You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Xiaolong 875?

Is there a mobile processor of this model?

Isn't Qualcomm's latest and most advanced processor the Snapdragon 865?

Li Tianyu's heart moved, and immediately searched for "Xiaolong 875" with his mobile phone Du Niang.

Sure enough, this is Qualcomm's next-generation processor.

The point is that this processor has not yet been released, and the expected release date should be in the middle of next year.

Li Tianyu is a bit speechless, this bragging tax system is really brave and vast.

Even things that are not on sale can be sold to the host.

Great, my system!

Although products that have not yet been released, especially high-tech products such as processors, there is a risk of imperfection.

But Li Tianyu doesn't think the problem is big.

As a result, Qualcomm's processors for the Snapdragon system are already familiar.

Even if it is a new model of processor, even if there is a problem, it will not cause too much problem.

At most, the power consumption is larger, which affects the battery life of mobile devices.

Secondly, Li Tianyu only wants to make a hundred engineering prototypes, so it is acceptable for the processor to have some minor defects.

Since you can get the latest and most powerful processor, you must choose it.

This topic is also high.

"Guanglan Electronics can get the Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 processor that has not yet been released, and apply it to mobile products. This is the first product in China and the world."

"Guanglan Electronics has developed the latest and improved foldable flexible LCD screen, which solves most of the defects of previous flexible screens while enhancing performance."

As soon as the above press release is issued, it will definitely cause considerable sensation and attention in the technology circle.

Such a configuration, it is impossible to think about it.

The key is that 10,000 Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 can be obtained with only 1,000 soft sister coins.

Is this especially cheaper than buying Chinese cabbage!?

Qualcomm CEO knows, will he be angry?

Li Tianyu directly clicked and selected the "Qualcomm Xiaolong 875" tax item.

Determine the tax.

[System Assistant]: You will spend 1,000 soft sister coins in taxes to obtain the right to use 10,000 Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 processors. Are you sure to pay taxes?

Li Tianyu clicked the "OK" button.

account information

1000 soft sister coins-successful deduction

Item Information

Qualcomm Snapdragon 875 processor (10,000 pieces)-a success

Li Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally finished the matter.

Then wait for the phone to receive the goods.

If Qualcomm's Snapdragon 875 processor is not yet on sale, it may still take a few days to ship it.

Li Tianyu is going to call Lu Hui tomorrow to talk about it.

They won’t get scared to death by Qualcomm’s latest flagship processor.

At this time, Li Tianyu began to read mobile news again.

Perhaps Li Tianyu searched Du Niang about the relationship with Qualcomm's latest processor, so the hot recommended news on the vacation homepage pushed a lot of technology news to Li Tianyu, mostly chips.

Li Tianyu flipped through a few randomly. It is roughly because some domestic technology companies have encountered great difficulties and bottlenecks in chip manufacturing.

Among them, lack is the main equipment, which is the most advanced lithography machine in the world.

Li Tianyu's heart moved. If he gets the latest lithography machine, he can sell it to domestic chip manufacturing companies and make a fortune?


Li Tianyu shook his head.

This is a bit too tasteless.

Why not take a few lithography machines yourself, and then manufacture advanced chips for others.

This is the long-term and the most profitable business.

Then again, does this constitute an infringement?

According to the current situation, if you use the most advanced lithography machine produced by the windmill country, it is impossible to produce high-end chips at will without the authorization of the United States.

Because the lithography machine of the windmill country uses a lot of American technology.

There is still a feeling of being stuck in the neck.


Li Tianyu shook his head, temporarily dispelling the idea of ​​using the bragging tax system to engage in lithography machines.

But thinking about it from another angle, Li Tianyu felt that if he could get a non-American lithography machine, would he be able to bypass the authorization issue and make a lot of money?


This is feasible, but Li Tianyu has no plans to do so yet.

Now his biggest goal is to bring the latest improved flexible screen to the market, earn reputation points, and upgrade the system.

As for the lithography machine, I can talk about it slowly.

This is the same as stew, greedy and not bad.

It’s not beautiful if you don’t have the energy to do a good thing.

Li Tianyu made up his mind, put aside these work matters, and took a good rest.

The next day, Li Tianyu took a long time to accompany Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue to the scenic spots near Yanyun City.

In fact, there are no special attractions, but Qin Xiaoyue is surprisingly excited and happy, and seems to have a lot of fun.

At noon, the three of them randomly chose a KFC to eat burgers, chicken wings, and finger-sucking chicken.80 Novel Network

Li Tianyu looked at Qin Xuetong: "Don't you need to go on a diet?"

Qin Xuetong asked back: "Am I fat?"

Li Tianyu: "That's not true, at least it doesn't look fat."

Li Tianyu thought about it for a while, as if hugging Qin Xuetong twice.

The weight is so-so, okay.

It feels very good.

At this time, Qin Xiaoyue turned to Qin Xuetong and said, "Sister, I think this is the most fun place in the world!"

Qin Xuetong lowered her head and glanced at her sister: "Is it a bit too early for you to say that?"

Qin Xiaoyue: "It's not early, sister, don't you think Uncle Li is a very interesting person?"

Li Tianyu laughed and said, "It's almost the same, then tell me, where am I interesting? Isn't it humorous, human and kind, and enthusiastic?"

Qin Xiaoyue: "No, I think you are very insignificant. This is the first time I have met a wretched person, so I find it particularly interesting."

Li Tianyu stuffed Qin Xiaoyue's mouth with a chicken wing root: "Okay, it's like a lot of talk, eat yours!"

At this time, Qin Xuetong said, "We will leave tomorrow. Thank you for serving us so hard."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "You are a big star, and others are eager to have a chance to play with you."

Qin Xuetong: "You confiscated the money yesterday."

What Qin Xuetong said was the transfer of WeChat yesterday.

Li Tianyu did not have any points to collect the payment, and it will be twenty-four hours immediately. If the payment is not collected, it will be returned to the original account.

Qin Xuetong looked distressed and made Li Tianyu smile.

Qin Xuetong: "What are you laughing at?"

Li Tianyu: "You don't need to pay, we two are friends anyway, there is no need to see outsiders like this."

Qin Xuetong: "But..."

Li Tianyu: "Do I look like someone who lacks money?"

Qin Xuetong: "That's two different things."

Li Tianyu: "And I seem to owe you and Qiu Kexin two meals, right?"

Qin Xuetong just remembered that there was indeed such a thing.

While in Nanzhou, Qin Xuetong and Qiu Kexin helped Li Tianyu a lot.

Qin Xuetong pursed her mouth and smiled, "That's one yard and one yard, and Kexin is not here either."

Li Tianyu: "That's all right, then can you owe me a meal?"

Qin Xuetong thought for a while. It seemed that this kind of proposal was okay. It was justified, so he didn't refute, and nodded.

In the afternoon, the three of them went around the neighborhood together, and then went back home.

Li Tianyu still had an appointment with Fang Teqiang tonight, so that Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue sisters could move freely.

Fang Teqiang was also very anxious, so he made several calls to Li Tianyu this day just to make sure of this.

No, as soon as Li Tianyu entered the house, Fang Teqiang's servant fought over again.

Fang Teqiang: "Tianyu, don't forget."

Li Tianyu: "I can't forget it, can I forget it? You have all become my memo. I have reminded it several times."

Fang Teqiang: "My dad said, I must let you come."

Li Tianyu: "Oh, your kid said you missed it. It turned out that it was your uncle who wanted me to go, not what you meant.

Fang Teqiang: "No, no, my dad wants you to go, I want you to go even more!"

Li Tianyu laughed and said, "Okay, I'll go, I'll do it."

Fang Teqiang: "Okay, see you that night, don't be late."

Li Tianyu: "Oh."

Li Tianyu spoke to Fang Teqiang again, and said goodbye to hang up.

Looking at the time, it is now more than three o'clock in the afternoon.

The dinner at Fang Teqiang's family started at seven o'clock in the evening, and there were nearly four hours left.

Li Tianyu regretted not playing with the Qin Xuetong sisters for a while, it would be nice to kill time.

What's more, Qin Xuetong is a big beauty, a big star, and a very interesting personality. Li Tianyu feels comfortable with her.

Li Tianyu spent more than two hours working at home.

Watching TV for a while, playing mobile phone for a while, kicking the shuttlecock for a while, playing darts for a while...

Anyway, after playing with everything at home, Li Tianyu was tired of playing.

Seeing that it was almost six o'clock, Li Tianyu wouldn't be consuming time anymore, so let's go ahead.

Li Tianyu drove into the car and left Zihuan's home.

Fang Teqiang sent the address of the dinner to Li Tianyu's mobile phone in advance.

Li Tianyu just followed the navigation and should not be wrong.

The venue for the dinner was actually in Fang Guoqi's private property, in a villa on the outskirts of Yanyun City.

Speaking of the villa, it is indeed very trench, super trench.

The area is terribly large, the overall European-style noble courtyard design, five-story high, and the kind of royal fountain in front of the villa.

Li Tianyu drove to the door, looked at the magnificent big iron gate outside, and thought, Uncle Fang Teqi can do it.

I didn't think that Fang Guoqi just made a fortune outside, not too small, but I didn't expect this fortune to be much larger than expected.

Although the land on the outskirts of Yanyun City is not too expensive, the cost of this villa is high, especially for the decoration. If there is enough trench, tens of thousands can be spent on a square meter.

The iron gate was closed at first, and as soon as Li Tianyu's car approached, a security guard came out of the small gate.

The security guard was very polite: "Sir, do you have an invitation?"

Li Tianyu only then remembered, and immediately turned on his phone to open his WeChat.

Fang Teqiang sent Li Tianyu an electronic invitation.

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