Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 327 Cousin Is Not Reliable?

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Qin Xuetong should not belong to the biggest card among these people, but it is definitely the most noticeable.

However, Li Tianyu feels that Qin Xuetong is a high-cold type, and I wonder if the variety show effect can be guaranteed.

Li Tianyu laughed at the thought of this.

He is not the chief producer, chief director, care about this?

I'm really full and I'm fine.

Li Tianyu said goodbye to Shen Yanhe and ran into Yu Xuheng when he went out.

Yu Xuheng: "Hello boss."

Li Tianyu: "Yeah, Lao Yu, you've been looking pretty idle lately."

Yu Xuheng was taken aback: "Boss, don't make fun of me, I've been too busy recently."

Li Tianyu: "That's OK, you can help me with something."

Yu Xuheng saluted: "Boss, you say, promise to complete the task!"

Li Tianyu: "Give me a room, it's better, with a private soup."

Yu Xuheng was startled, "Boss, how many days do you want to live here?"

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows: "What's the matter, you want to ask me for the room?"

Yu Xuheng: "Look at what you said, you are the boss, how can I collect money from you? This is not to give you better service."

Li Tianyu: "How can I stay for a few days? Maybe I live comfortably and I won't leave."

Yu Xuheng: "That's it, I will arrange a long-term suite for you to ensure comfort."

Li Tianyu nodded, and said he was going to visit the scenic spot.

Yu Xuheng: "By the way, boss, do you want to arrange for you to kill chickens? I have just recruited two skilled masters in the past two days."

Li Tianyu waved his hand and said righteously: "Bullshit, I didn't come to enjoy it."

Yu Xuheng said "Oh": "I'm sorry, boss, I'm not sensible."

Yu Xuheng was about to leave, but was stopped by Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu: "Female?"

Yu Xuheng: "Female."

Li Tianyu: "How old is it?"

Yu Xu Hengle: "They are all young, and they look good."

Li Tianyu: "Well, let me go back and arrange it for me, I will experience it, no, check the service of our hotel."

Yu Xuheng: "Yes, you have to check it out."

After Yu Xuheng finished speaking, he hurried to book a room for Li Tianyu.

Own hotel, of course I want to live in the best room.

Li Tianyu smiled and walked out of the hotel lobby.

In fact, he made an appointment with a visitor today.

This visitor is not someone else, but his cousin Li Junhai and his girlfriend Tan Jing.

These two people are currently in the National Day holiday and have been playing in the Imperial Capital for several days.

The holiday is about to end. Li Junhai called Li Tianyu yesterday, thinking about seeing the hotel that this cousin said.

Li Junhai majored in hotel management.

The last time Li Tianyu agreed to help Li Junhai introduce a newly opened hotel, Li Junhai took it seriously.

Tan Jing is naturally cautious and advised him not to hold too much hope. Maybe Li Tianyu just talked about it casually.

Li Junhai also understands this truth, but after all he is eager to find a job, so he wants to contact Li Tianyu and say he wants to see the hotel and see how he reacts.

Unexpectedly, Li Tianyu agreed with just one bite and made an appointment.

In fact, Li Tianyu came to Tianyu Mansion just in time, so he agreed so quickly.

It's easy to come here. Of course, it is most efficient to do the two things together.

Now that it's set, Li Junhai and Tan Jing will take a look.

So Tan Jing, the lord of Li Junhai, got up in the morning, simply ate breakfast, and rushed to Dibei Water Town with his girlfriend Tan Jing.

The two of them wanted to come here by bus, but it was hard to think about it.

It happened that when a local student from the Imperial Capital heard about this incident, he also wanted to join in the fun with his friends and go to the Emperor North Water Town.

This classmate's name is Sun Jiangmin, and his relationship with Li Junhai is okay.

He had a driver's license, so he drove Li Junhai and Tan Jing to Dibei Water Town.

Also in the car was Sun Jiangmin's friend, named Deng Wei, who also had nothing to do during the holiday to travel around.

Li Junhai and Tan Jing sat in the back seat, and the four chatted casually.

Sun Jiangmin: "This place in Dibei Water Town is good. You two have finally come to the Imperial Capital. You really should visit it."

Deng Wei: "Yes, I have been there several times."

Tan Jing: "I haven't gotten tired after going there many times?"

Deng Wei: "Hi, Dibei Water Town is known as Wuzhen in the north. It has daytime scenery during the day and night fun at night."

Sun Jiangmin: "I still like the evening. The night view of Dibei Water Town is very beautiful."

Deng Wei: "Should we find a hotel for one night?"

Sun Jiangmin laughed: "It just so happens that Jun Hai is going to an interview in a hotel."

Li Junhai quickly explained: "It's not going to the interview, it's going to see the situation."

Deng Wei showed a surprised look: "Inside or outside of the Dibei Water Town scenic area? Is it a hotel or an inn? If it is a hotel in the scenic area, it would be a big deal."

Li Junhai and Tan Jing looked at each other.

To be honest, they didn't know whether the hotel Li Tianyu was talking about was inside the scenic spot or outside.

Even if they had never been to Dibei Water Town, they knew that it was a hot scenic spot in the north.

The level of hotels in the scenic area will naturally rise.

Li Junhai shook his head, "I don't know yet. I'm just going to see it."

Tan Jing: "Your cousin should be talking about the newly built hotel."

Deng Wei laughed: "Newly built? It must be outside the scenic area. There is no place to build a new hotel in the scenic area."

Sun Jiangmin: "It's okay outside the scenic area, and the grade is not low."

Deng Wei "cut": "That's a far cry."

Tan Jing glanced at Li Junhai, feeling a little overwhelmed.

Although Li Tianyu had a good impression on him when they met before, he was definitely not a whisperer, and the doorway seemed very wide, but I am afraid it is impossible to introduce a particularly good hotel to Li Junguo.

A profession like hotel management is actually quite tasteless.

After graduation, most people don't even go to the hotel management staff. If there is no way, they can only serve as low-level posts such as waiters.

Especially good hotels in first- and second-tier cities simply sneer at the professionalism of hotel management. All they want are experienced, at least they should be overseas returnees who have no problem with foreign languages.

About to face graduation and job hunting, Tan Jing is quite worried about Li Junhai's future.

The ideal situation is to find a position in the management department in a good hotel, so that the two can have a better future.

Otherwise, it is really difficult to stay in a first-tier city like Imperial Capital, or even a second-tier city like Jinmen City.

Especially in the imperial capital, if you want to rent a house on the Fifth Ring Road or the Sixth Ring Road, it will cost you three or four thousand yuan.

Even though the two are still young, you don't need to care too much about income when you just started working.

But the real problem is that if the two people's total income is less than 20,000 yuan, they are the ants at the bottom of the city.

Let alone enjoying the dazzling life of the first-tier metropolis, everything is tight and there is no sense of happiness.

Originally, Li Tianyu gave Tan Jing great hope, but now that he heard the dialogue between Sun Jiangmin and Deng Wei, he began to lose again.

The hotels outside the scenic area are nothing, but at least they have to be a bit high-end, but don’t be any particularly low-end B&Bs, inns, etc. It’s not interesting to work inside.Beauty Nest Novel

After nearly two hours of speeding, Li Junhai, Tan Jing and others finally arrived at the parking lot of the Dibei Water Town Scenic Area.

Li Junhai is hesitating whether to call his cousin Li Tianyu now.

Sun Jiangmin took him to the gate of the scenic spot.

"Let's go, let's go in first."

Li Junhai didn't think much anymore, and stepped forward to buy tickets.

This is also normal. After all, people drive Li Junhai and Tan Jing all the way, so they have to be rewarded.

Sun Jiangmin and Deng Wei were not too opposed, so they let Li Junhai buy the tickets.

The fare in Dibei Water Town is quite expensive for the average college student.

One hundred and fifty yuan per person.

Four people are exactly six hundred soft sister coins.

Li Junhai feels terribly distressed. How many packages of spicy noodles and instant noodles have to be bought!

However, on the surface, Li Junhai still pretended to be calm and calm.

People cannot be short-sighted because they are poor.

Especially in front of a girlfriend, it should be more face-saving.

Although Li Junhai's face is fine, Tan Jing feels the same.

Tan Jing whispered: "This time it's bleeding heavily."

Li Junhai: "It's okay, brother has money."

Tan Jing glanced at Li Junhai, and said nothing.

Entering the scenic area of ​​Dibei Water Town, you will first pass through a large and grand hall.

There are various convenience stores, souvenir shops, restaurants, and even children’s playgrounds and bouncy castles in the lobby.

It looks like an airport terminal.

Li Junhai and Tan Jing came here for the first time and found it very strange, and at the same time they were very surprised by the high standards of this Dibei Water Town.

Entrance halls are all done so well, so the scenic area must be even better.

Entering the scenic spot, it was really amazing.

Tan Jing is a southerner, and when he enters the scenic spot, he feels that it is too similar to various Jiangnan water towns.

Moreover, the water in Dibei Water Town is quite clean and crystal clear.

This is much stronger than many Jiangnan water towns.

Of course, the Dibei Water Town is a scenic spot that resembles the Jiangnan Water Town. It cannot be compared in terms of history. Of course, it has to be improved in other areas.

Then, the four of them continued to move forward, passing the food court, stage square, and then to the outdoor hot spring foot bath.

Many tourists have taken off their shoes and socks and are soaking their feet.

This was an eye-opener for Li Junhai and Tan Jing.

Unexpectedly, there is still hot spring water in the scenic area of ​​Dibei Water Town.

No wonder it is so popular and distinctive.

At this time, Li Junhai remembered to call Li Tianyu.

As a result, he dialed Li Tianyu's phone, but did not connect for a while.

Tan Jing: "No answer?"

Li Junhai shook his head: "Maybe I'm busy with something else."

Tan Jing: "Let's call again later."

Deng Wei laughed and didn't speak, but his expression seemed to say that your cousin is not very reliable.

Li Junhai's face was a bit ugly.

After all, he is a young man who hasn't entered the society, and he can't hold his face when he is stimulated.

Sun Jiangmin found that the atmosphere was not right, so he changed the subject: "Otherwise, let's visit the hotel street first, and then you can compare it."

Li Junhai nodded.

Tan Jing did not object either.

The four steadily went to the hotel street.

All hotels in Dibei Water Town are concentrated on this street, such as Dibei Light and Banshanju.

These hotels are indeed very distinctive. Just looking at the lobby, they are very high-end.

After watching Banshanju, it is the light of the emperor.

Everyone came to the lobby, watching from left to right, amazed.

Li Junhai is not an unlearned third-rate college student. So far, his grades in the university are at a good or excellent level, and he has not taken the make-up exam.

He used his professional knowledge to assess that although the light of the emperor north may not be a five-star in other tourist cities, the hardware conditions in the imperial capital should be considered top-notch.

At this moment, a hotel staff came over.

"How many, do you want to book a room?"

Li Junhai hurriedly waved his hand: "No need, we just come here to visit."

The staff said politely: "That's good, but don't stay too long, so as not to affect other guests."

Just as Li Junhai was about to speak, Deng Wei stopped talking, "Is Peng Hongtao here?"

The staff member showed a surprised expression: "He is from the housekeeping department. He should rest today."

Deng Wei said "Oh": "Peng Hongtao is my cousin. If we live here, can we get a discount?"

The staff suddenly realized, and said: "The family members of the staff can get a 5% discount. If you want to book a room, please tell me at any time and I will be at the service desk."

Deng Wei thanked him, and the staff member left.

Before leaving, let them visit casually, never mentioning not to stay too long.

Only then did Li Junhai and Tan Jing know that Deng Wei was "someone from the DPRK"!

Then Sun Jiangmin explained with a smile: "Viagra is amazing. There are almost acquaintances in all walks of life in the imperial capital."

Deng Wei waved his hand and said inexplicably, "It's not as exaggerated as you said. By the way, Lao Sun, if you want to work at the Emperor North Light, I can match you up."

Sun Jiangmin: "Yeah, thank you first."

Deng Wei glanced at Li Junhai, and his expression of superiority directly exploded.

But then again, it is too enviable to be able to work here.

Sun Jiangmin and Li Junhai are in the same professional class. It seems that there is no need to worry about work.

Even Tan Jing showed envy.

Deng Wei: "By the way, has your cousin answered the call?"

Just as Li Junhai was about to look at his cell phone, his cell phone rang.

At first glance, the telegraph showed that it was indeed Li Tianyu.

Li Junhai quickly pressed the answer button.

Li Tianyu: "Sorry, I didn't hear it just now, where are you?"

Li Junhai: "I'm in the scenic spot."

Li Tianyu: "Yeah, did you come in with a ticket?"

Li Junhai: "Yes, where are you outside the scenic spot?"

If Li Tianyu is outside the scenic area, then that hotel is also outside the scenic area.

Li Tianyu: "No, I am also in the scenic spot."

Li Junhai's heart moved.

Li Tianyu: "Where are you? I will send someone to pick you up."

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