Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 459 Here Comes, The Big Beauties Are Here

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!For a girl like Qin Xuetong, if a normal man says that he has no ideas at all, he is talking nonsense.

What's more, Li Tianyu is not really a gentleman.

It's just that Qin Xuetong is really different from ordinary girls, it's hard to get close.

So Li Tianyu never regarded Qin Xuetong as a target.

At least for now.

Seeing that Li Tianyu didn't speak, Wang Yiping of course felt that he was right, showing a mocking smile.

Zhu Bin: "Now there are really everyone, but you two have to be on guard, don't let them attract paparazzi, then you will be uneasy."

Wu Mingzhe was unhappy when he heard it: "Who do you think brought the paparazzi? We came here to eat, so I didn't even want to see you!"

Zhu Bin's face was stagnant, and he was about to refute, but he was held back by Wang Yiping: "Okay, let's eat ours, there is no need to compete with these people, it's not worth it."

Wu Mingzhe was also a stubborn temper. He immediately patted the table and yelled, "Who do you think is not worth it? I tell you, if Qin Xuetong really comes, he will have to sit at our table and ignore you!"

Wu Mingzhe's tone was really big enough, not only was he stunned by the three people opposite, but even Jiang Lan and Liang Wenfeng around him were stunned.

In their opinion, Li Tianyu is taken too seriously.

Li Tianyu is not a bad critic, he is also a big boss anyway.

But compared with the three big stars on the opposite side, it seems that the odds of winning are really small.

The other party is a big star, Qin Xuetong is also a big star, the circle is the same, and they must know each other, maybe they are still very familiar.

Even if Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong know each other, they are probably nodding acquaintances, and can say a few words at most.

Say Qin Xuetong will sit with Li Tianyu when he comes?

That's really bragging.

Li Tianyu doesn't know how to blow it, right?

In fact, Wu Mingzhe felt that he had said a bit too much on impulse, but if he said it, the spilled water could not be collected, so he could only bite the bullet and force it.

Wu Mingzhe can only hope that Qin Xuetong will not show up, or else he will lose the adult.

Li Tianyu didn't want to be entangled with Xiao Zeyan and the others, and he called Wu Mingzhe to sit down again.

Li Tianyu: "Don't go around arguing, eat quickly."

Liang Wenfeng: "Yes, we are here to eat."

Zhu Bin "cut" and said, "What kind of attire, your little tricks really think we can't see it? Tell you, if anyone dares to take a picture of us with a mobile phone or notify the media, you will be pretty soon!

Jiang Lan didn't expect these popular big stars to be so stingy, and to care about them with ordinary people, suddenly the goodwill for them dropped to a freezing point.

This is the rhythm of turning fans and turning black again.

Just then, there was another movement from the outbuilding.

Then came the professional language of an outside waiter: "Welcome."

There should be new customers coming in.

Xiao Zeyan, Zhu Bin, and Wang Yiping glanced at each other, and immediately became energetic.

Wu Mingzhe shivered, and whispered, "Could it be Qin Xuetong here?"

Jiang Lan: "If she really comes, I have to take a photo with her. I like her very much."

Li Tianyu suddenly discovered that this girl Qin Xuetong really eats all men and women.

It's no wonder that Qin Xuetong is not only beautiful and good in figure, but also has a heroic spirit.

Whether it is a man or a woman, you can find what you like from Qin Xuetong.

At this time, Li Tianyu's ears had already caught the sound of conversation outside.

Li Tianyu knew that Qin Xuetong really came.

Qin Xuetong did not come alone, there were also two people, one large and one small.

All are women.

The little one is very lively, it is Qin Xiaoyue, Qin Xuetong's sister.

As for the other big girl, it was Qiu Kexin, a beautiful woman who hadn't seen her for a long time.

At this time, the two big and one small three beauties have come here under the guidance of the waiter.

Qin Xuetong and Qiu Kexin were startled when they saw it.

Qiu Kexin: "Yeah, why are there so many people? I thought we were here early, there are no people!"

Qin Xuetong looked at Li Tianyu and then at Xiao Zeyan's side, with a look of doubt on her face.

No one can look at the current situation.

It’s not surprising that actors and stars like Xiao Zeyan, Zhu Bin, and Wang Yiping are here. After all, many stars like to arrange their meals in this restaurant.

No matter how big a celebrity it is, the waiters are not surprised.

Qin Xuetong was mainly surprised that Li Tianyu was here.

How did he find such a secret restaurant?

On Li Tianyu's side, everyone except him felt that his scalp was numb.

This feeling was not scared, but suddenly saw the goddess in my heart.

Even Jiang Lan had an expression with shining eyes.

Jiang Lan: "Here, she really is here..."

Wu Mingzhe reacted immediately, and Qin Xuetong came, wouldn't he be embarrassed?

Although the other party is a big star, Wu Mingzhe is also a face-saving master, and it is not very comfortable to be ashamed.

In fact, Wu Mingzhe thinks too much, and now these three traffic niches have forgotten him, a commoner, out of Jiuxiaoyun, how can he care for him.

Especially in addition to Qin Xuetong, Qiu Kexin was there.

This is also a surprise, after all, Qiu Kexin is also a big beauty, and she is very good at creating atmosphere.

At this time, Xiao Zeyan greeted him: "Xuetong, Kexin, why are you here too?"

Li Tianyu rolled his eyes.Read the book

This Xiao Zeyan really deserves to be an actor, and he plays really well.

The movements, looks, and language are so perfect.

Qin Xuetong didn't seem to care: "Me, Kexin, and my sister were shopping nearby, so I wanted to come over and eat something."

Wang Yiping also came over: "That's right, some of us have booked a private room, which is quite spacious, and there are seats. Let's even eat and talk."

Zhu Bin: "Yes, it seems that we really booked the big private room right."

Li Tianyu rolled his eyes again.

The acting skills of these three people are stronger than the other, and they all belong to the celebrity level.

Li Tianyu has also seen them acting, and his performance in the play is not sincere at all.

Qin Xuetong looked at Qiu Kexin, as if asking "what to do?"

Qiu Kexin shrugged and said it didn't matter.

Qin Xuetong looked at Li Tianyu again, and seemed to be hesitant to go over and say hello to him.

Li Tianyu actually waved to her just now, but there was no word.

Xiao Keyan saw that Qin Xuetong's expression was a little distracted, and he said again: "Xuetong, the private room is here, let's go in and get more..."

Xiao Keyan hadn't finished speaking yet, but was interrupted by a tender childlike voice: "Is that Uncle Li?"

It was Qin Xiaoyue, Qin Xuetong's sister who was talking.

Qin Xuetong let out an "um".

Qin Xiaoyue ran over immediately: "It just so happens that I want to sit with Uncle Li!"

With that said, Qin Xiaoyue trot past.

Xiao Zeyan was startled: "... Li, Uncle Li?"

Qiu Kexin looked at Qin Xiaoyue's little figure of joy and turned to look at Qin Xuetong: "Xiaotong, did I miss something?"

Qin Xuetong said "Um": "It's a long story, so I'll talk slowly later."

Qiu Kexin: "Well, since Qin Xiaoyue has already chosen Li Tianyu, let's go there. I'm sorry, handsome brother Xiao, the three of you should entertain yourself, and we two female generations will not disturb Up."

Xiao Zeyan: "Don't..."

Wang Yiping: "Where are you going?"

Qin Xuetong: "Sorry, we can just eat something with them, and we will talk later."

After speaking, Qin Xuetong and Qiu Kexin took them to Li Tianyu's side.

Xiao Zeyan, Wang Yiping and Zhu Bin were all dumbfounded.

What's happening here?

Qin Xuetong and Qiu Kexin went to Li Tianyu's table like this?

Wang Yiping turned his head and asked Xiao Zeyan, "Didn't you say that Xuetong has nothing to do with that kid?"

Xiao Zeyan: "I, I don't know what's going on, why did she..."

Zhu Bin was already speechless.

Because Wu Mingzhe came over with a big laugh, "How about the three big stars? Is it convincing to lose this time?"

Zhu Bin moved his mouth, turned his head and returned to the private room.

Xiao Zeyan and Wang Yiping also ignored Wu Mingzhe and ran away after Zhu Bin.

At this time, Jiang Lan and Liang Wenfeng's spirits were completely in a state of dissociation.

This is ridiculous, this is ridiculous.

Qin Xuetong is a super first-line actress, an unattainable figure.

Just seeing a real person is already shocking.

Because Qin Xuetong herself seemed a bit better than on the screen.

Now it's not too dreamy to be able to eat at the same table with such a big star!

However, another person on the same table was unexpectedly calm.

Who else but Li Tianyu?

She waved to the waiter and asked her to take the menu.

Li Tianyu: "The three of you can order."

Qin Xuetong: "I'll just eat something."

Qiu Kexin glanced at Qin Xuetong and snatched the menu over: "How about that? Finally, I have to eat Li Tianyu for a while. You must have something good!"

Qin Xuetong: "How do you know it was him who settled the bill?"

Qiu Kexin: "He is a big money. Who will pay if he doesn't?"

Li Tianyu smiled bitterly: "Qiu Kexin, you are too arrogant, do you have to check out large sums of money?"

Qiu Kexin: "Nonsense, you are a big money, even if you are a big friend, you have money. Who will you eat if you don't eat? Why? I still can't bear it?"

Li Tianyu waved his hand quickly: "I'm willing, I'm willing to..."

Qiu Kexin is a girl who always misunderstands a lot, but that is to say, she can't help her.

Everyone looked stupid.

Li Tianyu seems to be very familiar with these two big beauties.

Qiu Kexin did not have any fame at this time, but she was indeed a beauty of the same grade as Qin Xuetong, only the type was different.

As for Qin Xuetong, she didn't seem to have seen anything in front of Li Tianyu.

Liang Wenfeng has been stunned.

He couldn't see through Li Tianyu in the first place, and now he couldn't see through.

What is Li Tianyu's identity?

Why is it possible to be calm as usual in front of a big star, calm and quiet, and calm and calm?

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