Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 354: So This Is The Treasure

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ancient costume NPCs, especially those male costume NPCs, were whispering and discussing.

To the effect is the mysterious Mr. X, his hands are too dark and his heart is too cruel.

Even a big beau like Qin Xuetong had the heart to start, and she was so clean and tidy, she was crazy.

The mysterious Mr. X is still in the ring. Who else can challenge him?

There is only Jiang Baiqing.

But Jiang Baiqing obviously didn't mean that.

Brother Six asked three times on the stage, but there was no response from the audience.

Other celebrity guests still did not appear.

Therefore, Senior Brother Six announced: "Congratulations to the mysterious Mr. X for winning the Zhenyuan Escort. The winner of this contest, he will be favored by the daughter of General Gao's Escort!"

Brother Six turned his head and said to Li Tianyu: "Mr. X, do you have any objections? Please tell me if you have objections."

Li Tianyu was startled.

I can't speak, I can't speak even if I have objections!

Senior Brother Six: "It seems that Mr. X has no objections. Alright, please let the bride lift off the red hijab and let the bridegroom official verify the business!"

Everyone craned their necks and looked at the door of the chamber.

They are also very curious about how beautiful this bride is that has caused so many heroes to marry home after breaking their heads.

Of course, it's actually just a punch in the ring.

But this extra person has to be in the play.

There is also the celebrity guests present, of course, more curious than those costume NPCs.

After waiting for so long, I wouldn't be reconciled to seeing how beautiful the second daughter of Gao Zong's family was.

The mysterious Mr. X has a complicated mood.

On the one hand, he certainly knew that the program group could not award him Li Tianyu a beautiful girl.

On the other hand, I really want to see how beautiful the brides are.

Are there any female celebrities such as Qin Xuetong, Dina Xinyi and Jiang Baiqing?

I saw that the second girl with the head of General Gao stood up and slowly lifted the red hijab.

After seeing the girl's face clearly, everyone seemed to suffocate for a few seconds.

That's right, definitely more than five seconds, within ten seconds.

Then, many people screamed, and the scene was out of control.

Li Tianyu, no, the mysterious Mr. X almost fell into a shit in the ring.

It turned out that what was covered by the red hijab was a face of a ladyboy.

What is a ladyboy face?

The face was wide and wide, and with a beard, and it was so dark that it was quite stealthy.

Is this funny?

Does the program group of "The Runner" really play?

Just find a man among the extras and pretend to be a bride.

The key point is that the bride who has changed sex is wearing red lipstick!

Li Tianyu cursed in his heart.

Damn it!

Is there any integrity?

What about beautiful and beautiful flowers?What about the shame of the moon?

Don't even compare it to the top beauties like Qin Xuetong, even if it is compared with Li Tianyu!

Li Tianyu is not the only one who is crazy.

Other male celebrities and guests are also crazy.

Guo Xiaojing and Xiao Zeyan felt a chill when they thought that they had participated in the martial arts contest for this "girl" just now, and had been playing guessing in the ring for a long time.

But there is no way.

After all, the program group "The Runner" has always been known for spoofing.

Guo Xiaojing was not happy anymore, and yelled loudly: "Isn't the second daughter of General Manager Gao Biaotou a beloved beauty? The gap is too big?"

The bride actually scratched her head and got up, squeezing her throat and replied: "I'm the one who loves everyone, and the flowers bloom."

Everyone was frozen to the ground, and even those costumed NPCs really couldn't hold on.

Senior Brother Six chuckled: "The second daughter of Mr. Gao's Baotou is indeed beautiful, and she is ashamed of the moon, but the one to be married is the eldest daughter of Mr. Gao's Baotou.

Everyone suddenly realized that they were so angry they wanted to scold their mother.

At this time, Gao Biao coughed slightly and said solemnly, "Mysterious Mr. X, would you like to marry a little girl?"

Li Tianyu didn't even dare to hesitate, shook his head frantically and waved his hand.

He was really frightened.

Such a move also caused the onlookers to laugh.

Even Qin Xuetong couldn't help but smile.

The mysterious Mr. X is too miserable.

After five levels, cut six generals, finally won the championship of martial arts contest, and finally returned the beauty, but I didn't expect that the bride was not a beauty, but a ladyboy.

Of course, this is just fun.

Of course, the mysterious Mr. X can't really marry a wife.

Even if he wants to marry, the program team won't let him.

Isn't this abducting and selling women?

Of course Mr. Gao Biaotou saw Mr. X shaking his head frantically, and asked: "Then if you don't marry a little girl, do you want to follow me..."

"My son" is of course the son of Mr. Gao, who is sitting next to him.

When Li Tianyu heard this, he was anxious.

Damn it!

It can't be done for the sake of the program effect, right?

So, amid the laughter of everyone, Mr. X shook his head and tail wildly again.

If he hadn't cared about his inability to speak, he would have cursed his mother long ago.

Mr. Gao's performance was quite unhappy. Of course, this was performed according to the script.

"Mr. X, you don't want to marry this, then don't want to, what do you want?"

Li Tianyu was speechless, he couldn't speak, how could he speak?

He couldn't help smiling wryly.

But even with this wry smile, these people can't see it.

At this time, Dina Xinyi raised her hand and said, "Let me help Mr. X translate."

Li Tianyu waved his hand to agree.

Mr. Gao's head nodded slightly: "Well, since Mr. X is inconvenient to speak, let the Dina heroine replace Mr. X."

Therefore, Dina Xinyi replaced the mysterious Mr. X to negotiate with Mr. Gao.

According to the rules, Mr. Gao can provide any information on the "jianghu".

In fact, it is convenient for these celebrities to ask for clues to the treasure chest.

Dina Xinyi is very smart, not just asking about one person's treasure chest, but asking the location of many treasure chests at the same time.

"We want to know the location of the treasure chests of all members of the Chen Ming group."

Jiang Baiqing rolled her eyes and immediately said the names of all the members of the Chen Ming group.

Mr. X, Chen Ming, Tao Box, Dina Xinyi, Jiang Baiqing and Wang Yumai.

Mr. Gao laughed and said, "There are only three of you in Chen Ming's group, so I can only tell you the location of the three treasure chests. As for the other three, they can only ask for their own blessings."

In this case, it should be content.

After all, only Mr. X won, and he immediately exchanged clues to three treasure chests.

The harvest is also quite fruitful.

So Mr. Gao Biaotou sent three letters to the mysterious Mr. X, Dina Xinyi and Jiang Baiqing.

In this letter, there is a clue to his treasure chest.4E Novel

Li Tianyu opened the letter and looked at it. It said Yongshun Dye Fang.

This place is near the entrance of Dibei Water Town, and Li Tianyu is also familiar.

Without a word, he went straight to Yongshun Dyeing Workshop.

Sure enough, several cameras were placed in Yongshun Dyeing Workshop.

According to the usual urine sex of reality show, where there is a camera, there must be a show.

So Li Tianyu began to search in the dyeing workshop.

After searching for more than half an hour, I saw almost every corner.

Li Tianyu finally took out a box from the dyeing pit in the dyeing workshop.

This box is too small to be stuffed in one place, with eight eyes long to find it.

There is indeed a number attached to this box-6.

Treasure Box No. 6, that's right.

Li Tianyu was very curious about what was inside.

Isn't it a real baby?

Will the program team be so kind?Not impossible, it is completely impossible.

When Li Tianyu found those cameras like long guns and short cannons, it seemed that something big would happen.

He quickly opened the treasure chest, and the contents were surprising.

It turned out to be a key, a car key.

And it's still a very cool car key.

Li Tianyu suddenly realized that each number represents a supercar.

Finding the treasure chest means finding the key to a supercar.

Li Tianyu took a closer look and found that this car key is very delicate.

The appearance is a red mini sports car, Ferrari's LOGO.

Li Tianyu knows that this is Ferrari's car key, but he doesn't know much about supercars, and he can't see what Ferrari is.

But just looking at this car key, it is definitely not a Ferrari street car with four or five million yuan soft sister coins.

At this time, a voice rang in my ears.

The sound came from the miniature earphones.

This headset was put on Li Tianyu by the staff when the recording of the show started.

"Mysterious Mr. X, congratulations on getting your car key. Now go to the parking lot of Dibei Water Town and find your own supercar."

Dibei Water Town parking lot?

Isn't that outside the scenic spot?

Li Tianyu was a bit speechless, it seemed that he had to run out of the scenic spot to find a car.

Fortunately, this Yongshun dyeing workshop is not far from the door.

After a while, Li Tianyu came to the parking lot outside the Dibei Water Town scenic spot and saw the area pulled out by the isolation net.

Under the guidance of the staff along the way, Li Tianyu came to an area of ​​the parking lot.

There are a few rows of high-end supercars parked here.

These supercars are colorful and shining in the sun.

It turns out that there are less than 30 supercars, and they are basically borrowed by Li Tianyu for help. It turns out to be used in this link.

At this time, the host's instructions sounded in the headset again.

"Mr. X, please quickly find your supercar, and follow the navigation car to your destination."

Although I know that my car is a Ferrari, I still need to find out which one it is.

Visually, there are at least five or six Ferraris in these rows of supercars, and they are still scattered.

After taking out the car key and trying it out, Li Tianyu finally found the car.

It turned out to be a Ferrari Rafa.

The beautiful Lafayette is a dazzling one.

I don't know who this Rafa belongs to. Anyway, he must be quite rich.

After all, the price of this car alone is more than 20 million yuan in soft sister coins.

In addition to the import tariffs and various handling fees, the total cost after licensing must be at least doubled.

This is about the same grade as the Pagani Son of the Wind at Li Tianyu's house.

Li Tianyu opened the car door and sat in.

Well, it is indeed a Ferrari that pays attention to design. The luxurious atmosphere, sense of technology and refinement of the cabin are stronger, and every detail can be amazing.

No wonder this Rafa is quite expensive, but it can add value.

The car bought for 40 million will rise to 45 million in two years!

This is not a simple car, this is a work of art.

Li Tianyu started the car.

The sound of a large-displacement engine is quite exciting.

However, this pleasant engine sound is mostly simulated by the car audio system.

This is the latest version of Ferrari Rafa.

It uses a hybrid system called HY-KERS, including a 6.3-liter V12 naturally aspirated engine, which can output a maximum power rate of 588 kilowatts.

Is this enough?

Of course not enough.

As a top supercar, it doesn't look good.

There is also an electric motor that independently outputs 120 kilowatts of power, making Rafa's combined source output power up to 708 kilowatts.

Rafa’s acceleration time from 0 to 100 is less than 3 seconds, acceleration from 0 to 200 kilometers per hour is less than 7 seconds, and from 0 to 300 kilometers it takes only 15 seconds, and the top speed can even reach 350 kilometers per hour.

What does this show?

This shows that this Rafa can race with high-speed rail at least at straight-line speed.

The navigation vehicle has reached the exit of the parking lot.

The host’s voice came from the headset again.

"Mr. X, you can go now."

Li Tianyu followed the navigation vehicle out of the parking lot of Dibei Water Town.

I don't know where I am going.

Anyway, Rafa just followed the navigation vehicle on the highway without rush.

It didn't seem to take long, so he turned into a building complex.

Li Tianyu could see that this is a closed racing track.

In the suburbs of the imperial capital, there are quite a few such racetracks, all of which are used to run wild cars for those local tyrants, brothers, and upstarts.

It seems that the "Runner" program group wants to hold a racing competition here.

No wonder the chief director Kong Qin insists on borrowing a supercar.

Reality shows like this, if they are not supercars, it is really hard to get on the stage.

Of course, two or three million supercars are not bad, but the effect of the program will be greatly reduced.

According to the host's instructions, Li Tianyu parked the Ferrari Rafa at the parking space near the starting point.

At this time, all celebrity guests are counted, and the mysterious Mr. X is the first to arrive.

Li Tianyu went to the lounge, drinking juice and coffee, blowing on the air conditioner, and enjoying the good time of No. 1 place.

After waiting for almost twenty minutes, the second and third supercars drove over.

It turns out that Dina Xinyi and Jiang Baiqing have also arrived.

The two of them were also very tyrannical, and they didn't look like women in supercars. They blasted the engine to the sky, very violent.

Then, Deng Yuan, Li Xiao, Chen Ming and other celebrity guests also arrived.

The three people got out of the car and began to fight.

Deng Yuan: "You guys are scared, I am the first to arrive, the strongest person."

Li Xiao: "Don't talk nonsense, obviously I was the first to arrive."

Chen Ming pointed to the three supercars that stopped not far away: "You pull it down, it's clear that someone has gotten aboard first."

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