Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 420 Tianyu's Friend Is My Friend

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu said it quite easily.

But personally it sounds wrong.

Such a big man invited you to dinner, but you still refused?

Although Li Tianyu does look like a successful person, he cannot be better than Wang Changshun.

Li Tianyu doesn't care about the opportunity to have a relationship with Wang Changshun?

Ghosts believe it!

Shi Minghang really thought Li Tianyu was bragging.

But now there is no way to persuade him to change his words. After all, the cow has already gone to heaven and there is no way to pull it off.

Tian Xiaoning and Dong Fang looked at each other, feeling that Shi Minghang's cousin was too unreliable.

Bragging is not bad, but it can't be so evil.

Dong Fang whispered to Tian Xiaoning: "Look at how I let him show his true shape."

Tian Xiaoning hesitated, and said, "Forget it, let's not go too far."

Dong Fang: "Don't worry about it, just look at my performance."

Li Tianyu's ear power is amazing.

Although their voices were small, they had been heard by him a long time ago.

But Li Tianyu didn't say anything.

No matter what Dong Fang wants to do, let her do it well. Anyway, Li Tianyu didn't brag at all, and even had some reservations.

Just listen to Dong Fang smiling and saying: "Li Tianyu, listen to what you mean, is he rushing to invite you?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, he really wants to invite me to dinner now."

Dong Fang: "He wants to flatter you? Why?"

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "You have to ask him about this. I'm not the roundworm in his stomach. How do I know?"

Dong Fang was startled.

She really didn't expect Li Tianyu to take it for granted, as if it were true.

If Wang Changshun was not the son of the chairman of Xuanwang Trading Group, Dong Fang might really believe it.

But this is also extremely ridiculous.

This Li Tianyu knows that his lie is very easy to be exposed, but he still keeps his mouth up. That's not selfish humiliation!

In this case, Dong Fang would not leave him at all.

Dong Fang: "By the way, I really want to get to know Wang Changshun, can you give me an introduction?"

Shi Minghang was surprised.

The thing that worries him most still happened.

Even if Li Tianyu and Wang Changshun are really middle-aged classmates, but they have graduated from middle-aged for many years, maybe they don't know Li Tianyu anymore.

Even if he knew him, his attitude would not be like Li Tianyu said, rushing to flatter him.

Everyone is an adult, and you can tell at a glance what kind of attitudes each other has.

It was revealed at once.

How can this be good?

The air conditioner in the coffee shop was quite adequate, but Shi Minghang still dripped sweat on his face.

He couldn't help picking up a tissue and wiping his sweat.

It was really terrible to meet a woman like Dong Fang.

Tian Xiaoning feels that Dong Fang is indeed a bit too much. This is obviously to make Li Tianyu embarrassed.

Li Tianyu was embarrassed, and Shi Minghang's face couldn't help.

Tian Xiaoning has a good impression of Shi Minghang, but he doesn't want to make the relationship stiff because of this.

Tian Xiaoning whispered: "Fang'er, forget it, isn't Wang Changshun also talking about things? Don't disturb him."

Dong Fang looked at Tian Xiaoning and then at Li Tianyu: "Well, let's talk about it next time."

Dong Fang thought, because of Tian Xiaoning's face, I will let you go.

It's okay not to see each other in the future. If you do, you must let this Li Tianyu show up.

However, just when Dong Fang wanted to "receive the soldiers", Li Tianyu did not intend to "stop".

He said lightly: "Okay, if you really want to know Wang Changshun, then I can help him say hello."

The other three were shocked for a while.

What happened?

Li Tianyu still wants to play for real, and directly insist on Dong Fang?

Dong Fang laughed instead of anger, and climbed up the pole: "Okay, you go and say hello, if you can really let me know him, I really have to thank you."

Shi Minghang: "No need, my cousin..."

Shi Minghang's eyes rolled for a long time, and he couldn't think of how to reject Dong Fang's proposal.

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Just say hello to him."

The three of them thought that Li Tianyu was going to stand up and greet Wang Changshun. Who knows, let alone stand up, they didn't even look at Wang Changshun.

What is this going to do?

Is it time to delay?

Dong Fang secretly despised Li Tianyu.

Isn't this hard?

However, Li Tianyu's behavior shocked the other three.

Li Tianyu actually coughed, and it was obviously deliberate, and the voice was loud.


Just when the three of them didn't understand what Li Tianyu was doing for a while, Wang Changshun and the others heard the coughing and looked over here.

When Wang Changshun saw Li Tianyu, he was obviously stunned.

Indeed, who would have thought of meeting acquaintances here?

What a coincidence.Abeduo Book City

After that, Wang Changshun stood up immediately and walked over on his own initiative.

The other three people all showed a nervous look.

Damn it!

That was the second generation of Niubifu in Yanyun City, and he was a man with a face.

Even Dong Fang, who claims to want to get acquainted with Wang Changshun, is a little at a loss and restless.

However, when I look at Li Tianyu again, he looks calm and calm, sitting there as steady and calm as a mountain.

In short, if someone doesn't know him, he will definitely think that he is acting steady.

I saw Wang Changshun approaching and asking aloud: "Yo, Tianyu, you are here."

Li Tianyu raised his head and glanced at Wang Changshun, showing a slightly surprised look, like a chance encounter.

From this perspective, Li Tianyu's acting skills are indeed not covered.

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "Wang Changshun, why are you here?"

Wang Changshun actually showed a humble smile under the eyes of everyone.

This kind of smile will only appear when you are in favor of others.

Shi Minghang, Tian Xiaoning and Dong Fang were all stunned.

Let alone Wang Changshun really knows Li Tianyu.

Unexpectedly, a wealthy elder brother would show such an expression.

What is even more surprising is that Li Tianyu is still indifferent, even somewhat indifferent, as if he has no intention of telling Wang Changshun.

And Wang Changshun, in full view, did act like he wanted to stick to Li Tianyu.

Damn it!

This is too bizarre.

The roles of Li Tianyu and Wang Changshun seem to be completely reversed.

Could it be that……

Really like Li Tianyu said, is Wang Changshun rushing to curry favor with Li Tianyu?

Dong Fang was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, looked at Wang Changshun in disbelief, and then at Li Tianyu.

At this time, Wang Changshun actually stretched out his hand to pull Li Tianyu's arm, and said, "Tianyu, it just so happens. I have two friends here. Let's chat together for a while, and everyone will know each other."

Li Tianyu waved his hand, and with a slight move, he broke free of Wang Changshun's pull: "No, I have something else to do. Let's talk about it later."

Wang Changshun smiled: "Okay, I'll talk about it later."

Damn it!

This is a bit too catchy!

At this time, Li Tianyu pointed to Dong Fang: "Changshun, this girl wants to meet you, don't you mind?"

Wang Changshun turned his head to look at Dong Fang, and said with a smile: "Yo, of course I don't mind."

Wang Changshun actually stretched out his hand to shake hands with Dong Fang.

Dong Fang was really at a loss for a while, and quickly stood up and shook hands with Wang Changshun.

Of the day.

How does Wang Changshun look like a rich second generation?

Wang Changshun: "You are Tianyu's friend, and that is my friend. If you want to help, please come to me at any time."

These words, Wang Changshun did not just say to Dong Fang, even Shi Minghang and Tian Xiaoning were also touched.

Li Tianyu suddenly discovered that Wang Changshun was indeed a talent.

The ability to observe words and colors is called a great.

Such people have extremely high emotional intelligence, which is actually very rare.

Of course, this kind of itself must be used on the "right path", otherwise it will be a disaster.

As for what the right way is, of course it is useful to him Li Tianyu.

This is not the time to think about this.

But since Wang Changshun behaved so inferiorly, Li Tianyu really shouldn't hold him anymore.

Li Tianyu turned his head and said to Shi Minghang, "Minghang, this is Wang Changshun. He is also a man with a good head and face in Yanyun City."

When Wang Changshun heard this, he felt that Li Tianyu was complimenting him, and quickly said: "Whereas, in front of Tianyu, I dare not say that I have a face and a face, at most I have some local connections."

Wang Changshun's words really gave Li Tianyu enough face.

At least Shi Minghang, Tian Xiaoning, and Dong Fang were already shocked to not want them.

In front of Li Tianyu, Wang Changshun's posture was too low. Could it be that one thing drops one thing?

The three of them finally realized it now.

What Li Tianyu said just now, let alone bragging, didn't even have any moisture.

Why is Wang Changshun rushing to curry favor with Li Tianyu, he is clearly equivalent to Li Tianyu's little attendant.

It happened so suddenly that Shi Minghang no longer knew what to say.

Wang Changshun looked at Shi Minghang, and of course found that this man had a good relationship with Li Tianyu.

Wang Changshun stretched out his hand towards Shi Minghang: "How do you call this brother?"

Shi Minghang hurriedly stood up and shook hands with Wang Changshun, introduced himself, and missed the opportunity to tell his work unit.

Wang Changshun: "Oh, it turned out to be Guancheng Advertising Company, the one at the north exit of Yuhua Road?"

Shi Minghang was startled: "You know?"

Wang Changshun waved his hand: "I know, last time you had a department director who specially talked to me for a while, and said that he wanted to discuss some cooperation, but then I forgot the reason and didn't negotiate.

In fact, there is no reason at all.

If there is one reason to say, it is that Guancheng Advertising is not big enough and not stylish enough.

We must know that Xuanwang Trading Group is a large enterprise, and it is the big goal of cooperation between large advertising companies in Yanyun City and even Yanzhou Province.

Like small and medium advertising companies, Wang Changshun would never even look at it.

At this time, Wang Changshun changed his words: "By the way, if the Minghang brothers want to cooperate with us Xuanwang trade, let's talk about it later, and leave a contact information first."

Shi Minghang was shocked and could hardly speak.

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