Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 339 The Possibility of Making a Perfect Folding Screen

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After hearing what Tao Yue said, Cai Guoqiang was startled for a while.

Immediately, Cai Guoqiang laughed out loud, and the surrounding guests and cafe staff turned around and looked over.

Cai Guoqiang stopped his laughter, and said to his companions who came together: "This is bragging, it looks like the truth, I almost believed it."

Tao Yue was upset again: "What do you mean? Say I'm bragging?"

Cai Guoqiang: "You don't even believe in yourself, do you? What are you talking about making the most advanced OLED? Are you talking nonsense? Do you know what machine you need to use?"

Tao Yue: "Why don't I know? Are you just talking about vacuum evaporation machines? We have two now!"

Cai Guoqiang: "Two? Different brands, right?"

At this time, Han Minghai said: "It is the latest vacuum evaporation machine produced by Canon. You may see related news later, or you can inquire now. This news should have spread."

Tao Yue: "I said, buddy, your news is not very good."

Cai Guoqiang showed a suspicious look on his face.

He looked at Tao Yue and Han Minghai, but he couldn't see a trace of falsehood.

In fact, only a few days later, Cai Guoqiang can hear the wind.

After all, Canon's vacuum evaporation machine is not an ordinary thing. It is a rare equipment with a yearly output of only a dozen units, which is counted in the world.

Not too possible!


It is totally impossible!

At this time, Cai Guoqiang certainly couldn't believe it.

How could a little-known small company get the quota for Canon's vacuum evaporation machines, and there are still two!

This is simply a fantasy!

"Student Xiao Han, who is this?"

The sudden voice shocked Cai Guoqiang.

He quickly turned his head and saw a young man standing behind him at some point.

Han Minghai and Tao Yue stood up quickly.

"Mr. Li, you are here."

"Mr. Li is good."

That's right, after a while, the big boss Li Tianyu has arrived.

Han Minghai: "Mr. Li, this person is a former colleague of mine, and we just met together and we talked a few words."

Cai Guoqiang knew at this time that this was Han Minghai's boss.

Looks too young.

At most it is a rich second generation.

Sure enough, he didn't seem to be a reliable person.

But they want to talk, Cai Guoqiang can't sit here all the time.

This kind of politeness is still necessary.

Cai Guoqiang: "Yeah, boss, okay, I'll make room for you."

With that said, Cai Guoqiang stood up and sat next to the colleague who came with him.

Cai Guoqiang didn't plan to leave. He was sitting here, just in time to hear Han Minghai's conversation with his boss.

He mainly wanted to hear if the boss was so rich that he could actually get two vacuum evaporation machines.

To be honest, he thought about it carefully, this kind of thing simply couldn't happen.

Even if this person is a very, very rich boss, if there is no industry background, foreign manufacturers will not sell it to you.

There are actually only a few companies in the world that can get the machine quota, and the rhythm can basically be counted with two hands.

Thinking of this, Cai Guoqiang wanted to laugh.

This Han Minghai has been out there for more than two years, and he has no other skills, but he is losing face.

In order not to be ashamed in front of his peers, he could even make up such a lie and tell it as if it were true.

At this time, Li Tianyu sat down.

Tao Yue was very clever, and immediately went to the ordering table to buy coffee.

Four cups of latte were brought over, and the aroma was overflowing.

Just listen to Li Tianyu said: "Long far away, you two have worked hard."

Han Minghai said quickly: "Mr. Li, we are not far away and it is not hard."

Tao Yue: "Yes, it's not hard."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Mr. Lu has something to be busy today, so I won't come over. Let's just chat."

Han Minghai and Tao Yue were up to 120,000 points.

They just want to hear what Li Tianyu wants to say.

In fact, everyone knows that this boss is not a person in the industry, and he feels somewhat like an outsider commanding an insider.

But Han Minghai has a good impression of Li Tianyu. Although he is very young, he does not seem to be a fool.

Most of him just want to talk about the goal and general direction, how to operate it, and he won't interfere.

The fact is also true, Li Tianyu's opening remarks first said a few clichés.

"I provide the most advanced production line for Guanglan Electronics, but it is not for the production of low-end products. You have to figure out this first."

Han Minghai's spirit was lifted and his blood boiled instantly: "President Li, I understand that we must strive to reach the international first-class level."

Li Tian shook his head and said with a smile: "International first-class is not good."

Han Minghai and Tao Yue were stunned at the same time: "No?"

Li Tianyu stretched out three fingers: "International first-class is the basic requirement. I want the most advanced, top and most advanced LCD panel products."

Li Tianyu's words in this scene are too slippery.

Li Tianyu admires himself a little bit.

What is this called?

One "basic" and three "most".

Han Minghai and Tao Li looked at each other, feeling that the boss is not too ambitious.

However, this aroused Han Minghai's fighting spirit.

To be honest, Han Minghai has been in this business for so many years, isn't it just to make the most advanced technology products?

To a certain extent, Li Tianyu's ideas coincide with Han Minghai.

But Han Minghai is more cautious in doing things, so he is more cautious in speaking.

Some people can set up Flags at will, and dare to say whatever they are.

For example, at times like this, Han Minghai should immediately declare that he wants to make the most advanced products. There will be no problem, and results will be produced in one or two years.

Or make this time longer so that you can mix up more bonuses.

But he, Han Minghai, is not such a person, and he can't blow it out even if he is not sure about something that makes him brag and kill him.

Tao Yue watched Han Minghai not speak, feeling a little worried, and touched Han Minghai with his foot under the table.

Han Minghai was pondering, feeling movement on his feet: "Tao Yue, stop making trouble."

Tao Yue looked embarrassed and speechless.

Brother Han, sometimes is really a nerd.

At this time, Li Tianyu was drinking coffee leisurely, not in a hurry.

He shook hands with Han Minghai, and of course he knew his situation, including his personality and deeds.Beautiful novel

At this point he should be estimating the difficulty.

Han Minghai pondered for a moment, and then asked, "Mr. Li, can you give me a specific direction as to what kind of product is considered the most advanced, top, most..."

Li Tianyu reminded: "The most impressive."

Han Minghai was startled, "...isn't it the most advanced?"

Li Tianyu took a sip of coffee and coughed dryly: "Yes, the most advanced, I just had an uncomfortable throat, I was wrong."

Otherwise, Xueba is sometimes annoying.

Han Minghai looked at Li Tianyu, waiting for his answer.

Li Tianyu tapped his fingers on the table a few times, then took out an item from his donkey handbag and placed it on the table.

Han Minghai and Tao Yue looked over, it was a mobile phone.

This finger is not thin and light, which is still rare in the design of mobile phones in recent years.

Han Minghai recognized it at a glance: "HUAWEIMATEX?"

Li Tianyu gave an "um", then turned on the screen with his finger and handed it to Han Minghai.

Li Tianyu: "You two use it, what do you think?"

In fact, Han Minghai, as a person in the industry, has also experienced this folding screen phone.

But it was borrowed at the time, and I only experienced it for more than ten minutes without being too careful.

So he started fiddling right now, and talked with Tao Yue in a low voice from time to time.

Li Tianyu is very satisfied with Han Minghai's attitude.

This is a standard R&D talent, as long as the goal is given, there is absolutely no ambiguity.

In the nearby seats, Cai Guoqiang and his colleagues were also talking quietly.

From time to time, he smiled contemptuously at Li Tianyu.

Cai Guoqiang: "The boss's heart is big enough. A small company like Guanglan Electronics still wants to make the world's most advanced products. This is not a pipe dream!"

"What about the most advanced production line in the world? I think the most advanced production line in the Imperial Capital is boring. By the way, they also said that they got two Canon vacuum evaporation machines? Are you funny?"

Cai Guoqiang's colleague is named Du Feng, who happens to be in the equipment procurement department.

He smiled and said: "I thought it was outrageous when I heard it just now. The annual output of the machine is so large that it is impossible for some unfamiliar companies to take it away, and it will cost you two."

Cai Guoqiang chuckled and agreed.

Du Feng: "Why else? Let me ask a friend in the domestic office of Canonkiki if he has delivered two vacuum evaporation machines recently."

Cai Guoqiang wondered: "Aren't they keeping customers secret? Can they tell you?"

Du Feng: "We have a good relationship, we will always reveal some."

With that, Du Feng dialed a mobile phone number.

The other party picked it up soon.

Du Feng: "Pharaoh, what are you up to? ... Oh, it doesn't matter, just ask you about something."

"Have you delivered a vacuum evaporation machine in China recently?"

"...What? Delivered? It won't be two, right?"

"Uh, I guessed it."

Hearing this, Cai Guoqiang sat up straight and listened more carefully.

Actually delivered two vacuum evaporation machines in China?

But this is not uncommon.

At present, domestic first-line LCD panel manufacturers are making efforts to expand production capacity, and Canon's vacuum evaporation machine is bound to be the target of panic buying.

But then, Du Feng's conversation with that friend caused Cai Guoqiang to drop his jaw.

Du Feng: "By the way, which big company is so big that it bought two units as soon as it bought it, isn't it BOE again?"

"You can reveal it, or give a hint."

"I'm going to be surprised? How can you surprise me if you talk about it?"

"...Ah!? Small business!? You delivered the machine to a small business in the capital? Are there two in particular?... No, it's not called Guanglan Electronics, right?"

When Du Feng said this, he raised his head and glanced at Cai Guoqiang.

Cai Guoqiang's face has darkened, as if he were digging coal in the mountains.

The response from Du Feng's friend was obvious, saying "How did you know?"

Damn it!real or fake!?

The small broken company Guanglan Electronics actually got the vacuum evaporation machine!Two!

Of course Du Feng could hardly believe it.

He is from Tianma Optoelectronics Equipment Purchasing Department. He has applied to Canonkiki more than once to purchase a vacuum evaporation machine, but he has only succeeded once so far. It was a year ago.

Now that there are so many companies placing orders, all of them are famous companies in the world, why do they give such precious quotas to Guanglan Electronics?

Can't understand, simply can't understand!

Du Feng: "I said, Lao Wang, how did the old antiques in your headquarters make decisions!? We have applied for so many orders and have been beaten back, so how come they can get two!?"

"I don't know? Oh, what did you guys do!"

"It's OK, don't say anything, you are busy, and I will go back to you for a drink!"

Du Feng was talking, but hung up angrily.

It can be seen that he is also in a bad mood.

A few seconds later, Du Feng sighed, "Have you heard all of them?"

Cai Guoqiang was stupid a long time ago and had no reaction at all.

At the same time, although the dialogue between Cai Guoqiang and Du Feng was very quiet, Li Tianyu had already heard it clearly.

Now with a radius of more than ten meters, there are few sounds that Li Tianyu can't hear. It can be said that it is a low-profile version of Shunfeng ear.

But Li Tianyu was still drinking coffee, and the two did not seem to attract his attention.

Little people, let them shock them.

Han Minghai and Tao Yue are still studying the folding screen phone seriously.

Sometimes shaking his head, sometimes nodding.

After a few more minutes, Han Minghai finally handed the HUAWEIMATEX back to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu: "Is the research finished?"

Han Minghai nodded: "In fact, we've seen the real machine before, so it's a refreshing experience."

Li Tianyu said with an "um": "Then tell me, what about the screen of this phone?"

Han Minghai has long been in his mind, and slowly responded: "Folding screen mobile phones are very innovative, with a good sense of technology and a good sense of the future. They can attract the attention of many people. I also think that such LCD screens are the future trend."

Han Minghai's conversation turned: "But the current folding screen technology is still very immature. First of all, the service life is the service life. The service life of OLED itself is not long, and the folding nature is added. Now, President Li, every fold is an injury."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Anything else?"

Han Minghai: "There are still many problems. For example, the screen must be covered with a protective film. If it is a bare screen, it will be scrapped after a few clicks, indicating that there is no suitable glass to match the folding properties."

"Also every time you fold, there will be unevenness in the fold. This is also a big problem that cannot be solved at present, which affects the experience."

The problems Han Minghai said are indeed big problems, and Li Tianyu certainly agrees.

Li Tianyu: "Student Xiao Han, do you think we can solve these problems?"

Han Minghai was taken aback, and looked at Tao Yue.

It's so hard, it's so hard!

Li Tianyu: "Didn't you just ask what I want? Solving these problems is what I want now."

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