You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In fact, Gao Changmin's visit this time was also a temporary motive.

Dibei Water Town has been in business for several years, but none of Gao Changmin's family has been here.

I heard that this scenic spot is good, so I want to come and have a look today.

Just before, I heard from my sister Gao Yuhui that Liu Fushun worked in a hotel in Dibei Water Town, so I thought about taking a look together.

While Liu Fushun was buying tickets for a few people, Gao Changmin's family began to have boring conversations again.

Son Gao Yiming: "Dad, aren't we here to play? What hotel to see."

Father Gao Changmin: "Did you not listen to your aunt? Your uncle is now working in a big hotel. The conditions and treatment are very good. Don't you want to see it?"

Mother Zhao Minghua: "Yes, if it is really a good hotel like your aunt said, you can still work here!"

Gao Yiming was indeed a little tempted when he heard it.

Although it’s not bad to be an otaku now, I usually just eat, drink and play games and live a happy life, but I can’t live like this forever, right?

The key point is that Gao Yiming has seen several people. He had a good talk, but when he heard that Gao Yiming was an unemployed vagrant, he was still squatting in college at home, and he was all scared away.

If it is really a good hotel and the salary is satisfactory, then it would be nice to go to work.

However, Gao Yiming didn't believe in what a good hotel his uncle could work in.

Anyway, it's here, just go take a look, Gao Yiming thought so.

Gao Yuhui, who was next to him, didn't sound like it.

On the one hand, Liu Fushun is her husband.

Gao Yuhui is naturally unhappy when others say his is not.

But Gao Changmin is her younger brother, and he understands his temper. Since he was used to growing up, he naturally can only endure it and even laugh.

But then again.

Liu Fushun always "bragged" at home, saying how good the hotel she works, how well-paid, and the boss's character is very good, but she has never been here as a wife.

Every time Gao Yuhui asked to come and have a look, Liu Fushun said that it was working hours, which hindered work and was inappropriate.

Although Gao Yuhui understands her husband, under normal circumstances, he will not brag, but she still has no bottom, because she is afraid that her husband is saying those things to fight for his brother Gao Changmin.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, it is really not very reliable.

The place used to be a clearing, and Liu Fushun was watching the gate there.

After only a few months, how come a hotel was built?

Liu Fushun also became the deputy captain of the security team in the hotel.

This is like a fairy tale.

Gao Yuhui is really wrong the more she thinks about it.

After Liu Fushun bought the tickets, several people entered the scenic spot through the entrance commercial hall.

Along the way, Gao Changmin's family was chatting and laughing.

Gao Changmin: "This scenic spot is pretty good. It's done in a decent way. It seems to be that, what ancient town?"

Gao Yiming: "Dad, that's Wuzhen."

Gao Changmin: "Yes, Wuzhen, I heard people say it is very good."

Gao Yiming: "Wuzhen is much better than here. It was built in history. It was built later. The gap is too big and the commercial flavor here is too strong."

In fact, Gao Yiming has never been to Wuzhen, a famous southern town.

Let's not say whether Gao Yiming is right or not, he talks so freely, completely using the experience of being a fan and keyboard man on the Internet.

The foundation is quite solid.

Zhao Minghua: "My son knows a lot."

Liu Fushun rolled his eyes.

What is this?

The old Gaojia sells melons, boasting.

Gao Yuhui caught up with Liu Fushun, who was walking in the front, and asked in a low voice, "Old Liu, how far is the hotel you work from here?"

Liu Fushun pointed in a direction diagonally: "I'll be here soon."

Gao Yuhui: "You tell me the truth, how is your working place?"

Liu Fushun glanced at Gao Yuhui: "How about what?"

Gao Yuhui was a little anxious: "Is the hotel really as good as you said!?"

Liu Fushun raised his eyebrows: "What do you mean? Why did I lie to you?"

Gao Yuhui: "Really so good?"

Liu Fushun: "Oh, what are you trying to say! You will know if you go and see!?"

Seeing Liu Fushun's appearance, it didn't seem like she was talking big, Gao Yuhui relaxed a little.

As the saying goes, don't fight for steamed bread, fight for breath.

She didn't want to lose face in front of her sister-in-law.

Zhao Minghua's sense of superiority has always been quite high.

The conditions of their family are average, but they always look down on Liu Fushun's family, and they all say their family is shabby.

No matter how good Gao Yuhui's temper is, she is not happy.

Several people led by Liu Fushun to the hotel street.

The Gao Changmin family gradually became silent.

Passing by one or two hotels, just looking at the facade, you can see that they are all very high-end hotels.

Gao Changmin whispered: "This working environment is okay, maybe Lao Liu really works in a luxury hotel."

Zhao Minghua curled his lips: "Do you think it is possible?"

Before Gao Changmin spoke, his son Gao Yiming rushed to answer: "It's impossible. It is estimated that the further you go, the lower the grade of the hotel."

Gao Changmin thinks deeply: "That's possible. A street can't be all high-end hotels, there must be low-end and cheap ones."

Liu Fushun walked in front, not far away, he had already heard what his brother-in-law Gao Changmin's family was saying.

He chuckled twice and did not speak.

Soon, a few people came to Tianyu Palace Hotel.

Liu Fushun stopped.

Gao Changmin: "Brother-in-law, why aren't you leaving?"

Zhao Minghua: "Is my brother-in-law tired?"

Liu Fushun pointed to the facade: "Here, that's it."

"What, what!?"

"No way!"

"Uncle, did you read it wrong? How could it be here!?"

Not to mention Gao Changmin's family, even Liu Fushun's wife Gao Yuhui looked at the lavish facade of Tianyu Palace in disbelief.

At this time, the small parking lot in front was full of cars, many of which were also luxury cars of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi brands.

There are still many cars waiting in line, waiting for other cars to leave, so that they can stop.

A busy and prosperous scene at the door.

This is nothing. The key is that the facade of this hotel is too high-end. The large automatic doors will open automatically when visitors enter and exit from time to time.

From the outside, you can see the high-end, atmospheric and high-end hotel lobby.

Gao Changmin couldn't help asking again: "Brother-in-law, is this really this place? This, this hotel is really awesome!"

Liu Fushun chuckled, without saying a word, but beckoned to a security guard at the door who was maintaining order.

"Xiaoliang, you have worked hard." Zero Zero Bookstore

The young security guard named Xiaoliang immediately shouted with a smile: "Yo, Uncle Liu, didn't you ask for leave?"

Liu Fushun: "I'll receive some relatives, all right, you are busy with you."

Xiao Liang: "Okay! It's hot outside, sit inside!"

Liu Fushun agreed, and took his wife and brother-in-law's family to the hotel.

As soon as he walked in, Gao Changmin's family was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. They looked around and looked around, and their eyes were not enough.

Liu Fushun took them to the rest area again, then went to the front desk, planning to ask for a few bottles of water.

At this time, Gao Yiming couldn't help it: "I, I want to work here."

Gao Changmin looked at the fish in the stream below: "Yeah, there are still small fish in this water."

Zhao Minghua: "My son is talking, you patronize and watch the fish!"

Gao Changmin said "Oh", and immediately turned to his sister Gao Yuhui and said, "Sister, please talk to your brother-in-law and find a job here for Yiming."

Zhao Minghua immediately replied: "Yes, right, right, find a better position, and don't have to give too much money, just over 10,000 points."

Just listen to Gao Yiming mumble: "Ten thousand is too little, it's not enough for life..."

Gao Yuhui thought it was funny, you have to make conditions.

It is not easy to work in such a luxurious hotel.

If you are really a good talent, that's okay. If you are just a vagrant, it would be nice to be able to come in. How can you ask for it?

Gao Yuhui didn't expect her husband Liu Fushun to actually work in such a proud hotel.

Even as a security guard, it's worth it!

Gao Yuhui really had a feeling of exultation.

But on the surface, Gao Yuhui still said: "Yeah, I can't guarantee this. Please ask my old Liu later."

While talking, Liu Fushun came back with a few bottles of mineral water.

One bottle in hand, the distribution is complete.

Gao Yuhui said, "Lao Liu, are there still people recruiting at the hotel?"

Liu Fushun was startled: "What are you doing?"

Gao Yuhui cast a look at Liu Fushun: "What are you talking about?"

Liu Fushun certainly understands that it must be Gao Yiming who wants to work here.

Liu Fushun was a little embarrassed.

He has a bit of face in the hotel. If he really wants to talk about it, he should be able to arrange a position.

But Liu Fushun really didn't want this kid to come over.

If it's okay to be diligent, the key is that he is still a lazy person.

What's more, Gao Yiming has a good eye and a low hand. I'm afraid he won't do ordinary work.

Thinking of this, Liu Fu said by the way: "Our security team is hiring people. If we want to try, I will talk to our captain. It shouldn't be a big problem."

Security team?

Isn't that a security guard?

Gao Changmin and Zhao Minghua looked at each other.

Zhao Minghua: "Brother-in-law, how much money can I make from your security team?"

Liu Fushun: "It should be a starting salary of 5,000 now, and you can adjust your salary later depending on your performance."

Zhao Minghua smiled and said: "Brother-in-law, this is too little, we know that we are also graduates with serious college students.

Gao Changmin: "Yes, is there a position where I can earn more? It's better to be a security guard."

Liu Fushun thought to himself, why did you graduate from college?

Isn't it a professional college?

And the security team is not just security guards.

Seeing Liu Fushun not speaking, Zhao Minghua was a little worried.

Zhao Minghua: "Brother-in-law, don't you say that the boss values ​​you very much? Is there a problem with arranging a decent position?"

Liu Fushun: "Look at what you said, the more the boss values ​​me, the less I can arrange people casually. What's this?"

My brother-in-law Gao Changmin's family was quite unhappy after hearing this.

Liu Fushun was about to speak, but he happened to see a few people.

No one else but Li Tianyu.

It happened that Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue had finished packing their things and walked out of the elevator with their bags.

Li Tianyu hurried to help get things.

At this time, Qin Xuetong deliberately put on a hat, mask, and glasses, which can be considered a disguise.

After all, there are not so many people here who can recognize Qin Xuetong.

Nevertheless, anyone who is familiar with Qin Xuetong's figure, appearance, and gait will show a suspicious look if they get close enough.

Fortunately, Li Tianyu took Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue to go to places with few people.

Only then did Liu Fushun see it.

Hearing Liu Fushun's greeting, Li Tianyu walked over with his luggage.

Li Tianyu: "Old Liu, why are you here?... Oh, these are your relatives?"

Liu Fushun replied: "Yes, President Li, are you leaving now?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, I'll stay in my hometown for a few days. Let's play. If you need to open a room, go to Lao Yu and let him give you a discount."

Liu Fushun glanced at Qin Xuetong, thinking that this girl was a beautiful woman at first sight, she was indeed President Li.

Liu Fushun: "Okay, you go quickly, I can arrange it myself, you don't have to worry about my business."

Li Tianyu nodded, said hello to Liu Fushun's wife and relatives, and left with someone.

Gao Changmin: "Who is this?"

Liu Fushun: "Our boss."

When everyone heard it, their eyes widened and they showed incredible expressions.

Zhao Minghua: "Boss? The owner of this hotel!?"

Gao Changmin was dumbfounded: "This boss is too young? Is it possible?"

Gao Yuhui: "How can it be impossible? Many rich people are very young now. For example, those rich second generations or something, there is a particularly famous one called... what is it?"

Gao Yuhui was getting older, and after thinking about it for a long time, she didn't think of it.

At this time, Gao Yiming suddenly said: "Uncle, wouldn't that woman be Qin Xuetong just now?"

Liu Fushun shook his head: "How do I know who it is? Who is Qin Xuetong?"

Zhao Minghua remembered: "Isn't Qin Xuetong that female celebrity? Speaking of which, that female is indeed very similar."

Liu Fushun laughed and said, "That's normal. There were other stars recording shows here before."

Liu Fushun specifically selected Tianyu Mansion as the recording venue for the "Runner" program group, and talked to a few people.

Gao Yiming was stunned: "That's Qin Xuetong, absolutely right! Uncle, how come your boss is with Qin Xuetong? Is it that kind of relationship?"

Liu Fushun: "Hey, I don't know this. We don't guess about the boss. Even if he is in a relationship with a female celebrity, it is normal! Our boss is not married yet."

Gao Changmin and Zhao Minghua looked at each other and felt that the owner of this hotel was really unfathomable.

Gao Changmin: "Brother-in-law, can you tell your boss to arrange a good job for Yiming?"

Zhao Minghua: "Yeah, I think he treats you well, shouldn't it be a problem?"

Liu Fushun shook his head: "That's not okay. You can't trouble the boss with this kind of thing. I think you should go back first, and I will ask someone to ask."

In fact, Liu Fushun said.

He made up his mind and couldn't give the nephew the back door.

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