You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Where Li Tianyu couldn't tell, the two men were acting demon again.

There was obviously a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

But Jiang Qing never said a word, and looked up and down at Li Tianyu at this time with scrutiny eyes.

Obviously, Jiang Qing felt that Li Tianyu was different from before.

But I can't tell the difference. It seems that the temperament has changed more.

At this time, Li Tianyu remained silent, which caused Wang Changshun and Sun Xia to misunderstand.

I think he is guilty.

Wang Changshun: "Sun Xia, look at what you said, maybe people are not eating here."

Sun Xia pretended to be surprised and asked, "What can that be? You won't come here to be a waiter, right?"

Wang Changshun laughed and said, "That's not sure, Sun Xia, don't look down on the waiter. Hongfuju is a big shop. Even if it is a waiter, the salary is not low!"

Sun Xia: "That's the same thing. What's the salary? I can't get along anymore, so I came over to be a waiter."

When she said this, Sun Xia was watching Li Tianyu.

As if really asking Li Tianyu what the salary of Hongfuju Head Office is.

Of course Li Tianyu didn't bother to pay attention to these boring men and women, so he took a cigarette there again.

To be honest, Li Tianyu felt that he was a little bit out of touch with such people.

Sure enough, Wang Changshun was even more upset about Li Tianyu's attitude.

He was about to speak, but Jiang Qing stopped.

Jiang Qing: "They are all classmates, don't say such bad words."

Wang Changshun snorted coldly, he didn't think Li Tianyu was a classmate in his heart.

At the last reunion of classmates, everyone broke up because of Li Tianyu's public refutation of his face.

Finally, he drove a loss to the Porsche Cayenne, swaggered, and left pretendingly.

Originally, Wang Changshun wanted to show off in the class meeting.

As a result, Wang Changshun not only failed to show off from start to finish, but was touched by the mold.

The initiator of everything is Li Tianyu.

Therefore, at this time, when Wang Changshun saw Li Tianyu, he was so angry that he had to teach this kid a good meal.

Wang Changshun: "That's the truth, don't people tell me?"

Jiang Qing was startled: "What facts?"

Sun Xia whispered to Jiang Qing: "It's Li Tianyu who works in Hongfu Curie."

Jiang Qing's eyes widened and looked at Li Tianyu: "How is it possible? Isn't he working in the Imperial Capital?"

Sun Xia: "I used to work in the imperial capital, but now it's not necessarily. The competition in the imperial capital is so great that you may be unemployed at any time. It's no surprise to work here if you are unemployed."

Wang Changshun smiled, expressing his approval.

But Jiang Qing didn't believe it very much. How could there be such a coincidence?

Li Tianyu has good ears and knows what they are talking about.

Li Tianyu: "Stop chewing your tongue there. I didn't work here. Today I have something to do at the banquet here, so I have no time to talk to you."

With that said, Li Tianyu took another cigarette, squeezed out the cigarette butt, and turned his head to leave.

How could Wang Changshun let him go like this.

Wang Changshun: "Li Tianyu, why are you in a hurry? We are classmates anyway, so we have to talk a few words when we meet. What does it mean to not speak?"

Li Tianyu stopped and looked at Wang Changshun, wanting to hear what he was going to say.

Wang Changshun: "Li Tianyu, do you know what we are doing here?"

Li Tianyu was happy: "What else can you do besides eating here? You never come here to work, right?"

Wang Changshun sneered: "Your attitude is not right. I was thinking of pulling you out."

Li Tianyu was startled, Wang Changshun would give him a hand?

Then he might as well believe that the sow has learned to climb the tree!

Sun Xia was in a good match with Wang Changshun: "Changshun invited a big man to dinner today and called us classmates, which can be regarded as helping us."

Li Tianyu suddenly realized.

So that's what happened.

Wang Changshun may have found a group of close friends and classmates to invite so-called big men to dinner together.

To put it bluntly, it means to get together to make a relationship, get a familiar face, make a relationship, and expand your network.

This kind of thing is very common in small and medium cities, or counties and towns.

That's how the so-called wine and meat friends came.

But what does this have to do with Li Tianyu?

To be honest, even if Wang Changshun really wanted to give Li Tianyu a hand, he had no interest.

Li Tianyu now does not need the help of others, even if he only relies on his own energy, he is still alive enough.

What's more, the characters Li Tianyu knows, no matter which one is brought out, can set off a storm in Yanyun City.

Not to mention others, Ai Heping, Hu Haoxuan and Qiu Jian all shouted "Boss" to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu asked them to destroy whoever they had to destroy, so there is no ambiguity.

Of course, Li Tianyu is not going to trouble anyone easily now.

This is the difference in personal realm.

Seeing that Li Tianyu hadn't spoken for a long time, Wang Chang smiled and said by the way: "Li Tianyu, the big man I invited will be here in a while, do you want to sit down together?"

Would Wang Changshun be so kind?

It must be impossible.

Wang Changshun also wanted to test Li Tianyu to see how he reacted.

If Li Tianyu was subdued, then he would go up and step on a few feet and scold him for wishful thinking, which also counted out a bad breath.

If Li Tianyu still wants to fight him with Wang Changshun, Wang Changshun also has a way. Look back and find a group of people in the society to clean up him, and beat him until his mother can't recognize him.

To be honest, Li Tianyu's current state of calmness made Wang Changshun extremely unhappy.

It's just pretending to be home, and it's extremely unbeatable.

Especially in front of beautiful women, Wang Changshun didn't want Li Tianyu to pretend to be so thorough and steal his limelight.

"Beauty" certainly refers to Jiang Qing.

This time, Wang Changshun tried his best to save this round, also to show his strength and energy in front of Jiang Qing.

You know, the person Wang Changshun invited is a very famous young entrepreneur in Yanyun City.

People who want to make friends with this entrepreneur have to go from Hongfu Jupai to Yanyun Railway Station, which is too long to be seen.

Wang Changshun has been pursuing Jiang Qing for a long time, but the effect has not been outstanding.

Wang Changshun felt that he was not performing better. This time he wanted to let Jiang Qing know that he Wang Changshun was in Yanyun City, and that he was the leader of the younger generation, and he was a figure with a good face.

How smart Jiang Qing is, of course he knew that Wang Changshun wanted to embarrass Li Tianyu.

This is something she doesn't want to see,

Jiang Qing looked at Li Tianyu, then looked at Wang Changshun, and said, "Changshun, forget it, we are all classmates, we have time to party, I think Tianyu should have something to do, so let him go."

Sun Xia smiled slightly: "Xiao Qing, you don't care about them, let them make trouble."

Anyway, Sun Xia is also a master who thinks things are not big enough.I love e-books

Moreover, she is Wang Changshun's loyal follower.

Of course, because of this, Sun Xia also gained a lot of benefits.

For example, she recently sent her younger brother to work in the largest foreign trade company in Yanyun City. The salary is high, but the work is not much, and no one cares about returning late and early.

It's not how much Sun Xia's face is, it's purely because that foreign trade company belongs to Wang Changshun's family.

So now Sun Xia has to continue to support Wang Changshun and help him fight the "enemy".

Of course, Sun Xia didn't think that Li Tianyu could be Wang Changshun's enemy, he was not qualified enough.

It's a stumbling block at most, you can remove it casually and smash it into pieces.

In Yanyun City, Wang Changshun is indeed a good-natured son.

Although Wang Changshun is not yet considered a senior rich second-generation, he is also actively developing contacts. It is very possible to squeeze into the top rich second-generation circle of Yanyun City by then.

At that time, Wang Changshun's worth also increased.

So, now that Wang Changshun wants to step on Li Tianyu, that is easy.

Others couldn't stop it, let alone Sun Xia didn't want to stop her.

It is also very interesting to see Wang Changshun stepping on people.

At this time, I saw Li Tianyu smile: "I'm rather curious. In Yanyun City, besides you, Wang Changshun, who else can be called a big man?"

When Wang Changshun heard this, Li Tianyu wanted to admit his counsel and obey the rhythm.

Wang Changshun smiled proudly and said, "You don't need to know this first, just say, do you want to have a chat together."

Having said that, Wang Changshun looked at Li Tianyu a few more times: "You look like a dog, but I'm afraid you don't mix well in the Imperial Capital?"

Li Tianyu was startled, and said in a strange way: "I don't understand, how do you see that I am not doing well?"

Wang Changshun sneered a few times: "Does this still need to be asked? Just say, how many idlers are there in the imperial capital who mixes well?"

Li Tianyu: "Idle person?"

Wang Changshun: "Today is a working day. If you are really busy, would you go home and smoke here?"

Li Tianyu suddenly realized.

It turns out that you can see that he is badly mixed up.

Li Tianyu: "Then I can't ask for leave? I have to be busy with work all the time? Then I won't be exhausted! Young Master Wang, do you really think that others will exchange their lives for money?"

A few questions in a row made Wang Changshun a little bit ashamed to become angry.

Wang Changshun pointed to Li Tianyu's nose and yelled, "Li Tianyu, don't you toast and drink fine wine!"

Li Tianyu frowned and his face became cold. He hates other people pointing at himself and cursing the street.

Wang Changshun: "Yeah, you are quite unconvinced? Are you still trying to beat me?"

Jiang Qing hurriedly persuaded: "Forget it, you guys don't say a few words. By the way, Changshun, the guests will be here in a while, let's go down and have a look."

Jiang Qing wanted to persuade Wang Changshun to leave, so as not to escalate the incident.

To be honest, Jiang Qing now also believes that Li Tianyu is the weaker side.

After all, Wang Changshun has some power and energy.

Now it's not when I was a student, I have all joined the society and my temper is bullish.

I really annoyed Wang Changshun, the son of the brother, he might do everything.

Li Tianyu has been in the imperial capital all the year round, whether he has become a successful person or not, when he returns to Yanyun City, Li Tianyu will definitely not be able to beat Wang Changshun.

Wang Changshun stared at Li Tianyu with a cold face and said nothing.

Jiang Qing felt that things were going bad, so he winked at Li Tianyu and asked him to leave here quickly.

But Li Tianyu didn't seem to see the same, and still stood there and looked at Wang Changshun.

He wanted to see if Wang Changshun really acted so ruthlessly like him and dared to attack Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu is not a vegetarian now.

Let's not talk about the connections, but he has skill under his hand, and usually a few big men are not his opponents.

If Wang Changshun wanted to dare to use his hands, Li Tianyu directly asked him to cry for father and mother, calling him father.

As for Wang Changshun, even if he wanted to teach Li Tianyu, he certainly didn't plan to do it himself.

Although he has a fat body and a strong body, he seems to be a lap bigger than Li Tianyu, but he is not stupid, and the reason why the beast is still fighting is clear.

If you really want to go head-to-head, even if you beat Li Tianyu's face into a pig's head, you will inevitably be traumatized.

That result is not perfect.

Wang Changshun: "Li Tianyu, otherwise, let's make an appointment to have a chat and settle our affairs."

Li Tianyu smiled: "Is there anything between us? If you really want to settle, then now, I don't have any extra time for you."

Wang Changshun was angry and couldn't bear it. He seemed to be about to shake his fists two steps forward.

Jiang Qing wanted to go up to pull, but Sun Xia was caught.

Sun Xia: "Xiao Qing, you don't need to worry about it. It's good to ask Wang Changshun to teach Li Tianyu a lesson. I spent a few years in the Imperial Capital, but I'm pretty despised."

Jiang Qing was a little worried.

At this moment, Wang Changshun hadn't walked to Li Tianyu, but Li Tianyu stretched out his arm, somehow he dragged Wang Changshun over.


Li Tianyu knocked on a knee and pushed Wang Changshun back.


Wang Changshun was about to be ruined after being treated like this, so he squatted down with his stomach.

His expression was distorted and painful, sweat dripped from his face, but he could not speak.

Jiang Qing and Sun Xia were stunned by this sudden change.

Just now Li Tianyu moved too fast, and the two of them didn't see what was going on at all, and Wang Changshun almost fell on the ground.

I didn't expect Li Tianyu, a former high school classmate, to be so skilled.

Is it possible to practice fighting regularly?

Although I didn't see it clearly, I felt that Li Tianyu's actions were too handsome.

It's like a martial arts scene in a movie.

Although Shuai is handsome, but in this case, Wang Changshun and Li Tianyu will forge an enemy, and he will definitely get revenge.

Thinking of this, Jiang Qing couldn't help but worry about Li Tianyu again.

Wang Changshun was retching and seemed to be out of breath.

Sun Xia walked over, trying to help him up, but Wang Changshun waved her hand and drove him back.

After a while, Wang Changshun finally eased, and stood up to touch his phone.

Wang Changshun: "Li Tianyu, okay, you are really good, why are you waiting for me."

Seeing him like this, he wanted to "shake people".

Li Tianyu looked on coldly and didn't stop him.

He wanted to see if Wang Changshun really had the guts to make trouble here.

At this moment, footsteps came from the stairs.

Because the skin is wood, it also amplifies the sound invisibly.

Someone is coming up.

Wang Changshun looked back and immediately changed his smiling face and put the phone away again.

It turned out that the big man he was waiting for arrived.

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