Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 443: Ai Baoquan's Intention

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Zhao Ya: "Fang Guoqi is the one who asked someone to send us the invitation letter two days ago."

Ai Baoquan suddenly realized: "When I remembered, I said I had seen this name."

Fang Guoqi did find an intermediary and sent an invitation letter to Ai Baoquan and Zhao Ya.

Fang Guoqi was only preparing to invite Ai Baoquan and his wife to have dinner, but he sent him a rather formal invitation letter, which shows how much attention he paid to this meeting with Ai Baoquan.

However, Ai Baoquan just looked at the invitation letter and threw it aside, not paying attention to it.

Ai Baoquan had no plans to go at all, so he immediately asked the secretary to call Fang Guoqi and swiftly refused the invitation.

Fang Guoqi is in Yanzhou Province, he is definitely a big man who can call the wind and the rain.

However, in the imperial capital, facing a top boss like Ai Baoquan, it can only be treated with anger.

This is the gap in rank.

After Fang Guoqi received Secretary Ai Baoquan's rejection, of course there was no surprise.

After all, Ai Baoquan didn't know Fang Guoqi from Yanzhou Province at all. There really is no reason to arrange time for this meal.

Fang Guoqi is not in a hurry, he will try his luck in the big deal, or think of other ways.

At this time, Ai Baoquan said, "So, Fang Guoqi is your father?"

Fang Teqiang immediately responded politely: "Uncle Ai, that's right."

Ai Baoquan: "It turns out that this is the case. I have also known Fang Guoqi. He is a legend in Yanzhou Province."

Fang Teqiang wanted to say "You passed the prize", but he felt weird, so he closed his mouth.

He can't say that his father is not worthy of the name "Legendary".

Then he is so unfilial.

Fortunately, Ai Baoquan didn’t wait for Fang Teqiang’s response, and continued to say: “Since you are the younger brother of Li, you are not an outsider. I’ll arrange it later and invite your father to you. Let’s get together. ."

When Fang Teqiang heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed: "Uncle Ai, that would be great. I'll tell my dad when I go back. By the way, when you have time, we can arrange it."

Ai Baoquan said twice, waved his hand and said, "That's no good, you are the distinguished guests from Yanzhou. Of course, my host arranged it. This matter is up to me."

Fang Teqiang didn't know how to respond, so he glanced at Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "Since Mr. Ai has said so, then listen to Mr. Ai."

Fang Teqiang was relieved now.

Fang Teqiang is also a discerning person.

If Ai Baoquan can say "his own person", it shows that Li Tianyu's position on Ai Baoquan's side is quite high, not an ordinary one.

Fang Teqiang couldn't help sighing that his father Fang Guoqi was indeed farsighted. No wonder he often mentioned Li Tianyu recently and made Fang Teqiang have a good relationship with Li Tianyu.,

Of course, Fang Guoqi might have heard the news from somewhere, maybe he knew the relationship between Li Tianyu and Ai Baoquan's family a long time ago.

In any case, Fang Teqiang's relationship with Li Tianyu was good, but now they feel better.

With Li Tianyu making a match, the Fang family has a good relationship with the Ai family, isn't that a matter of minutes?

Thinking of this, Fang Teqiang couldn't help giving Li Tianyu a thumbs up.

Of course, Li Tianyu understood Fang Teqiang's psychological activities, and he laughed without saying anything.

Ai Baoquan invited the two to the VIP room in front and ordered two bottles of red wine.

Of course, this red wine is not an ordinary commodity, it is definitely an annual limited edition of the top French wineries.

Ai Heping now seems diligent, and happily drinks red wine.

Then, a waiter brought the goblet and decanter for red wine.

When the red wine is poured into the decanter, the VIP room is full of the unique fragrance of wine, soft, full and sweet.

In this VIP room, all people from all walks of life have made friends with Ai Baoquan.

Among them, of course, they are dominated by the business world, and they are all big-time figures in the imperial capital.Gougou Novel Network

Li Tianding looked around, but he also saw an acquaintance.

That acquaintance is not someone else, but Hu Haoxuan.

Hu Haoxuan was with a middle-aged man, his father Hu Minsheng.

Li Tianyu nodded towards Hu Haoxuan.

Hu Haoxuan made a "two" at Li Tianyu, which was a "V" gesture.

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

The door opened.

Hu Qian came in from the door, and actually followed Xia Qingqing behind.

Hu Qian is the daughter of Hu Minsheng's family, and of course it is no problem to come in.

As for Xia Qingqing, it turned out that her father Xia Lei was also in this VIP room.

It's just that Xia Qingqing hadn't planned to come in originally. For her, this place was all old-fashioned, lifeless, and copper-smelly people.

Why did Xia Qingqing decide to come in again?

Isn't it because of curiosity.

Xia Qingqing was not right about Li Tianyu, Li Daqiang had a strong curiosity.

She wanted to see, what exactly is Ai Baoquan going to call Li Daqiang?

In fact, not only Xia Qingqing wanted to know this question, but many people present cast a curious look at Li Tianyu.

I don't understand the relationship between this strange young man and Ai Baoquan.

Why are Ai Baoquan, Zhao Ya, and Ai Heping's family so close to this young man?

They don't know.

Not to mention the intersection between Li Tianyu and Ai Baoquan and Ai Heping before.

Recently, Ai Heping's life was rescued by Li Tianyu who went to Tyrande.

Compared with the previous small favors and small benefits, this life-saving grace is greater than the sky.

Not only saved Ai Heping, but also saved their entire family.

If something goes wrong with Ai Heping, then Zhao Ya will definitely have to live and die.

And Ai Baoquan is not much better.

Although Ai Heping also has an older brother named Ai Zhengyi, Ai Zhengyi has been abroad, and he can't quench his thirst.

The key point Although Ai Heping is always playing assholes outside, it can be coaxing at home. He is a kiss with Zhao Ya and Ai Baoquan.

It's alright now. As soon as Li Tianyu's great success came out, Ai Baoquan and Zhao Ya immediately wanted to treat Li Tianyu as his own brother.

Ok?Why is his brother?

This is a very strange thing.

Maybe it was because Li Tianyu looked like he was young and mature, at least twice as mature as Ai Heping.

The wine is awake.

A beautiful waitress came in and poured a glass for everyone.

The wine has been poured, and people are almost there.

The atmosphere in the venue also began to warm up.

A person named Zhou Luowei first uttered: "Boss Ai, you have so many delicious foods today, and you are entertaining us with fine wine. I am really embarrassed."

Zhou Luowei is a short fat man.

But no one in the imperial capital dared to underestimate him.

He is quite a well-known talk show internet celebrity. Recently, he has made a lot of money by relying on online platforms to become popular.

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