You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu thinks Yu Xuheng really has something to my heart.

What is rare is that this kid is also very capable of working.

A good subordinate and a good leader.

Well, turn around and add a chicken leg to Lao Yu.

After a while, the doorbell outside rang, and then a soft voice came: "Hello, room service."

Li Tianyu opened the door and saw that it was a female dark master.

Li Tianyu let the Dark Mortal Master into the door and looked at the opponent a little bit.

Unlike the last time Alice, this time the face of Master Dark Morris is more beautiful, and the figure is not picky.

Especially the work uniforms I wear are of the kind of self-cultivation.

Gentle and graceful, she should be a southern girl.

Dark Master: "Mr. Li, I am the Dark Master of Tianyu Palace Hotel. You can call me Xiaoxi."

Li Tianyu: "I haven't seen you before, new here?"

Xiaoxi: "I have been employed for almost two weeks. Do you come often, Mr. Li?"

It seems that Yu Xuheng still did not tell these dark masters of Li Tianyu's identity.

This is also good, it feels like a private visit on a microservice.

If ordinary employees know that Li Tianyu is the boss, then it will become less convenient and comfortable for him to come over.

Even if the boss's identity is hidden, it will not affect Li Tianyu's VIP level treatment.

After all, even if Yu Xuheng didn't say that Li Tianyu was the boss, he would be a hotel guest.

Xiaoxi: "Mr. Li, can you start now?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes."

Xiaoxi handed Li Tianyu a set of clothes and asked Li Tianyu to go to the bathroom to change.

When Li Tianyu came out, Xiaoxi was ready.

Li Tianyu just lay on the bed like this, and Xiao Xi began to serve.

I have to say that Xiaoxi is definitely a master.

The technique is very powerful without any discomfort.

Xiaoxi: "Mr. Li, what do you think? Is the strength appropriate?"

Li Tianyu: "Very good, very suitable, continue."

Xiaoxi worked harder to serve.

When the two were working hard, the doorbell suddenly remembered.


Who is so short-eyed, running over to interrupt?

It's so comfortable!

Xiaoxi hesitated: "Mr. Li, are you going to open the door?"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Go ahead."

Xiaoxi ran out of the bedroom and opened the door.

Of course Li Tianyu also sat up.

Just listen to the sound of controversy outside.

It was the dark master Xiaoxi who was talking to a person, and that person's words were a bit intense.

Li Tianyu felt strange, who ran to his side to make trouble?

Is this guy too fat?

Li Tianyu wasn't very angry, but he just walked out because he felt curious.

I saw a person standing outside the door, and Xiaoxi was standing facing the person.

It was a middle-aged woman, she looked fat-headed, and looked a bit fierce.

Who is this guy?

The woman glanced at Li Tianyu and greeted with a smile: "Sorry, Mr. Li, right?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, it's me, what can you do?"

Middle-aged woman: "Excuse me, Mr. Li. My name is Hu. I am the manager of the hotel room service department."

With that, the middle-aged woman reached out to Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu gave an "Oh", and while shaking hands with the other party, he said casually: "It's Manager Hu, what's the matter with you here?"

While shaking hands, Li Tianyu used the "intelligence master" to question the manager of the service department.

He has obtained a lot of information.

Her name is Hu Mingzhu and she is indeed the manager of the room service department of Tianyu Palace Hotel.

Of course, Hu Mingzhu can only be regarded as a second-level manager, not a first-level manager of the housekeeping department.

In other words, what he manages is only the room service, and of course it also includes the secret service.

At this time, Hu Mingzhu said to Li Tianyu: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry, originally this is not in compliance with the regulations, but there is still something I want to communicate with you."

Li Tianyu: "Well, you said."

Although Li Tianyu knew why Hu Mingzhu fans came, he had to give people a chance to speak.

Hu Mingzhu: "It's like this. We have a guest who appointed Xiaoxi to serve him, so..."

Li Tianyu interrupted Hu Mingzhu: "Isn't Xiao Xi serving me."

Hu Mingzhu: "But that guest is going to let her over now, so I will ask you if I can change you a dark master or change the service time."

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows: "Why do you want me to change? Just ask that person to change time?"

Hu Mingzhu: "This... Mr. Li, you are also a VIP in this suite, but that guest is still very special, and the hotel can't afford to offend..." 90 Read the novel

Hu Mingzhu, the servant, said that the guest was like a big man.

In fact, he is the boss of a listed company.

It is indeed a big shot, but for Li Tianyu now, it is really nothing.

Li Tianyu: "If you can't offend that guest, then can you offend me?"

Hu Mingzhu was stunned and looked at Li Tianyu carefully.

At this time, Li Tianyu was wearing the special casual clothes he used for secret riding, and he couldn't see much.

It can only be seen that he is a young man, and he is very handsome, and the atmosphere is very good.

Although the private bath suite that Li Tianyu lives in is considered the best room type in the hotel, because today is Monday, there is a substantial discount.

The general room type is 50% off, and this suite is a luxury high-priced room, the discount can reach 40%.

So it's no surprise that this young man can live in such a room.

In other words, Hu Mingzhu doesn't think Li Tianyu's identity is a big man, he thinks he is just an ordinary guest, but he has a little money in his pocket, so he can enjoy special services.

Hu Mingzhu: "Mr. Li, otherwise, I will arrange for you to have another dark master. Your service fee can be discounted."

Li Tianyu was startled: "I don't understand, why is that person so important to the hotel? Would you rather offend other guests to meet his requirements?"

It can be seen that Hu Mingzhu's attitude has gradually become tougher: "Mr. Li, it is indeed the case. That guest is a major customer of our hotel. I really can't offend it. I hope you can understand."

Li Tianyu glanced at Xiaoxi.

Xiaoxi looked at Li Tianyu and Hu Mingzhu again, looking a little helpless.

Li Tianyu knew why that big guest had to let Xiaoxi serve.

Because that guy just fell in love with Xiaoxi.

Although Tianyu Palace, as a luxury hotel, has strict management and does not allow the server to have a special relationship with the guests, the hotel can't control what happens outside of work.

The key is that Xiaoxi is really unwilling to go like this.

Even if she was willing to go, Li Tianyu couldn't let her go.

The guests are gods, but because one guest puts another guest aside, what kind of style is that?

And how does Hu Mingzhu look like a hotel manager?

It's clearly a pimp.

Just now Li Tianyu had obtained a lot of information from this guy. Hu Mingzhu knew what the guest meant and deliberately contributed to such a nasty thing.

As a hotel manager, I really shouldn't do this.

Li Tianyu: "Manager Hu, you told the guest that Xiaoxi has to serve me first and let her go. Then I have to get my consent, understand?"

Hu Mingzhu was startled.

She really didn't expect this young man to be so difficult, promising to give him discounts and not agree to concessions.

Hu Mingzhu also knew that he was at a loss here, so he had to suppress his throat and said, "Well, right, Xiaoxi, how much time do you serve him?"

Xiaoxi: "Ninety minutes, one and a half hours."

Hu Mingzhu: "That's all right, it's just an hour and a half, and one more minute won't work, you hear?"

Xiaoxi was at a loss for words, so she nodded blankly.

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "How about an hour and a half?"

Hu Mingzhu asked suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

Li Tianyu: "I think Xiaoxi's technique is very suitable for me, and I am very tired today, so I want Xiaoxi to serve me for three hours."

Hu Mingzhu widened his eyes: "Three hours!? Mr. Li, that's not good!"

Li Tianyu: "Why not?"

Hu Mingzhu: "That guest has booked Xiaoxi's next time."

Li Tianyu waved his hand to Hu Mingzhu: "Okay, you tell the guest, another day, or another person."

With that, Li Tianyu ignored Hu Mingzhu's look and forced the door shut.

Li Tianyu saw that Xiaoxi was completely stunned, and said to her, "Xiaoxi, let's continue."

Xiaoxi said "Ah" and followed Li Tianyu back to the bedroom.

Li Tianyu lay down on the bed again, and began to enjoy Xiaoxi's extraordinary technique again.

Xiaoxi couldn't help but said, "Mr. Li, Manager Hu may be asking you for trouble."

Li Tianyu: "That Manager Hu is quite arrogant, does she often bully you?"

Xiaoxi didn't have a word for a while, and it was considered acquiescence.

Xiaoxi's dark-moving technique was so powerful that Li Tianyu was so comfortable that he fell asleep in a groggy way.

After a while, Li Tianyu was quarreled by the doorbell again.

When Li Tianyu looked back, Xiaoxi was a little panicked.

It is likely that Hu Mingzhu came to trouble.

Li Tianyu: "How long has it been?"

Xiaoxi: "One and a half hours."

Li Tianyu laughed: "This Manager Hu is on time."

Li Tianyu waved his hand to Xiaoxi: "Don't be afraid, with me, she can't make any moths."

Xiaoxi was stunned, wondering where Li Tianyu's confidence came from.

From the outside, Li Tianyu is a handsome guy, he feels very gentle, there seems to be nothing special.

Although Hu Mingzhu is the second-line manager of the hotel, he is very good at being a man.

Especially for the leadership, the performance is perfect.

But Hu Mingzhu was a devil to the people below, and he didn't talk about affection at all.

Sometimes there are some difficult guests, and Hu Mingzhu also has his wrists to flatten them.

Moreover, the guest mentioned by Hu Mingzhu was indeed a big man. If he angered him, he would really have no choice but to walk around.

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