Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 426 Hello, Qin Xuetong's Father

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After a while, a sound of music broke the silence.

Feng Pingwen immediately took out the phone, and someone called in.

He glanced at the caller ID, immediately got up and walked outside, and said: "It should be Mr. Qin who has arrived."

Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong looked at each other, got up immediately, followed Feng Pingwen and went outside.

Obviously, Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong would not dare to neglect the slightest amount of arrogant and domineering men like Qin Yuenian.

Since Qin Yuenian is about to arrive, it would be reasonable to go outside and wait for the greeting.

When Wang Shaohua saw that the three people went out in unison, he couldn't sit still, and said quickly, "Mr. Li, I'll go out and have a look."

Li Tianyu nodded, letting Wang Shaohua help himself.

So Wang Shaohua also followed out.

There are only three people in the back room: Li Tianyu, Guo Guang and Zhao Xialan.

Guo Guang: "Aren't we going out?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "No need."

Guo Guang: "But it seems that the owner is a big man. Isn't that impolite?"

Zhao Xialan thinks so too.

But Li Tianyu said, "Master Qin, I am more familiar than them, he is not good at this."

At the same time, outside the bookstore, Feng Pingwen craned his neck and looked around.

Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong also waited quietly beside them, without any impatient expressions.

This is not easy for them.

But it was Qin Yuenian who was waiting, let alone stand here for a while, even if he waited for an hour or two, there was no complaint.

In front of Qin Yuenian, these two people belonged to grandchildren. It would not be too much to kowtow a few heads during the New Year.

After a while, Feng Pingwen suddenly pressed his throat and yelled, "Come on! Come!"

I saw an Audi A6L slowly drove over, and then steadily stopped at the door of the bookstore.

Feng Pingwen hurried to the rear door, nodded and opened the door.

An old man got out of the car.

This old man is no one else, but the respected Qin Yuenian.

Then, the door of the main driver's seat was opened, and a middle-aged man came out.

This person is somewhat similar to Qin Yuenian, with a somewhat refined temperament and a somewhat majestic temperament.

At this moment, Feng Pingwen bent over and shook hands with Qin Yuenian: "Oh, Teacher Qin, I'm so sorry, I have to let you run."

Qin Yuenian waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's not a problem. Today we happened to be eating steamed buns nearby. It won't be troublesome to drop by.

Feng Pingwen turned his head to look at the middle-aged man, Qin Sisong.

He has long seen that this popularity is extraordinary, and it is definitely not a small role like Qin Yuenian's driver or assistant.

However, Qin Yuenian did not take the initiative to introduce it, and Feng Pingwen was not easy to ask.

They are just brokerage agents, and do not take the initiative to bring up personal information about clients even if they are curious.

This is, Feng Pingwen pointed to Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong, and said to Qin Yuenian: "Teacher Qin, these two are the customers who want to buy your shop. To say it, they still respect you."

Qin Yuenian took a few glances at the young men and women here, and seemed to have no impression: "These two are..."

Zhang Guoyang quickly introduced himself: "Teacher Qin, I am Zhang Huan's son."

Qin Yuenian suddenly realized that he smiled and shook hands with Zhang Guoyang, then patted him on the shoulder: "Not bad, I didn't expect that Zhang Huan's children have grown up so much. They are really talented."

Zhang Guoyang: "Teacher Qin, you passed the award."

Chen Rong: "Teacher Qin, you should remember Gao Changfeng and Zhu Hong? I am their daughter."

Qin Yuenian laughed when he heard it.

Qin Yuenian served as a visiting professor at Qingbei University. He taught Chinese Studies. There are often some grown-up students who come here especially, Gao Changfeng and Zhu Hong are his students.

Qin Yuenian: "I remember, they are really pretty girls, you two are..."

Zhang Guoyang: "Teacher Qin, we are the relationship between boy and girl friends."

Qin Yuenian laughed, and said quickly, "A handsome man matches a pretty girl", "Golden boy and jade girl" or something.

Then, Qin Yuenian chatted with Wang Shaohua again.

When I heard that the recent situation of the bookstore was really worse than the other day, I couldn't help shaking my head and sighing.

Wang Shaohua also felt very sad.

At that time, Qin Yuenian leased it to Wang Shaohua for twelve years. One of the big reasons was that Wang Shaohua opened a bookstore.

Qin Yuenian is a cultural person, and is the top cultural person and intellectual in the country.

For opening a bookstore, Qin Yuenian certainly supported one hundred.

Qin Yuenian patted Wang Shaohua on the shoulder: "Understood, the times are different now, so let's close it."

When Feng Pingwen saw that the greetings were almost complete, he said, "Teacher Qin, let's not stand here, go in and talk."

Qin Yuenian nodded.

Wang Shaohua opened the door quickly, and several people entered in file.

Qin Yuenian looked at the furnishings of the bookstore: "It's a pity, what a good bookstore, you said, why is there no one reading now?"

The others looked at each other, no one answered this question, and they dared not answer.

Can’t say, nowadays young people like to play LOL and eat sex?

By the way, the most is to read online novels, which is cool.

Qin Yuenian also felt that his question was quite boring, and quickly said, "I'm sorry, I just complained."

Wang Shaohua: "Teacher Qin, please come inside, there are still some guests waiting to see you."

Qin Yuenian was startled, "Is there anyone else? Who?"

Wang Shaohua: "A gentleman also wants to take over this store. He is also quite young and is waiting inside."

Qin Yue was happy: "My store is quite popular."

Feng Pingwen hurriedly replied: "Of course, Mr. Qin, there are many people who are interested in your store, but there are not many people who can truly be sincere. Mr. Zhang and Ms. Chen are the most sincere. "

Feng Pingwen is really dedicated to Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong, and emphasizes this all the time.

So, a few people walked inside again.

Zhang Guoyang couldn't help but sneer.

He wanted to see if Qin Yuenian really knew the guy named Li Tianyu.

Chen Rong has the same idea.

When they went to greet Qin Yuenian just now, the two noticed.

Li Tianyu didn't dare to come out, willing to be a turtle inside.

Obviously, he didn't want to meet Qin Yuenian.

This is obviously a manifestation of guilty conscience.

She has seen a lot of braggers, but she has never seen anyone bragging so arrogantly.

Both Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong are waiting to see Li Tianyu make a fool of himself in public.

At this moment, Li Tianyu and the other three people had already stood up when they heard the movement outside, and were waiting for them.

When Qin Yuenian saw Li Tianyu's face clearly, he couldn't help being stunned.

Wang Shaohua pointed to Li Tianyu and said, "Mr. Qin, this is Mr. Li, who also wants to take over your store."

Zhang Guoyang: "Teacher Qin, this Mr. Li, also said that he is very familiar with you." Tianshen Novel

When Zhang Guoyang said something, his face was quite joking.

After speaking, he smiled with his girlfriend Chen Rong, as if saying, "Let's see how this kid takes the trick."

Who knows Qin Yuenian suddenly laughed.

Then, what he said made Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong's smiles freeze on their faces.

Qin Yuenian: "Yeah, that's true, it's really familiar."

At this time, Li Tianyu had already walked over, stretched out his hands, and held Qin Yuenian's hands together.

Li Tianyu: "Master Qin, it's been a long time since I saw you."

Everyone was shocked.

This kid actually called Qin Yuenian "Old Man Qin" directly with Qin Yuenian. That was really daring.

Generally speaking, Qin Yuenian is called "Mr. Qin" or "Mr. Qin".

Isn't the term "old man Qin" too casual.

However, Qin Yuenian didn't seem to care at all, instead he showed a rather cordial smile at Li Tianyu.

Everyone can see it now.

The little-known Li Tianyu and the respected Qin Yuenian really knew each other.

Moreover, the relationship is quite good!

The others were completely stunned and did not understand how these two people with such a huge difference in identity and age were related.

In particular, Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong have long been completely confused.

Damn it!

This kid named Li Tianyu is too evil!

Since I knew Qin Yuenian, why didn't he come out to pick him up, but waited in there with a grin!?

This is too ignorant of etiquette!?

Strangely, Qin Yuenian didn't mind at all.

In fact, there are so many things they don't know, and Li Tianyu already knows Qin Yuenian's temperament.

As an older generation of intellectuals, he is not pedantic at all, and he even dislikes the social interactions of those people before and after.

For Qin Yuenian, it doesn't matter what he goes out to meet, he doesn't care about etiquette or politeness at all.

What he cares about is whether he can talk to this person.

And Li Tianyu, obviously in Qin Yuenian's heart, belonged to a person who could be talked about, and he was a very talkable person.

In a sense, the relationship between Li Tianyu and Qin Yuenian is more like a year-end acquaintance who has met and hated it late, and has long paid no attention to the age gap.

This is entirely because Li Tianyu has obtained a lot of Chinese knowledge and skills from the bragging tax system, such as the identification of antique calligraphy and painting, and the blessing of top tea ceremony...

All these make Li Tianyu and Qin Yuenian have a lot of common languages.

Therefore, although the two have not seen each other much, they are quite congenial like old friends for many years.

At this time, Li Tianyu turned to the middle-aged man next to Qin Yuenian, and proactively extended his hand: "Hello, Uncle Qin."

"Mr. Qin" was startled, but still shook hands with Li Tianyu: "Do you know me?"

Li Tianyu obviously "guessed" correctly.

This person is also surnamed Qin, of course it has something to do with Qin Yuenian.

The fact is also true, this person is the second son of Qin Yuenian, named Qin Sisong.

Speaking of it, he is Qin Xuetong's father.

Qin Sisong served in the Nanzhou Provincial Government, a very high position, and belonged to a provincial minister.

With a high status, the affairs are of course very busy, and it is impossible to return to the imperial capital for a year or half.

There was a chance to take a vacation during this time, so I came to see my parents and took a break.

Qin Yuenian pointed to Li Tianyu and said, "Sisong, this is the Li Tianyu I mentioned to you."

Qin Sisong showed a look of surprise when he heard it.

He often hears the name Li Tianyu recently, sometimes by Qin Yuenian on the phone, and sometimes by his daughter Qin Xuetong.

He originally thought that Li Tianyu should be quite young, but he didn't expect to be so young, he looked like he was under thirty.

Why does Qin Sisong think so?

Because from Qin Yuenian and Qin Xuetong, Li Tianyu is quite capable and has very good cultural qualities.

Not only can identify antique calligraphy and painting, but also proficient in tea ceremony.

The most important thing is that Li Tianyu can still talk to Qin Yuenian.

Such knowledge is possible only after years of accumulation and precipitation.

Qin Sisong was even thinking, could it be his father who admitted the wrong person?

Even if this person starts to learn from his mother's womb, he can't learn so much knowledge.

But at this time, seeing Qin Yuenian's confident face, he had no choice but to dispel this unreliable guess.

Qin Sisong: "I often heard my father and my girl mention you. I didn't expect to be so young. To be honest, I couldn't believe it."

By shaking hands, Li Tianyu also obtained Qin Sisong's "details."

In fact, he did not use the ability of the "intelligence master", and he could basically guess that Qin Sisong was Qin Xuetong's father.

Because the heroic spirit between Qin Sisong's eyebrows is exactly the same as Qin Xuetong, and it is easy to associate it with.

At this time, everyone was shocked and inexplicable.

I didn't expect this middle-aged man to be Qin Yuenian's son.

Both Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong knew that Qin Yuenian had two sons and a daughter.

One of the two sons is in business, the other is in politics, and all of them are among the elite.

Looking at Li Tianyu, whether he was talking to Qin Yuenian or Qin Sisong, he was neither haughty nor humble, and quite natural and calm.

Among young people, it is almost hard to find someone who can achieve his level.

Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong looked at each other, and they could see the frustration in each other's eyes.

The two of them really wanted to get this store.

At this time, Feng Pingwen was already dead.

What Li Tianyu said, there is no water at all, and his relationship with Qin Yuenian is really not so good.

This is how to do?

This single business is dying!

At this time, Qin Yuenian asked, "Tianyu, do you want this store too?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "I'm telling you, I really want it. I really don't know it's your property, or I'll go directly to you."

Qin Yuenian chuckled and said, "Both of you have caused problems for me. If you both want it, who should I sell to you?"

Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong lifted their spirits. Listening to what Qin Yuenian said, they have not yet made a final decision.

Of course, Li Tianyu also knew that Qin Yuenian could not give up the store to Li Tianyu based on his relationship with Li Tianyu.

This is not in line with Qin Yuenian's character.

However, it is not difficult for Li Tianyu to convince Qin Yuenian.

But Zhang Guoyang and Chen Rong, the young ones, are different.

Zhang Guoyang immediately said, "Teacher Qin, we can offer a higher price. I hope you can give it to me."

Sure enough, Zhang Guoyang immediately made a faint move.

Is Elder Qin someone short of money?

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