,000 yuan, who come here to consume with their teeth.

Don't underestimate Xu Biru.

Although she is not very young, she has long known the social conditions in first-tier cities like the Imperial Capital.

Xu Biru: "Yeah, the tone is quite big, then you don't want to pick up the number?"

With that, Xu Biru pointed to the number picking machine.

Li Junhai: "Why don't you take it? It's not because you are entangled in it.

With that, he was about to walk over, but was held back by Li Tianyu.

Xu Biru sneered when he saw this move, thinking that what a bunch of poor ghosts would pretend to be.

Even though thousands of dollars don't sound like a lot, it is painful for working-class people to spend it.

In the imperial capital, everyone is making hard-earned money, and the nine-96 work system is considered light.

Tan Jing is also a little anxious, Li Junhai, this cousin will not lose the chain at a critical moment.

Tan Jing gritted her teeth, anyway, it's just a meal. It's a big deal to ask her parents for more money this month, and they will also eat this meal!

At this time, I heard Li Tianyu say: "Don't worry, we shouldn't have to line up, I'll make a call."

Xu Biru was stunned, so there is no need to line up to call?Are you talking nonsense?

I saw Li Tianyu really took out his cell phone and dialed a cell phone number.

The phone number is not someone else's, it is Ai Heping's best friend Qiu Jian.

Why did Li Tianyu call Qiu Jian?

Because when he came here just now, he noticed one thing.

On the wall, there is a big, quaint and highly criticized storefront LOGO-Lidao Jiangnan.

The important thing is not how awesome the LOGO is, it's mainly because there is a line of slightly smaller words under the LOGO.

Zhongyuan Shifeng Catering Group.

At that time, Li Tianyu understood that this Lidao Jiangnan was the property of Qiu Jianjia.

This is what he said has opened the 100th high-end restaurant in China.

Soon, Qiu Jian answered the phone. He seemed to be in a driving car.

Qiu Jian: "Hey, boss, why did you suddenly remember to call me?"

Li Tianyu did not talk nonsense with this kid, and asked directly: "Xiao Jianjian, is Lidao Jiangnan a high-end restaurant of your company?"

Qiu Jian: "Yes, this is our Shifeng Group's high-end brand. By the way, it's quite popular recently. It's an online celebrity shop, boss, would you like to try it?"

Li Tianyu: "That's right, I'm on the fifth floor of the Jinyuan Center, but there are too many people, and I'm still waiting."

Qiu Jian scolded an swear word: "Fuck! Let the boss wait, I think the store manager doesn't want to do it!"

Li Tianyu couldn't laugh or cry: "Okay, the store manager doesn't know who I am. See if we can solve the problem of one afternoon meal, we are starving."

Before Li Tianyu finished speaking, Qiu Jian said, "Boss, wait, I'll call over there and I will make arrangements for you."

Li Tianyu hung up the phone first and saw Li Junhai and Tan Jing staring at him.

"what happened?"

"Brother, who do I say are you talking to?"

Li Tianyu turned his head and glanced at the restaurant's sign, and said, "This is the...the boss of this catering company."

He didn't know what Qiu Jian was doing in the company, so he had to put some gold on his face.

Anyway, the company belongs to Qiu's family, so it shouldn't be too much to say.

Li Junhai opened his mouth: "Boss? The restaurant's boss?"

Li Tianyu: "He is the boss of Shifeng Catering Group. He is my friend and the relationship is okay."

Li Junhai and Tan Jing looked at each other, and even they felt a little weird.

Although I don't know how big the Shifeng Catering Group is, judging from the popularity of this Lidao Jiangnan, the company is definitely not small.

The boss of such a big company is actually a friend of his cousin Li Tianyu?

The relationship is good?

At this time, Li Tianyu added: "We have to see if there is any reserved space. If there is not, then there is no way. We have to queue up."

Li Junhai took a closer look at Li Tianyu's expression. It did not seem to be joking or bragging, but this kind of thing is too sci-fi!

No, it should be fantasy.

Li Junhai and Tan Jing are still like this, and the reaction of the other two must be more serious.

The expressions of Xu Biru and Zhao Junhao were more exciting.

Lidao Jiangnan is the hottest high-end restaurant recently. If you really are the boss of this catering company, then you won’t have money!

Xu Biru didn't believe it very much, thinking that Tan Jing's boyfriend's cousin was completely bluffing and swollen face to fill the fat man.

Xu Biru couldn't help but ridicule: "I've talked a lot, but aren't you still here?"

When Tan Jing heard this, she was so angry that Xu Biru was going to blatantly break her face!

Tan Jing is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Just about to speak to fight back, she heard someone shouting in a loudspeaker at the entrance of the restaurant.

"Mr. Li Tianyu, is Mr. Li Tianyu here?"

When Li Tianyu heard it, he quickly waved over there.

It was a lady who was talking about a lady whose dress was different from ordinary restaurant staff in terms of color and variety. She should be the manager of the restaurant, either the store manager or the manager.

The lady trot over and bowed respectfully to Li Tianyu: "Mr. Li, this is Ding Xueyun, the store manager of the restaurant. I'm sorry, I don't know you are here."

The store manager?

That is the director of this restaurant.

When everyone saw the attitude of the store manager Ding Xueyun, they were all shocked. The fact was already obvious.

Xu Biru's mockery instantly turned into a joke, his face flushed as if he had been slapped several times.ok composition network

Li Junhai and Tan Jing were still skeptical, but now they completely put down the big rock in their hearts.

Especially Tan Jing.

It's a trivial thing to be able to eat the food in a high-end restaurant. The main reason is to be able to show off in front of the goddess Xu Biru, which makes her feel even more happy.

I remembered the uncomfortable emotions that Xu Biru had secretly exposed before, now it is completely gone, and the limbs and limbs are extremely smooth, as if the two channels of Ren and Du were opened up.

Looking at Xu Biru's boyfriend Zhao Junhao, it's just that, with a somewhat embarrassing expression on his face.

At this time, Li Tianyu smiled at Ding Xueyun.

He didn't expect Qiu Jian to be like this with one phone call, but he felt a little surprised.

It seems that Qiu Jian's influence is quite large within Shifeng Group.

Li Tianyu: "It's okay, I'm also on the spur of the moment, take my brother and... and my sister over to try something new."

Tan Jing glanced at Xu Biru and asked, "Sister Ding, are we still available? Do we need an account number?"

Ding Xueyun hurriedly waved her hand and said: "Look at what you said, Mr. Li is a VIP of our group head office. He has to arrange a number for dinner from a restaurant. Isn't that a joke..."

When everyone heard it, they were shocked again, and they turned their attention to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu was a little bit embarrassed, he could be regarded as walking through the back door, it was unfair to those queuing up, and he didn't want to shout.

But looking back, being able to go through the back door is considered hardcore strength.

At this time, I only heard Ding Xueyun say: "We still reserve a luxurious private room now. A few of you can go in for dinner."

Li Tianyu nodded and said to Li Junhai and Tan Jing: "Let's go."

Li Junhai: "Okay."

Tan Jing followed Li Junhai and winked at Xu Biru by the way.

Xu Biru couldn't tell where it was. Tan Jing was clearly saying, "Sister is going in first, you guys wait in line slowly."

Xu Biru was so angry that Qiqiao was about to give birth to smoke. She stomped her feet and got angry with her boyfriend Zhao Junhao.

"Why are you so scared, you have to line up for a meal!"

Zhao Junhao was also unlucky enough to suffer this unreasonable disaster for nothing.

"This... everyone is queuing..."

Xu Biru looked at the group of people in line and was going crazy: "Forget it! Stop eating!"

With that, Xu Biru turned and left, Zhao Junhao sighed, and had to walk quickly to follow.

At the same time, Li Tianyu took Li Junhai and Tan Jing into the restaurant.

The decoration here is really thoughtful.

Small bridges, running water, and fish are all but dead vines and old trees.

The whole is a garden of Tang and Song pastoral style.

The dining table is placed in various places in the garden, such as under the high imitation peach tree, in the attic, and beside the rockery.

Although there are a lot of diners, they are not crowded, and there is no feeling of crowding.

The dining environment is extremely good.

I don't know who made these ideas, they are really talents.

Li Tianyu vaguely remembered that this was similar to the decoration ideas of many Japanese-style restaurants, focusing on the original ecological experience.

No wonder Lidao Jiangnan has such a high consumption and is still sought after by many people. The dining environment alone makes people feel very worthwhile.

Ding Xueyun took the three to the so-called "luxury private room."

This private room was actually on a painted boat, surrounded by a made-up water surface. It was amazing just looking at it from the outside.

People go up through a mini dock.

After entering, the interior is also decorated in antique style, with excellent ventilation and privacy.

"Wow, can you do this in the restaurant?" Li Junhai was so surprised, but this time he was upright.

Tan Jing was also surprised. She thought it was just a meal, but she didn't expect a restaurant to be arranged like this.

To tell the truth, this style of decoration fits Li Tianyu's aesthetic very well, and he can't help wondering whether he can renovate the restaurant of Tianyu Palace to be more distinctive.

Something like this is enough.

Li Tianyu got the menu, handed it to Li Junhai and Tan Jing, let them order anything, and then went to the bathroom.

When Li Tianyu went out, Tan Jing couldn't help but said: "Today I have a long experience, you still have such a great cousin."

Li Junhai laughed and thought, I didn't know before.

"It's my family anyway, let's not be polite, let's see what the menu has."

Although Tan Jing said so, she was already shocked in her heart.

This is terrifying. Why did this previously humble cousin suddenly rise so quickly?

How long has it been, why did Li Tianyu go from a small office worker to a VIP guest of a large enterprise?

Looking at the attitude of the store manager just now, it can be described as servile.

To be honest, Li Junhai still didn't look down on this cousin before, thinking that he was not promising.

Unexpectedly, in front of him now, he was a bit embarrassed.

This is a lot more exaggerated than "Senior fellow for three days, when you look at it with admiration."

But imagination returns to imagination, Li Junhai still has to accept this reality, and he can no longer look down on this cousin in the future.

Take a closer look at the menu.

Damn it!

Sure enough, the same as the legend, the price behind it is all four digits!

And the numbers look very lucky.

At this time, Li Junhai said bitterly, "These dishes are too expensive, how can I order them?"

Li Tianyu just came in and said, "Look whichever is better, don't save me money."

"Besides..." Li Tianyu said again, "Besides, I don't necessarily have to pay."

Li Junhai's eyes widened.

Although this cousin is known as a VIP, he can't eat the king's meal, right?

Li Tianyu called the waiter with a big wave.

"Xiaohai, give me some and pick up the expensive ones!"

Tan Jing's mouth opened into an Ou shape.

Therefore, Li Junhai ordered several expensive specialties under pressure, and his voice trembled when he reported the name of the dish.

Lidao Jiangnan served food very quickly, and the gorgeously dressed dishes were put into the painting boat one by one, which made people move their index fingers.

At this time, Ding Xueyun came in again, and she placed a golden card in front of Li Tianyu.

The front of the card is embossed with the words "Shifeng Catering", and there is also a group logo, other than that, there are no other decorations.

"What is this?" Li Tianyu asked strangely.

"This is the highest-level card within the group. With this card, you can have priority in all restaurants in the group for free dining."

Ding Xueyun added: "Mr. Qiu specially asked me to hand it over to you."

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