Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 415: Mr. X Is Going Back?

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu: "But I'm not a celebrity, can anyone buy my bill?"

Wang Zhigang: "You are indeed not a star, but the mysterious Mr. X is different."

Li Tianyu: "Mysterious Mr. X?"

Wang Zhigang: "The new issue of "The Runner" will be broadcast soon, and the mysterious Mr. X will undoubtedly become popular."

Li Tianyu suddenly understood.

It turns out that Wang Zhigang and the others had this idea.

Let Li Tianyu continue to snatch his mysterious Mr. X.

But what is the purpose of this?

The mysterious Mr. X has never appeared in "Sword Dance Chang'an".

When Li Tianyu asked, Wang Zhigang said: "We are studying the plan, and we will discuss this with you later."

Li Tianyu was also uncomfortable.

It doesn't matter, anyway, I still don't know when it will be on the show.

First agree to it, and go there when you have time, even if you are helping a friend.

And it’s okay to cover your face, and don’t need to speak, to be a background or a tree in variety shows.

Li Tianyu chatted with Wang Zhigang casually for a while, then said goodbye to hung up the phone.

Li Tianyu threw the phone on the bedside table and lay down again. Just as he was about to close his eyes, the phone rang again.

I picked up the phone and saw that it was my sister Li Li.

You can't help but pick it up.

Li Tianyu pressed the answer button.

Li Li: "Xiaoyu, are you still in Yanyun?"

Li Tianyu: "Sister, I'm here, I'm lying at home now."

Li Li: "Then don't lie down. I work at the unit and can't get out of my body. You can run for me."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Sister, where did you let me go?"

Li Li: "That's it, Xiao Hang went to a blind date today."

Li Tianyu: "Little Hang? Which Xiao Hang?"

Li Li: "You are not too old, why are you so forgetful."

Li Tianyu let out an "Oh" and finally remembered.

Xiao Hang is Shi Minghang, cousin of brother-in-law Shi Feng.

Li Tianyu and Shi Minghang used to meet often, and they played together for a while, and the relationship was okay.

In recent years, because he has been in the imperial capital, except for holidays, he has hardly seen this distant relative.

In the impression, Shi Minghang is a very honest child, not very talkative.

Li Tianyu: "Ah? How old is he? He is the age of blind dates?"

Li Li: "That must have arrived a long time ago. He went to work in the junior college."

Li Li also said that Shi Minghang happened to find a job in Yanyun City.

Shi Minghang's parents have been in the county town below, so Shi Feng was asked to take care of him.

Recently, Shi Minghang’s classmates introduced him to a person, and they had a good chat on WeChat. If this is not the case today, I will see the real person.

Li Tianyu said "Oh": "Then what? What happened?"

Li Li: "But he left in a hurry and forgot his wallet. I have something to do with my work unit and I can't get away. Your brother-in-law is on a business trip again. You can only send it to me."

It turned out to be such a thing, of course Li Tianyu readily agreed.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, sister, where is Xiao Hang on the blind date? I'll go over immediately."

Li Li: "You come to me to get your wallet first, and then I will tell you where you are."

Li Tianyu: "Hey, no need. I have money here. I'll give him the money first. Or if a guy of this size is cleaner than his face, can this kiss make a difference?"

Li Li was right after thinking about it, and said, "That's OK, you give him a few hundred dollars first, and I'll give it to you later." No.1 Literature Website

Li Tianyu: "Okay, let's talk about it then."

Hundreds of dollars?

It's not that Li Tianyu is bragging. For him, he can't even compare to a dime.

But if you have money, you have money, and sometimes you have to have principles and bottom lines.

So Li Li pays him the money, Li Tianyu will also take it.

I'm afraid I can't sleep this way.

When Li Tianyu got dressed, Li Li also sent Shi Minghang's blind date address to Li Tianyu's cell phone.

Li Tianyu went downstairs and drove into the car, and hurried there directly.

Shi Minghang’s blind date is a cafe, not far from Zihuan’s home, and it takes only ten minutes to drive there.

But there was a traffic jam today, and it really won't be there for a while.

At the same time, Xiyun Cafe is located on the first floor of Huatian Building.

The café has a good environment and plays melodious light music.

There are not many people, it is very quiet.

Shi Minghang sat in a position by the window, behaving slightly restrained, after all, there were two girls sitting opposite.

Shi Minghang is relatively introverted.

After he entered the society and took part in work, he was able to be more open in most occasions after training.

But the current situation is special.

Yes, of the two girls sitting opposite Shi Minghang, one of them is Shi Minghang's blind date.

The girl's name is Tian Xiaoning, with fair skin, round face, and short hair with ears. She is quite cute.

In fact, it is not very accurate to say that Shi Minghang and Tian Xiaoning are on a blind date.

Tian Xiaoning is a colleague of Shi Minghang's classmates. The colleague felt that the two of them were suitable, so he introduced him to Shi Minghang's WeChat account.

The two were able to become friends.

Originally, Shi Minghang didn't care much, but now that he has added a WeChat friend, let's talk about it.

Unexpectedly, chatting and chatting became smoother and hotter.

Obviously, both of them are quite satisfied with each other.

The most important thing is that the two exchanged photos deliberately, which are more in line with each other's aesthetics.

For these reasons, this led to the meeting of the two, which is a blind date.

Of course, even though Shi Minghang is introverted, he is still quite a man, and he first proposed it.

Tian Xiaoning didn't come alone, and brought one of her roommates and girlfriends named Dong Fang.

First, it is to give Tian Xiaoning courage and reduce some embarrassment.

Secondly, it is to check Tian Xiaoning to see how Shi Minghang is a boy, whether he is reliable, is he a good person.

Shi Minghang also understands that it doesn't matter if there is one more person.

He is also afraid of embarrassment. Three people are better than two.

But at this time, Shi Minghang is facing what may be the most difficult time in his life.


Because his current situation was really guessed by Li Tianyu, his pocket was indeed cleaner than his face.

It depends on him. He was so nervous and rushed when he went out, and he forgot his wallet in his rental house.

He wanted to go back to get it, but it was too late. Tian Xiaoning and Dong Fang had already arrived.

His cousin Shi Feng was on a business trip again, so Shi Minghang could only call his sister-in-law Li Li and ask her to help Shi Minghang send some money.

Shi Minghang was nervous at first, but now he is even more nervous.

Had it not been for this cafe to order food first and pay later, he would be embarrassed.

I don't know if Li Li can catch up and send the money.

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