Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 385 The Island Owner Has Returned To China

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Fu Jiaming wanted to speak but stopped.

He couldn't help but glance at Qi Anna.

This time, in front of Zianna, she lost a big face.

Fu Jiaming has been pursuing Qi Anna, and invited her over this time just to please her.

As long as the Fu Shi Real Estate Group takes down this Prince Island, it will have an infinite glory and will surely detonate the real estate investment community.

The Fushi Real Estate Group's popularity will increase greatly whether it is in China or abroad.

At that time, I am not afraid that Qi Anna will look down on him, Fu Jiaming.

Of course, this is only Fu Jiaming's wishful thinking.

Qi Anna's family background is also very prominent, if you really want to choose a boyfriend, it is definitely not the family background.

More important is character and temperament.

Of course, ability is also very important.

Fu Jiaming is also considered top-notch among the people Qi Anna knows, and the parents of both parties seem to have deliberately promoted the two of them to fall in love or get married.

But Qi Anna always doesn't catch a cold to Fu Jiaming, and feels that his temperament is always frizzy.

Originally, she thought this was because Fu Jiaming was relatively young, and as she got older, she would definitely become more mature.

But after witnessing Li Tianyu's contingency method just now, he discovered that temperament seems to be innate.

This time, Qianna opened her eyes.

The gap between Fu Jiaming and that Li Tianyu was too great.

It is simply that a child wants to challenge the authority of an adult, and finally gets scolded indecently.

Qi Anna did not expect that there are such outstanding young people.

The catamaran small yacht started up and slowly left the small pier of Prince Island.

At the same time, the outstanding young man Li Tianyu found a water house and sat in it with Wang Xiaoxiao and Songpa chatting.

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Mr. Li, you, did you really buy this place?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "That's true, so I rushed over to the island to take a look. It was better than I thought."

Wang Xiaoxiao was stunned and dumbfounded, unable to speak for a while.

Didn't Li Tianyu even watch it before buying the island!?

What is this operation?It's too showy!

This is not about buying lottery tickets, nor simply buying a house.

This is buying an island!

An exotic island worth 130 million U.S. dollars!

The fight between Li Tianyu and the Fu family just now was not in English, let alone Thai, so Songpa was still in the dark.

At this time, after Wang Xiaoxiao's explanation, he understood.

Songpa looked surprised, and said hesitantly: "Li, Mr. Li, so, Prince Island is yours now?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, although I haven't received the certificate yet, the procedures for purchasing the island have basically been completed. This Prince's Island will be in my name in the future."

Songpa didn't know how to express it anymore. In short, he felt that he was a super rich man.

Li Tianyu suddenly thought of something and said to Songpa, "By the way, do you have other jobs besides this speedboat?"

Songpa shook his head: "No, as I said before, I bought this speedboat with a loan. To tell you the truth, it's pretty hard."

Li Tianyu pondered for a moment and said, "Songpa, how about following me?"

Songpa was startled: "With you? What are you doing?"

Li Tianyu pointed to the surrounding environment: "Look at this island, it is so beautiful, I want to find a few people to help me guard it, so as not to have any problems before the overall development."

What Li Tianyu worries most is that some people who are ill-intentioned have deliberately ran to Prince Island to do damage.

In addition, the coral areas around Prince Island are also at considerable risk.

This coral area is basically live coral, which is equivalent to a huge treasure house and is one of the signatures of Prince Island.

Once it is destroyed, it is quite a very embarrassing thing.

The key is that although Li Tianyu can rely on the bragging tax system to develop Prince Island, just like the previous hotel in Dibei Water Town.

But the current situation is that, judging from Li Tianyu's current system level and tax limit, there is no way to develop this island.

So Li Tianyu can only wait until the system is upgraded.

The problem comes again.

When can the system be upgraded?

Upgrading to the next level requires enough reputation points, and Li Tianyu still hasn't earned a bit now.

The system upgrade is a bit remote in the future.

Now I can only wait.

Before the system was upgraded, Li Tianyu had to find someone to help him guard.

Of course, these people must be extremely reliable.

As for Songpa and the buddy who came with him, Li Tianyu had already screened out when they shook hands. The two are absolutely reliable.

Li Tianyu was not afraid that Songpa would disagree, because the two people would definitely not refuse the treatment he gave.

Because that is twice the usual income of the two.

Sure enough, when Li Tianyu said the amount of salary, Songpa agreed without hesitation, with excitement on his face.

Such salary, whether in Phuket or Bangkok, is a high salary.

The boss is simply too generous, and he will lose his life if he doesn't promise.

Li Tianyu: "Where is your companion? Would you like to ask his opinion?"

Songpa’s companion is still on the speedboat.

Songpa: "Mr. Lee, no, that's my brother, he listens to me."

Such a condition, as long as it is not stupid, the buddy will be happy from ear to ear.

How to guard this Prince's Island, specific matters can be discussed later.

After eating something and drinking some water, Li Tianyu and the two went around the island for a while before returning to the speedboat.

Now that the weather is not early, it is time to go back to Phuket.

However, at this moment, the sky was overwhelmingly dark and gloomy, as if a storm was about to strike.

The weather in Southeast Asia really changes when it changes.

Although it is almost November now, and Tyrande’s rainy season has passed, the weather is still good and bad.

Songpa was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Li, Ms. Wang, it seems that we can't go back for the time being, otherwise there will be danger."

Li Tianyu nodded: "It doesn't matter, then wait, safety first."

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Yes, anyway, there is everything to eat and drink on the boat. It doesn't matter if you stay for another night."

Soongpa was relieved.

Although Tiangong is not beautiful, it can be regarded as his negligence. No one who floats on the sea all the year round can't watch the weather.

Songpa said to Li Tianyu and Wang Xiaoxiao that he didn't know when the storm would pass. Even if it passed, it might be too late. The storm will not be small.

Anyway, Songpa means that most of the time I can't go back to Phuket today.

In fact, Li Tianyu really didn't think it mattered.

The scenery and environment of this Prince's Island are so superb, and staying for a while is also a very pleasant thing.

What's more, this island is his asset under Li Tianyu's name.

Li Tianyu pondered for a while and said, "If this is the case, I will go to the island again."

Wang Xiaoxiao was startled: "Mr. Li, what are you doing on the island? What should I do if it rains for a while?"

Li Tianyu: "I think those water houses are pretty good, and see if there are any particularly good ones that can live in. I am going to live in the water houses for one night, which can be regarded as an experience of islander life."

Wang Xiao laughed, and suddenly felt very reasonable.

In tourist resorts such as Maldives and Semporna, the water house is quite a special project.14 Novel Network

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Or, I'll help you see it too?"

Li Tianyu: "Huh? Are you going too?"

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Mr. Li, this is my duty."

Wang Xiaoxiao is a cadre in the Southeast Asia branch. He has multiple roles. He is not only the maintenance supervisor of private jets, but also the reception of important group headquarters executives.

It is indeed Wang Xiaoxiao's responsibility to help Li Tianyu arrange daily life.

Li Tianyu nodded and agreed.

It is quite comfortable to have a beautiful woman helping herself.

Songpa said that even in stormy weather, there are no safety issues on this island.

So you can rest assured.

Li Tianyu and Wang Xiaoxiao packed some food, water, and some small wine in one backpack, then left the speedboat and boarded Prince Island.

After walking for ten minutes, I came to the area of ​​the water house.

The former islanders built water houses here for a reason.

This area happens to be in a place similar to a small bay, surrounded by mountains and rivers, the terrain is flat, and the sea breeze is relatively gentle compared to other places.

Li Tianyu and Wang Xiaoxiao found a tall water house that looked quite intact and climbed up.

The area of ​​this water house is really not small. It has two bedrooms and one living room, and it even has toilets.

Of course, the toilet is relatively simple.

Because this is the seaside, there is no dust, so it is terribly clean inside, and there is no musty smell of wood.

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "The conditions here are pretty good. Will this wooden house belong to the village chief?"

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Mr. Li, you are quite humorous."

Li Tianyu joked: "Where is this, you will find that I have many advantages."

If this was from another man, Wang Xiaoxiao would definitely think it was bragging.

But now, I can only say that Li Tianyu is still telling the truth, even speaking conservatively.

Very powerful big man, Wang Xiao laughed a lot, but it was truly unique that he was so young like Li Tianyu who was like a general.

To describe Li Tianyu as "one-of-a-kind talent", that's a bit obsolete.

After a simple cleanup, the two of them laid a mat on the terrace of the water house and sat down to chat and drink wine.

The storm is coming.

He fell into the ground.

Fortunately, there are sheds on this terrace, which can shelter from wind and rain.

The sea breeze coming in is not too big, it is very comfortable to blow on the face.

After a while, the storm stopped.

Stars appeared in the sky.

It's not dark yet!

Wang Xiaoxiao: "Wow, President Li, look, how close the stars are, it seems that they can be reached!"

The stars are indeed beautiful.

But Li Tianyu seems to be more interested in beauties within reach.

Li Tianyu: "Come on, let's enjoy the stars while drinking."

The two drank a local bottled cocktail from Tyrande.

To be honest, it was very refreshing and it was nothing at the beginning, and then I could feel that this cocktail is really a cocktail.

Well, there is stamina.

Both of them felt slightly drunk while drinking.

Then the two began to count the stars happily.

I have been counting for two or three hours.

The next day, the weather was fine and the sun was shining brightly.

The speedboat finally set off again and left Prince Island.

Two hours later, he returned to Phuket smoothly.

It is said that Ai Heping played crazy all night last night and was still asleep at noon.

Li Tianyu just pulled this kid up.

Why is it so urgent?

Because Ai Baoquan and Zhao Ya arrived in Pattaya.

A few people flew from Phuket to Pattaya in the afternoon and joined the Ai Baoquan couple.

The meeting place is still the very magnificent Pattaya Ocean Center Hotel.

When Ai Baoquan and Zhao Ya saw Li Tianyu, they were thankful.

Zhao Ya: "Tianyu, there is no girl in my family. If there is a girl, I will definitely let her marry you."

Li Tianyu couldn't laugh or cry: "Aunt Ya, don't bury me, how can I be worthy of your two daughters?"

Zhao Ya glanced at Li Tianyu with an angry look: "Look at what scared you, we don't have a daughter."

Li Tianyu smiled embarrassedly.

Zhao Ya: "Tianyu, Daen doesn't say thank you, we are not outsiders, thank you again when we return to China."

Although Zhao Ya now says "Thank you for great grace", she had already thanked Li Tianyu many times when we first met.

Quite interesting.

Li Tianyu grinned: "Aunt Ya, all right, you and Uncle Baoquan will just buy me a meal."

Ai Baoquan laughed loudly: "Brother, you are so easy to deal with."

Since then, Li Tianyu's task has been completed.

As for how Ai Baoquan and Master Ba Song are going to talk?What to talk about?What agreement can be reached?Li Tianyu has no interest in knowing.

He is not a vagrant now.

After all, there are several companies under his name, and Li Tianyu has to go back and have a look, so as not to get caught up in time.

Especially the light blue electronics side.

Since the last time I talked with Lu Hui, nothing has been heard.

I don't know how the sample machine is doing.

There are also hotels.

It should be in the stage of trial operation.

Don't know what's going on?

Although Li Tianyu is an out-and-out treasurer, he still cares a lot.

After all, these industries are his cash cow.

So Li Tianyu bought the ticket and returned home happily.

After returning to the 101st floor apartment of Yunmengzhizun, Li Tianyu had a good rest for a day, and then went to the hotel in Dibei Water Town-Tianyu Palace.

When he drove the car and entered the Dibei Water Town from the freight channel, and drove all the way to the door of Tianyu Palace, he was immediately shocked by the sight in front of him.

I saw that the small parking lot in front of the hotel was full of all kinds of vehicles.

There are sedans, SUVs, and more business cars with seven to ten seats.

Li Tianyu’s Porsche Cayenne could not find a place to park at all.

No way, Li Tianyu had to drive to the backyard of the hotel.

It stands to reason that there is an internal parking lot, and there should be a place for parking now.

Unexpectedly, before driving in, a security guard greeted him at the door.

"Sir, sorry, there is no parking space inside."

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