Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 318 This is the power of the king!

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu couldn't help being stunned.

This is Yanyun City, not an imperial capital, let alone a magic capital. Why did Qiu Jian run here?

Moreover, Qiu Jian is currently chatting with Fang Teqiang, Fang Anna and others.

Especially Ren Yong and Gao Pingjin, the look facing Qiu Jian was completely different from just now.

It was like two big bad wolves suddenly becoming two pugs.

This is new.

Is it possible that Qiu Jian is still a big shot here?

But it’s right to think about it. Qiu Jian is Ai Heping’s buddy. People like them are from the top wealthy families in China.

People who are not very conspicuous in their circle, to the wealthy circle of a little bit lower, it is estimated that they can be called big coffee, big boss.

Li Tianyu walked over there, listening only to those few chatting unnutritious words.

Ren Yong: "Shao Qiu, you will have to stay in Yanyun for a few more days this time. By the way, you live with me. I have a 200 square meter house that is still empty. The furniture and appliances are complete. You can move in with a bag!"

Gao Pingyuan: "Yongzi, what bullshit are you talking about? Do you think Shaohui Qiu has no place to live? Is it necessary to live in your two hundred square meter broken house?"

Ren Yong smiled awkwardly: "That's what I said, I think too much."

Gao Pingyuan: "Shao Qiu, do you have any arrangements for tonight? Although Yan Yun is less godly, there are also some good nightclubs. We should pay you to go shopping?"

Ren Yong: "Yes, yes, let's have a good time together."

Qiu Jian waved his hand and said seriously: "I'm not here for fun. Why do I go to such a place?"

Ren Yong and Gao Pingyuan looked at each other, and invariably showed admiration.

Ren Yong: "That's right, Qiu Shao is a big business person. You can't waste your time playing nonsense."

Gao Pingyuan clapped his hands: "Oh, Yongzi, the realm of the two of us is still not high enough, we will learn more from Qiu Shao in the future, or how can people become so prosperous!"

Fang Teqiang rolled his eyes several times, feeling a little nauseous.

Ren Yong and Gao Pingyuan, the pair of live treasures, are wrong, they should be more like two generals.

You said, I took Qiu Jian to the sky.

This is too dramatic.

But then again.

Their Qiu family is really good, and Zhongyuan Shifeng Catering Group has done quite a lot.

In domestic first- and second-tier cities, almost all medium and large shopping malls have restaurants controlled by Shifeng Catering Group.

Now Shifeng Catering Group is striving steadily again, and it has begun to deploy in third- and fourth-tier cities.

For example, Times Square in Yanyun City Center, the jewel in the core business district of Yanyun City, Shifeng Catering Group will certainly not let it go. There are already three restaurants of different forms here, including home-style food restaurants, hot pot restaurants, and There is a buffet shop.

And every restaurant is very popular. When the meal arrives, it will be full of guests and friends, and you need to arrange a number to eat.

Although Qiu Jian is the second generation of the rich, he is considered to be more reliable among the second generation of the rich. He holds an important position in the headquarters of Shifeng Catering Group. He travels all over the country and gains a lot of results. He can also be regarded as one of the real powers and the future head of the group. People.

You must know that no matter what kind of person you are, there is a circle, and whether you can enter the circle also determines the success or failure of the individual's future development.

Even if Gao Pingyuan and Ren Yong were born in wealth and no worries about food and clothing, they still want to go one step further and squeeze into the top wealthy circle in China, where the connections and resources are not comparable to the small circles here.

Not to mention Gao Pingyuan and Ren Yong, Fang Teqiang also wanted to have a deeper friendship with Qiu Jian.

It doesn't matter if he stays abroad. Now that he is here to develop his career, he must integrate into this circle, so that he can go smoother on this road.

But Fang Teqiang's personality was different from those of the two. There was really no way to lick it so outrageously and vulgarly. He could only sit and giggle and greet Qiu Jian to drink water and drink.

To be honest, because of the attitudes of these people, Fang Anna, who doesn't know who Qiu Jian is, also glanced at Qiu Jiangao.

It turns out that this is the big man from the imperial capital.

The style is really extraordinary.

The kid Qiu Jian was also exaggerated, holding a water glass and ignoring these people, watching the content on his mobile phone.

At this time, Li Tianyu walked over, and did not greet Qiu Jian immediately, but sat down on his own.

Fang Teqiang reminded in a low voice, "This is Qiu Jian, a big figure in the imperial capital. You should pay attention to your words."

Fang Teqiang was kind.

Li Tianyu is also a business man. If he does a big job, he will inevitably have to contact people like Qiu Jian.

But looking at Fang Teqiang's serious expression and thinking of Qiu Jian's occasional silly appearance, Li Tianyu laughed out loud.

It is incredible that Xiao Jianjian has also become a big man.

You know, Qiu Jian is Ai Heping's buddy. In front of Li Tianyu, he is the brother on the left, and the brother on the right screams, acting quite low-key.

Li Tianyu's smile caught the attention of others.

Gao Pingyuan: "Li Tianyu, what are you laughing at?"

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows and asked Fang Teqiang: "What? The rules are so big here? Is it not allowed to laugh?"

Ren Yong: "You can laugh, but pay attention to the occasion."

At this time, Qiu Jian had already seen Li Tianyu.

To be honest, it is more appropriate to say that it is accidental than fright. Anyway, the whole person was a little stunned.

He opened his mouth, and Li Tianyu stopped talking when he was about to call out.

Li Tianyu: "That's why I asked you two, why can't you laugh at this occasion?"

Gao Pingyuan: "Nonsense, if Shao Qiu is here, how can you speak?"

Li Tianyu smiled and shook his head: "Shao Qiu has such a big style? He is here, so I can't talk or laugh?"

Fang Teqiang was a little anxious, but he didn't expect Li Tianyu to clamor for them.

"Qiu Shao is this, the eldest son of the president of Shifeng Catering Group. He is and is a great figure from the Imperial Capital."

With that, Fang Teqiang pointed at Qiu Jian cautiously.

Fang Anna shook her head secretly.

This Li Tianyu also said that he is doing an amazing business, but in fact it is not very high-end.

Otherwise, I would never have heard of Shifeng Restaurant Group and Qiu Jian's name.

Even Fang Anna, an international student who has been abroad for many years, has heard of her.

If Li Tianyu annoys Qiu Jian, then he won't be able to eat.

With Qiu Jian and the network resources of Shifeng Catering Group, any ordinary business man can make life worse than death.

At this time, Gao Pingyuan said to Qiu Jian: "I'm sorry, Shao Qiu, this guy doesn't understand anything, Xiaoqiang will arrange him to leave immediately."

Having said that, Gao Pingyuan turned his head and the other party's special power winked, meaning that he would take Li Tianyu away, although it was an eye-catcher here.

Of course Fang Teqiang knew it, showing a look of embarrassment.

What Li Tianyu said just now is really inappropriate,

But let him take the initiative to invite Li Tianyu to leave, he is not very embarrassed.

After all, Li Tianyu can be regarded as Fang Teqiang's young, and also a guest of honor at the opening ceremony.

It's too rude to do this.

At this moment, I heard Qiu Jian's face suddenly sink.

Fang Teqiang and Fang Anna "cocked" in their hearts.The sixth book

This is troublesome.

It seemed that Qiu Jianguo was really upset.

Through his "unremitting efforts", Li Tianyu succeeded in provoking the big coffee from the imperial capital.

Ren Yong and Gao Pingyuan showed a gloating look.

Li Tianyu is going to be unlucky.

However, these few people are all wrong.

I saw Qiu Jian staring at Gao Pingyuan, and said loudly: "Are you crazy!? You want to drive Brother Li away!?"


"What, what do you mean?"

"Shao Qiu, I don't understand..."

Qiu Jian pointed to Li Tianyu and said, "This is really my brother Li, my eldest brother, do you really understand!?"

Gao Pingyuan and Ren Yong were all confused.

Brother Li?

Qiu Jian and Li Tianyu called "Brother Li"?

what happened?

Of course the Fang family brothers and sisters were also dumbfounded.

This sudden change was too "stiff", and several people were completely unprepared.

Everyone's eyes widened, without exception, as if they had seen a prehistoric behemoth.

If you use idioms to describe their expressions at this time, they would be "horrified", "hair standing upright", "shocking the past and shining the present", "shocking the world" and so on.

At the same time, an idea suddenly appeared in their minds.

Could it be Qiu Jian who admitted the wrong person?

How could he, such a top rich second-generation generation, know ordinary people like Li Tianyu, who came from civilians?

Moreover, he also shouted eldest brother!

I don't think it's right.

Ren Yong: "Qiu, Qiu Shao, did you admit it wrong? His name is Li Tianyu, a native of Yanyun."

Qiu Jian glared at the other party: "What am I going to kill you! Do you think I am a fool? Brother Li is my eldest brother. No matter how crazy you are, I will kill you!"

Ren Yong swallowed and dared not speak.

Gao Pingyuan just opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he heard Qiu Jianchong yell out: "I think your attitude just now got angry, so you should apologize to my brother Li!"

Gao Pingyuan's face was red and full, and his lips trembled.

However, his reaction was also very quick, and he hesitated to say: "Li, Brother Li, I'm sorry."

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows: "Huh?"

Qiu Jian has become a roundworm in Li Tianyu's stomach, immediately knowing, he patted the table again and said, "Gao Pingyuan, did you not eat anything!? Loud!"

Qiu Jian's voice was so loud that he attracted the attention of the guests at the table next to him. He looked here curiously and talked about something in a low voice.

Gao Pingyuan and Ren Yong are certainly well-known among these people.

Even Qiu Jian is known to many people.

At this moment, they were all talking in a low voice, chuckles from time to time.

Of course, the topic of these people cannot avoid Gao Pingyuan and Ren Yong's ugly attitude.

"Isn't that Gao Pingyuan? How could it be like this? I didn't dare to talk back when I was scolded."

"Don't you know? The person who scolded him was from the Qiu family."

"People from the Qiu family? Which Qiu family?"

"You really don't know? Isn't your dad engaged in logistics? He must have taken the order from Shifeng Catering Group. Qiu Jian is the eldest son of the president of Shifeng Catering Group."

"Yeah, Shifeng Restaurant Group is terrible, so he is the second generation of super rich?"

"No, or Gao Pingyuan is scolded like a dog now."

"It's a good thing for that kid to suffer a little loss. I can save him all day, as if no one can hold him down."

The voice of the two people's dialogue was the lowest, but it still spread to this side clearly.

Gao Pingyuan's face turned purple, as if he had been poisoned by cobra venom.

Ren Yong was really frightened to watch, for fear that he would spew old blood on the dinner table and it would be lively.

However, he is also a person, very tolerant, and said again: "Brother Li, sorry, I was wrong just now, I have no eyes, I don't know Taishan, please forgive me!"

This time, Gao Pingyuan spoke eloquently without any ambiguity.

Of course, Li Tianyu didn't want to force people too much, and rushed to kill him. He just said indifferently: "Gao Pingyuan, you and Ren Yong are not young anymore, they are in their twenties, and they should be mature. What should be said and what should not be said. Only know what to do."

Gao Pingyuan's complexion changed, with a burst of blue and purple, as if he was practicing Jiuyin Scripture.

Li Tianyu turned his head and said to Ren Yong, "How about you? Is there anything you are not convinced?"

Ren Yong slapped cleverly and waved his hand quickly: "No, no, Brother Li, I'm really convinced by you, ten thousand convinced!"

Li Tianyu: "I won't care about you two today, and I hope you will get to know each other in the future. If you see me, you will show a defiant and superior attitude, otherwise don't blame me Li Tianyu for being rude!"

After Li Tianyu spoke, his tone became more and more severe, and the aura of the superior was immediately released.

Ren Yong and Gao Pingyuan realized that Li Tianyu was no longer the little boy who liked bluffing back then.

Now I am a real boss.

Li Tianyu winked at Qiu Jian. Qiu Jianli patted the table and said loudly, "Are you two going to get out of here? Fuck off!"

Gao Pingyuan and Ren Yong hurriedly got up to their feet and stumbled out of the restaurant.

These few screaming operations made Fang Teqiang and Fang Anna dumbfounded, their eyes widened and their jaws about to fall.

Dare to love Qiu Jian, he is really Li Tianyu's little brother!?

And the aura of Li Tianyu just now is simply indescribable, as if he suddenly transformed.

At this time, Li Tianyu smiled and talked to Qiu Jianxu.

Li Tianyu: "Xiao Jianjian, I didn't expect to see you here, what are you doing here?"

Qiu Jian: "Hey, I just came to look at the store here, mainly to see if there is a good job here and if there is any fraud."

Li Tianyu: "Yeah, the governor's minister."

Fang Teqiang was shocked.

Xiao Jianjian?

Qiu Jian was not irritated when someone shouted so, instead he had a natural expression.

Isn't this still the top rich second-generation Qiu Shao??

The images of these two people do not overlap at all!

At this time, Li Tianyu pulled Fang Teqiang and said: "By the way, do you know Teqiang? He is my childhood friend, and we have a very good relationship.

Fang Teqiang reacted at this time and immediately took the topic: "Yes, we almost grew up naked together."

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