You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!As a mysterious Mr. X, Li Tianyu must be alone.

How can I feel mysterious?

However, Jiang Baiqing rushed forward: "Mysterious Mr. Fork, can you join your team?"

When Dina Xinyi heard it, she ran over: "I want to join Mr. X's team too, please accept me!"

Chen Ming rolled his eyes next to him: "What are you doing? Want to rebel? I'm still the captain!"

Everyone is right to think about it, Chen Ming is still an official.

Bai Yuqing: "Captain Chen, what do you say?"

Chen Ming: "Hmm, everyone is free to move around and try their best to find out your treasure chest! We must be ahead of the guys in the Deng Yuan team!"

Jiang Baiqing and Wang Yumai were dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

This seems to be nonsense.

But Dina Xinyi is obviously used to it, not surprising.

She turned her head and looked: "Huh?"

Jiang Baiqing: "What's wrong?"

Dina Xinyi: "Where is Mr. Fork?"

In this blink of an eye, the mysterious Mr. X didn't know where he was.

To be honest, Li Tianyu really wants to "execute tasks" with the beauties.

But now is not the time.

He can neither show off his handsome face, nor can he speak sweet words, let alone such things as holding his arms around his waist.

No, I really hugged one just now.

Qin Xuetong is still very good.

But this is really hateful.

I don't know if Qin Xuetong will kill him if he sees his mysterious Mr. X again.

But what is strange is that Qin Xuetong did not expose Mr. X's words in violation of the rules, it may be that her character does not like to do such things.

Then again, with the urinary nature of this show, even if it is exposed, it will definitely be ignored.

Anyway, it is just three words: Blind chicken makes trouble.

Li Tianyu now wanted to quickly find his No. 6 treasure chest and see what was hidden in it.

But there is no clue, how to find it?

Of course, the scope of this search is not the entire Dibei Water Town, but fixed in one area.

This part of the area has been fully covered by the "runner" program group, and it is temporarily not accessible to ordinary tourists.

Li Tianyu has come to Dibeishui Town several times, and every place is considered familiar. Although the area to find treasure chests is not too large, it is still quite troublesome for a dozen people to find more than a dozen chests without any hint. one thing.

At this moment, Li Tianyu heard two passersby having a conversation.

These two people are not tourists, they should be wearing ancient costumes, long robes and coats.

The extra actor invited by the show team did not run away.

A man in ancient costume: "Young Master Zhou, have you heard about Zhenyuan Escort?"

Another man in ancient costumes was obviously unusual. He held a scribe folding fan and opened the fan with a "pop".

"What happened to Zhenyuan Escort?"

The first man: "Zhenyuan Escort is giving orders to the world to hold a martial arts contest. The second daughter of General Gao's dart head is beautiful and beautiful. The son of Zhou is suave and suave, and he is quite capable. ,"

The man holding a folding fan seems to be thinking slightly: "Brother Hu, don't tell me, I really like the second lady of the Gao family, should I try it someday?"

Brother Hu: "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day. It's too late. Maybe the sophomore girl was snatched away. Let's go now. Let's go, Lord Zhou, I'll help you out!"

Young Master Zhou: "That's OK, go now!"

After the two had spoken, they walked forward with their shoulders on their backs.

The direction they were walking was exactly the distance of a few alleys on the side of Zhenyuan Escort.

Zhenyuan Escort is a very famous attraction in Dibei Water Town. Li Tianyu has visited it twice.

However, Li Tianyu looked stunned now.

Is this the clue?

But what does it have to do with recruiting relatives and finding treasure chests?

It's irrelevant.

But now there is no other clue anyway, why don't we just follow the past and see, what if the blind cat encounters a dead mouse?

Li Tianyu didn't think too much, just behind Hu brother and Zhou Gongzi.

Finally came to the door of the escort.

Brother Hu and Young Master Zhou stopped.

Then the two of them walked back again.

Huh?Why didn't these two go in and went back again?

Li Tianyu suddenly realized.

These two people are really used as NPCs in the game.

It is to attract the "player" through dialogue, then go back the same way and continue to repeat the previous dialogue.

Although the weather in October is not as warm as in midsummer, it is not easy to be exposed to the sun.

It was not easy for these two people.

How much is it for a day?

Li Tianyu turned his head and looked at the door of Zhenyuan Escort. The door was concealed, and a very mixed voice came from inside.

Li Tianyu pushed the door and walked in.

Yeah, Zhenyuan Escort is quite lively inside.

There are many men and women in ancient costumes, young and old.

These people are obviously also NPCs.

There are celebrities and guests in modern outfits in the courtyard.

There are three star guests.

Xiao Zeyan, Guo Xiaojing and Qin Xuetong.

How did these three get together?

In fact, it's not hard to guess, it's mostly where Qin Xuetong is going, and where Xiao Zeyan is also going, like a follower.

As for Guo Xiaojing, he seemed to be pestering Qin Xuetong, and he didn't know what the idea was.

What's the situation in the Escort now?

It's similar to martial arts dramas or games, with a big martial arts stage in the middle, and the NPC audience below.

It seems that it is indeed a contest to recruit relatives.

But is this true?

What can you marry if you win the ring?

The second girl of the head of Gao Zong?

Obviously this is impossible.

No matter how exaggerated the "Runner" program group is, it will not really solve the single problem for people.

But Li Tianyu was a little curious, who did "Second Girlfriend" play?Is it really that good-looking?

Li Tianyu craned his neck for a long time, but couldn't find the "second girl".

But there is a man in ancient costume sitting outside the main gate of the escort, with a big beard, a square face and a righteous face.

On either side of this man stood two young boys in ancient costumes.

It seems that this is Chief Gao's Escort Master.

Qin Xuetong, Xiao Zeyan and Guo Xiaojing noticed that Li Tianyu had also come in.

Qin Xuetong did not imagine that he hated Li Tianyu, but just ignored him.

But Xiao Zeyan and Guo Xiaojing were a little bit sad.

Guo Xiaojing: "Isn't this the mysterious Mr. Fork?"

Xiao Zeyan raised the corners of his mouth, showing a look of disdain.

He doesn't think this is how powerful Mr. X is. Most of them are martial arts substitutes or martial arts instructors from the "runner" program group.

It is not surprising that these people can perform actions like Li Tianyu before.Mengsheng Novel

Of course, Guo Xiaojing thinks so too.

In fact, Guo Xiaojing was the first to tell Xiao Zeyan and Qin Xuetong this idea.

Xiao Zeyan agreed.

Qin Xuetong was noncommittal.

In fact, she still feels a bit weird about the identity of the mysterious Mr. X.

Qin Xuetong did feel that her figure was very similar to Li Tianyu at first.

And the gestures of gestures are also very close.

But Qin Xuetong is not yet familiar enough with Li Tianyu, and this kind of guess is not too sure.

When the two of them climbed the wall, Li Tianyu said, "Your pants fell."

The voice didn't look like Li Tianyu anymore.

Therefore, Qin Xuetong temporarily put "Li Tianyu" out of the suspect list.

What Guo Xiaojing said is not unreasonable. It may indeed be a martial arts instructor or a martial arts substitute.

Anyway, no matter who it is, it has nothing to do with Qin Xuetong.

It's just that she just lost to this so-called Mr. X, which made her feel a little bit brooding.

Guo Xiaojing: "Mysterious Mr. X, what are you doing here?"

Li Tianyu ignored him.

His character setting was originally unable to speak, even if he could speak, he would not bother to say anything to Guo Xiaojing.

It's also amazing.

If it’s Li Tianyu before, I don’t say how much I like it when I see such a big celebrity, but I will always come forward to cover it, ask for an autograph, take a photo or something.

But now, Li Tianyu can actually treat these stars equally.

During this period of time, Li Tianyu's status has greatly improved, as if he has become a big boss, and his status is no longer what it used to be. Is it necessary to fudge these little fresh meat?

Seeing Li Tianyu still silent, Guo Xiaojing felt a little upset.

He is a traffic star with a strong momentum, and even has a tendency to threaten Xiao Zeyan.

No matter who this mysterious Mr. X is, Guo Xiaojing cannot be so ignored.

Guo Xiaojing: "Aren't you really a dumb?"

Li Tianyu glanced at Guo Xiaojing, but still had no words.

Guo Xiaojing became even more angry and snorted coldly: "I don't believe you will never speak!"

Li Tianyu thought to himself, I don't want to speak, what's up with you?

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu suddenly raised his hand.

Guo Xiaojing was taken aback by this sudden movement.

In fact, he did jump up, like a frightened rabbit.

"Ha ha……"

At this time, someone laughed from behind.

Everyone turned their heads and saw that it was Dina Xinyi and Jiang Baiqing who came over at some point.

It was Dina Xinyi who laughed out just now.

Guo Xiaojing was still very angry and was about to have an attack. When he saw that it was Dina's beauty, he closed his mouth.

This time it was a bit embarrassing.

He can no longer lose his demeanor in front of the two beauties, it will not do him any good.

Dina Xinyi and Jiang Baiqing are in the same group as Li Tianyu.

Now it is three to three, and the momentum is immediately up.

Dina Xinyi: "You really are here. Look, I said Mr. X is very smart, right?"

Jiang Baiqing: "Yes, yes, yes, mysterious Mr. X, you have one more fan."

Dina Xinyi blinked her very big eyes: "Why do you have to talk too much? Are you also his fan?"

Jiang Baiqing "cut" and said, "I'm an appearance party, unless I see his true face, otherwise I will always be a passerby."

Let her say that, is it so easy to turn to fans?

If Jiang Baiqing knew that the mysterious Mr. X was Li Tianyu, he might really be a fan.

When Guo Xiaojing heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said, "He covered his face with a mask, maybe there are a few scars on his face."

Dina Xinyi: "What's the matter with scars? Men are handsome even if they have scars."

As expected of a Xinjiang girl, she used to like men with scars.

At this moment, Mr. Gao suddenly spoke.

"You heroes, I must know that everyone, I, Gao, held this martial arts competition today to marry my daughter."

The "costume NPCs" under Ma Xia immediately responded.

"President Gao, I will prove myself to you, I am your best son-in-law!"

"You fart, with my demon-eyed eagle king, the daughter of the chief dart head family will have your turn?"

"What demon-eyed eagle king? Don't you just raise eagles? Does this name make people laugh?"

The demon-eyed eagle king was angry and was about to hack someone with a knife, but was pulled away by a group of escorts.

Li Tianyu and others were dumbfounded.

The lines, actions, and expressions are too professional, right?

Dina Xinyi felt the same way: "Quickly squeeze me, or I thought it was crossing."

Li Tianyu reached out and squeezed Dina Xinyi's face.


Dina Xinyi blushed and jumped away.

She wanted Jiang Baiqing to pinch her, no wonder the mysterious Mr. X actually did it first.

Li Tianyu is also very innocent, you made me pinch it.

At this time, Jiang Baiqing couldn't help saying: "Is this a place to get clues? Isn't it just a pure performance?"

Dina Xinyi recovered immediately: "I don't know, but they performed really well. Let's have a good look."

This girl has a big heart.

Dina Xinyi asked again: "What do you think? The mysterious Mr. X?"

Li Tianyu shook his head, saying that he was not clear.

Jiang Baiqing: "Xinyi, have you forgotten? He can't speak."

Dina Xinyi: "It's not that he can't speak, he can't speak."

Jiang Baiqing: "Isn't that the same?"

It seems that Dina Xinyi was brainwashed by Li Tianyu and has indeed become an iron fan.

At this moment, from the main hall of the Escort, a girl wearing a red hijab in the traditional costume of the Central Plains came out.

That should be the bride to be "married", that is, the second daughter of Mr. Gao.

The bride, graceful and graceful, was sitting next to the head of Mr. Gao.

The costume NPCs are making a noise again.

"Oh, the girl with the head dart head really makes people ticklish!"

"Yeah, just looking at this figure makes people impatient!"

"Everyone, this time I have yellow sand ham, but I want to take this bride home, sorry!"

Li Tianyu and others were dumbfounded again and dumbfounded.

Also yellow ham, isn't this and special placement ads, right?

Really have Huang Sha brand ham?

Also, Director Kong Qin, are you sure these people's lines can be broadcast on TV?

These extras will not be free to play, from the heart, right?This is too real!

Mr. Gao Darthead: "Little Six, like everyone announces the rules of the game."

Immediately there was a costume NPC clamoring: "What other rules are announced, just hit it!"

Mr. Gao's head restraint is very good, and the NPC known as Xiaoliu stepped onto the ring.

"Hello everyone, I am ranked sixth among the seniors of Zhenyuan Escort. You can call me the sixth senior, and then I will announce the rules of the game."

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