Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 422 The new bar employee is a beauty

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!It seems that Guo Guang has a pretty good life.

In fact, this is normal. Guo Guang not only eats well, drinks well and sleeps well, but he also bought a car.

This is also due to the high salary of the store manager.

More importantly, there are commissions.

The benefits of the doll bar are quite impressive, and the salary plus a commission is a considerable figure in that month.

With Guo Guang's current income, it would be appropriate to provide a house in the imperial capital.

It really became to follow Li Tianyu, not only to eat meat, but also to live in a house.

When Guo Guang saw Li Tianyu, he walked over happily.

At this time, the girl said to Guo Guang: "Hello, manager."

Then, the girl said to Li Tianyu: "I'm sorry, sir, you can go to other places and wait for a while, we need to do sanitation."

Guo Guang laughed loudly.

The girl didn't know, so she blinked her eyes in a daze.

Is the store manager crazy?

Li Tianyu: "Old Guo, tell me, who is this little beauty?"

Guo Guang: "This, it's Zhao Xialan, the front office manager of our doll bar."

Li Tianyu suddenly realized.

His boss transferred Han Lei to Tianyu Mansion in Dibei Water Town, and the position of front office manager of the bar was vacated.

Guo Guang asked Li Tianyu if he wanted to recruit new people, and Li Tianyu let him figure it out.

After several months of training, Guo Guang, the manager of the store, did a good job, and Li Tianyu delegated the authority to him for recruiting people.

Therefore, Guo Guang didn't know where Zhao Xialan came from.

From the appearance point of view, Zhao Xialan's quality is quite high.

So Li Tianyu took the initiative to reach out to Zhao Xialan.

Zhao Xialan was still confused, but still shook hands with Li Tianyu.

Guo Guang explained: "This is our boss, his surname is Li."

When the girl heard this, she was completely startled: "...Old, boss!?"

Li Tianyu is indeed very young, not at all like a bar owner.

But the girl has heard people say that the owner of the doll bar is a very young handsome guy.

Zhao Xialan has been employed for more than a month, and has never seen her boss show up. She thought it was a legend.

Today is regarded as an eye open.

Not only a young handsome guy, but also not an ordinary handsome guy, with a very good temperament.

Li Tianyu also took advantage of the opportunity to shake hands and took a good look at Zhao Xialan's "understanding".

The conclusion will come out immediately. Zhao Xialan's character and work history are quite good, and the manager of the front office at the doll bar must be more than enough in ability.

Li Tianyu looked at his watch, it was noon.

Li Tianyu: "Have you all eaten?"

Guo Guang and Zhao Xialan shook their heads at the same time, saying that they had not eaten them.

Guo Guang: "I'll get some dishes."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Don't be so troublesome. There are so many restaurants nearby. Let's find a casual meal and have a chat."

Guo Guang doesn't matter, anyway, the boss treats him.

When the three of them walked out of the bar, Li Tianyu saw a new Camry parked in the small parking lot.

Li Tianyu: "Yeah, Lao Guo, is this your car?"

Guo Guang laughed: "Just mentioned, it's convenient to commute to get off work with a car."

Li Tianyu patted Guo Guang on the shoulder: "Yes, not bad, I don't just know how to keep money, or which girl would follow you?"

Guo Guang said haha: "Don't worry, your career is important."

The three of them found a nearby Sichuan restaurant with a good reputation.

Zhao Xialan is from Nanhu, so there is no problem with spicy food.8090 Chinese

I'm not afraid that you are hot, but you are not hot enough.

The three of them ordered food and tea, and began to talk.

In fact, it was mainly Li Tianyu chatting with Guo Guang, Zhao Xialan was very good at pouring tea for the two, arranging tableware, and listening to the two chatting by the way.

The two talked about the current situation first, basically there was not much to talk about, anyway, it was just one word-steady.

As for the situation of the Tianyu Palace Hotel in Dibei Water Town, Li Tianyu did not go to the hotel in the last two days. He didn't know the specific situation and just told Guo Guang that it was in trial operation.

Guo Guang smiled and raised his teacup: "Tianyu, you are now the big boss. You are the only one who has made such great achievements at a young age."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Lao Guo, why do you come to this set, don't say such beautiful things."

Li Tianyu thought, Boss, I still have a super beautiful island undeveloped.

After the development is over, you can sing carols, it's almost the same.

Guo Guang: "How can this be called beautiful talk? I'm telling the truth. Now I have discovered that all the people who are following you have developed."

Li Tianyu chuckled.

In fact, what Guo Guang said is not a lie.

So far, An Xin's people who have been chasing with him have doubled their money, and they are indeed living better than before.

At this moment, Zhao Xialan was listening to her, with a strange feeling.

She came to the doll bar for a short time, and she didn't know how capable Li Tianyu was, so listening to what Guo Guang said was just flattering and flattering.

After the dishes were ready, Li Tianyu and Guo Guang entered the topic.

Li Tianyu: "Lao Guo, where is the store you mentioned?"

Guo Guang: "It's in the middle of this street, not far from our doll bar."

Li Tianyu pondered for a while, and said: "That's OK, when the meal is over, you take me to see."

Guo Guang: "Okay, let's eat quickly."

Although Li Tianyu feels that renting a storefront is not a profit, since Guo Guang said that the storefront is good, then go and take a look.

If the owner wants to sell, it doesn’t hurt to buy it.

Li Tianyu is not short of money anyway.

Although Wulitun is the core area of ​​the imperial capital, the store price must be very high, but it should not be much higher.

If the owner is really unwilling to sell, let's talk about it.

The three of them speeded up and finished eating soon.

Guo Guang eats the most.

Li Tianyu did not eat less.

Zhao Xialan was quite reserved and only ate a bit.

After checking out, the three people walked out of the hotel.

Zhao Xialan: "Boss, store manager, do I still use it?"

Guo Guang: "You come together too. Anyway, just go over and take a look. It won't take much time."

Zhao Xialan agreed and walked behind them.

As Guo Guang said, the store to be transferred is nearby.

The three people walked for only three minutes and arrived.

Guo Guang pointed to a store and said, "It's here."

It turns out that this store is a bookstore.

The exterior walls use large glass windows and glass doors, which look very bright.

Looking in from the outside, the bookstore was quite deserted, with no one.

In this age, there are fewer and fewer people reading books, no wonder this store has to be sold.

Li Tianyu: "Go, go in and have a look."

So Li Tianyu took the lead and walked in.

Guo Guang and Zhao Xialan followed closely behind.

Unexpectedly, this bookstore is really big.

Divided into inside and outside, dozens of large book shelves can be placed, just like a library.

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