You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Hey?"

Li Tianyu was startled.

What Zhang Bin was referring to was an egg, an extra-large egg, painted golden.

Li Tianyu: "I, want to get into the egg?"

Zhang Bin acted directly and opened the egg.

"Mr. Li, the inside is specially designed and it is not uncomfortable to go in."

Li Tianyu had no choice but to sit in the eggshell.

Then, Zhang Bin closed the egg.

This eggshell doesn't know what material it is, because light can penetrate it, so it's not dark inside.

Of course, ventilation holes are also reserved.

Otherwise, Li Tianyu might be ascendant as he might be.

Li Tianyu probably guessed his way of playing.

Someone must have taken a hammer, smashed the egg, and then he could jump out.

The recording of "The Runner" has begun.

In addition to the staff, the program team also specially invited many tourists living in hotels and inns in Dibei Water Town to watch the scene.

So the atmosphere is quite warm.

But Li Tianyu couldn't see it, so he could only sit in the egg and listen to the voice outside.

After a noisy introduction and cheers from the audience, Li Tianyu suddenly felt that someone was coming.

The man took heavy steps.

Then Li Tianyu felt a gust of wind blowing over his head.




It turned out that someone broke the egg with a wooden hammer.

Li Tianyu was a little bit confused.

This is really hard!

Fortunately, it didn't hit Li Tianyu's head, otherwise Malan had to bloom twenty-one.

Even so, there were several pieces of broken eggshells slapped on his face, which still hurt.

Li Tianyu stood up. It turned out to be Deng Yuan, a great figure who is known as the spiritual leader of runners.

When Deng Yuan saw Li Tianyu, he was also completely confused.

This way of playing is really unexpected to most people.

Besides, Li Tianyu also wore a mask, like a bandit, and a cowardly person might scare a few others.

Later, Li Tianyu learned that, including him, the five members of "Sword Dance Chang'an" all appeared in completely different and varied ways.

Take Qin Xuetong, for example.

As soon as she pulled the curtain of the stage, she flew down.

Of course, Qin Xuetong still hangs Wia.

Li Tianyu was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Flying out of the sky?

Why is Qin Xuetong so handsome in appearance, but Li Tianyu is so frustrated?

The bias is too serious.

This designer has a problem!

At this time, seeing the way of playing the pottery box, Li Tianyu was very happy.

It was pulled out of the barrel.

Sneer ha ha ha!

After a while, everyone finally stood on the stage.

This stage had existed before in Dibei Water Town, and it was considered to be effectively used.

Roughly speaking, there are twelve people including Li Tianyu.

In addition to five permanent guests, five special guests from "Sword Dance Chang'an", and Li Tianyu, there is also a guest star.

The star is not too small, it's a little fresh meat that has recently emerged, the popular Xiaosheng Guo Xiaojing.

Speaking of small fresh meat, Wang Yumai and Lu Dahong are also of the same type.

These three people don't seem to be the same in terms of fame. Standing together, they can't tell who is more handsome.

Li Tianyu was standing right beside Qin Xuetong.

Just as Li Tianyu was about to say hello to him, he suddenly realized that the director asked him not to speak, so he had to shut up and pretend to be dumb.

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu, and didn't know if she recognized it.

However, he changed his clothes as required today, which is generous, and it is estimated that it will be more difficult to recognize.

Next, according to the habit of the show, the twelve guests were divided into two groups.

Li Tianyu’s group is rather funny, including Tao Box, Wang Yumai, Chen Ming, Dina Xinyi and Jiang Baiqing.

Everyone saw that this was an out-and-out weak group.

The mouth of the pottery box is more neat.

Wang Yumai is not an adult, just a child.

Chen Ming is a bit like the style of the pottery box. He has a harder mouth and a ugly hand. He is a comedian.

The group of people on the opposite side were all werewolves, and they smiled as they looked at it.

Li Tianyu doesn't matter, it doesn't matter which group he is with, anyway, he is now more wolfish than anyone after a systematic transformation.

It is worth mentioning that when the host introduced Li Tianyu, he called him "Mysterious Mr. Aix".

Pottery box: "Mr. X? Mysterious? What do I say, he wears a mask, it's weird."

Chen Ming and Tao Box already knew each other, so they joked: "Be careful when you speak, what is a crooked person? This is called madly pulling a handsome cock into the sky, cold and noble and grounded."

Tao Box: "Mysterious Mr. X, say something, introduce yourself, which planet do you come from?"

Li Tianyu glanced at the pottery box and pointed to his mouth.

Chen Ming stared straight: "The mysterious Mr. X is actually a dumb!? What's going on!?"

Li Tianyu rolled his eyes.

What's so dumb?

It means not letting me talk!

The host explained at this time: "The mysterious Mr. X is temporarily unable to speak. Only at the end of the program can the language seal be lifted."

Damn it!

There is something like this.

Li Tianyu seriously suspected that this set was developed by Shen Yanhe, Han Lei and Yu Xuheng for the purpose of advertising Tianyu Haoting Hotel.

The host’s words focused everyone's attention on Li Tianyu.

Many viewers are curiously talking about this mysterious Mr. X.

"Who is this, the gods are talking about."

"Yeah, not only is he covering his face, but he is also not allowed to speak. By the way, do you guys say that he's blocked his mouth?"

"Don't be nonsense, maybe it is a star or a famous athlete."

"It can't be an athlete, he is very thin, not strong at all."

"What do you know, are long-distance runners fat? Skinny is like a ram! There are also badminton players, aren't they all of Daolang?"

"I don't think this kid is good. At first glance, he is not a regular exerciser."

"Okay, you do it, you do it!"

On the other side, Deng Yuan took the other five team members and looked at this side eagerly.

There is no doubt about Deng Yuan's strength. His abilities are quite balanced, his athletic ability is excellent, and his mind is not low. In the past, the performance of "The Runner" was at the MVP level.

And Li Xiao's strength should not be underestimated.

His greatest strength is his strength, commonly known as the "big scalper", he used to be one enemy three and never let go.

As for the others, Li Tianyu was still quite jealous of Qin Xuetong.

This girl knows martial arts.

The beauties who can martial arts can't afford to offend, they are definitely the werewolves among the werewolves.

At this moment, Qin Xuetong looked over, revealing a scrutiny gaze, and Li Tianyu quickly looked away.

The first round of the competition began.

The two teams came to a clearing.

This vacant lot was temporarily erected in the Taibei Square in Dibei Water Town.3a reading network

It is roughly composed of three items: runway, fingerboard, and military.

Everyone started to get excited when they saw the Shiatsu.

This thing is indeed too torturous. Stepping on it is sour and refreshing. It can make people bleed and ascend to heaven instantly.

But in fact, the most difficult thing is the military.

What is the military triathlon?

The first item: Cross the suspended bridge.

The second item is the balance beam.

The third item: over the wall.

In fact, they are military training items that are often seen on TV, which are more conventional.

However, it is quite difficult for ordinary people to do it.

Therefore, in order to prevent all guests from overturning, the program team slightly reduced the difficulty.

Of course, it's a little bit.

When everyone saw the posture of this place, a fierce battle would inevitably come.

Deng Yuan started clamoring at Li Tianyu's group.

This is also for program effects.

However, it is the first time for Xiao Zeyan and Guo Xiaojing to participate in the program. In order to increase their value and increase traffic, they must work hard to perform.

Moreover, the two men, one more militant than the other, had already started gearing up.

Deng Yuan Group, of course, is Deng Yuan as the captain.

As for Li Tianyu this group, it is led by Chen Ming.

No way, the general is drawn from the dwarf.

Moreover, Chen Ming's strength is actually not bad, his mind is better, his athletic ability is so-so, and occasionally he has an explosive performance.

The host announced the rules, that is, when the game is in progress, it can also interfere with the opponent.

The two "tracks" are very close to each other, and the fighting can be fun.

In the beginning, the two captains, namely Deng Yuan and Chen Mingxian, began to confront each other.

In the audience, as well as the cheering of the players on both sides.

Deng Yuan and Chen Ming started at the same time.

The expressions of both of them were extremely hideous.

Especially Chen Ming, because there is a lot of meat on his face, he is already wrinkled.

However, this is of no use.

Chen Ming was soon left behind by Deng Yuan.

Close to the fingerboard.

Both are barefoot.,

Deng Yuan took the lead and let out a scream.

But he still runs faster than the rabbit.

Chen Ming was quite frustrated, and rushed forward, not too slow.

When it comes to the military's triathlon, the gap between the two has widened.

As expected, Deng Yuan was very tigerish, and he completed it in a few passes over the suspended bridge.

Then there was the balance beam. Due to his height and strong body, it swayed several times and almost fell off.

In the exclamation of his team members, Deng Yuan stabilized his figure and gave it directly.

The third overcoming the wall is relatively simple for Deng Yuan.

He is also from a rural background. When he was a child, he used to climb walls and trees. After becoming a big star, he did not go to the gym to exercise. His physical fitness is very good. On the wall".

Then, Deng Yuanchao waved his hand to Chen Ming who was still hanging on the suspended bridge.

"I'm leaving first, take your time, don't flash your waist!"

With that said, Deng Yuan jumped off and successfully ran across the finish line.

Chen Ming was so angry that he fell directly from the suspended bridge.

In the first game, Deng Yuan crushed and won with absolute advantage.

The next step is to determine who will play in the second game.

The second game is very important.

Tao Box and Wang Yumai, you look at me, I look at you, with big eyes and small eyes, they dare not move forward.

Jiang Baiqing: "Oh, what are you afraid of, let me go!"

Tao Box: "You, you are stupid, if you are hurt, how can you make a movie?"

When Jiang Baiqing heard this, he hesitated.

The pottery box makes a lot of sense.

This section of the track is troublesome to look at.

The injury is small, but the inability to continue working is big.

"Sword Dance Chang'an" hasn't finished yet. If this is an injury to an arm or leg, how can I go to film!

In the previous reality show, there was a precedent for actors who were injured and unable to film.

Dina Xinyi was also quite brave.

"Let me go!"

Speaking of which, Dina Xinyi is a Xinjiang girl with a high nose, deep eye sockets, and a very XING mouth.

She was already very popular, and after she became a permanent guest on the reality show "The Runner", she rose to the top.

At this time, Chen Ming walked back with his ass in his hand.

"Have you decided yet? Are you waiting over there!"

Look at Deng Yuan's group. They are already clapping their hands to celebrate, and they are demonstrating with butt-slapping.

Dina Xinyi: "I'll go!"

Chen Ming waved his hand: "Forget it, just go, it's a loss anyway."

Dina Xinyi was still not convinced, but when she turned her head, she withered.

On Deng Yuan's side, the second player Li Xiao was already in the starting position.

Big scalper Li Xiao, that is not an easy master.

However, if you can't beat it, you have to beat it. We can't accept it.

Dina Xinyi was about to step forward, but was caught by the pottery box.

Dina Xinyi: "What's wrong?"

The pottery box: "What are you in a hurry? We are not unmanned anymore."

Dina Xinyi: "Who?"

The pottery box pointed at Li Tianyu: "Mysterious Mr. X."

Li Tianyu thought for a while, and it was indeed time to go out on his own. Just as he was about to speak, remembering that his mouth was still sealed, he closed his mouth in time.

He stepped forward, stood side by side with Li Xiao, and stood at the starting point of the team.

Li Xiao: "Yo, the mysterious Mr. Fork."

Li Tianyu was speechless. He didn't expect that the upright and polite Li Xiao would be so boring.

At this time, the great gods of the Deng Yuan team saw that the mysterious Mr. Axe appeared on the field, and suddenly became interested.

Captain Deng Yuan: "Who is this person?"

Player Lu Dahong: "Looking at this figure, he is obviously a speed-type player, can Brother Li do it?"

Player Xiao Zeyan said indifferently: "It's impossible for a big scalper to lose."

Xiao Zeyan was pretending to criticize again, looking lonely and arrogant, quite stance.

This can indeed fool many people, especially young and beautiful girls.

Xiao Zeyan glanced at Qin Xuetong and found that she was not looking at herself, slightly disappointed.

Team member Guo Xiaojing also agreed: "Brother Li comes from a military family, these things can't trouble him."

At the same time, in the audience, Li Tianyu is also becoming the focus of discussion.

"Look, look, the mysterious Mr. X is going to show off."

"Have you made a mistake, he can still show off? Waiting to be hanged!"

"The Deng Yuan team is stable this time. Chen Ming has nothing to play."

"That's not necessarily true, there may be miracles."

"What a miracle, if there is a miracle, it is also arranged by the director a long time ago."

I saw the host give an order.

Li Tianyu and Li Xiao both rushed forward.

The start this time can be said to be well matched.

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