You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu wanted to use the bragging taxation system to obtain the information mentioned by Han Minghai and Tao Yue.

After all, listening to what they said was so lively, that thing seemed very useful.

However, it was the first time that Li Tianyu asked the system for this item, so there was no way to determine whether it was useful or it would strike.

So when he was bragging just now, he didn't say anything to death, try it privately before saying it.

Li Tianyu came to the bathroom and squatted down in an empty place.

He had just finished his bullshit, and he opened the system interface directly and entered the order center.

The list is refreshing.

Then, Li Tianyu looked happy, and he did!

It is all about the latest technology research and development of LCD panels, and there is more than one.

[File name]: Memorandum of internal research and development of LCD panel

[Related fields]: OLED LCD panel improvement

[Confidential level]: Level B

[Original source]: LG

[Data accuracy]: 81%

[Tax amount]: 20000 yuan soft sister coin


[File name]: Modified version of LCD LCD improvement plan

[Related fields]: LCD LCD panel improvement

[Confidential level]: Level B

[Original source]: JDI

[Data accuracy]: 81%

[Tax amount]: 26000 yuan soft sister coin


[File name]: Experimental report of foldable flexible screen

[Related fields]: OLED flexible LCD panel new technology

[Confidential level]: A level

[Original source]: SHARP

[Data accuracy]: 88%

[Tax amount]: 38,000 yuan soft sister coin


[File name]: Flexible screen new material application program

[Related fields]: OLED flexible LCD panel new technology

[Confidential level]: A level

[Original Source]: Samsung

[Data accuracy]: 90%

[Tax amount]: 42,000 yuan soft sister coin


[File name]: Flexible screen problem report and solution

[Related Fields]: The latest improvement of OLED flexible LCD panels

[Confidential level]: S level

[Original Source]: Unknown

[Data accuracy]: 98%

[Tax amount]: 149000 yuan soft sister coin

Li Tianyu took a closer look at the above content.

Originally, he was a little worried that he was not sufficiently educated and could not understand such a professional data project.

Who knows that the attributes listed in this system are very clear.

A layman like Li Tianyu can easily distinguish good from bad.

According to the consistent urinary properties of the system, the better the better, the more expensive the better.

There are four items in total. One of the first two data files is produced by LG, and the other is produced by JDI.

Li Tianyu is no stranger to these two companies.

You should know that Li Tianyu had worked in technology companies for several years before boasting that he could pay taxes, and he knew a lot about some electronic devices.

However, LG's OLED technology is general, and JDI is still working on LCD at all, so it's so stubborn.

What these two companies have produced can be ignored.

Li Tianyu then looked down.

Yo, the third item finally saw SHARP, the boss of the LCD panel industry, plus a front, is the former boss.

Li Tianyu remembered that on a piece of news he had read before, SHARP had developed a flexible screen a long time ago, but he did not continue to follow this route.

And this research on the foldable technology of flexible screens comes from SHARP, which is not surprising at all.

Li Tianyu pondered that the information Han Minghai and Tao Yue said was probably this one.

Looking further down, Article 4 is even more exciting.

It is the work of Samsung Electronics, the current leader in the LCD panel industry.

Samsung Electronics is an all-round enterprise, as long as it involves electronic products, it will almost do everything.

It is also the first company to develop folding screen mobile phones. It is not surprising that high-level research materials can appear.

If there are only these four items, then Li Tianyu must choose Samsung Electronics.

It's a pity that there are five items, and there is the last item. Li Tianyu will definitely want to see it. After all, it is the finale.

As soon as he saw the result, Li Tianyu was surprised that it was actually made by a company called "Unknown".

Damn it!

Li Tianyu reacted right away, and his head was really shit.

Unknown means that the origin is unknown.

The co-authoring system does not know what company it is.

In other words, even if the system knew, it would not tell Li Tianyu.

Still "unknown", this system is so special.

Surprisingly, BOE’s research data reached 149,000 yuan in soft sister coins.

As for Samsung Electronics, there is only a poor 42,000 yuan soft sister coin.

Li Tianyu is more concerned about the value of data accuracy.

Although I don't know what this means, the higher the accuracy, the more powerful it is. This is an inevitable law.

This unknown source of information is still eight percentage points higher than Samsung Electronics, reaching 98%, almost nearly 100%.

And this information is surprisingly appetizing for Li Tianyu.

"The flexible screen problem report and solution" is clearly tailor-made for his desires.

Which one should I buy?

Is it the stellar data of Samsung Electronics, the industry leader, or this mysterious document of unknown origin?

Still need to ask!

It must be of unknown origin.

If you don’t buy it right, you have to buy expensive ones too.

Does Li Tianyu miss this hundreds of thousands of dollars?The answer is obviously no.

Li Tianyu did not hesitate to choose the last item, the "flexible screen problem report and solution" of unknown origin.

[Prompt]: You need to pay 149000 yuan of soft sister coins to get the "flexible screen problem report and solution", are you sure?

Jiang Shaoxuan clicked "OK".

[Tax payment information]

149000 yuan soft sister coin-successful deduction 1234 novel

Asset Information

"Flexible screen problem report and solution"-success

Li Tianyu was finally relieved.

At first, he planned to buy the other documents together. Anyway, one copy is only tens of thousands of dollars in taxes, which is very cheap.

But in retrospect, such professional information requires precision, not quantity.

Even if the other data are of great research value, the best is the best. Those data will affect the thinking of Han Minghai and other researchers and slow down the research progress.

What Li Tianyu needs is to produce results as soon as possible, so it is right to put Dabao on the unknown "Report and Solution of Flexible Screen Problems".

Meanwhile, in the Starbucks coffee shop on the first floor of Wansheng Plaza, Han Minghai and Tao Yue were talking about something while waiting for the boss to relieve them.

Tao Yue: "Brother Han, do you think Mr. Li can get the first-hand R&D materials?"

Han Minghai shook his head: "It is difficult for me to say it. After all, Mr. Li has never been in the R&D circle. He may not understand the confidentiality of some confidential information. The most important information is only available to a few people. It’s too difficult for outsiders to get to browse."

Tao Yue: "Mr. Li can buy with money. Didn't you see that Brother Han? Mr. Li has money."

Han Minghai: "It's not that you don't know that you can't buy such things with money."

Speaking of this, Han Minghai fell into deep thought again, with a very wise appearance: "However, President Li's abilities are unfathomable, making people unable to see through and inaccurate. Maybe he can actually get some things, but are there any of those things? Value is..."

"Han Minghai, it seems you are not stupid yet."

The voice came from the side. Han Minghai and Tao Yue turned their heads to see that it was Cai Guoqiang's elder brother who was talking about it.

Tao Yue: "Yeah, why haven't you left?"

Cai Guoqiang: "Why are we leaving when we drink coffee?"

Han Minghai patted Tao Li on the shoulder and motioned him not to entangle Cai Guoqiang.

Cai Guoqiang and Du Feng just heard that Guanglan Electronics had obtained two vacuum evaporation machines. On the one hand, they were shocked, on the other hand, they were lost.

Although I don't know what the boss surnamed Li does, his energy is obviously not small.

Not to mention the investment in the two factories of Jiaxin and Guanglan Electronics, they also upgraded the production line of Guanglan Electronics to the most advanced level in the world.

Although this was what the three of them said orally, it didn't look like they were talking nonsense.

After Cai Guoqiang recovered, he continued to listen to the conversations of Li Tianyu, Han Minghai and Tao Yue.

As a result, he heard something more difficult for him to accept.

The boss actually wanted to develop the most impressive OLED flexible foldable LCD panel.

Of course, this kind of LCD panel screen actually has to say how high the technical content is, it is not necessarily, as long as there are enough materials and timing, it is not surprising that it can be made.

At least four or five companies in the world have manufacturers of folding flexible screens.

But Li Tianyu wants more than that, but to create a foldable flexible LCD panel without any defects.

This is too arrogant.

It's just talking in dreams, telling stories from the Arabian Nights.

Cai Guoqiang: "Why don't you speak anymore? Didn't Mr. Han express his position in front of the boss just now, he will definitely be able to complete the task and make the most impressive folding screen."

Han Minghai: "I have said that I am confident that I can do it, do you have any questions?"

Cai Guoqiang and Du Feng looked at each other and smiled at each other: "This heart is big enough, and regardless of what environment you are in, what kind of decent research can be done in a small business?"

Han Minghai: "Cai Guoqiang, you are in a large company. Have you done any decent research?"

Cai Guoqiang was speechless for a while, and his face was angry.

He was also a little surprised immediately.

Is this still Han Minghai?

When he was ridiculed and ridiculed in the past, he never said it back. He was the famous dull gourd of Tianma Optoelectronics R&D department.

It's only been more than two years, this kid has a temper?

Cai Guoqiang: "Don't be convinced yet? I tell you that Tianma Optoelectronics will launch a folding screen soon. By then, you can only stare at Guanglan Electronics, and you can't get it out!

Tao Yue: "What are you bullshit, let's just walk around and see!"

Cai Guoqiang ignored Tao Yue, and sneered again: "What else did that person say just now that I can get the research and development materials for the folding screen? He just laughed out of his teeth. He thought he was buying Chinese cabbage in the market? The guy who eats, you No matter how much it costs, I won’t sell it to you!"

Han Minghai and Tao Yue were very angry when they heard it, but they couldn't say anything.

Even the two of them didn't really believe that Li Tianyu could get anything useful, let alone others.

The most important point is that what Cai Guoqiang said is not wrong, and the current situation of the industry is indeed the same.

Every company has confidential information, which is equivalent to the non-passing secrets of the martial arts sect.

Unless it is to buy an insider to steal, but doing so will have endless troubles. If it is exposed, it will be rejected by the entire industry.

At this moment, Li Tianyu walked back.

Li Tianyu: "What are you talking about? So lively."

Han Minghai: "It's okay, President Li, let's not withdraw. Tao Yue and I can go back to the factory and go to work."

Tao Yue glanced at Cai Guoqiang. If it weren't for Li Tianyu and Han Minghai to be here, he really wanted to rush to fight this guy.

Too annoying!

Han Minghai wanted to leave, which also meant to calm down.

I can't offend you, can't I still hide?

At this moment, Li Tianyu said surprisingly: "Wait a moment, I just contacted a friend, and he said that he would send me important information."

Han Minghai and Tao Yue were stunned at the same time.

Important information?

Could it be...

Tao Yue: "Mr. Li, isn't it about foldable LCD screens?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Of course, don't we need these right now? Of course I don't know if the information can be used. You can study it carefully when the information is sent."

Both Han Minghai and Tao Yue were stunned.

This is too efficient, right?

It only took a few minutes to finish talking.

Just go to the toilet once and get this done?

Of course, Cai Guoqiang here is also incredible.

At the same time, he also has a strong curiosity, wanting to know what the information Li Tianyu brought over.

While talking, Li Tianyu's cell phone rang.

He glanced at the caller ID, it was an unknown number.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button, and there was a very utterly nagging voice.

"Hey, is it Li Tianyu and Mr. Li?"

Li Tianyu: "It's me, who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, or just call me Mr. Aix. Is it convenient for you to answer the phone now?"

Mr. Ax?(Mr. X?)

This name is really home.

No third-rate novelist can think of such a name.

Of course, talking about business matters.

Li Tianyu looked around and found that there was no inconvenience.

Li Tianyu: "It's convenient, you say."

Mr. Aix: "Check your e-mail, you should be able to find what you want, I won't say more, goodbye."

Li Tianyu hung up the phone, picked up his mobile phone, opened the e-mail, and saw that he had received new information.

It was an unsigned email, and the content was blank.

But there is an attachment. The size of the file is quite impressive, 358M.

This should be the "flexible screen problem report and solution" made by an unknown company.

Li Tianyu spent hundreds of thousands of soft sister coins to obtain precious information.

Li Tianyu downloaded the attachment, which is a PDF file.

After Li Tianyu opened it, he handed it to Han Minghai.

"Look at this, is it helpful to our product development?"

Han Minghai looked at Li Tianyu suspiciously at first, then focused his attention on the PDF file.

Tao Yue craned his neck, but he could barely see part of it.

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