You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!At least at the Imperial Electronics Consumer Products Exhibition, the booth of Guanglan Electronics is the most beautiful in the entire venue, not one of them.

Guanglan Electronics made the limelight.

Many people who came to visit the exhibition heard about this company for the first time.

The products of Guanglan Electronics can only be described in four words, which is surprising.

Except for ordinary people, those professionals in the technology circle can only be described as shocked.

On that day, more than ten manufacturers wanted to discuss cooperation with Guanglan Electronics.

To put it bluntly, it means buying light blue electronic products.

Of course, these manufacturers are either small and medium-sized mobile device manufacturers or intermediate channel providers.

Those first- and second-tier mobile equipment manufacturers have not acted yet.

After all, even if they find the product strength of Guanglan Electronics, they still need to consult the leaders above.

And also to determine whether Guanglan Electronics can actually produce such a product?

Can it be produced, how big is the output?

Large factories generally have stable supply channels for parts and components. If there are no special circumstances, they will not easily change suppliers.

Of course, if a company really has black technology and can produce epoch-making and groundbreaking products, it would be a different story.

Therefore, whether Guanglan Electronics can be a blockbuster, this time the Emperordu Electronics Consumer Products Exhibition is very critical.

Judging from the current situation, Guanglan Electronics has made a good start.

Initially reached Li Tianyu's expectations.

Next, just wait for the "black technology product effect" of Guanglan Electronics to continue to ferment.

The next day, Li Tianyu was idle and was fine, and came to the exhibition again.

Today's situation still makes Li Tianyu very satisfied.

Because the booth of Guanglan Electronics is still the biggest hot spot in the whole venue, and there is still no one.

In contrast, the Samsung Electronics booth on the opposite side was extremely deserted, and the overall number of visitors was probably less than one-tenth of that of Guanglan Electronics.

What made the staff of Samsung Electronics even more frightened was that many visitors first saw the products of Guanglan Electronics, and then came to Samsung Electronics.

After reading it, it is basically an action, that is, shaking the head, showing an expression of surprise and disdain, and then usually there will be the following language.

Language 1: "How did it happen? Samsung's stuff is not as good as the opposite."

Language 2: "It's over, I just bought Samsung's folding screen mobile phone, this time I have paid the IQ tax."

Language three: "Samsung is down, defeated by domestic products."

Of course, there are many reverse situations.

I first saw Samsung's products, and then went to the opposite booth to see Guanglan Electronics' products.

The performance of these visitors is completely opposite.

When I visited the Samsung booth, I was a little surprised, because it was the first time that many people saw the physical machine of a folding screen mobile phone.

In the past, even if there were one or two prototypes at the exhibition, they were all locked with glass covers and could not be held in your hand.

This time Samsung has opened up the prototype for an unprecedented, and visitors can try it at will.

But there are also special persons to guide, for fear that these visitors will make some actions to damage the prototype, such as tearing off the protective screen on the screen.

In that case, Samsung's folding screen phone will be 100% finished.

After the visitors were surprised at the Samsung booth, they saw the booth of Guanglan Electronics, which was several times more popular.

As soon as I heard that there were also folding screen phones over there, it passed.

They didn't have much hope at first. They had never heard of a brand like Guanglan Electronics. Even if they could make a folding screen phone, it would be much worse than Samsung's W20 series or Samsung Z system.

But when the visitors lined up to hold the light blue electronic folding screen prototype in their hands, their expressions soon became shocked.

I really didn't know, I was shocked.

Compared with the folding screen mobile phone of Guanglan Electronics, Samsung's folding screen mobile phone is just like a semi-finished product that has not been developed and is an immature engineering machine!

Whether it is the display effect or the touch feel, it is a win!

In addition, the staff of Guanglan Electronics on site will also explain the advantages and characteristics of Guanglan electronic products to the visitors.

Many people were shocked after hearing this, and they made a lot of exclamation and praise.

"No? No filming? I heard that the current folding screen technology is immature, it must be filmed, or it will be broken."

"Hey, look carefully, there is indeed no film!"

"You don't know this. I saw the on-site evaluation yesterday. This light blue electronics has incredible black technology. It is said that it has solved most of the defects of the folding screen."

"According to you, is that better than Samsung?"

"Nonsense, it's unclear! If you don't believe it, Samsung's booth is opposite. You'll know if you go to the comparison!"

In this way, Samsung Electronics is facing increasing pressure at this exhibition.

Especially the display panel sector.

They placed the foldable flexible screen in an extremely prominent position in the booth in order to show off their skills and express the confidence of Samsung's technical strength to the outside world.

But now it’s good, it’s completely counterproductive. It was used by the opposing Guanglan Electronics as negative propaganda materials, allowing people to see what a foldable flexible screen looks like at Guanglan Electronics, and also saw the immature foldable flexibility. What the screen looks like.

In other words, Samsung Electronics has become a foil here, with green leaves set off red flowers.Three K Novel Network

What kind of company is Samsung?

It has been a world technology giant for many years. Apart from Apple in the United States, it really hasn't been afraid of anyone.

Of course, the recent HUAWEI momentum of the Central Plains is very strong, and it has the meaning of surpassing, which scared Samsung Electronics into a cold sweat, but for some reasons, HUAWEI has encountered great difficulties, and it is also a surprise for Samsung Electronics.

At least for now.

Who could have imagined that the incredible Samsung Electronics would be ashamed at this exhibition in the Imperial Capital of Central Plains, and had a look.

And in terms of display panels, it lost to a small Zhongyuan company, a company that hadn't even heard of its name before.

In the past two days, the person in charge of Samsung Electronics' exhibition has been anxious and has reported the situation to the top several times.

Of course, the rhetoric is the same as Zhao Quanjiang, the power of the folding screen products of Guanglan Electronics has threatened Samsung Electronics.

At the same time, Li Tianyu could only chat with Han Minghai who was present.

This is also normal. Lu Hui, as the dual boss of Jiaxin and Guanglan Electronics, is so busy now that it is impossible to stay in the venue.

Han Minghai was too busy to ascend to heaven a while ago. Fortunately, the technical development has basically come to an end. Now his task is to stare at the exhibition and provide technical support.

Li Tianyu: "It looks good, and Guanglan Electronics is the first shot."

Han Minghai: "That's because our products are good."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Your technical department has done a good job."

Han Minghai waved his hand quickly: "Thanks to the file you got, the boss. By the way, there is also the reason for the advanced production line."

Li Tianyu: "Okay, just with technical documents and production lines, no one can realize the technology."

Han Minghai smiled.

He is also in a very good mood, seeing that Guanglan Electronics' reputation has been punched out.

Many companies have already submitted cooperation requests to Guanglan Electronics to purchase OLED screen panels and foldable flexible screen panels.

Some companies even want to buy the technology of Guanglan Electronics at a sky-high price.

However, it is impossible to sell.

Selling technology is equivalent to selling Guanglan Electronics' jobs.

Correspondingly, Han Minghai, as the technical director of Guanglan Electronics, is often asked.

It can be said that technicians, including Han Minghai, are now beginning to gain fame and fortune.

The two were talking, and a woman approached them.

Her name is Yu Junhui and she is the cadre of the Guanglan Electronics Marketing Department and the general manager of the Guanglan Electronics exhibition.

Yu Junhui: "Mr. Li, Director Han, Samsung would like to talk to us."

Han Minghai was startled: "Samsung? What do they want to talk about?"

Yu Junhui shook her head: "They didn't say anything, they just wanted to talk to Mr. Lu in person."

Li Tianyu was happy.

Sure enough, it is the style of the international technology giants, quite arrogant.

Don't say anything, just want to see Lu Hui.

Why do you see Lu Hui?

It is not because Lu Hui is the general manager of Guanglan Electronics.

As for Li Tianyu, although he is the boss behind the scenes, outsiders can easily find it out.

Even at Guanglan Electronics, only a few core personnel know the identity of Li Tianyu.

In fact, Samsung is going to meet with the CEO of Guanglan Electronics. After a little thought, you will know what is going on.

It must be that the products of Guanglan Electronics pose a certain threat to Samsung and want to solve this "big trouble" as soon as possible.

But how does Samsung want to solve it?

Li Tianyu was really curious.

Yu Junhui: "President Li, what should I do? Do you want to contact Mr. Lu now?"

Li Tianyu pondered for a while and responded, "You do two things. First, contact Mr. Lu to let him know about this."

Yu Junhui: "Okay, don't you let President Lu come over?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "It depends on the attitude of Samsung. This is the second thing I ask you to do. Tell them that if they want to meet Lu Hui, they must ask their Central Plains boss to come forward, at least. If it's the vice president, the second in command, don't talk about being responsible."

Yu Junhui understood it instantly.

Now it is Samsung Electronics who is begging to meet here. They must have a requesting attitude. They cannot say that they will see whoever they want to see if the details are not fixed.

Yu Junhui couldn't help sighing.

He really deserves to be the boss, he is indeed a great man who has seen the world.

Samsung Electronics is an international technology giant. Faced with such an object, Li Tianyu can still make such a negotiation, which is simply incredible.

Yu Junhui quickly agreed and went to implement Li Tianyu's arrangement.

Han Minghai: "Boss, what do you think Samsung is looking for us for?"

Li Tianyu: "What else can be, it must be to make us surrender."

Han Minghai: "Surrender? Why do we surrender?"

Li Tianyu chuckled: "For the money."

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