You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Although the star Qin Xuetong and Li Tianyu didn't have much close relationship, after all, he followed him Li Tianyu to Yanyun City.

Li Tianyu still has to talk about it because of emotion and reason.

He took out his cell phone and found Qin Xuetong's cell phone number, then dialed it.

After a long while, Qin Xuetong answered the phone.

Li Tianyu: "Where are you?"

Qin Xuetong: "It's...near the Drum Tower."

Li Tianyu heard that Qin Xuetong's voice was obviously wrong, as if he was panting just after running, and asked, "What happened to you?"

Qin Xuetong: "Nothing big happened, just..."

Li Tianyu: "What is it?"

Qin Xuetong: "It's just being recognized."

Li Tianyu was startled.

If a star like Qin Xuetong's level is recognized, that's a big problem.

Especially in small and medium-sized cities like Yanyun City, it is rare to see real big stars. If they are recognized, they can cause a sensation.

No wonder when Qin Xuetong answered the phone just now, it seemed as if he had just ran over.

It is estimated to be blocked by the people.

If it were Qin Xuetong alone, she wouldn't be a big deal. Her physical fitness was excellent, and she had kung fu under her hands, so she would naturally be better off.

The key is that she is still with Ye's sister Qin Xiaoyue, which is more troublesome.

It seemed that Li Tianyu had to go and help Qin Xuetong out.

Li Tianyu: "You send me your location and I will find you."

Qin Xuetong: "Okay, I'll send it to you right away."

After hanging up the phone, Li Tianyu quickly received the location information sent by Qin Xuetong on WeChat, with a text message attached.

The location information is indeed near the Drum Tower, and the text information says a few words: "We are in Man Coffee."

Man Coffee is a chain coffee shop.

Li Tianyu is familiar with Yanyun Drum Tower, but has never been to Man Coffee Shop, but this is not a problem, just navigate directly.

Therefore, Li Tianyu did not delay any more, and directly asked his father Li Guohua for the keys of the Mercedes-Benz car, and drove straight to the Drum Tower.

There are two core business districts in Yanyun City, not far apart, but there are many traffic lights, and traffic jams are easy in normal times, so it takes about 20 minutes to drive there.

Man Coffee is in the Times Commercial Building next to the Drum Tower.

This commercial building is an old-fashioned mall in Yanyun City. Although it is a bit outdated, there are still many people who come in and shop every day.

Li Tianyu parked his car in the open-air parking lot of the Yanyun Times Commercial Building, then hurried into the mall, and then took the escalator to the second floor of the mall.

Man Coffee is on the west side of the second floor of the mall.

When Li Tianyu walked over, he found that many people were surrounding the door of the coffee shop, peering into it.

This battle was much worse than Li Tianyu had imagined.

Because these people's faces are all filled with excitement.

Some people are still eager to try and want to go in.

Fortunately, a few employees stood at the door of Man Cafe, blocking these excited people from the door.Fun recitation book

When Li Tianyu approached, he heard these people frantically discussing something.

There is no doubt that the topics are all about Qin Xuetong.

Crowd one: "Are you sure you read it right? Is it really Qin Xuetong?"

Crowd two: "Nonsense, can I be wrong? I'm a loyal fan of Qin Xuetong, even if she turns into ashes, I recognize it!"

Crowd one: "Oh, when you talk about being fat, you still pant. There are too many people who look alike. I think it hangs. Qin Xuetong is not from Yanyun City. Why come here? I don't even think about it. may."

Crowd two: "Why don't you believe it? I see it very clearly that it is Qin Xuetong himself, who can't be wrong. Besides, even if I can read it wrong, with so many people, you just say that they are all wrong too?"

Crowd one "That's true, I don't understand, why is Qin Xuetong here for us?"

Crowd three: "Hey, didn't you see it just now? Just now I saw Qin Xuetong with a little girl, who looks very cute."

Crowd one: "Hey? Does that little girl look like Qin Xuetong?"

Crowd three: "Do you still have to ask? Like, very similar, it seems to be carved out of a mold, and it is also a little beauty!"

Crowd One: "Eh, God, is that little girl Qin Xuetong's illegitimate child!?"

Crowd two: "Fuck you! How old is Qin Xuetong? He hasn't graduated from university yet, where's the bastard!?"

Crowd three: "Uh, huh, that's not necessarily true. The entertainment industry nowadays is very messy, just do whatever you want. It's not normal to get pregnant when you are unmarried!"

Crowd two: "Impossible, Qin Xuetong is not such a person!"

Crowd one: "It seems that you are very familiar with her. Otherwise, let's find a chance to sneak in, and then take a closer look at whether it is Qin Xuetong or not. If it is really her, let's secretly take a few pictures and sell them to the media. Make a lot of money!"

Crowd two: "You speak lightly, they keep so strict, how do you get in?"

Crowd One: "Don't worry, my friend is working here, but he is not on duty today. I asked him to come over, and then let him take us in."

When Li Tianyu heard this, he felt both funny and helpless.

Although it is conceivable that if Qin Xuetong was recognized, he would be chased by fans and chased after him, but he did not expect that Qin Xiaoyue's little girl would be mistaken for Qin Xuetong's illegitimate daughter.

The point is that although Qin Xiaoyue's eyebrows are somewhat similar to Qin Xuetong, if it is carved out of a mold, it is purely nonsense with open eyes.

But what to do now?

Even if Li Tianyu can enter, how can he bring Qin Xuetong out?

This is a big problem.

If it really doesn't work, just pick up Qin Xiaoyue and drag Qin Xuetong out.

In any case, Li Tianyu had to go first to meet Qin Xuetong before saying anything else.

After making up his mind, Li Tianyu took out his mobile phone from his handbag and wanted to dial Qin Xuetong's number.

But before the number was dialed, Li Tianyu felt that someone patted his shoulder.

Damn it!

Almost shot Li Tianyu’s IPHONE11MAXPRO directly on the ground.

Li Tianyu turned his head and took a look, shocked.

What's wrong today? I met my classmates.

The person who patted him on the shoulder was not someone else, but Qi Wei.

Qi Wei is also Li Tianyu's high school classmate, and he is a buddy who has a good relationship with him.

Li Tianyu slapped Qi Wei with a fist: "You scared me to death, can you not be so surprised?"

Qi Wei: "Fuck! I haven't scolded you yet, you scolded me first! When did you come back? Don't say a word!"

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