Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 439 Come out again! Li Daqiang! ?

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Hu Haoxuan waved his hand: "I don't know the specifics too much, you will know when the time comes."

In fact, Hu Haoxuan said this in order to dazzle people.

He just listened to Ai Heping babbling a few words, saying that his father Ai Baoquan and his mother Zhao Ya, in order to thank Li Tianyu, are going to hold a big cocktail party this time.

Hu Haoxuan also knew what Ai Heping said, it would have to be heard with a 50% discount. What the truth is, it is indeed not necessarily true.

Naturally, Hu Haoxuan couldn't speak too much.

Hu Haoxuan brought Hu Qian and Xia Qingqing to the door of the banquet hall, showed the invitation letter and went in.

Hu Qian and Xia Qingqing seldom come to such occasions, and for this reason they even bought evening gowns and dressed them quite beautifully.

Although they said that they didn't like this kind of occasion, they still felt quite fresh when they entered the venue.

Xia Qingqing: "Yeah, there are really a lot of people here, everyone seems to be big guys."

Hu Haoxuan: "Of course, those who can be invited by the Ai family are either rich or noble, and there is no waiting for leisure."

Hu Qian glanced at Hu Haoxuan: "You are not from the Ai family, what are you magical?"

Hu Haoxuan was angry: "I, what am I proud of? Besides, Ai Heping and I are buddies, so I have to say something nice for him!"

Xia Qingqing: "I often hear people talk about Ai Heping, what does he look like?"

Hu Qian laughed, obviously he had met Ai Heping: "Qingqing, let me tell you that Ai Heping is not a handsome guy."

Xia Qingqing "cut": "It doesn't matter whether you are handsome or not, I am just curious, just ask, Qianqian, I am not like you, I am a woman with a sweetheart."

Hu Qian: "Your sweetheart takes care of you again, it might as well not!"

Xia Qingqing: "You...I want to strangle you!"

The two girls started fighting with each other.

Hu Haoxuan was speechless, thinking that the young ladies are really immature, not as good as Hu Haoxuan.

At this moment, Hu Haoxuan's eyes lit up: "Hey, I seem to see Boss Li."

Hu Haoxuan saw two people sitting in a corner not far away chatting from a distance.

One of them is not exactly Li Tianyu.

Hu Qian: "Who is Boss Li?"

Xia Qingqing: "Hu Haoxuan, aren't you in a mess, are you?"

Hu Haoxuan: "Where did you think of it? Boss Li is..."

Having said that, Hu Haoxuan did not know how to introduce Li Tianyu.

Can't you say that you are the bar owner?In this kind of place, this identity is still slightly off the shelf.

Of course, he can also be said to be Ai Heping's boss, so they also called the boss together.

But it lacks persuasiveness.

Hu Haoxuan really felt that Li Tianyu was very powerful, and when he sat among them, he would be like the backbone of his heart, and he was definitely worthy of the name.

There is no way to explain this feeling.

Hu Haoxuan: "Oh, he's a very powerful person anyway, don't talk about me, even Brother Heping called him the boss."

Hu Qian's eyes widened with an unbelievable expression: "What are you kidding, Ai Heping will still call people the boss?"

Hu Haoxuan raised his eyebrows: "Why is that impossible? Call out as soon as you meet, Brother Heping can be convinced of Boss Li."

Hu Haoxuan just wanted to say that Uncle Ai Baoquan seemed to be thanking Boss Li for hosting the reception this time.

But before he finished speaking, the two girls left him and walked over there.

Xia Qingqing yelled while pulling Hu Qian to go there, "Go, let's go and see what kind of god-man that Boss Li is."

Xia Qingqing is such a turbulent person, how can he not bother to hear Hu Haoxuan there?

Hu Haoxuan "hey" behind for a long time without stopping them, so he hurriedly followed behind.Handan Literature

At this time, Li Tianyu was chatting with Fang Teqiang, thinking about finding someone to bring Fang Teqiang, and introducing him to a few people with identities and status.

At this moment, Li Tianyu suddenly saw a few more people walking towards him.

First, my heart was stunned. Isn't it possible that Lin Zhuang came to avenge him again?

However, take a closer look.

Damn it!


Two girls approached us, one of whom Li Tianyu knew very well.

Isn't that Xia Qingqing who Li Tianyu accidentally helped out yesterday?

Why did this lively girl come here?

Li Tianyu was really taken aback at this time.

Didn’t you follow him here?

Immediately Li Tianyu dismissed this stupid idea.

This is a reception hosted by Ai Baoquan, and most people really can't come in.

And Xia Qingqing is also a rich family, especially her father, who is a partner and partner of a listed company, is naturally eligible to be invited by Ai Baoquan.

At this time, Xia Qingqing also saw Li Tianyu.

No, it was Comrade Li Daqiang, and Xia Qingqing couldn't help being stunned.

Hu Qian was originally pulled away by Xia Qingqing, but Xia Qingqing stopped where she was, and Hu Qian slammed into Xia Qingqing's body.

My nose hurts.

Hu Qian clutched her nose and yelled, "What's wrong with you? Are you crazy? Damn it? Why stop suddenly?"

Xia Qingqing: "I still, really hell..."

Hu Qian: "Ah? Where are ghosts? I tell you, don't talk nonsense, I am most afraid of demons and ghosts."

Xia Qingqing quickly changed her words: "No, it's Li Daqiang, that person is Li Daqiang!"

Hu Qian: "What Li Daqiang? Isn't it Boss Li?"

At this time, Hu Haoxuan also walked over, and walked directly to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu laughed as soon as he saw Hu Haoxuan: "Yo, Comrade Hu, it's been a long time since I saw you, you are getting more and more handsome."

Hu Haoxuan smiled embarrassedly and said, "Boss Li, look at what you said, I have always been so handsome."

Li Tianyu laughed, stood up and patted Hu Haoxuan on the shoulder.

Fang Teqiang also stood up: "This is..."

Li Tianyu: "This is Hu Haoxuan, Hu Minsheng's youngest son."

Fang Teqiang's eyes widened. He hadn't heard of Hu Haoxuan, but the name "Hu Minsheng" was so thunderous!

Speaking of it, Hu Minsheng is still Fang Guoqi's colleague and a good foreign trader abroad. Later, the business grew bigger and bigger, he opened up a new battlefield and started to be an investment company.

Now Hu Minsheng has money in his hands and has invested in many technology companies, three of which have successfully listed on the Nasdaq in the United States.

That's a lot of money.

Anyway, Hu Minsheng can be said to be an enhanced version of Fang Guoqi, and his son Hu Haoxuan is naturally worthy of a friend.

Fang Teqiang quickly reached out and shook hands with Hu Haoxuan.

Hu Haoxuan was a little confused, and shook his hand while looking at Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu: "This is my childhood friend, buddy, take care of him."

When Hu Haoxuan heard this, he quickly patted his chest: "Boss Li's buddy, that's my Hu Haoxuan's buddy!"

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