You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Liang Wenfeng answered the phone, trying to relax his voice as much as possible.

Liang Wenfeng: "Hey, yes, I'm here, ah, you're here too? Then you come in... No, I will pick you up outside the door."

After speaking, Liang Wenfeng hung up the phone and immediately stood up and ran out.

Li Tianyu said to Wu Mingzhe: "How old is your cousin?"

Wu Mingzhe: "Anyway, two years older than me."

Li Tianyu: "That's not too small, why are you so innocent?"

Jiang Lan: "Aren't all senior IT men like that, they have high IQ but low EQ."

Li Tianyu: "That said, no wonder there is no girlfriend yet."

Wu Mingzhe: "You still have the face to talk about others, don't you have a girlfriend?"

Li Tianyu was startled, speechless for a while.

Wu Mingzhe is right, he Li Tianyu does not have a girlfriend.

But then again.

It is easy for Li Tianyu to want a girlfriend, and it has been suave enough recently.

It's just that with the improvement of his status, Li Tianyu's vision has become much higher. It is indeed difficult for ordinary beauty to "settle" him down.

But if these reasons are stated, it seems a bit bragging.

Strangely speaking, Li Tianyu's status has improved, but he doesn't like to brag and criticize so much.

Of course, Li Tianyu is the host of the bragging taxation system, but all the bragging criticisms have basically been realized.

Li Tianyu had no choice but to respond: "I'm telling you, I don't want a girlfriend, the main reason is that I didn't find the right one."

Wu Mingzhe: "Looking back, my buddy will introduce a few more to you. What's the saying, yes, cast the net widely, catch more fish, and follow the best."

Jiang Lan: "I think you'd better save the time, he obviously has too high a vision, and ordinary beautiful girls simply don't look down on it."

Unexpectedly, Jiang Lan really said it, guessing the reason.

Li Tianyu laughed, and said nothing.

Wu Mingzhe: "What kind of thing do you like, you can't find a female star?"

Li Tianyu was startled: "High-quality female stars are not bad either."

Wu Mingzhe: "When you say you are fat, you still pant."

At the same time, Liang Wenfeng had already entered.

Behind him, a girl followed.

Li Tianyu took a look. It should be Liang Wenfeng's girlfriend.

Objectively speaking, the girl looks pretty good.

But if you want to judge from Li Tianyu's eyes, it will probably reach seven points. If you put on makeup, it should be even higher.

In summary, there are four words: good-looking.

But this has nothing to do with Li Tianyu, as long as Liang Wenfeng likes it.

In Li Tianyu's judgment, it is difficult for an elite IT nerd like Liang Wenfeng to contact any girl unless it is a blind date.

And for women, appearance and appearance can only be one aspect of it, and the suitability depends on whether the subsequent contact is harmonious.

However, Li Tianyu took a closer look at the girl, and felt that her personality should be okay, and she looked gentle. If Liang Wenfeng had a better temper, the two would still have hope.

The girl's name is Feng Dongsha, who Liang Wenfeng met in a dating group.

Strictly speaking, the dating group is a play group, and some outing activities are held regularly.

People with professions and personalities like Liang Wenfeng can only use this method for amateur communication.

When the blind cat meets the dead mouse, he might be able to meet a girl he likes.

Unexpectedly, he really met him. Liang Wenfeng met Feng Dongsha during a mountaineering activity organized by the group.

The preparation is that Liang Wenfeng has taken a fancy to Feng Dongsha.

At that time, she didn't even dare to talk to this girl. She had a crush all the time, so she only dared to see people secretly in a certain corner.

Later, with the encouragement of colleagues, Liang Wenfeng finally took the initiative to add Feng Dongsha's WeChat, and then the conversation started slowly.

Finally, two days ago, Liang Wenfeng asked Feng Dongsha if she wanted to go somewhere in the near future.

Feng Dongsha actually said that recently a book-themed bar is undergoing trial operation, and she especially wants to see it.

Although Liang Wenfeng is a bit dull sometimes, but he is not a fool, so he immediately climbed up the pole and replied: "It's just right, I want to go and have a look too, should we join us?"

God knows how nervous Liang Wenfeng was when he typed this line, and after he typed it, it took fifteen minutes before sending it out tremblingly.

After sending it out, Liang Wenfeng felt that the time was quite long.

One minute difference should not be equivalent to one hour in normal times.

About three minutes later, Feng Dongsha finally sent back a message: "Yes."

As a result, Liang Wenfeng's spirits rose, and Feng Dongsha and Feng Dongsha when to go together.

No, I finally made an appointment this weekend, which is today.

At this moment, Liang Wenfeng was still very nervous, but overall he was calm, asked Feng Dongsha to sit down, and then another waiter was invited.

The waiter is a girl, she should have been recruited recently. The training is not bad, and the attitude and speaking skills are very decent, which makes Li Tianyu very pleased.

Liang Wenfeng and Feng Dongsha ordered two drinks, and the waitress left.

At this time, Liang Wenfeng chatted with Feng Dongsha.

Feng Dongsha: "It's really good here. It's very atmospheric, according to what I said on the Internet. If you have time, it's not bad to kill time here."

Liang Wenfeng: "Yes, even people like me who don't go into bars very much like it here. I used to think that bars are all noisy places."

Feng Dongsha: "I don't like to go to places that are too noisy, but it's good to clean it up like this, and it's still a book theme, I like it better."

According to Feng Dongsha, she likes reading.

Although Feng Dongsha is not a literary young woman, she is also a well-trained girl.

No wonder Liang Wenfeng liked it.

Obviously, Feng Dongsha is Liang Wenfeng's dish, the dish that senior otaku likes very much.

It may be that Feng Dongsha's mood was unexpectedly good, so Liang Wenfeng's spirit also relaxed and began to make some cold jokes.New Pen Quge Novel

Feng Dongsha seemed to be quite cooperative, covering her mouth and chuckles from time to time.

Li Tianyu whispered: "Your cousin is okay, it doesn't seem to be that weak."

Wu Mingzhe: "That's necessary. I trained him last night until two o'clock in the morning. If he still plays too poorly, then I will shit him!"

Li Tianyu showed an expression of "it is so".

This Liang Wenfeng can work hard to chase the girl, he is indeed an IT elite level figure.

Seeing that the two of them were getting better, Li Tianyu, Wu Mingzhe and Jiang Lan also relaxed. They invited the waiter in a low-key manner and ordered three drinks.

At this moment, Liang Wenfeng suddenly heard another person's voice.

Li Tianyu and the others looked over and couldn't help but startled.

Two people did not know when Liang Wenfeng and Feng Dongsha followed.

The key is that these two people are still men.

They are all in their thirties, and what they wear is the same thing.

One of the men yelled: "Hello, you two are really here."

The other man also echoed: "Liang Wenfeng, you are not interesting enough, why don't you even make an appointment with us."

Li Tianyu and Wu Mingzhe looked at each other.

These two men are a bit like they came to find fault on purpose.

The two guessed right.

Those two men, one is called Sudev and the other is Kong Jing.

The same goes for Liang Wenfeng and Feng Dongsha's traveling friends group.

Sudev was very gentle but looked quite arrogant.

He is a surgeon by profession, he really lives up to his name.

Sudev's job in a famous tertiary hospital in the imperial capital can be regarded as a highly paid and highly qualified career, and some pride can be considered excusable.

Kong Jing is a painter.

It sounds good, and it's called an artist, but it's actually a typical unemployed artist who can't sell a painting.

However, Kong Jing has money in his family, which can support him to mess around, and he also has a studio in the eastern suburbs of the Imperial Capital.

Anyway, it was definitely not accidental that Sudev and Kong Jing came here this time.

Kong Jing itself coveted Feng Dongsha for a long time.

This is quite normal. Feng Dongsha has a literary and artistic temperament and Kong Jing is a painter. Naturally, Feng Dongsha is her food.

As for Sudev, although he didn't say it on the surface, he liked Feng Dongsha in his heart.

Kong Jing teased Feng Dongsha on WeChat if he had nothing to do.

By chance, Feng Dongsha knew that she was going to a book-themed bar in Bi'anhua in Wulitun with Liang Wenfeng.

This can ruin the kongjing.

In retrospect, why did Liang Wenfeng that nerd have the courage to ask Feng Dongsha?

This time they came together under the guise of helping Kong Jing.

There is a saying that the enemy's enemy is a friend. Since Liang Wenfeng has asked Feng Dongsha out, it is Kong Jing's enemy, and naturally Sudev's enemy.

Moreover, Kong Jing and Su Difu often communicate with each other in the outing and friendship group, and the relationship is good, so they united and prepared to come over and disturb the date between Liang Wenfeng and Feng Dongsha.

Feng Dongsha was very surprised when these two people came over: "Why are you here?"

Kong Jing: "Oh, last time I heard you say that there is a book-themed bar here, I was also very interested, and I came here during the weekend."

Sudev glanced at Kong Jing: "How can you be alone in a bar? I will come together."

Kong Jing: "Since we met, let's drink at the bar together."

Feng Dongsha hesitated and looked at Liang Wenfeng.

To be honest, Feng Dongsha is not a fool either. I feel that the atmosphere is not right when Kong Jing and Su Difu come over.

Liang Wenfeng frowned slightly, of course he didn't want to mix with these two people.

But with his character, it is indeed not easy to refuse.

Even if they refuse, I'm afraid Kong Jing and Sudev will not agree to leave.

Liang Wenfeng had to answer: "That's OK, you sit down..."

Before Liang Wenfeng finished speaking, Kong Jing sat down beside Feng Dongsha, and Su Difu squeezed Liang Wenfeng into the seat.

Liang Wenfeng was a little angry, but still held back.

A character like Liang Wenfeng is quite tolerant.

Kong Jing glanced at what Liang Wenfeng and Feng Dongsha had ordered, frowned and said, "Liang Wenfeng, I didn't mean you. Have you never been to a bar?"

Liang Wenfeng: "What's wrong?"

Kong Jing: "What are you ordering? How can you let Salsa drink such a thing? It's too tasteless!"

Liang Wenfeng was a little confused.

He hasn't been to a bar very much, and he certainly doesn't know how to order something.

Before he could react, Kong Jing recruited another waitress, who was still the waitress.

Waiter: "Sir, what would you like to order?"

Kong Jing: "A cup of Persian cat, a cup of Royal Punch, and a cup of blue Margarita."

The waitress responded and left.

Don't say it, this Kong Jing is really amazing, and it sounds like a master who often mixes in the bar. He is really good at cocktails.

It's no wonder that Kong Jing is a rich second generation at any rate, what kind of artist he is, and he goes to places like bars even more than his studio.

Liang Wenfeng's momentum couldn't help getting weaker.

Although Feng Dongsha was also embarrassed, she quickly adjusted to try to ease the atmosphere.

At this time, three glasses of cocktails were served by the waiter.

Except for Liang Wenfeng, the other three people each have a cup.

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