Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 410: I'm Sorry! I'm wrong!

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The two security guards were both tall and mammoth, and walked towards Li Tianyu together.

One of them stretched out his hand to put it on Li Tianyu's shoulder.

Then, before his hand touched Li Tianyu, Li Tianyu suddenly grabbed his finger and pressed it down.

"Fuck! Alas!"

The security guard took a breath and knelt on the ground with pain.

Seeing this, the other security guard took a half step back in shock.

Wang Hongsheng saw that this kid had skills under his hands, he was really not a good master.

Lu Zhiwei: "Fuck! This kid still dared to resist, go, let's go together! Take him down! Beat him up!"

Lu Zhiwei was going crazy with his fists, and even wanted to go up and hit people by himself.

Li Tianyu laughed and waved to Lu Zhiwei, as if to say "Come here, you can do it."

Lu Zhiwei was really aroused, and he waved his arms two steps forward to hit Li Tianyu with a big ear scrape.

He only felt his wrist tighten, and his arm could still be swung down in midair.

At first glance, Li Tianyu actually grabbed his wrist.

Li Tianyu was also unambiguous and waved his other hand.

With a sound of "pop!" it hit Lu Zhiwei's face, causing him to turn around twice and lie down on the ground.

Lu Zhiwei could not react, he only felt that he was hit hard on his face, dizzy, and his eyes were blurred with gold stars, even people could not see clearly.

Everyone saw that Li Tianyu actually beat Lu Zhiwei.

Damn it!

This is crazy!

The courage is too big!

Lu Zhiwei is no ordinary person, but there is a lot of power behind him.

Li Tianyu is dying of shit this time!

It took a long time for Lu Zhiwei to relax, pointing at Li Tianyu and cursing: "How dare you do it!?"

Li Tianyu: "What can't you dare?"

Lu Zhiwei: "You try again?"

Li Tianyu: "Try and try."

With that said, Li Tianyu really stood up.

Originally, Lu Zhiwei had already sat up, and when he saw Li Tianyu's movements, he was so frightened that he crawled back twice after crawling on the ground.

Finally he felt too unsightly, too persuaded, forcing himself to freeze his body.

Lu Zhiwei looked back.

Damn it!

Li Tianding sat back again.

It turns out that I just wanted to scare him.

Lu Zhiwei: "My Nima..."

Ye Dafu shouted to Li Tianyu: "Li Tianyu, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Li Tianyu: "I don't know, what are the consequences?"

Ye Dafu didn't say anything, but turned his head and said to Wang Hongsheng: "Uncle Wang, you think he dared to beat people, what do you think?"

Just now, Wang Hongsheng's eyes became fierce: "It's okay, I'll call more people over to teach him a lesson."

Wang Hongsheng took out the walkie-talkie and unscrewed the button to call someone, but was interrupted by another voice.

"What are you doing?"

Everyone turned their heads and looked, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes was walking towards this side.

There was a lot of movement here just now, which disturbed many people around, and some of them came to watch, wondering what happened.

So the middle-aged man found something wrong when he entered the banquet hall, so he came to ask.

When Wang Hongsheng saw the middle-aged man, his expression immediately changed.

Becoming sincere and frightened, he immediately trot to greet the middle-aged man.

Respectful attitude, humble look.

Others, such as Lu Zhiwei, Ye Dafu, and Lu Meiqi, all stood upright and displayed a respectful attitude.

Obviously, this middle-aged man in a suit is a big man.

And who is this person?

Li Tianyu finally recognized it.

Although the lapse of years is a bit long, Li Tianyu still vaguely has a general impression of this person.

This middle-aged man is no one else, but Fang Teqiang's father and outstanding entrepreneur Fang Guoqi.

Li Tianyu had a good time with Fang Teqiang when he was young, and often went to Fang's house to play, and there were many opportunities to meet Fang Guoqi.

Moreover, Fang Guoqi likes children more, and he has always been good to Li Tianyu, and even brought Li Tianyu with him when he went to the amusement park with Fang.

Therefore, Li Tianyu still has a good impression of Guoqi, and is very grateful to him.

Now that he saw Fang Guoqi, it would be inappropriate for Li Tianyu to sit so carelessly.

He stood up and was about to say hello to Fang Guoqi, but was interrupted by Lu Zhiwei.

"Uncle Fang, you are here!"

Lu Zhiwei greeted him first, followed by Ye Dafu.

Li Tianyu stood in the crowd, so Fang Guoqi hadn't seen him yet.

Fang Guoqi: "Xiao Lu, Xiao Ye, you are here, what's the matter? Why are there so many people around? Just now I saw someone shouting something."

As soon as Uncle Fang came, Lu Zhiwei's courage grew stronger.

Fang Guoqi took care of Wang Hongsheng's injustice.

Not to mention that, Fang Guoqi's bodyguards are all masters who have won rankings in domestic fighting competitions, so Li Tianyu can easily knock him down with one arm.

Lu Zhiwei thought of this and couldn't help gritting his teeth. That slapped revenge must be reported today!

Lu Zhiwei: "Uncle Fang, there is a guy who doesn't know how to be a VIP and is making trouble here. I want to stop him, but he still beats people."

Ye Dafu also helped: "Yeah, Uncle Fang, this person is too arrogant and bullying, even Uncle Wang can't help him."

After Fang Guoqi listened to the narration of the two, his face sank as expected: "Pharaoh, what's the situation? Why would anyone come in?"

Wang Hongsheng hurriedly came to explain: "President Fang, I don't know. Our security is very tight. It stands to reason that there will be no people who have not invited in."

Fang Nanqi coldly snorted, "Then get rid of him quickly, don't affect other guests."

Wang Hongsheng wiped the sweat from his face: "Okay, okay, Mr. Fang, leave it to me."

At this time, Lu Zhiwei said: "Uncle Fang, that kid has a lot of work, and the security guards can't help him."

Fang Guoqi said "Oh": "Where is he? I want to see who it is? So arrogant."

Lu Zhiwei and Ye Dafu lifted their spirits and quickly pointed them to Fang Guoqi.

Lu Meiqi, who was next to her, couldn't help shaking her head, it seemed that Li Tianyu was really going to die.

Fang Guoqi looked into the crowd for two or three seconds, and was stunned.

Lu Zhiwei thought that Fang Guoqi hadn't seen who it was, so he pointed out again: "Uncle Fang, that person is particularly hateful. Don't think he is thin, there are still two things."

Fang Guoqi didn't seem to hear Lu Zhiwei's words at all, but smiled.

Others were shocked. Is this the so-called "smiling tiger"?

The kind that can torture people with a smile.

The big bosses in movies often have this type.

But this smile is too bright, right?

It's as if I met a fellow in a business trip.

At this time, everyone was surprised to find that Li Tianyu actually walked over and proactively extended his hand to Fang Guoqi.

This is the rhythm of shaking hands!

Unexpectedly, Li Tianyu, who was arrogant and domineering just now, would actually "subdue" Fang Guoqi instantly.

The speed of this face change is too fast, right?8090 Chinese

However, will Fang Guoqi shake hands with him?

Certainly not!

What is Fang Guoqi's identity?That's a first-class big man, a Mesozoic entrepreneur, but a master who often appears on TV.

Shaking hands with him?It would be nice not to hold the kid responsible for the trouble.

This kid's face is too big and too beautiful to think!

However, when everyone was thinking this way, Fang Guohua actually held hands with Li Tianyu.

Not only that, but what happened next was enough to make these people dumbfounded.

Fang Guoqi laughed loudly.

Is he crazy?

of course not.

Next, Fang Guoqi unexpectedly hugged Li Tianyu, the kind who was very active and intimate.

Fang Guoqi like this is like trying to clean up someone who made trouble at the banquet, obviously like seeing relatives and friends who haven't seen him for many years.

Everyone's mouth seemed to be stuffed with two eggs, and they couldn't close, and couldn't open them again.

It's incredible.

In the end what happened?

Why does Fang Guoqi treat a guy who doesn't know the heights, domineering, and stinky?

This is not in line with common sense!

It's totally illogical!

Everyone was in shock, with question marks over their heads.

At this time, the two finally began to talk.

Li Tianyu: "Uncle Fang, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Fang Guoqi laughed: "That's right, maybe it's more than ten years, right? You don't seem to have changed much, you are still the same as before, but you have grown taller and stronger."

Li Tianyu responded with a smile: "You too, you are still so young."

Fang Guoqi: "Okay, Tianyu, you really can speak more and more, no wonder you often hear others praise you."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Others? Who is it?"

Fang Guoqi seemed very happy, and patted Li Tianyu on the shoulder: "This is not in a hurry, let's talk about it later."

At this moment, Wang Hongsheng couldn't help asking: "President Fang, you, do you know him?"

Fang Guoqi: "Nonsense, of course I know, Pharaoh, what did you do? Even the guests I invited have to drive away?"

When everyone heard it, they understood.

It turns out that what Li Tianyu said before was all true.

Li Tianyu did have an invitation letter, and the invitation letter was indeed sent directly to him by the Fang family.

what does this mean?

This shows that Li Tianyu is the distinguished guest of the Fang family, and he is the most noble kind!

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do and how to react.

Wang Hongsheng shouted countless "bad" in his heart, and at the same time scolded the eight-generation ancestors of Lu Zhiwei and Ye Dafu countless times.

Two little brats, isn't this hurting him Wang Hongsheng!

I think that Wang Hongsheng has long sleeves and good dances in the wealthy circle. He has been so powerful for so many years. If he were planted in the hands of such two little boys, he would lose a lot.

Wang Hongsheng quickly explained: "Excuse me, Mr. Fang, and Mr. Li, I didn't know anything at first, but after listening to the two of them, he said that Mr. Li didn't have an invitation letter and he came in... "

Fang Guoqi's expression changed, and he looked at Lu Zhiwei and Ye Dafu: "What? What's the matter? How did you two do it?"

This time Lu Ye was even more uncomfortable.

This person Fang Guoqi, let alone Lu Zhiwei and Ye Dafu, the two dudes, even if their old man came over, he had to call him "Big Brother".

The status and status are quite far away!

Seeing that the two of them were silent, Fang Guoqi could almost guess the general course.

He also understands that these two boys love to make trouble when they are fine, but he didn't expect to make trouble in his place.

Fang Guoqi turned his head and said to Li Tianyu: "They haven't done anything excessive, right?"

Li Tianyu smiled: "Uncle Fang, these two people are very interesting, as if they were not pleasing to my eyes as soon as they came in, but you can rest assured that I didn't suffer."

Lu Zhiwei yelled in his heart, it's not that you didn't suffer, you still made money!It blows my teeth out!

Fang Guoqi: "Well, just don't suffer."

Then, Fang Guoqi turned around and became stern: "You two, apologize to Tianyu immediately!"

Lu Zhiwei raised his head reflexively: "Huh!? Apology, apology...?"

Fang Guoqi frowned: "What? You did something wrong and offended others. Is it difficult to say sorry?"

Lu Zhiwei and Ye Dafu glanced at each other, with a very embarrassed look in their eyes.

This is not a difficult question.

This is too shameful!

So many people are watching!

If it spreads out, why are the two of them hanging around in Yanyun City!?

To be ashamed, now the two of them are indeed lost.

Not to mention anything else, I wanted to make trouble for someone, but was "anti-killed" by others, and was so embarrassed that I didn't want it.

Especially Lu Zhiwei, Li Tianyu gave a firm slap in the face in public.

The loud voice seemed to be echoing in the banquet hall now.

Not only did he not find it back, he had to apologize to Li Tianyu. Lu Zhiwei really wanted to die.

This "sorry" is really hard to say.

At this time, Wang Hongsheng said slowly: "Mr. Li, I solemnly say sorry to you now. It is because I don't know Taishan. This will never happen again."

Having said that, Wang Hongsheng also bowed to Li Tianyu.

Sure enough, it is the old world.


No need at all.

Besides, in the eyes of big people, how can Wang Hongsheng have any face?

Li Tianyu didn't feel embarrassed at all, and received the worship firmly.

Lu Zhiwei and Ye Dafu secretly accused Wang Hongsheng as an old fox.

Fang Guoqi didn't ask him to apologize, so why did he join in the fun?

At this time, Fang Guoqi said coldly: "Xiao Lu, Xiao Ye, if you don't apologize sincerely today, don't come to our Fang house in the future."

Lu Zhiwei and Ye Dafu looked up suddenly.

Damn it!

This is especially about breaking off diplomatic relations with the two!

Who is this Li Tianyu?

Actually let Fang Guoqi do this?

Now let's not say that these two troublemakers are so shocked, and most of the others are surprised and inexplicable.

Lu Meiqi looked at Fang Guoqi and then at Li Tianyu, she really couldn't see through this guy.

Who is he?

Just an executive from the headquarters of Aihua Real Estate?

It is impossible for Fang Guoqi to treat it like this!


At this time, Lu Zhiwei and Ye Dafu seemed to have no retreat.

I could only lower my high heads and shouted together:

"Sorry! I was wrong!"

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