You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At this first corner, the silver-gray Koenigsegg was overrun by the right ascension-colored Rafa.

The audience invited by the program group also showed surprise and doubts.

How did this happen?

Isn't Zhu Xutao a racing god?

How was it surpassed by that mysterious Mr. X?

Moreover, it seems to be falling further and further.

Compared with the audience off the field, Zhu Xutao on the racing track felt much stronger.

He manipulated the steering wheel, stomping on the accelerator and chasing fiercely, but he did not narrow the distance to the scarlet Rafa.

The operation was as fierce as a tiger, and it was still two hundred and five.

Zhu Xutao really panicked. He couldn't figure out how the crimson Rafa in front managed to rush out in the corner without slowing down, and without any loss of control.

Everything seemed so smooth and silky, just like the old man who was riding a tricycle leisurely in the morning to buy vegetables and turning from the alley.

Impossible, this is called Mr. X, how could there be such a good technique?

No, this kind of cornering technology should one can do it in China.

If it is another top racer, it can be said to be diligent and hard-working, and finally completed the technical achievement, but this mysterious Mr. X is not even an amateur racer!

How did this person do it?

Are other professional racers under the mask?

That's impossible.

The domestic racing circle is very small.

According to Xiao Zeyan's description, this person cannot be a master in the racing circle.

And the top masters in China are basically here.

Even if there are other drivers, they are so busy all day, it is impossible to come here to play the mask.

While Zhu Xutao was pondering the identity of this person fiercely, he was about to reach the second corner.

Zhu Xutao secretly called bad.

Although he can barely keep up with Rafa now, it's not always the case after this corner.

Sure enough, in the second corner, Rafa drew another crimson arc and slid into the straight at an astonishing speed.

Again, there is no sign of slowing down at all.

Wang Minghua, Liu Jin and others have been dumbfounded.

Liu Jin couldn't help asking, "Is it recorded? I want to see how he does it."

Wang Minghua: "This is a show, of course there is. We will go to the director in a while!"

Liu Jin: "This is too powerful. I really haven't seen anyone in China who can do this."

Wang Minghua: "You still have to sit back a little bit, it's easy to crash and kill people."

Shenjin: "I thought the same thing just now, but it's really irritating to see him doing so easily."

Wang Minghua: "Maybe... Maybe he has good skills..."

Although these professional racers didn't want to admit it in their hearts, seeing Mr. X's Rafa gradually left Zhu Xutao's Koenigsegg behind, they had to recognize a fact.

This Mr. X is really not comparable to the top domestic drivers.

At least on this track, I am afraid that no professional driver in the country can run him.

At the same time, other star guests were also very shocked by the current situation.

Deng Yuan: "What's the matter? Mr. X drives Rafa? The red one, am I correct?"

Li Xiao: "Yes, it's Rafa, right now? It's still a lot ahead!"

Chen Ming laughed loudly: "What's the matter? Do you know the true strength of our players?"

At this time, Xiao Zeyan was already in a state of contempt.

What did Zhu Xutao do?

Why are you behind?And it's still a lot behind.

Xiao Zeyan clearly told Zhu Xutao to go all out to abuse food!

Is Zhu Xutao sure that he has not listened to an irony?

Damn it!

Zhu Xutao, this is the rhythm to be moved further and further away!

But Xiao Zeyan was also very clear in his heart that at the current speed of Koenigsegg, Zhu Xutao seemed to have tried his best.

At least it's much faster than playing against Xiao Zeyan.

But even so, the distance between Koenigsegg and Rafah has not narrowed, but has gradually widened.

Xiao Zeyan was already confused. Did Mr. X drive the connection?

Why can he lead the country's top racing driver?

This is simply a fantasy.

I am afraid that even the most bottom-line novelist would not dare to write this way!

At this time, the girls are also staring at the racing monitor screen, on which there are two supercars chasing and running on the track.

Dina Xinyi is very excited: "Look, look, Mr. X is ahead!"

Jiang Baiqing: "Strange, how did he do it? Zhu Xutao is a professional racer, a very top-level one. Could it be Zhu Xutao who released the water? What do you think? Xuetong."

Qin Xuetong observed carefully for a while and shook his head: "Impossible, this kind of speed is on the ground level. Zhu Xutao's start is at least much higher than Xiao Zeyan's race."

Jiang Baiqing turned her head and looked at Qin Xuetong: "Don't you understand racing? Why don't you compete?"

Qin Xuetong lowered his head and took a sip of coffee: "I can watch racing, but it doesn't mean I can race."

Qin Xuetong did watch some racing games on the spot, and he couldn't understand it very well, but he was not a layman.

Her eyesight is still very good.

Since just now, Qin Xuetong has been staring at the Ferrari Rafa forever.

In her eyes, the driver of that car is definitely the top racer in the world.

This made her curious about the mysterious Mr. X.

The man driving Rafa is really Mr. X just now?

Could it be that the "Runner" program group invited several people to play the mysterious Mr. X for more topicality?

In theory, this is very possible.

Mr. X has two settings.

First, wearing a mask makes people invisible.

Second, that is, you cannot speak, so the voice is also hidden.

So many people play Mr. X, and the program team only needs to find a few people of similar body shape, and just get a little training in gait and manners.

Qin Xuetong is an actor and knows that although there are flaws in this, he will not be able to find out if he does not pay attention to observation.

If this is not the case, then this Mr. X actor is too strong.

At the beginning, he was a master of fighting.

Later, he won the championship of martial arts contest with guessing.

Now it is even more exaggerated, the level of racing is actually better than the top professional racers in China.

Is there a limit to being versatile?

In a blink of an eye, Ferrari Rafa has only the last half lap left.

The Koenigsegg driven by Zhu Xutao has just completed a lap.

In other words, Li Tianyu dropped Zhu Xutao a full half circle.

On the racing track, the half-lap gap is quite large, and it is not a contest of drivers of the same grade at all.

The crowds onlookers began to commotion, seemingly unacceptable to the facts before them.

Especially the staff at the racetrack were all panicked.Yoyo Book Union

"What's the matter? Did Zhu Xutao just lose like this?"

"Yes, I thought that Zhu Xutao was underestimating the enemy for a while, and he would catch up later. I didn't expect to lose all the way to the end!"

"Is it a mistake? Isn't it true that Zhu Xutao ran one more lap?"

"How is it possible to run an extra lap, I have been staring at the screen, and if you look at the time, it is impossible to run so fast."

Before the words fell, Ferrari Rafa had stopped at the finish line.

Two laps are completed.

When everyone saw Rafa's final results, they were all confused.

One minute and thirty-eight seconds!

Damn it!

Twenty seconds ahead of the previous track record!

To what extent are such achievements?

There are even people who suspect that the program group is fraudulent.

When the mysterious Mr. X came down from the scarlet Rafa handsomely, everyone forgot to react and was so dumbfounded.

I saw that Mr. X went back to his original seat so self-consciously, ordered another glass of iced juice and drank it.

Qin Xuetong took a closer look at Mr. X, and was surprised to find that he really couldn't see any flaws. He should be the same person as Mr. X before.

After a while, Koenigsegg also reached the end.

It took a long time for Zhu Xutao to get out of the car, and the expression on his face was a bit uncontrollable.

Looking at the time again, I was about ten seconds slower than Mr. X.

Normally, this result is enough to break the track record for the best result, but compared with Mr. X's result...

That is simply horrible.

Xiao Zeyan walked over and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? Did you not try your best?"

Zhu Xutao is now completely embarrassed into anger: "What did not try my best? I didn't try my best when I was playing with you!"

Zhu Xutao's voice was not small, it was almost roaring. The attention of the people around him was originally focused on him, and he could hear more clearly at this time.

Judging from the appearance of Zhu Xutao and Xiao Zeyan, they obviously know each other, and they are also very familiar.

Many people have already guessed in their hearts.

Just now Zhu Xutao obviously released water from Xiao Zeyan, and the amount of water released was still large.

Xiao Zeyan made Zhu Xutao tough the mysterious Mr. X, but he was abused by the mysterious Mr. X instead.

To be honest, these are all easy to guess, and they are indispensable.

At this time, Kong Qin also sensitively caught the big gimmick and immediately asked the host to conduct a brief interview.

The people interviewed were Zhu Xutao and Xiao Zeyan.

As for Mr. X, because his mouth was sealed, he couldn't even interview him.

Kong Qin couldn't help regretting a little.

She did not expect Li Tianyu to be such a genius who knows everything, knows everything, and kills all the top domestic racers on the racing track.

The strength is too tyrannical.

It is conceivable that once this issue of "The Runner" is broadcast, it will cause a sensation.

Maybe the mysterious Mr. X will become a celebrity.

Therefore, the host first called Zhu Xutao to the camera and began to inquire about his thoughts.

Moderator: "As one of the great gods in the domestic racing industry, I actually lag behind. Is the water released?"

This question is actually very easy to answer, but also very difficult to answer.

Xiao Zeyan winked at Zhu Xutao on the other side, which meant that he said that he was releasing water for Mr. X.

But Zhu Xutao is really hard to tell.

It's not just laymen who have racing circles here, as long as anyone who has watched some racing games knows that Zhu Xutao has performed quite well.

The key is that Wang Minghua, Liu Jin and other racing masters are on the scene. Zhu Xutao can't be so shameless and can't lie so obviously, right?

Zhu Xutao also has a bottom line.

Therefore, Zhu Xutao hesitated for a while, still replied: "I, I did not release the water, I am doing my best."

The people around were shocked when they heard it.

Isn't it too weird to lose to an ordinary person when a professional racer is playing at his best?

Of course, domestic racing gods including Wang Minghua and Liu Jin have no objection to Zhu Xutao's answer.

Regardless of whether it is from Zhu Xutao's speed or final results, even if he participates in a domestic car race, regardless of the track status, he can probably get the top three results.

Everyone looked at Mr. X.

This person became more and more mysterious.

Moderator: "Then how do you evaluate Mr. X's performance? How many points would you give him?"

Zhu Xutao glanced at Xiao Zeyan and then at Li Tianyu: "Mr. X's performance is impeccable. Although I may say that is a bit exaggerated, his racing strength is probably at the top level in China."

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of exclamation.

"Oh, so awesome?"

"Awesome, but is this evaluation a bit high?"

Such an evaluation is not generally high.

But in fact, Zhu Xutao's evaluation is still somewhat conservative.

Li Tianyu's current level of racing, even in the international arena, is a good player.

So how does Zhu Xutao plan to score?

He gave Xiao Zeyan ninety points, how many points did he give to Mr. X?

Zhu Xutao sighed: "I don't think I am qualified to rate Mr. X. If I have to rate it, it can only be 120 points."

More than one hundred points, one hundred and twenty points?

Everyone was frantic again.

Even the host was stunned.

Should this score be written on the whiteboard?

Kong Qin told the host through the headset: "Write it on the whiteboard, and write it bigger."

So, on the whiteboard, behind the name of "Mr. X", the number "120" was written clearly and eye-catchingly.

The host began to interview Xiao Zeyan again.

At this time, Xiao Zeyan's fans were silent.

This is more abnormal.

Under normal circumstances, as long as Xiao Zeyan's matters are involved, these fans will only scream and cheer.

Xiao Zeyan didn't know what to do.

Even if he was an actor, he didn't know.

Moderator: "How do you evaluate Mr. X?"

Xiao Zeyan: "I, I think he performed very well, very powerfully."

Moderator: "Compared with your performance, do you think you lost to him?"

Xiao Zeyan should give an affirmative answer if he is wise enough, but at this time his emotional management is not very good, and his face suddenly becomes cold.

"I think we all played well, I didn't think we would lose to anyone."

Xiao Zeyan's remarks caused another whisper.

"Xiao Ze said he can't afford to lose, right?"

"That's right, obviously Mr. X is much better."

"What a cow! It was clear that Zhu Xutao gave him water just now."

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