Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 471: How much money do you want?

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu wasn't doing anything yet, Liang Wenfeng and the three of them were surprised at first.

"What, what!?"

"Samsung on the opposite side?"

"What are they doing here?

In fact, Li Tianjia also felt very surprised.

He asked Yu Junhui to talk about this with Samsung just now, and he didn't expect the other party to respond immediately.

Samsung is an international giant, and it must be full of arrogance towards small domestic factories that are unknown.

It is enough to save you face if someone wants to meet the general manager of a small manufacturer like you.

You have to prepare quickly and fearfully.

Li Tianyu did well and directly filed a request with Samsung.

That means that it is not up to the requirements, no talk!

Can the CEO of Samsung Central Plains agree?

Under normal circumstances, this matter must end up in the end.

However, the foldable flexible screen products of Guanglan Electronics pose a huge potential threat to Samsung, so Samsung must not sit idly by.

So Samsung will definitely agree to Li Tianyu's request and send top executives to talk about things.

But this kind of thing must go through the process.

Let’s not talk about whether the Samsung Central Plains headquarters will have a meeting to study first. The bosses are very busy, and they are not always available.

So why is Samsung reacting so quickly?

Yu Junhui explained: "It happens that the general manager of Samsung Zhongyuan District is here. After listening to your request, I decided to come and have a look."

Li Tianyu said "Oh", not knowing if this kind of rhetoric was true.

Anyway, the other party is here, then see you there and listen to what they say.

Yu Junhui: "Do you want President Lu to come over?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Give him a call. If it is convenient for him, let him come over."

Yu Junhui: "Then Samsung, where do you arrange to meet?"

Li Tianyu pondered: "Go to the hotel next to you and find a private room, which is bigger."

Yu Junhui agreed and immediately went over to make arrangements.

Liang Wenfeng couldn't help asking: "Why are Samsung coming over here?"

Just as Li Tianyu was about to speak, Yu Junhui came back.

Seeing her expression, she seemed a little flustered.

Li Tianyu: "What's wrong?"

Yu Junhui: "They can't wait, they want to talk here."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Just talk about it here? Aren't they too noisy?"

Yu Junhui: "There is a coffee corner over there, they went over there."

With that, Yu Junhui pointed to the end of the venue.

Li Tianyu did see some tables and chairs over there, an open cafe surrounded by half-person-height wooden fences.

The coffee shop has relatively high consumption, and there are not many people drinking coffee there, so it seems relatively quiet.

Li Tianyu nodded: "Since they are all in such a hurry, let's go see you."

Yu Junhui: "Yes, but, Mr. Lu hasn't arrived yet."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "I will talk to them first, let him be as soon as possible."

Yu Junhui: "Okay, President Li."

Li Tianyu hesitated and said to Liang Wenfeng, "Are you interested in going over and listening?"

Liang Wenfeng was startled: "I can also go over and listen? Is this inappropriate?"

In Liang Wenfeng's thoughts.

Sunshine comes over to negotiate with Guanglan Electronics, it will definitely involve some confidentiality.

Although Liang Wenfeng is Wu Mingzhe's cousin, Wu Mingzhe is Li Tianyu's best friend and classmate, but it is really inappropriate to put these negotiation secrets in front of outsiders.

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "It's nothing, this is only a preliminary contact. I shouldn't talk about confidential content."

Liang Wenfeng looked back at Xie Hongtao and Guo Yang.

Li Tianyu has been quite generous to let Liang Wenfeng follow the past, and it is impossible to let these two people pass.

Liang Wenfeng: "Then you just stroll around."

So Liang Wenfeng turned around and followed Li Tianyu and walked towards the open cafe.

Han Minghai and Yu Junhui also passed by together.

Why did Li Tianyu let Liang Wenfeng pass?

In fact, this is also useful.

First, Li Tianyu believes in Liang Wenfeng's character.

Even if the content discussed by Guanglan Electronics and Samsung really involves confidentiality, Liang Wenfeng can help keep it confidential.

At this point, the ability of the intelligence master gave clear results.

Second, Li Tianyu wants to bring Liang Wenfeng back under his command, just like Han Minghai becomes a general.

Therefore, it is necessary for Li Tianyu to show off his muscles to Liang Wenfeng so that he can understand his own strength.

Li Tianyu is more than just a small boss who is rich and safe.

If he wants to become a world-class big man and a top entrepreneur, he must collect more talents.

When I reached the open cafe, there were already several people waiting there.

They are the big brothers from Samsung Electronics.

Li Tianyu looked over, and Zhao Quanjiang, the deputy director of Samsung Electronics' Zhongyuan District Brand Promotion Department, was among them.

The other few people don't know each other, and most of them are pretty old visually.

To be sure, there must be a leader of Samsung Central Plains.

Li Tianyu walked over immediately.

Zhao Quanjiang was startled when he saw Li Tianyu leading the way, and then whispered something to the person next to him, as if he was explaining Li Tianyu's identity.

The person next to him should be the protagonist of Samsung Central Plains.

Li Tianyu walked up to him, and the man proactively reached out and shook Li Tianyu's hand.

"Hello, this is Park Jeong-won."

When this person spoke, he nodded slightly.

Although he was speaking in the Central Plains dialect, his intonation was rather strange, so Li Tianyu concluded that this person was from the Southern Dynasties.

Through a handshake, Li Tianyu obtained basic information about Park Jeong-won.

He was stationed by Samsung Southern Headquarters and served as deputy general manager in the Central Plains District. He is indeed one of the second leaders of Samsung Electronics Central Plains District.

Why one?

Because Samsung Electronics Zhongyuan District has three vice presidents, they can be called the Big Three.

Including the general manager of Samsung Electronics' Zhongyuan District, all of them are from the Southern Dynasties.

When Li Tianyu looked at Park Jeong-won, the other party was also looking at Li Tianyu.

Park Jeong-won squinted his eyes and said, "Mr. Lee, can you talk to Samsung on behalf of Guanglan Electronics?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "This is naturally no problem, but our general manager of Guanglan Electronics is still on the way. He will formally talk to you. We can sit down and chat casually."

Park Jung-won hesitated, but nodded.

This Pu Zhengyuan is still quite arrogant. In his opinion, pinching a small factory in the Central Plains is as easy as pinching an ant.

In fact, this is also normal.Kuaiyan123

If it is just an ordinary small and medium manufacturer, it is simply impossible to compete with an international technology giant like Samsung Electronics.

But this time I am afraid that Park Jung-won was wrong, and Guanglan Electronics is not an ordinary small and medium manufacturer.

And Li Tianyu is not an ordinary boss.

Among those brought by Park Jung-won were middle-level managers from Samsung Electronics’ Central Plains headquarters, and they were also the department heads who may be involved in this “negotiation” with Guanglan.

It can be seen that Park Jeong-won thinks that the so-called negotiation with Guanglan is enough only this time.

Even in such an open and somewhat noisy environment, it does not affect the effectiveness of the negotiation.

This is the attitude of big factories to small factories, which is basically a quick fight.

Everyone chose a spacious place in the cafe and asked the waiter to move a few more chairs.

In this environment, Li Tianyu's conversation with Samsung Electronics' bosses began.

Although it was just a conversation, it was actually a formal negotiation.

Li Tianyu is Guanglan's boss, and can naturally decide everything.

At this time, a few cups of coffee have been brought up.

Man handed a cup.

The aroma of coffee permeated the entire space.

However, the atmosphere is somewhat tense.

To be honest, Liang Wenfeng has some stage fright.

He has participated in many conferences, but they are basically technical seminars. He has never seen such a big scene.

When Liang Wenfeng turned to look at Li Tianyu.

To my surprise, this guy didn't feel nervous at all.

On the contrary, he cocked Erlang's legs, as if drinking afternoon tea with some friends.

The other party is Samsung Electronics' boss.

Li Tianyu is really young, younger than Liang Wenfeng. He doesn't believe that Li Tianyu has much experience in negotiating with these big guys.

And looking at this, Samsung really lost to Guanglan Electronics in terms of products.

Otherwise, he would not come to negotiate enthusiastically.

Liang Wenfeng is becoming more and more curious, what kind of product is it?Samsung Electronics, which is rich in wealth and strong in technology, is so afraid?

Park Jeong-won: "I heard that Guanglan Electronics has made the best foldable flexible screen, which is better than similar products of Samsung Electronics?"

Li Tianyu said lightly: "President Park, you are wrong."

Park Jeong-won asked strangely: "Am I wrong?"

Li Tianyu: "Not only is it better, it's much better."

Park Zhengyuan was stunned, this Central Plains man is too crazy, right?How dare to talk to him like this, Park Jung Won.

This is not the attitude that a small factory owner should have.

In fact, all the people Park Jeong-won brought with him changed their expressions, and their expressions were already slightly angry.

Zhao Quanjiang hit the rounds: "Mr. Park, this boss Li is relatively young, and he may be a little direct when speaking, but he may not mean that."

After Park Jeong-won heard this, his face became a little softer.

Li Tianyu didn't irritate Park Jung-won and the others anymore. After all, they came to negotiate, and they couldn't be too rude.

Park Jeong-won: "Mr. Lee, it seems that you are very confident in your light blue products."

Li Tianyu turned his head and glanced at Zhao Quanjiang: "Mr. Zhao may have been with you. Of course, if you want, we can also let you experience our products."

In fact, Park Jung-won has long known the performance of the light blue electronic foldable flexible screen, and Samsung specially sent someone to take the experience video back.

Park Jeong-won also belongs to a technical background. Just by watching the video, you can know how strong the products of Guanglan Electronics are and where they are.

Of course, Park Jeong-won plans to experience it for himself, but not now.

He wants to cut the mess quickly and get Guanglan Electronics as soon as possible.

Park Jeong-won: "Mr. Li, in your Zhongyuan dialect, we are straightforward and do not need to go around in circles."

Li Tianyu made a gesture of please say.

Park Jeong-won: "You Guanglan Electronics has made the best foldable flexible screen. We want to buy the technology of Guanglan Electronics."

Including Liang Wenfeng, Han Minghai and Yu Junhui were stunned.

Li Tianyu showed a faint smile.

As expected, this Park Jeong-won is straightforward, and indeed belongs to Samsung's style.

Isn’t one of your technologies better than mine by Samsung?

The matter is very simple, just buy your technology.

In this way, Samsung can improve its foldable flexible screen technology and produce the same excellent flexible screen.

You Guanglan Electronics can of course also produce it, but it can't compete with Samsung Electronics.


Samsung has the world's strongest screen panel mass production capacity, which can effectively reduce costs.

Guanglan Electronics is not well-known, the screen panel has no price advantage, and has lost its technical advantage. Of course, it can't grab major customers.

Of course, Samsung has more ruthless tricks.

As long as these small factories are given enough money, they can be required to not use the sold technology, and only Samsung can enjoy it.

In this way, Samsung has no rivals and can continue to crush the technology circle.

However, will Li Tianyu agree?

Seeing that Li Tianyu did not respond immediately, Park Zhengyuan said with a smile again: "Mr. Li, you can make a price, as long as your technology is good and advanced enough, money is not a problem."

Li Tianyu shook his head and said with a smile: "President Park, you should know that Zhongyuan is not short of money. As long as we have the technology, we can easily get a large investment."

Park Zhengyuan was startled, but he didn't expect Li Tianyu to still be so arrogant.

But he adjusted it right away and continued: "But our Samsung has more money. If you are still in the Central Plains, you get what you pay for. If things are good enough, the money will naturally be sufficient."

Li Tianyu: "Sorry, technology is the foundation of our company, and it cannot be sold."

Everyone from Samsung heard that Li Tianyu obviously didn't know how to promote it.

Park Jeong-won had already made it very clear, as long as Li Tianyu nodded and agreed to sell the technology, it was easy to talk about how much money.

It's a big deal to throw you a few hundred million in the past, smashing you.

Samsung has done this kind of thing.

The key to perfect foldable flexible screen technology is indeed of great help to Samsung Electronics, which is currently suffering from internal and external troubles.

So Samsung will also give up the money.

Park Jeong-won was someone who had seen the world before, he laughed.

Park Jeong-won: "Let’s do it, Boss Li, if you go back and think about it, if you don’t want to sell technology, that’s okay. We can buy your entire Guanglan Electronics."

When everyone heard it, they were all startled.

Members of Samsung didn't seem to expect Park Jeong-won to say such things.

Buy Light Blue Electronics?

That's much more expensive than just buying foldable flexible screen technology.

This is really costly.

It's like buying a chicken breast, but if the other party doesn't sell it, they have to buy the whole chicken.

In addition to the foldable flexible screen technology, light blue really has no other worth buying.

At least not yet found.

In the eyes of these people, if Li Tianyu was wise enough, he would definitely sell.

In this way, you can get a lot of money right away, the amount may exceed everyone's imagination.

For the bosses of these small and medium-sized enterprises, what are they for?

Isn't it just for money!

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