Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 477 Old Li's son is a big boss!

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Ah? Are you coming over? When? You won't be in the scenic spot?"

"Well, that's OK, we wait for you, don't be too eager..."

Ye Cuiping didn't say much, said goodbye to Li Tianyu, and hung up the phone.

At this time, Ye Cuiping realized that everyone around was looking at her with strange eyes.

Ye Cuiping: "What are you looking at? What are you looking at me for?"

The expressions of these people are different.

Some doubts, some surprises, some mockery, some inexplicable...

Li Guohua couldn't help asking: "What did Xiaoyu say?"

Ye Cuiping: "He said he'll be here soon."

Li Guohua was startled: "Come here? When? Where is he?"

Ye Cuiping: "He is in the scenic spot, in the wine and the hotel."

Li Guohua: "Hotel? Which hotel? It won't really be..."

Ye Cuiping: "Yu Hao Ting was opened by Xiao Yu that day."


"Don't talk nonsense!"

"This is too ridiculous, how is it possible!"

When everyone heard it, they made a cry of surprise in reflection.

Anyway, the vast majority of people at the scene didn't believe Ye Cuiping's call just now.

The only one who believes?There is only Li Guohua.

Wang Yurui: "What? Are you really waiting for your son to come?"

Ye Cuiping came back to her senses: "Don't you want to see how good my son is? I'll let you see in a while, the hotel you stay in is owned by my son."

Wang Yurui was startled at first, and then couldn't help but sneered: "Your son opened the hotel? Don't think we are three-year-olds. Who believes?"

Ye Cuiping: "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, anyway, you will have to believe it if you do not believe it for a while."

Wang Yurui curled her lips and said to Ma Dapeng, "Director Ma, look at Lao Li, the two of them, didn't they just didn't stay in the hotel, they started talking nonsense, as for."

Ma Dapeng also had a headache. He cleared his throat and said: "Forget it, forget it, everyone said a few words, that old Li, and old Li's wife, this time you will be a little wronged, bear with it, and wait for tomorrow. I'll give you a good room, if it really doesn't work, I still have a chance next time!"

Shi Fangdong: "That's right, it won't happen, it's just a hotel for one night, it's really impossible to give us this room to Lao Li and the others..."

Before Shi Fangdong finished speaking, Wang Yurui glared back.

Wang Yurui whispered: "You are crazy, what do you let! What if they really agree!?"

Just as Shi Fangdong was about to speak, he caught a glimpse of Ye Cuiping waving his hand.

Turning to see, it turned out that someone had come here.

There were three people who came by, two men and one woman.

The person at the forefront is very old.

Zhang Bin recognized it immediately.

He also saw Li Tianyu during the Chinese New Year last year.

He talked about Li Guohua: "Is that your son?"

Li Guohua finally smiled: "Yes, that's right, it's Xiaoyu."

Zhang Bin: "No way, does he really open a hotel here?"

Li Guohua smiled: "It should be impossible to fake it."

Zhang Bin was stunned and dumbfounded.

Others also noticed the abnormality and turned to look at the three people who came by.

Some of Li Guohua's colleagues have met Li Tianyu, but they were also relatively young.

Although most people haven't seen him in a few years, they look familiar.

What's more, Li Tianyu is also the son of Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping, and he is somewhat alike.

So some of Li Guohua's colleagues recognized Li Tianyu.

"Old Li, it's really your son, is he here?"

"Come very fast, are you playing here too?"

"You didn't listen to them just now, my son is opening a hotel here! The hotel we are staying in is owned by his son."

", that's too rich, right? This is the scenic area of ​​Dibei Water Town, and opening a hotel is not a joke."

When everyone was talking about it, Li Tianyu had already walked over.

The two people who came with him were Yu Xuheng and the other woman, Guo Bihua, the current lobby manager.

Guo Bihua has just joined the company for about a month.

She is very capable and quickly entered the state. Shen Yanhe, who was also a lobby manager, was full of praise for her.

After Li Tianyu received the call, he wanted to come by himself, but Yu Xuheng was there at the time and had to come with him.

After all, it was the boss' parents who came here, and Yu Xuheng had to show it well.

Of course, Yu Xuheng was not good at his performance, so he called Guo Bihua, who happened to be passing by.

It was the first time that Guo Bihua saw the real boss, and she couldn't help being a little nervous, but she quickly adjusted and behaved very courteously.

After working in this business for a long time, it is inevitable that there are some things in common, that is, they are more perceptive.

As a result, Yu Xuheng and Guo Bihua went from left to right, and followed Li Tianyu to meet the two elders.

As for how and why the two elders came, Yu and Guo didn't know at all.

However, Li Tianyu also explained to the two of them on the way. They came to travel with the team of the unit.

At that time, Yu Xuheng complained about Li Tianyu.

Yu Xuheng: "Boss, you are too outrageous."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Why is it outrageous?"

Yu Xuheng: "The two old people come to Dibei Water Town for sightseeing, do you still need to follow a group? We are also a luxury hotel in the scenic spot, and your boss is too bad."

Li Tianyu laughed loudly.

Although knowing that Yu Xuheng's this was called public praise, Li Tianyu was still very happy.

What is this called?

Enjoy the treatment of superiors.

In short, as the vice president, Yu Xuheng, who is in charge of the guest room, threatened to give Li Tianyu's parents a wonderful and amazing vacation.

Li Tianyu didn't say anything, anyway, these people's abilities are all right, just let them run away.

At this time, the three came into the crowd.

Li Tianyu saw a lot of familiar faces, and while walking inside, he nodded and greeted these people.

"Uncle Liu, it's been a long time."

"Aunt Jiang, do you still know me?"

"...Yes, I remember the last time I met was when I was in high school, it has been so many years."

"Good Uncle Gao, you look pretty old."

Li Tianyu said a few words casually, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Many people were surprised secretly.

Because Li Tianyu has always given people the feeling that it can be described in four words: A Dou that can't be supported.

Anyway, Li Guohua sighed and said that his son was always worrying and his work was confused.

Anyway, the child Li Tianyu has always been regarded as a negative teaching material, a kind of psychological comfort to others.

Now, the changes in this child are too great.Bashan Academy

Let’s not talk about the conversation just now. Even the clothes you wear, you can also see a few words: low-key, luxurious, connotative, unrestrained, foreign, and deep.

As the saying goes, don’t wait for three days and treat each other with admiration.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Li Tianyu's changes are indeed a bit exaggerated.

It feels like a complete change of person.

Moreover, Li Tianyu was followed by two people.

These two people belong to the leadership type no matter their posture, manners, or temperament.

But it looks like Li Tianyu is their leader.

What is the relationship between these three people, people can't help but think about it.

At this time, Li Tianyu had already come to Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping.

Li Tianyu: "Dad, Mom, what are you doing here together?"

Ye Cuiping waved her hand: "I didn't see Director Ma being giving us a lesson!"

Li Tianyu discovered Ma Dapeng not far away.

He didn't seem to have seen this director very much, but he said hello: "Director Ma is good."

Ma Dapeng quickly responded and said to Li Guohua: "Lao Li, this is your child? He is really a talent!"

Li Guohua laughed, but didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Wang Yurui leaned over and said with a smile, "You are Xiaoyu."

Li Tianyu looked at Wang Yurui and nodded: "Yes, I am Li Tianyu."

Li Tianyu had never seen Wang Yurui, so he looked confused.

Li Guohua: "This is your Uncle Shi's lover, called Aunt Wang."

Li Tianyu suddenly realized that he greeted Shi Fangdong and Wang Yurui.

But he felt that the eyes of these two eyes were weird, as if he was expecting something.

In fact, his father Li Guohua and Shi Fangdong had a long-term disagreement. Of course Li Tianyu also knew.

But after so many years, Li Tianyu didn't expect the relationship between the two to be so frozen.

Wang Yurui: "Your mom and your dad mentioned you just now."

Li Tianyu asked strangely: "Aunt Wang, what did you mention about me?"

Wang Yurui: "Say you are doing well in the Imperial Capital, and you have bought several suites."

Li Tianyu: "Yes, I have several suites."

Wang Yurui and Shi Fangdong were startled.

Wang Yurui: "I'm talking about it in the imperial capital."

Li Tianyu: "My houses are concentrated in the imperial capital and the magic capital. There are ordinary residences, as well as office buildings and shops. I don't know which one you want to talk about?"

When Wang Yurui and Shi Fangdong heard this, the expressions on their faces froze on the spot.

What Li Tianyu said was more exaggerated than his parents, and he was very confident.

At this time, Li Tianyu seemed to think of something again, and said: "By the way, I have a villa near here, just over there."

With that said, Li Tianyu pointed to the mountainside not far away, and continued: "But I haven't been to live in a long time, so there should be grass growing now."

Now the people around are coming around curiously.

The conversation between Li Tianyu, Shi Fangdong and Wang Yurui was almost heard.

Li Tianyu's words shocked everyone, including his parents Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping.

Although his son does have a good profit, he is also very rich.

But there must be a limit, right?

If it is bragging, it would be ashamed to be exposed.

However, Ye Cuiping's psychological quality is obviously much stronger than Li Guohua, and immediately put on a proud and natural look.

This can be regarded as supporting Li Tianyu, right?

But some people whispered, as if they felt that Li Tianyu's family had problems in their heads.

Isn't it because you want to get rich and crazy?

Wang Yurui curled her lips: "Would you still say that you opened a hotel here?"

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows: "I did open a hotel."

Ma Dapeng couldn't help but interrupt: "Tianyu Palace?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, Director Ma, you wouldn't book a room in Tianyu Palace, would you?"

Ma Dapeng was stunned, and that was acquiescence.

Li Tianyu pointed to Yu Xuheng and Guo Bihua, and began to introduce: "This surname is Yu, the vice president of Tianyu Palace, and this beauty is surnamed Guo, who is the lobby manager. If Director Ma is booking a room in our hotel, You can find them to solve any problems."

When everyone heard it, they were all startled.

What Li Tianyu said is not true, right?

But looking at the dress and manners of Yu Xuheng and Guo Bihua, it is indeed the case.

Yu Xuheng was very clever, and first greeted Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping separately.

After all, it is Li Tianyu's parents, and the boss's parents must be treated seriously.

Li Guohua was simply stupid. These two people seemed to have identities. How could they obey his son so much?

At this time, Li Guohua realized that Li Tianyu had become the boss, and he was not that small.

Ye Cuiping watched Li Guohua's mouth open, but didn't respond, and immediately kicked her husband.

Ye Cuiping: "What do you think? I didn't see someone say hello to you!"

Li Guohua said "Ah", and then he came back to his senses and said a few words to Yu Xuheng.

Ye Cuiping glared at Li Guohua, and said to Xu Heng and Guo Bihua: "My son didn't treat you badly, right?"

Li Tianyu touched his forehead.

This mother is too nervous.

What's the problem?

Yu Xuheng hurriedly waved his hand: "Auntie, that's not true. The boss is very kind to us. As long as he is willing to work, he will be like my brother!"

Damn it!

Niu batch!

Li Tianyu couldn't help but gave Yu Xuheng a thumbs up.

This flattery is really good.

If Li Tianyu had this kind of flattering skills when he was a small staff small planner, then he would definitely not be so miserable.

Anyway, Ye Cuiping was amused and laughed.

At this time, the people around were already stupid.

Unexpectedly, the famous Internet celebrity hotel, Tianyu Palace, was actually opened by the son of the old Li family.

Of course, there are still people who are skeptical, and they can't believe this fact no matter what.

I always feel that Li Guohua's family is acting, and the acting is still the same.

But just because it is so true, people can no longer deny this possibility 100%.

Not to mention others, even if they were Ma Fangdong and Wang Yurui, their arrogance had already been burned out by half, and they were about to die.

If Lao Li's son is really so ridiculous, it would be their couple who is ashamed.

At this time, Guo Bihua said to Ma Dapeng, "Director Ma, since it is a room booked in our hotel, then come with me and I will check in for you all."

At this time, Ye Cuiping curled her lips: "Also, Xiaoyu, your dad and I can't go."

Li Tianyu was startled: "What's the matter?"

Ye Cuiping: "You can ask Director Ma!"

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