Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 434 Entering the Play, Helping People to the End

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Zhao Sujing smiled narrowly and said, "Qingqing, is your boyfriend handsome?"

Xia Qingqing said, "Thank you, my husband is not only handsome, but also very kind."

Zhao Sujing: "Oh, that dare to be good, handsome, and good character, but I don't know if I can afford you?"

Faced with Zhao Sujing's ridicule, Xia Qingqing is not a vegetarian either.

She "cut" and said, "I am looking for a boyfriend, but I am not fancying money. It doesn't matter whether my husband has money or not.

Zhao Sujing glanced at Liu Guangpeng, and couldn't help laughing: "I heard that Qingqing is really impressive."

But in terms of Xia Qingqing's terms, there really is no need to care too much about money.

Because her family already has money.

The reason why this girl is so "arrogant and domineering" is not natural, she was used to it since she was a child.

A typical rich daughter.

Of course, this has a lot to do with personality.

For example, Qin Xuetong has a stable personality, and she won't get used to it.

Zhao Sujing didn't plan to just let it go. She had to continue to hit Xia Qingqing so that she would feel comfortable.

Zhao Sujing: "Qingqing, what is your boyfriend's name?"

Xia Qingqing was startled.

You ask her, who did she ask?

Li Tianyu said with a smile, "My name is Li Daqiang."

When the other three heard it, their expressions were stagnant.

Then, Zhao Sujing laughed.

Xia Qingqing was angry: "What's so funny? It's rude!"

Zhao Sujing waved her hand: "It's nothing, but I think your boyfriend's name is too individual."

Xia Qingqing was speechless for a while.

Li Daqiang's name is indeed not very pleasant, quite tacky.

It didn't match the gentleman in front of me at all.

Xia Qingqing lowered her voice: "Are you really Li Daqiang?"

Li Tianyu took a sip of coffee. Gu left and right said to him: "Yes, this is my name. Just call me Daqiang."


Xia Qingqing said to herself: "How can it be similar to the dog's name?"


Li Tianyu almost squirted the coffee out of his mouth.

This Xia Qingqing's mouth is also bad enough.

Xia Qingqing: "By the way, how do you know my name? You are not a detective, are you?"

Li Tianyu whispered, "Do you still want me to help you?"

Xia Qingqing: "Yes."

Li Tianyu: "If you want me to help you, don't ask so much, or I will go back to sleep."

Xia Qingqing said "Oh" and looked at Li Tianyu carefully: "Aren't you a bad guy?"

Li Tianyu: "I'm a bad guy, why should I help you?"

Xia Qingqing was startled, thinking that the words before and after Li Daqiang's words seemed completely irrelevant.

But now that this is the point, Xia Qingqing doesn't care how "Li Daqiang" knows her name.

Moreover, Xia Qingqing turned his head to observe Liu Guangpeng again, and found that his face really changed and became very ugly.

It seems that Xia Qingqing's strategy has indeed worked.

The corners of Xia Qingqing's mouth couldn't help but outline a smile.

Liu Guangpeng's expression still seemed to care about her Xia Qingqing.

Come on!Chase after victory!

At this time, Zhao Sujing said to Li Tianyu again: "Li Daqiang, I think you should not be a student?"

Li Tianyu: "Of course not."

Zhao Sujing: "Then what do you do?"

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "My job is to be a boss."

When the other three heard this, they looked at each other again.

This man named Li Daqiang, his tone is really not small, he calls himself "the boss" when he speaks.

Liu Guangpeng, who had never spoken, finally couldn't help it.

He sneered: "What kind of boss are you? Start a company? Or a shop?"

Zhao Sujing: "Don't you know? Now all the street vendors can call the boss."

Xia Qingqing was angry and slapped the table hard, making a "pop".

Xia Qingqing: "What are you talking about!? Don't look down on people! Are your eyes venting!? Take a good look, my husband looks like a street stall!?"

Zhao Sujing put her arms on her chest: "How did I know, there are so many people on the surface now, are they all rich men?"

Xia Qingqing was furious.

This Zhao Sujing is a black-bellied woman, scheming girl.

Xia Qingqing went straight forward, and her temperament could not quarrel her at all.

Liu Guangpeng said lightly: "Qingqing, don't play blindly. Not everyone can be a boyfriend."

Xia Qingqing's face flushed, thinking that you Liu Guangpeng really can't stand and talk.

If Liu Guangpeng didn't agree to Xia Qingqing's pursuit, could Xia Qingqing get there?

Xia Qingqing originally had a bad temper, so she drank it today and yelled directly to Zhao Sujing: "You seem to be rich!"

Xia Qingqing also began to talk incoherently in order to fascinate people.Douzi Book City

She can only attack Xia Qingqing, but can't attack Liu Guangpeng, right?

Zhao Sujing: "At least I am definitely better than your Li Daqiang."

This is a bit of a rogue, Xia Qingqing really doesn't know how to refute it.

Zhao Sujing's family is indeed very rich. Not counting the properties owned by God, there are tens of millions of soft RMB in cash.

Her relatives and elders are also very capable, and an aunt runs a large company in Yunmeng Zhizun.

The office building of Yunmeng Zhizun is a very high-end type, and the rent should be one of the highest in the entire imperial capital.

To be able to start a company here, it must be of a very strong kind.

Why did Zhao Sujing want to meet Liu Guangpeng here this time?That is to take a look at the able aunt by the way.

If you want to win the favor of Xiaoxianrou, when you should show your strength, you still have to show it.

At this time, Zhao Sujing was too lazy to talk to Xia Qingqing again, took out her mobile phone and dialed a number.

This number belongs to Zhao Sujing's aunt.

Soon, the other party answered the phone.

"Hey, aunt, you are in the lobby on the first floor of the building."

"Yes, it's in the cafe on the left of the door."

"By the way, I brought a friend over, can you visit your company together?"

"That's great, then we wait for you to come down."

After Zhao Sujing finished talking with her aunt, she hung up the phone.

Zhao Sujing turned her head and said to Liu Guangpeng, "My aunt will be down in a while, and she will take us to her company to see."

Liu Guangpeng replied, turned his head and glanced at Xia Qingqing, then stopped talking.

Liu Guangpeng was actually a little bit reluctant to Xia Qingqing.

I didn't think there was anything before, but just now I saw Xia Qingqing pulling and pulling with this Li Daqiang, and I felt very uncomfortable.

He still didn't believe that Xia Qingqing would really like this guy named Li Daqiang.

That's right, Liu Guangpeng has this confidence.

After all, he is a school grass that has attracted much attention.

But now Liu Guangpeng was too embarrassed to ask Xia Qingqing, after all, Zhao Sujing was there, and Li Daqiang was also quite an eyesore.

Liu Guangpeng could only talk to Xia Qingqing alone about this later.

He was sure that Li Daqiang was definitely the extra who Xia Keke found to piss him off.

Maybe Li Daqiang's outfit was rented or borrowed.

Zhao Sujing said to Xia Qingqing in a demonstration: "My aunt will come over to visit her company in a while, because I am afraid that it will affect the work of the employees there, so I won't invite you to go. You can drink latte here honestly."

Xia Qingqing's lungs are going to explode: "If you want to visit, go and visit, what are we doing!?"

Zhao Sujing smiled: "I'm not afraid of your loneliness."

Xia Qingqing "cut" and touched Li Tianyu half of her body: "How can we be lonely? My husband and I are very happy together. We can do a lot of things we love, such as eating. , Go shopping, watch movies, go drive..."

After that, she didn't finish Xia Qingqing's words. She was afraid that Liu Guangpeng would be too angry, and Xia Qingqing would not have any chance at that time.

Xia Qingqing glanced at Zhao Sujing: "Anyway, I am better than some people. I want to hold hands with others, but others will not do it."

It is said that Zhao Sujing always wants to hold hands with Liu Guangpeng to determine the relationship between lovers.

However, Liu Guangpeng would not give her a chance at all.

Xia Qingqing's words made Zhao Sujing angry, and she wanted to go up and fight Xia Qingqing.

Zhao Sujing endured and endured, and finally lowered the pressure by half: "Okay, Xia Qingqing, it seems that you have become more and more arrogant recently."

Xia Qingqing gave Zhao Sujing a white look: "Mother each other."

Such a scene made the well-informed Li Tianyu astounded.

For the sake of one boy, two girls actually want to make trouble to this extent.

The world has really changed.

The key is this guy named Liu Guangpeng. Although he is indeed a handsome little meat, he is not so handsome and weeping, right?

Just as the two girls were struggling, one person came over.

It was a woman in her thirties and forties.

As for whether it is thirty or forty, it is totally unclear.

Because this woman is very well maintained.

And she has a very good temperament. When she was young, she must be a big beauty.

This woman is exactly the aunt Zhao Sujing said.

Zhao Sujing saw her aunt coming, and immediately stood up and waved to the other party.

Then, Zhao Sujing said to Liu Guangpeng: "Here, that's my aunt."

Liu Guangpeng quickly stood up when he heard it.

Xia Qingqing curled her lips: "Looking at her like that, what's so great about her."

Li Tianyu also turned his head and glanced at Zhao Sujing's so-called aunt, startled.

Li Tianyu really knew this woman with good temperament.

This is Gao Manrou.

The CEO of Fengyu Interactive.

Just after Li Tianyu used the bragging tax system to take down the office of Yunmeng Zhizun, Fengyu Interactive rented it.

In other words, Li Tianyu is Gao Manrou's landlord.

This world is really small. I didn't expect Gao Manrou to be Zhao Sujing's aunt.

At this time, Zhao Sujing and Liu Guangpeng met Gao Manrou and talked to each other.

Zhao Sujing mainly introduced Liu Guangpeng to Gao Manrou.

Liu Guangpeng was also quite interesting and behaved very politely.

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