You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When everyone heard it, they were all startled.

What this guy named Li Tianyu said was true, and he didn't know if it was funny.

What age are you still looking at palmistry?

Ma Shi couldn't help showing a sneer. Who still believes this now, even the forty or fifty-year-olds present don't believe it.

After all, to be able to make a career so big, everyone is like a monkey.

However, at this point, Ma Shi was wrong.

His unbelief does not mean that others do not believe.

Many businessmen are actually quite superstitious, and they worship God, Buddha and Bodhisattva Jesus Christ at home.

There are even people who go to Southeast Asia to beg for a little ghost.

Of course, there are more people who believe in Feng Shui, and many of the houses that rich people live in have been guided by various "masters".

In addition, the women present are still quite interested in things like opponents.

Hu Qian whispered: "He is too weird."

Xia Qingqing: "What's wrong?"

Hu Qian: "Why didn't he show you palmistry just now? A chance for many hands!"

Xia Qingqing: "You die girl, you really can't spit out ivory!"

Hu Qian "cut" and said, "You are quite protecting him, did you abandon your handsome Liu Guangpeng so soon?"

Xia Qingqing flushed with anxiety: "You! Don't be silent, I won't abandon Liu Guangpeng!"

At the same time, Zhou Luowei laughed loudly and tapped Li Tianyu with his finger: "Interesting, but also playing mystery! Do you really know palm reading?"

Li Tianyu: "Try it and you'll know."

After listening, everyone laughed.

Some people even teased Ai Baoquan for coming. For example, Yi Ma Shi said: "Mr. Ai, he doesn't show you a good palmistry, so you treat him so well, right?"

Ai Baoquan gave a cold snort, and said nothing.

Others can't say anything.

Instead, Zhao Ya said indifferently: "Don't laugh first. Since Tianyu wants to see palmistry, let him take a good look. This reception is just for everyone to relax. More shows, wouldn't it be nice."

Zhou Luowei laughed loudly: "Okay, then you can show it to me."

With that, Zhou Luowei reached out to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu took Zhou Luowei's fat hand in his hand, flipped it a bit, and let it go.

Zhou Luowei was startled: "Have you finished watching?"

Li Tianyu: "It's finished."

Zhou Luowei: "That's it? You don't seem to be looking at palmistry."

Li Tianyu: "I look at palmistry, I look faster."

Zhou Luowei pointed to Li Tianyu: "So you are a fast man!"

It is worthy of being an Internet talk show expert, and the response is quick and witty.

When everyone heard it, there was another roar of laughter.

Li Tianyu smiled and said: "I am faster in some aspects, but slow in some aspects."

Ai Baoquan laughed loudly and gave Li Tianyu a thumbs up: "Brother Li, it's really strong."

Ma Shi: "Mr. Ai, it's wrong to say that."

Ai Baoquan raised his eyebrows: "Why am I wrong again? Mr. Ma, did you drink too much today?"

Ma Shi coughed lightly, as if he felt a little too smug, "Mr. Ai, what I mean is that you have to read your palmistry accurately, and you can't count it as a skill just to see palmistry quickly. Right."

Ai Heping couldn't help yelling, "I'll make you dumbfounded for a while!"

Ai Baoquan did not stop his son's rudeness for the first time. He turned his head and said to Li Tianyu: "Brother, come on, do you see anything?"

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "I see it, Zhou Daxing, then I'll just say it."

Zhou Luowei waved his hand nonchalantly: "Say, just say it, maybe you can't do it!"

Li Tianyu: "Okay, Star Chow, with your words, I can rest assured."

Ma Shi smiled coldly, thinking that this kid was still stiff.

Palmistry is a deceitful trick, and to put it bluntly, it is a matter of slipping your lips.

Specially talk about some vague things, such as "you have not been very comfortable during this period of time", "you have met a villain as a demon again", "you have had an argument with others recently" and so on.

Of course, you can also say some good things, such as making a small fortune, taking a peach blossom and so on.

Anyway, I can't say for sure what happened, so that the palmist reader feels like that, that something like that has indeed happened.

In fact, this is all nonsense, just some tricks related to psychology.

When Li Tianyu speaks, Ma Shi will expose his tricks and leave him invisible at this private reception.

Li Tianyu was ashamed, that is, Ai Baoquan was ashamed.

Ma Shi was not so hard-headed for nothing. Now he is not afraid of Ai Baoquan or Zhao Ya at all, so he doesn't need to be careful to look at the faces of their family.

Because he now has a big backing, as for what's going on, it's not enough to think outsiders.

At this time, just listening to Li Tianyu pondering for a moment, he finally spoke.

Li Tianyu: "Zhou Luowei, he was born in 1983, and he is now...37 years old."

Zhou Luowei waved his hand: "This can be found in Du Niang Baike. I beg you to say something that others don't know is OK?"

Ma Shi chuckled, without words, but the sarcasm in his laughter was deep.

However, Li Tianyu quickly changed the subject: "But your true birth year must be three years ahead of schedule, that is, 1980, which is barely considered as entering the 80s, now...forty." Book Six Bar

Everyone was shocked, what is going on?

Zhou Luowei's face changed and changed, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Xia Qingqing: "Are you talking nonsense, how can you change the birth date?"

Li Tianyu: "Classmate Xia Qingqing, you can ask Mr. Xia, can I change my previous household registration book and physical certificate?"

Xia Lei nodded: "The Internet used to be underdeveloped and the birth file could indeed be changed, but now it is not."

Xia Qingqing was speechless, she was too young to know about this.

But Li Tianyu doesn't seem to be a few years older than her.

How did he know?

Li Tianyu: "The star of Zhou Dali changed his name to three years old because he was not old enough for marriage, so that he could get the certificate smoothly."

Everyone present showed weird looks when they heard it.

Can Li Tianyu know about such things?

Moreover, Zhou Luowei was married?

Didn't he always call himself a golden bachelor in the show!

Zhou Luowei's face was green.

How did Li Tianyu know such old things?

Zhou Luowei never mentioned to anyone that he changed his name.

Not to mention that he was married before.

What's so special is early marriage.

You know, even Zhou Luowei thinks he was born in 1983.

Li Tianyu continued to explain: "However, Zhou Daxing seems to have left after a few months of marriage. The reason is... the emotional disagreement."

Zhou Luowei: "That's right, I don't tell her..."

Zhou Luowei's eyes widened suddenly: "Do you know all this?"

At this time, Li Tianyu's remarks indeed achieved good results.

Everyone yelled and asked Zhou Luowei if what Li Tianyu said was right?

Zhou Luowei was bitter and didn't know whether to admit it or not.

If he doesn't admit it, can they believe it?

Zhou Luowei had no choice but to say: "Okay, I have been picked out of my old bottom, please don't spread it out!"

Ma Shi was dumbfounded by him.

what happened?

This is different from what he imagined after reading palmistry, it's completely different!

How can Li Tianyu know so clearly what year he was born, his true age, and whether he was married or not?

This is like seeing Zhou Luowei's detailed resume.

Is it possible...that boy Li Tianyu knows Zhou Luowei?Secretly investigated him?

It is possible.

Zhou Luowei is a public figure, an internet celebrity at any rate, and it is indeed reasonable to investigate his details.

Or maybe...Zhou Luowei and Li Tianyu knew each other, and they had colluded with each other, playing a mystery in front of everyone and acting in this scene.

Zhou Luowei is a talk show star, even though his actual age is forty years old, but he is quite free-tempered, and it is normal to make such a prank.

Li Tianyu glanced at Zhou Luowei: "Star Zhou, do you want me to continue talking, the next thing, but more violent."

Zhou Luowei waved his hand quickly: "Brother Li, please, don't say anything, I know if you are good enough?"

When everyone heard it, they became more curious, and they all began to ask Li Tianyu about Zhou Luowei, what else was more violent.

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "Okay, okay, I can't say anymore. In fact, I don't know much, and I'm almost talking about it."

Zhou Luowei's affairs were indeed violent.

For example, there are a lot of things about three people, Shuangfei, even sucking DU, and messing with many Internet celebrities to form teams.

Li Tianyu and Zhou Luowei have no hatred, and there is no need to destroy them.

Even if it can't be destroyed, it's a big enemy.

This talk show Internet celebrity is still very hungry, just say anything, you can let the vast number of netizens collectively attack him Li Tianyu.

It will be hard for Li Tianyu not to be famous by that time.

And it's notoriously famous.

At this time, Ai Heping laughed loudly: "How about? My brother Li, did you all startle?"

Ma Shi said, "Maybe Li Tianyu is a fan of Luo Wei, and maybe he has been investigated specifically."

Ai Heping: "What? President Ma still doesn't believe my boss's ability to read palmistry?"

Ma Shi curled his lips and ignored Ai Heping.

Ai Baoquan said: "Peace, don't talk, you have to give Mr. Ma some face."

Ma Shi: "I don't seem to lose any face? I just don't believe in palmistry. I can see the date of birth, and I can see whether you have been married, divorced, and when Everyone knows that they are away, and they are all fake."

Ai Baoquan: "Or else, Mr. Ma also let my brother Li check his palms, how about it?"

Ma Shi was startled, and said nothing for a while.

He really didn't believe Li Tianyu's ability to read palmistry, but he didn't want to take risks either.

His Ma Shi has a lot of knowledge, it is not convenient for people to know.

Yes, it is very inconvenient.

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