Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 404 Have you never seen a beautiful woman like my girlfriend?

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Qi Wei took Li Tianyu to talk for a while, and asked him what is the relationship with Qin Xuetong.

Li Tianyu laughed: "I told you it was just a friend relationship."

Qi Weiqi said: "How did you make friends with big stars?"

Li Tianyu: "This is a long story. When we look back, let's find a place to drink while talking, right?"

When Qi Wei heard this, he clapped his hands in applause, and even said it was almost the same.

Qi Wei: "That's fine, I'll be the host when I look back, my brothers have a good chat."

Of course Li Tianyu agreed.

Qi Wei, Wei Li, Lu Meiqi and Liang Yuan left the Man Coffee Shop.

Qin Xuetong: "What should I do now? Do you want to force it out?"

Li Tianyu pondered for a while, it was simple and rude to break the door, but it was easy to cause problems.

But there are media outside, no matter if the photos are taken, they don’t matter if they make up a mess, anyway, as long as they can earn attention and attract clicks.

Li Tianyu shook his head: "This won't work, it's easy to leave problems."

Li Tianyu pondered for a while, and he called the waiter: "I have something to ask."

Waiter: "You can ask."

When the waiter was talking, he kept looking at Qin Xuetong.

The big stars are really charming.

Li Tianyu: "You shouldn't have only one door in your store? Is there a fire escape or something?"

After listening, the waiter shook his head vigorously: "Sir, there is really no fire escape. If there is one, let Ms. Qin leave."

Li Tianyu: "Is there no other place to go out? You are not in compliance with the regulations!"

Yes, it violated fire regulations.

One report is one standard.

The waiter hurriedly waved his hand: "No, there is a fire door, but it is under renovation and it is not open."

When Li Tianyu heard this, he was at a loss.

At this moment, the waiter suddenly thought of something, and whispered: "There is a place to go out..."

Li Tianyu raised his head: "Where?"

Waiter: "It's just a bit small there..."

Li Tianyu: "It's fine if you can go out, it doesn't matter to be smaller."

So the waiter took Li Tianyu, Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue to one place.

No wonder the waiter was so embarrassed, it turned out that it was a window.

The window is actually quite big, it's a double window.

After opening it, you can jump directly outside the Man Coffee Shop.

It's just that the windows have a height, about 1.89 meters away from the ground.

Li Tianyu: "Open it, we will get out from here."

Li Tianyu turned to Qin Xuetong: "No problem, right?"

Qin Xuetong: "No problem."

Qin Xuetong is also a kung fu girl under her hand, jumping up and over the wall, it should be no big deal.

This girl can live in HOLD.

Moreover, the waiter was very considerate. He pulled a table over so that he could turn over the window from the table, which made it easier.

Without further ado, Li Tianyu said: "I will turn over first, and then take Xiao Yueyue over."

Qin Xuetong nodded.

Li Tianyu's skills are quite good now, he jumped onto the table with a light leap, and then pulled the window, both of which opened.

Li Tianyu held it with his hand, and then a carp jumped out of the dragon gate.

Qin Xiaoyue clapped her hands: "Uncle Li is amazing!"

Qin Xuetong: "What Uncle Li? Didn't you call me Brother Li?"

Qin Xiaoyue blinked: "He asked me to call him Uncle Li. It sounds nice and not awkward."

Qin Xuetong was speechless.

Isn't Li Tianyu forcibly taking advantage of their sisters?

Li Tianyu's voice pressing down from over there came: "Qin Xuetong, throw Xiao Yueyue here."

Li Tianyu has already observed the surroundings. It happens to be a slightly remote place in the mall with fewer people.

It's right to escape now.

Qin Xuetong didn't say much, turned on the table, and then pulled Qin Xiaoyue up, let her put it on the window, and give it away gently.

Qin Xiaoyue really deserves to be the Qin family's naughty bag, not afraid at all, she giggled and fell into Li Tianyu's arms on the other side.

There came a conversation between Li Tianyu and Qin Xiaoyue.

Li Tianyu: "Didn't you keep it secret?"

Qin Xiaoyue: "What is the secret?"

Li Tianyu: "Nonsense, let you call me uncle."

Qin Xiaoyue: "Have you said that?"

Li Tianyu: "I told you."

Qin Xiaoyue: "I don't remember."

Li Tianyu: "You...I won't give you candy anymore."

Qin Xiaoyue: "When did you give me candy?"

Li Tianyu: "..."

Qin Xuetong couldn't help but said: "I'm going to jump over, there is no problem, right?"

Li Tianyu said "Oh", "Okay, come here."

Qin Xuetong threw her bag over first, Li Tianyu caught it smoothly, and then he pulled Qin Xiaoyue away from the window.

Qin Xuetong leaped lightly, supported it with her hand, and then gently threw her body through the window.

The waiter looked silly under the table and knelt on the spot.

It turns out that Qin Xuetong not only looks like a female xia, but is indeed a female xia!

When Qin Xuetong jumped down, one thing was overlooked.

The sleeves of her jacket were looser, which ended up hanging on the door of the window.

"Hiss!" A cry.

Qin Xuetong was taken aback and lost his balance.

He dropped his head to the floor.

However, Qin Xuetong did not panic, nor did she shout out, she had enough time to make protective actions.

Qin Xuetong has practiced martial arts and martial arts since he was a child, and the basic protection moves are fine.

However, Qin Xuetong didn't have the opportunity to use those protective actions, only feeling the lightness of his body, he was hugged in his arms.

Obviously, it was Li Tianyu who caught Qin Xuetong.

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "Student Xiao Qin, should you lose weight?"

As he said, he gently put Qin Xuetong down.

This time Li Tianyu can be sure that Qin Xuetong's weight is indeed not light.

But she doesn't look fat, and she doesn't know where the meat has grown.

Maybe they belong to the type of people with heavier bones.

Qin Xuetong: "Thank you."

Li Tianyu: "You are welcome."

Qin Xiaoyue said "Ah", "Sister, you are gone!"

Qin Xuetong took a closer look and found that most of the sleeve was torn off, revealing a shoulder.

It's really exaggerated to say that it's gone.

Qin Xuetong sorted it out a bit: "It's okay, let's go."

Qin Xiaoyue: "Sister, you are too embarrassing, I will not go with you."

Qin Xuetong knew that this little girl was going to be a demon again.

Qin Xiaoyue: "Poor image, unstable temperament, sister, you are too ugly." Biqu Gek

Li Tianyu thought to himself, you know what a shit, how can this be ugly?

This is called amorous feelings.

Qin Xuetong: "What do you want to do? I can go if you don't."

Qin Xiaoyue: "This is a shopping mall. Let's go shopping and buy you a set of clothes."

Qin Xuetong pressed her finger against Qin Xiaoyue's forehead: "You just want to play everywhere, right?"

Qin Xiaoyue stuck out her tongue without denying it.

Li Tianyu said to Qin Xuetong, "Why don't you put on a mask and a hat, and I will take you to the clothes store to buy a piece of clothing."

Qin Xuetong couldn't help but did so.

Although this is still quite risky, it shouldn't be a big problem if you just buy a piece of clothing.

And now all the attention has been attracted by Man Café, and the probability of Qin Xuetong being recognized is greatly reduced.

Qin Xuetong's hair was relatively long. After putting on a baseball cap, her long hair fell along her ears.

Cool and beautiful outfit.

Like the cover girl of a fashion magazine.

But the return rate is really too high, especially in Yanyun City, there are really few girls with this type of dress.

Li Tianyu: "No wonder you were recognized."

Qin Xuetong was startled: "What's the matter?"

Li Tianyu sighed: "What should I say to you, it's a sin to be beautiful."

Qin Xuetong blinked, what Li Tianyu said was a mess.

Li Tianyu: "Don't move, I'll fix it for you, so that people won't recognize it."

Qin Xuetong: "Yeah."

So Li Tianyu really gave Qin Xuetong a straight up.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, to tie her hair up, and then cover it all with a baseball cap, only a few tufts are really hard to fit, and they hang down at the ears.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, there should be no problem now."

Qin Xuetong: "Ugly?"

Li Tianyu patted his chest: "How is it possible? I can't make you ugly. Besides, a beauty like you won't be ugly anyway. If you don't believe me, ask Xiao Yueyue."

Qin Xiaoyue raised her hand: "Sister, you are ugly now, you are ugly! Old woman!"

Li Tianyu stared, "Xiao Yueyue, are you begging for a fight!?"

Qin Xiaoyue: "Dare you!? Be careful I let my sister fix you!"

Li Tianyu: "Your sister is your sister, but not my sister, she can't control me."

Qin Xiaoyue pointed at Li Tianyu and yelled to Qin Xuetong: "Sister, he bullied me! Don't care about it!?"

Qin Xuetong responded lightly: "It's a good bullying."

After speaking, Qin Xuetong walked forward.

Qin Xiaoyue took Qin Xuetong's hand with angrily and began to spin around.

Li Tianyu sighed helplessly. This little girl was so arrogant, it was really embarrassing for Qin Xuetong to have to deal with such a small ancestor.

It is now on the third floor of the mall. There was a clothing store, but to be on the safe side, Li Tianyu took Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue to the fourth floor.

There happened to be a Uniqlo on the fourth floor of Times Commercial Building, and Li Tianyu proposed to pick up a piece of clothing there.

Of course Qin Xuetong also agreed.

In fact, she is not very picky about the style of her clothes, because whatever style she wears looks good.

Qin Xuetong is a standard clothes rack. Although the figure is not too tall, one meter is missing, but the proportion is very good.

To put it an exaggeration, even if Qin Xuetong wears men's clothes, she will look terribly good.

Except for pant vests.

However, Qin Xuetong chooses colors more, and indeed red is an important element in her body.

So, she got into Uniclothes and was about to pick a T-shirt, which was red.

Although the whole body was disguised, Qin Xuetong still attracted the attention of some customers as soon as he entered the store.

Fortunately, it was just a flash, and they did not have the opportunity to observe carefully, just as a fashionable beauty wearing sunglasses and a peaked cap.

Uniqlo's T-shirts are called one, and there are many red ones.

Qin Xuetong was also very decisive, so she picked two loose and neutral T-shirts and held them in her hands.

Qin Xuetong flipped through her bag and said, "I'm going to check out."

Li Tianyu took two T-shirts from her hand: "Okay, let me go."

Qin Xuetong was startled: "You..."

Li Tianyu waved his hand and walked towards the cashier.

Qin Xiaoyue looked at Li Tianyu's back and suddenly raised her head and said, "Wow, sister, Uncle Li is going to buy you clothes!"

Qin Xuetong lightly beat her sister on the head: "Call Brother Li."

Qin Xiaoyue: "Sister, it doesn't matter if you call it Uncle, I'm not afraid of losing money."

Qin Xuetong: "I'm afraid."

Qin Xiaoyue: "Hey?"

At the same time, Li Tianyu was lining up at the cash register.

To be honest, Li Tianyu wanted to poop the store manager.

Although there are not many customers in the store, there are some. There are five or six checkout counters, and now only one is open, causing customers to queue up.

There were a dozen people in front of Li Tianyu.

This is really an artificial illusion of excitement.

When the account was finally settled, Li Tianyu walked back and found that Qin Xuetong was no longer where he was standing, and of course Qin Xiaoyue was not there.

Why is she running around?

Li Tianyu looked around and finally saw Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue sisters.

She has been "take a shot, change a place".

Upon closer inspection, it turned out that there were two people following Qin Xuetong.

Those were two men, following behind and talking.

One of them also took out his mobile phone and seemed to want to take pictures or video.

Did they recognize Qin Xuetong?

However, looking at their expressions, you might indeed suspect Qin Xuetong, but you are not sure.

So Li Tianyu walked over with Uniqlo's paper bag, and walked outside the store with Qin Xuetong's waist.

The two men looked at each other, still not giving up, and followed again.

Li Tianyu turned around and yelled: "What to look at!? Have you never seen a beautiful woman like my girlfriend?"

When Li Tianyu yelled, he used the local dialect of Yanyun City.

Both of them were stunned. They seemed to be taken aback and stopped.

Li Tianyu took the opportunity to pull Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue and left Uniqlo.

Li Tianyu: "I'm sorry, I take advantage of you."

Qin Xuetong gave an "um" and accepted the apology.

Li Tianyu: "You don't seem to mind?"

Qin Xuetong turned to look at Li Tianyu: "Do I need to mind?"

Li Tianyu: "Well...I don't mind."

With that, Li Tianyu handed the paper bag to Qin Xuetong.

Qin Xuetong: "Thank you, I'll transfer the money to you later when I go back."

Li Tianyu touched his nose: "That's fine, you can do more."

Qin Xiaoyue: "Uncle Li, why are you so stingy!?"

Li Tianyu: "Why am I stinging?"

Qin Xiaoyue: "No demeanor! I won't call you Uncle Li!"

Li Tianyu: "What do you call me?"

Qin Xiaoyue: "Shrunken Uncle Li."

Qin Xuetong couldn't help correcting: "It's the wretched Uncle Li."

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