You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!No matter how indifferent the temper is, he is still a young man after all.

Youthful, unchanging truth.

What's more, Qin Xuetong's temperament is inherently stronger.

But Qin Xuetong is still as beautiful today as ever.

Although she wears a white sportswear for the convenience of exercise, it highlights her rather hot lines.

That's right, it's quite hot, no exaggeration.

Hey, how come this girl's appearance is so perfect?

Just a pretty face, not that good figure.

Coupled with a family background and resources, it's hard to think about it or not.

Qin Xuetong may have felt Li Tianyu's gaze, and Qin Xuetong also looked over.

Qin Xuetong: "You really can't speak?"

Li Tianyu: "..."

The host and referee gave an order.

Game start.

The two started almost at the same time, quite nervous.

Li Tianyu is a boy's son after all, so he should be faster.

Steadily pull Qin Xuetong out of a position.

Li Tianyu smiled in his heart, this time he was determined to win.

When he arrived at the Shiatsu area, it must be possible that Qin Xuetong couldn't match his Li Tianyu's deer running style, no matter how fast it was.

I saw that Li Tianyu's Chen Ming group was full of confidence.

Chen Ming: "Mr. X, Niubi, take Qin Xuetong quickly!"

Dina Xinyi: "Brother Chen, it's not good to say that..."

Chen Ming: "What's wrong, take it here, not it!"

Jiang Baiqing: "What do you think? How can Xuetong be taken so easily?"

Chen Ming: "Oh, I said, Xiaojiang, where are you on earth?...Lao Tao, take care of her!"

Tao Box: "How can I care about her?"

Chen Ming: "Xiao Wang, you take care of it!"

Wang Yumai blinked her eyes dumbly: "Sister Qing cares about me."

At this time, the onlookers suddenly exclaimed.

Look at the scene has changed rapidly.

At this time, the mysterious Mr. X and Qin Xuetong came to the Shiatsu area.

Of course, Li Tianyu continues to use his "famous stunt"-antelope running!

One step jump is equivalent to three steps. If it weren't for Li Tianyu wearing a mask, everyone would definitely be able to see a hideous face, which was quite vicious.

But can this leave Qin Xuetong behind?

the answer is negative.

Li Tianyu suddenly discovered that Qin Xuetong's running speed on the fingerboard had not slowed down, but had increased.

Qin Xuetong's face was still as pale as a cloud of frost, calm and relaxed, his face did not change, and the cloud was light and breezy.

Damn it!

She is not afraid of Shiatsu!?

I saw that Qin Xuetong's running movements are quite professional, and there is no tweaking feeling when ordinary girls run.

Obviously, she has practiced running, at least long-distance running is no problem.

The Deng Yuan team members cheered on the sidelines when they saw this situation.

Deng Yuan: "Xia Qin! Charge forward, take Mr. X down!"

When Xiao Zeyan heard it, he frowned. No matter who took the other, it seemed very bad.

No one else is so sensitive.

Guo Xiaojing: "Qin Xuetong is so good? I might not go up so fast!"

Lu Dahong showed a speechless expression, thinking that you could simply give in.

Although they are all small fresh meat, but Lu Dahong's athletic ability is still quite strong, not only very flexible, running speed is very fast, and it is said that he is still a young football player, and his personal skills can be considered a little top-notch among amateur players.

Just now when Guo Xiaojing rushed to interfere with Li Tianyu, Lu Dahong felt quite disdainful.

Although it is not a real game, recording shows can be unscrupulous, but as a man, you have to have a bottom line.

At this moment, in the blink of an eye, Qin Xuetong had already overwhelmed Li Tianyu, leading by half his body.

The audience became more enthusiastic and shouted and applauded.

Some people suspect that this is a script arranged in advance by the show team.

"This Mr. X was so fierce just now, why was suddenly overtaken by a girl?"

"Did you watch the game just now? Qin Xuetong is also very fierce!"

"Don't look at who Qin Xuetong's opponent is, Dina Xinyi is not strong in this aspect!"

"You are right to say that..."

"You don't want to criticize, if you go up like this, you will definitely lose to Qin Xuetong. Look at other people's actions, it's not foolish at all!"

Although some people were not convinced, most of them were indeed shocked when they looked at Qin Xuetong again.

At this time, Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong had already passed the Shiatsu area and came to the front of the suspended bridge.

The two were almost the same, they jumped almost at the same time and jumped onto their respective first quarter suspension boards.

Then, the second quarter, the third quarter...

The status of the two is actually equal!

The host and referee were also dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

This was originally a regular project of "The Runner" program. Everyone has a game mentality. The two people are more like a competition, fighting in full swing and passion.

Now even Kongqin, who was watching carefully on the sidelines, stood up, clasped with one hand, and adjusted the phone with the other.

"All the seats are chasing me for Li... No, Mr. X and Qin Xuetong, don't miss either of them!"

"Both panoramas and single-person close-ups, both break my nerves! If anyone loses the chain this time, stop doing it!"

"By the way, the special effects team quickly think about how to render this atmosphere well, don't waste such good materials in vain!"

As the chief director, Kong Qin was already excited, even a little crazy.

The battle between Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong was fierce.

"The Runner" has gone through so many seasons, there must be hundreds of issues, and there are wonderful scenes, but I have never seen a game of this level.

Don't talk about Kong Qin, many staff have been dumbfounded.

Let's talk about the field at this time.

Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong were still inseparable, and came to the last suspension slab of the suspension bridge together.

Li Tianyu didn't dare to underestimate the enemy now. After two and a half minutes, Li Tianyu jumped straight down.

Qin Xuetong's movements were not slow, and the difference between landing and Li Tianyu's landing was no more than one second.

The two ran towards the balance beam at the same time.

The audience on the sidelines was a little abnormally quiet. It was not that the scene was not exciting, but the main reason was that it was too exciting.

What is this called?

This is called holding your breath!

When the balance beam arrived, Li Tianyu stood up immediately.

Qin Xuetong snorted softly, unexpectedly came an upright forward roll, and stood firmly on the balance beam like a gymnast.

This is surprising.

Before, Qin Xuetong's performance was very simple, without too gorgeous moves, and they used speed and flexibility to fight against their opponents.

This hand turned on his horse and won applause again.

Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong couldn't help but glance at each other.

Can see the provocation in the opponent's eyes.

Li Tianyu didn't wait for her to react, so she rushed forward.

Qin Xuetong also started the pace immediately, chasing after him.

Both of them didn't seem to be terrified of the balance beam, walking on the ground like flying.

Chen Ming looked dumbfounded: "How did these two get along? Could it be a college graduate from the Acrobatic Troupe?"

Wang Yumai: "Brother Chen, don't you have that kind of university?"

Chen Ming: "Why didn't you? You haven't heard of it. By the way, Xiaomai, have you ever gone to college?" Literature 2020

Wang Yumai: "Brother Chen, I haven't graduated from high school yet."

Chen Ming: "You can consider going to the Acrobatic Troupe University."

Wang Yumai: "..."

Dina Xinyi: "Qin Xuetong is too good. I didn't expect her physical fitness to be so good."

Jiang Baiqing: "How good is this physical fitness."

Dina Xinyi's eyes widened: "Is this not applauded?"

Jiang Baiqing: "This is horror! Don't you know that there is no stand-in in our "Sword Dance Chang'an" crew. Xuetong can play better than those martial arts instructors!"

Dina Xinyi was shocked this time.

"No way, really so powerful?"

Tao Box: "Qin Xuetong is indeed so powerful, and I don't know if our mysterious Mr. Fork can withstand it."

At the same time, the mysterious fork Mr. Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong have reached the second half of the balance beam.

There was still no obvious gap between the two, at most it was half of their body.

Li Tianyu saw that the game was too anxious.

The girl Qin Xuetong was born from everyone, with her innate qualities, and she didn't fall behind in her later training.

If you want to win steadily, you must have some extraordinary means.

At this time, Chen Ming over there shouted: "Mysterious Mr. Fork, push Qin Xuetong down! The victory is yours!"

Jiang Baiqing rolled her eyes: "Brother Chen, why are you so shameless?"

Chen Ming laughed: "How is this shameless? This is called the rule of rational use."

Deng Yuan also started yelling over there: "Xia Xiao Qin, beat him, beat Mr. Stupid Cha."

When Li Tianyu heard this, his face changed.

Mr. Silly Fork?

Damn it!

Deng Yuan, is there anyone you nicknamed this?

It also bullied him Li Tianyu could not speak, or he would go out early.

But then again.

Chen Ming and Deng Yuan were right, they should have taken action.

The host just said that it can interfere with the opponent.

This is the rule.

Reasonable use rules are acceptable.

"The Runner" program often pits opponents and teammates.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu was ready to give Qin Xuetong a drink.

However, before he could make a move, a small fist struck him.

Damn it!

Qin Xuetong made the move first!

Li Tianyu hurriedly moved backwards, and it was able to avoid Qin Xuetong's small fist.

But in this blink of an eye, Qin Xuetong had already surpassed Li Tianyu by several statures, and was about to complete the balance beam.

This girl is really wolfish.

This is indeed interfering with Li Tianyu, and the purpose is not to beat him down, but to slow down Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu hurriedly took three steps and took two steps and caught up.

When Qin Xuetong landed, Li Tianyu also jumped down.

Qin Xuetong took the lead, but fortunately, there was not much difference between the two.

Chen Ming showed an inexplicable and peaceful smile.


Dina Xinyi: "Brother Chen, our Mr. Fork is behind, can you still laugh?"

Chen Ming: "You don't understand. Victory or defeat is commonplace in the military. You can't mess up the rules and lose your tolerance because of the gains and losses of a single cent. For example, Deng Yuan next to him is simply for victory. Ugly."

Deng Yuan happened to hear it, and hurriedly said, "Shit, Old Chen, I think you know you can't win, just pretend to be upright there!"

Chen Ming: "Who said that? Who said that we can't win!?"

I saw the mysterious Mr. Fork and Qin Xuetong on the "cold field", about to come to an end.

The two ran under the "high wall" one after another.

Qin Xuetong still leads one position.

Although Qin Xuetong is a girl, with her skill, it is easy to climb over this high wall without any difficulty.

Li Tianyu took a look at this.

This is about to lose.

Although the opponent was Qin Xuetong, Li Tianyu was still somewhat unwilling.

How can the physique that has been strengthened by the system lose to a woman?

This is not scientific.

In fact, Li Tianyu is not so bad.

Although Qin Xuetong was strong in all aspects, Li Tianyu could still win.

It was mainly because Li Tianyu had underestimated the enemy in advance.

Where did he think that Qin Xuetong could achieve this level?

It turned out that he thought that the girl had practiced kung fu for a few years at most, and she had some foundation.

If there is no other way at this time, it is definitely a loser.

The audience is already chanting various slogans.

"Qin Xuetong is set to win!"

"Hey, the hero is sad for the beauty off!"

"The mysterious fork hero is no longer good, and he was also beaten by the beauty!"

Li Tianyu cursed secretly.

This is also called hanging fight?

Are you blind?

At this time, Qin Xuetong leaped slightly, like a cat, with one hand already on the wall.

It was too late to say, it was fast, Li Tianyu said in a very small voice.

"Qin Xuetong, your pants are off..."

Of course, Li Tianyu deliberately changed his voice to prevent Qin Xuetong from recognizing it.

Qin Xuetong's expression changed, and the hand on the top of the wall fell off.

Rarely, this big beauty looked flustered.

The body lost its balance in the air.

Li Tianyu had quick eyes and quick hands, took Qin Xuetong in his arms, and then gently placed it on the ground.

Then, before Qin Xuetong could react, Li Tianyu strode directly up the wall, and then turned down.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.

What the hell is going on here?

Qin Xuetong was about to climb the wall, so why did her hand slip suddenly?

Then the mysterious Mr. Fork hugged Qin Xuetong firmly, and then walked over the wall.

It really took advantage of others and won the game.

Let alone other people, even the host and referee did not react for a while.

Chen Ming came back to his senses first, and ran to the referee and yelled: "We won, we won!"

The host and referee announced that the Chen Ming team won the playoff and also won an additional chance to draw.

Li Tianyu stood there and giggled.

Of course, he wears a very strange mask, no one can see his expression.

At this moment, Qin Xuetong came over.

Li Tianyu didn't dare to look at her very much.


Li Tianyu waved his hand, just about to say "Soldiers are not tired of fraud", but suddenly remembered that he could not speak, so he closed his mouth.

But when he used the trick "trousers dropped" just now, although his voice changed, it was hard to guarantee that Qin Xuetong would not recognize him.

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