You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Before, Yang An told Li Tianyu that Ai Heping was taken by Zhang Qianshan to "visit" a super luxury cruise ship.

It's not an ordinary cruise ship, it's actually a super luxurious maritime casino.

Of course, Li Tianyu had never seen a luxury sea casino, so he simply took advantage of this opportunity to take a good turn.

This can be regarded as a public report for private... No, it is for private use, right?

Li Tianyu had taken a speedboat before, but it was a bit too fast.

Especially when the sea is relatively strong today, the speedboat will start to fly if it drives faster.

If it weren't for Li Tianyu's good physique, he would probably vomit.

Looking at classmate Wang Xiaoxiao, his face was pale, as if he was really approaching the tipping point.

Yang An is okay, he is indeed a tough guy, his face does not change, his heart does not beat, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with him.

Fortunately, the speedboat did not travel for too long.

More than half an hour later, Li Tianyu saw a ship floating on the sea from a distance.

The ship is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole outline can be seen soon.

It was a super huge cruise ship, and visually, it had five cabins.

Li Tianyu has never been on a cruise ship, but the one in front of him should be quite big.

Li Tianyu: "Wang Xiaoxiao, do you know which ship this is?"

Wang Xiaoxiao took a few glances and seemed to be recognizing the English words written on the sideboard of the cruise ship. Suddenly she seemed to have thought of something: "I see, it's the Saint Lawrence."

Li Tianyu asked indifferently: "What does this ship do?"

Wang Xiaoxiao: "I heard... Mr. Li, I also heard that although this ship is also engaged in tourist business, it is actually mainly engaged in casinos, so the people who can board this ship are either rich or expensive. People with money, and only those who are invited, will be invited to board the ship. Ordinary people cannot buy tickets."

Wang Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and said: "The owner of the St. Lawrence is a very large company in the United States. I don't know which company it is, but I heard it has a background."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Why are Tyrande people working for them?"

Wang Xiaoxiao shook his head, expressing that he was unclear.

Yang An said in a low voice: "Maybe behind this ship, Tyrande's capital is also involved, so the St. Lawrence often operates in Southeast Asia."

Li Tianyu pondered, Yang An's words made sense.

In any case, Li Tianyu didn't want to make things too complicated.

Rescue Ai Heping alive is the only goal.

Of course, it is ideal if it is intact.

After a while, the speedboat had already reached the front of the St. Lawrence.

Through the boarding ladder, Li Tianyu, Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao boarded the deck of the cruise ship.

This cruise ship is very magnificent when you look up close. When it comes on board, it looks like it's on a small island, which is quite exaggerated.

On the deck, there are many people who look like nobles and high-class people in their outfits.

Many of them were holding wine glasses, chatting with the sea breeze in twos and threes.

Others cast curious glances at Li Tianyu and the others.

Li Tianyu walked in through a cabin door under the guidance of Awenchai waiting for Tyrande's little brother, then took the elevator up again, and then walked to a door.

Unlike ordinary hatches, this is a double-opening door, and it looks like an electric door.

Awen guess pressed the button device next to the door, and a sound came from inside.

It’s in Thai, with the following meaning:

"what's up?"

Awen guess: "Boss, he is here."

The other party did not speak any more.

After a few seconds, with a "swish" sound, the door opened to both sides as expected.

Li Tianyu walked in first, with his head held up and his toes puffed up, with great momentum.

Wang Xiaoxiao really admires Li Tianyu a little now.

In this case, it is very difficult for ordinary people to pretend this look.

This is too courageous.

In fact, Li Tianyu really doesn't have that courage now, but he has something to rely on.

First, Li Tianyu is skilled, and he can easily kill ordinary people in fighting and physical functions. Unless he encounters top masters or firearms, he is not afraid of these people.

What's more, there are former special forces like Yang An who oppose the formation, not alone.

Second, Li Tianyu is the host of the bragging tax system. If necessary, he can gain abilities by bragging at any time, which gives him a lot of hole cards.

What's more, Li Tianyu also has the skills of a "Master of Situation".

Know yourself and the enemy, never slack in every battle.

As long as the opponent's big boss gives Li Tianyu a chance to shake hands, then he can grasp the opponent's thoughts.

Even if the big problem cannot be solved, it is still safe to minimize the risk in time.

When Li Tianyu, Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao walked in, they realized that the place was simply too spacious.

It is no problem to say that this is a ballroom.

Of course, this is actually a reception room, or a cabin dedicated to private dinners and banquets.

The overall decoration is quite gorgeous, a bit like an oversized entertainment room in a high-end club.

On one side, there is a group of luxurious sofas, the kind that surrounds them in a circle.

On the sofa, there was a man sitting with big thorns.

This person has darker skin and a black beard, and looks like a typical Tyrande.

Although sitting, he doesn't seem tall.

On the contrary, the overall development is horizontal, but it is not stupid, it is the kind of short and strong body.

This person just watched Li Tianyu and the others come in, smiling, and didn't seem to put the other person in his eyes.

But when Li Tianyu walked up to the sofa, the short and sturdy Tyrande still stood up.

"Hello friend."

This Tyrandeman spoke a sentence in Chinese, but he was rather awkward, and he might have two words like this.

Li Tianyu simply responded in Chinese: "Hello, I am Li Tianyu."

With that said, Li Tianyu proactively stretched out his hand.

He must shake this hand with this person, otherwise it would be a vain trip.

The other party wasn't so shameless, and directly shook Li Tianyu twice.

The time is short, but for Li Tianyu, it is enough.

He has mastered the basic information of this person.

This person's name is Zalempong Basong.

Like Europe and the United States, first name and last name.

The name sounds strange, but it has Tyrande characteristics.

Ba Song pointed towards the sofa, and Li Tianyu understood that this meant for a few people to sit down.

Obviously, Ba Song didn't know how to say "sit down" in Chinese.

Li Tianyu motioned to Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao to sit down.

"Flap! Pop! Pop!"

Bassoon slapped a few chins, and someone immediately pushed a dining car.591 read novel network

How is this the same as in the movie and TV series?

Does this kid watch movies often?

However, if according to his identity, there is such a big spectrum, it is indeed reasonable.

Then, the previous Awen guess came in.

It is estimated to be a translator.

However, the Chinese that Awen guessed is actually very urgent, and some basic conversations will be learned over and over again. Ba Song is really inhuman.

Therefore, Ba Song just said a few polite words through Awen's guess, and Li Tianyu waved his hand directly.

"Mr. Bassong, we don't have to go around in circles. Let's talk straight to the point, right?"

These words of Li Tianyu were spoken in Thai.

Everyone, including Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao, was shocked.

Even people who don't speak Thai can almost hear it, but the Thai language shouldn't be too fluent.

The feelings of Basong, Awenchai and others are much deeper.

Li Tianyu is a "linguistic expert" level figure, and Thai is close to his native language.

Don’t be too standard in pronunciation, words, and grammar!

It's just like what the Tyrande people said.

Of course, Thai is actually very strange to the people of Central Plains, and it doesn't sound very good.

The expression on Ba Song's face changed, and he finally laughed: "It turns out that Mr. Li speaks Thai so well, so things are easy."

Wang Xiaoxiao looked at Li Tianyu again.

When he was in the hotel lobby, Li Tianyu said he could speak Thai, but he didn't expect it to be true.

And it's so good and so casual, it's simply too powerful.

At this moment, Li Tianyu nodded: "Mr. Ba Song, is he okay with Mr. Ai Heping?"

Ba Song still squinted and smiled, but it seemed a bit like a smiling tiger: "Okay, of course, don't worry, I won't be hungry for him, how can I be a VIP."

When Li Tianyu shook hands just now, he actually knew it a long time ago.

Ai Heping is living well, can't be hungry, can't freeze, Ba Song at least didn't tell lies.

But you still have to take a look.

Li Tianyu: "Then can I see him?"

Bassoon: "Don't worry, you are coming from afar, should you drink something first?"

The things Basong greeted were nothing more than juice, coffee, various fruit platter and small pastries.

Well, there is actually Chinese tea.

Ba Song: "I heard that you people in the Central Plains like to drink tea. This is specially prepared for you."

Li Tianyu laughed, took a glass of ice juice and took a sip: "Mr. Ba Song, you seem to have a misunderstanding about the people of Central Plains."

Ba Song also laughed, but he felt invisible to this man named Li Tianyu.

It's no wonder that Ba Song originally thought that this person was sent by Aihua Real Estate to negotiate, but he unexpectedly came to a person who looked a little difficult.

In the casino on board, Bassoon has a quarter of the shares.

In Southeast Asia, Bassoon is quite the CEO of casinos.

In fact, Ba Song was "swinged" by Ai Heping.

Ba Song buckled Ai Heping on the cruise ship and asked him to call the person who rescued him. He wanted to inform Ai Heping’s Lao Tzu.

But what I didn't expect was that Ai Heping didn't call Ai Heping, but Li Tianyu.

This is nothing. What's more terrible is that Ai Heping has not let Li Tianyu and Yang An tell Ai Baoquan.

Why does Ai Heping do this?

Currently only he knows.

However, Li Tianyu now knows what Ba Song is thinking. Ai Heping's move is wise, no matter whether it is a fool or a deep meaning.

Why was Ai Heping detained?

As expected by Li Tianyu before, the reason why Ai Heping was detained was not just because he owed a lot of gambling money.

Of course, this guy did owe a lot of money.

After betting for one day and one night, winning first and then losing, in the end I owed the casino 30 million U.S. dollars, close to 300 million with the soft sister coin.

But just owing money is not terrible for Ai Heping, it is nothing more than being beaten up by Ai Baoquan.

My son, what else?

The most deadly thing is that Ai Heping still played handsome in public after losing money, ruining the heirloom of this buddy Ba Song.

The scene at that time can be imagined.

The people in the casino forced him out of gambling money.

Ai Heping got used to it in the country, grabbed a thing and threw it away.

The thing that happened to be thrown was the heirloom.

You have to ask, why are heirlooms placed in such obvious places?

Then you have to ask Master Ba Song!

Quite bizarre to say, the heirloom of the Ba Song family is actually a Chinese gadget.

Of course, it is a valuable antique.

In truth, heirlooms are invaluable.

If it is broken by someone, then they can't pay too much.

But what Bassong wanted was indeed too much.

He asked Aihua Real Estate Group to transfer all the assets in Southeast Asia to the company of the Bassoon family.

You know, Aihua Real Estate's overall share in Southeast Asia is not high, but it also has many high-quality assets.

Countries including Tyrande, Singapore and Malaysia all have projects in residential areas, commercial plazas and office buildings.

More importantly, Ai Baoquan has always wanted to open up the Southeast Asian market and worked hard for it for nearly ten years. If you throw these industries to others, all these years of hard work will be in vain, and the loss is not a matter of hundreds of millions of soft coins. Up.

Li Tianyu estimated that although Ai Heping usually messed around a lot, his mind was still very clear at the critical moment, so he didn't want to know Ai Baoquan about it, but directly approached Li Tianyu to see if he could be rescued by Li Tianyu.

No wonder Ai Heping pinned all his hopes on Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu does give people a very evil feeling in many cases. Since he got involved with the Ai family, neither Ai Baoquan nor Ai Heping have seen any problems that can make Li Tianyu rare.

Anything, yes, everything can be solved perfectly.

However, for Li Tianyu, this matter is also a little bit tricky. He can only take one step at a time and see what happens.

If it doesn't work, you will save people forcibly.

But that was just the next step. The Zalempong Basong in front of him, but a distant relative of a prince of Tyrande, would also manage the relationship himself. In Tyrande, and even in Southeast Asia, he was very powerful.

Li Tianyu pondered it for a while. Instead of going around with this guy, it's better to start a chat.

If you can solve the problem the best, if you can't solve the problem, create conditions to solve the problem.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu spoke again: "Mr. Ba Song, can you let me take a look at your heirloom that was ruined by Ai Heping?"

When everyone heard it, their jaws were about to fall to the ground.

Yang An and Wang Xiaoxiao didn't know about family heirlooms, they were kept in the dark.

As for Ba Song, it is impossible for the person in front of him to know the ins and outs.

When Ai Heping called for help, Basong forbade him to talk about it.

This is also one of the hole cards.

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