Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 487 Don't read it, just talk about cooperation

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Lu Hui saw that HUAWEI's response was good and wonderful, so he started introducing it without losing the opportunity.

"This is our No. 1 plant. There are four production lines in this plant, mainly producing OLED LCD panels."

Ren Huayang nodded: "Are all the four production lines configured like this?"

Lu Hui: "Yes, Mr. Ren, we have just completed a comprehensive upgrade of all production lines, and all machinery and equipment are of the highest standards."

Lu Hui glanced at Chen Ming again and added: "It is the highest standard in the world."

Chen Ming was speechless for a while.

He didn't dare to say anything now, for fear of being stunned back.

Ren Huayang has now completely dispelled his doubts when he first arrived.

With such a complete production line, it is really not difficult to make highly advanced and high-quality products.

Of course, besides that, technology is also very important.

Many large LCD panel companies have good equipment, but the products they make are always almost meaningless, and the yield rate is not well controlled.

The technical level of Visible Blue Electronics has also reached a very high level.

Ren Huayang asked at this time: "By the way, is the production line of foldable flexible screens here?"

Lu Hui: "There are two production lines for foldable flexible screens, both of which are in the No. 3 plant. I will take you to have a look later."

Ren Hua nodded sharply.

All the experts showed excitement on their faces.

Visiting the production line of foldable flexible screens is the most important purpose of HUAWEI's trip.

They have visited BOE before, focusing on the production line of foldable flexible screens, so they have a basic concept in their minds.

These people especially want to compare, what is the difference between Guanglan Electronics' foldable flexible screen and BOE's production process, and why can it be so perfect?Almost all foldable flexible screen defects are avoided.

You know, the foldable flexible screen of Guanglan Electronics can't even compare with similar products of Samsung Display.

What does that mean?

It means that the foldable flexible screen of Guanglan Electronics is the only one in the world, and it is far ahead in terms of technology!

Therefore, Lu Hui took the HUAWEI delegation to plant No.3.

As for Plant No. 2, according to Lu Hui, there is not much difference between the configuration of Plant No. 1.

So everyone at HUAWEI didn't ask to go to see it again.

And another group of precious CannonTokki vacuum evaporation machines are placed in the third factory.

Not to mention other people, even Li Tianyu is also very curious. He went in to see the ordinary factory, but the production line of foldable flexible screens has not opened his eyes.

After everyone entered under the leadership of Lu Hui, the sighs began to come and go, even more enthusiastic than when they visited the No. 1 factory.

These top HUAWEI experts really did not expect that the production line of the foldable flexible screen of Guanglan Electronics is quite different from that of BOE.

Of course, because of trade secrets, Lu Hui did not arrange for them to have a deeper understanding of the production line details of the foldable flexible screen.

But this is enough.

Because the representatives of HUAWEI watched the flexible screens produced and formed from the production line.

Everyone's eyes widened, and they didn't even dare to blink, for fear of missing a little detail.

Then, Lu Hui instructed a production worker to remove a finished flexible screen from the production line and let everyone study and observe.

All the experts scrambled to see it, and even touched it regardless of the image.

The scene was simply too shocking.

"Oh! It's just out of the pot, it's still hot!"

"Have you found it? The surface feels like hard, like a layer of glass attached, but it doesn't look like glass. How did this happen?"

"It's definitely not glass. The glass bending process shouldn't exist yet. The surface should be some other material."

"It's amazing. I didn't expect the technical strength of Guanglan Electronics to be so strong. It seems that the production speed is very fast, and the output of one production line is not low."

The big experts watched with great joy, and after a full half hour of research and discussion, they didn't even break up.

At this time, Ren Huayang took a closer look at the flexible screen sample just produced, and couldn't help sighing.

Chen Ming moved in his heart and asked, "President Ren, what do you think is the problem?"

Ren Huayang shook his head: "What can be wrong with this? I just think this Guanglan Electronics is simply Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, how did their technicians research it?"

Ren Huayang pointed to the equipment on the production line and said: "I have seen most of these equipment, but no company has been able to produce such a perfect flexible screen before. It can be seen that their technical strength has played a major role."

Chen Ming was speechless.

Ren Huayang's evaluation of Guanglan Electronics is too high, and he is obviously convinced by this company.

Lu Hui took the delegation of HUAWEI to the park again, and learned to act as a tour guide to explain in person.

This can be regarded as sincere to the HUAWEI delegation.

"As you can see, although our Guanglan Electronics is a small company, the park is very large and there are plenty of vacant land. We can build more factories."

Lu Hui pointed to the construction site not far away, and continued: "Look, everyone has started construction there. The two factories are being built at the same time. It is estimated that the production line equipment can be installed in more than a month."

Ren Huayang: "What production line are you going to install?"

Lu Hui: "Mr. Ren, the production line we want to install must be of the highest international standard, at least not lower than our existing three factories."

After listening, everyone couldn't help but move.

According to Lu Hui, the equipment installed in the new production line can only be higher.

There are about eight production lines in two factories. How much does it cost?

I originally thought that the light blue electronics was not too big on the surface, but it could only be said to be a medium-sized enterprise with not too much capital.

But I didn't expect it to be so generous.

Two factories were built at a time, and the latest production lines were also installed.

Re-elected Huayang showed a surprised expression.

He didn't understand, where did Li Tianyu get the money from at a young age?

Or does Guanglan Electronics have unknown sources of funds?

In fact, Lu Hui had no idea before. Both factories used the latest production line equipment, which was simply too much investment.

Although Guanglan Electronics already has a profitable foundation, it is easy to return to poverty directly from food and clothing by investing a large sum of money at one time.

However, when Li Tianyu learned that Lu Hui was worried, he laughed and said that he was worried.

As soon as Lu Hui heard it, he let go of his heart, and it seemed that Boss Li was already ready.

Li Tianyu is the host of the bragging taxation system. It is not a matter of minutes to set up a few production lines!

At this time, Ren Huayang pondered for a moment, then turned to Li Tianyu and said, "Mr. Li, there is something I want to know."

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ren, just ask if you have any doubts, and I know how to answer them."

Ren Huayang pulled Li Tianyu aside and asked in a low voice, "Does Guanglan Electronics have other partners or major shareholders?"

Li Tianyu understood what Ren Huayang meant.

He is worried that Li Tianyu does not have the control of Guanglan Electronics. Even if the cooperation agreement is signed, there will be changes in the middle.

But Ren Huayang shouldn't have asked this question.

Because he should have grasped the information of Guanglan Electronics long ago.

There is only one boss of this company, and that is Li Tianyu.

The reason why Ren Huayang asks this is also because caring is messy.TXT Bookstore

Li Tianyu didn't step up to the point, and directly responded, "President Ren, you can rest assured that I am the only boss."

After Ren Huayang listened, he relaxed and couldn't help patting Li Tianyu on the shoulder.

Li Tianyu could see that Ren Huayang's attitude was very sincere, so he couldn't help but have a good impression of him.

Then, everyone entered the office building under the arrangement of Lu Hui and visited the technology research and development department of Guanglan Electronics.

This is also a stop that HUAWEI experts care about.

After all, the scientific research department of Guanglan Electronics is too powerful, and they all want to see how sacred these technicians are.

But on the surface, nothing is visible at all.

Because they found that these technicians are very young.

However, Han Minghai is still quite famous, and several HUAWEI experts have long recognized him.

When visiting the laboratory of Guanglan Electronics, everyone was amazed again.

Because the laboratory is five to six hundred square meters, divided into three rooms.

Both the layout and the equipment exude a strong smell of copper.

No wonder, they are all expensive, up-to-date machines.

At that time, experts from HUAWEI estimated that the total value of Guanglan Electronics' laboratory may exceed 7.8 billion soft sister coins.

After seeing the laboratory, everyone was satisfied.

Guanglan Electronics is really open and upright, and more sensitive places such as production lines and laboratories have been let people come in to see them, and there is no intention to hide them.

Therefore, most people in HUAWEI are quite satisfied.

Lu Hui turned his head and asked, "President Ren, what else do you want to see? I can make arrangements for you."

Ren Huayang smiled and waved his hand: "No, I have seen everything that I should see and want to see, Mr. Lu, it is really hard for you."

Lu Hui: "It should be."

At this time, Lu Hui checked the time and said, "It's noon. We have arranged a private room in a nearby restaurant. Let's go eat first."

Lu Hui's proposal is very decent.

If you are a guest from afar, you have to arrange a meal too.

However, Ren Huayang waved his hand: "Don't rush to eat, let's talk about cooperation first."

Li Tianyu and Lu Hui looked at each other with smiles in their eyes.

It can be seen that Ren Huayang is more anxious than anyone else and wants to reach an agreement with Guanglan Electronics as soon as possible.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ren, let's go to the restaurant first, and chat while eating, without delay."

Ren Huayang is right to think about it. It's not a big deal to talk about business during dinner, but the atmosphere will be better.

So he nodded.

The group was divided into several cars, and then drove out of the Guanglan Electronics Park.

The hotel is in the Langzhou Development Zone. It only takes seven or eight minutes to drive from Guanglan Electronics.

This restaurant should be the largest in the development zone.

It is a single building with three floors upstairs and downstairs, and the floor area is not small.

Lu Hui did not hesitate to make a big deal, and directly covered the entire third floor.

After all, the HUAWEI delegation, plus the accompaniment of Guanglan Electronics, is nearly 30 people.

The crowd was divided into four tables and sat down, and it seemed quite lively, like a Chinese New Year.

The restaurant’s cooking resources are very strong, and the serving speed is actually quite fast, but Lu Hui specifically greeted the restaurant, not to serve too fast.

The pace is too fast, and it’s hard to chat after patronizing.

A big guy like Li Tianyu, of course, sat with Ren Huayang, who was also a big guy.

In fact, the two felt quite late when they met each other.

Ren Huayang is not a particularly talkative person, but after contacting Li Tianyu for a while, he talked surprisingly.

This surprised many HUAWEI colleagues who came with us.

Ren Huayang: "Mr. Li, to be honest, when we came this time, we originally planned to inspect a circle first, and then go back to discuss it."

Li Tianyu nodded, this is understandable.

After all, joining a new supplier is not a trivial matter, you must be cautious.

Ren Huayang continued: "But after I inspected the factories and other facilities on your side, I found it unnecessary."

Everyone couldn't help becoming serious.

Ren Huayang is obviously about to make a decision.

Or confirm cooperation with Guanglan Electronics.

Either we don't look at the light blue electronics at all.

But everyone can see that Ren Huayang is definitely inclined to cooperate with Guanglan Electronics.

Ren Huayang: "President Li, we can talk about the details of cooperation."

Most people were relieved.

Especially those top experts from HUAWEI have already recognized the strengths of Guanglan Electronics in all aspects.

Of course, there are also a few people who disagree.

For example, Chen Ming was very unhappy in his heart.

Of course, he did not act too fiercely on the surface, but just reminded: "President Ren, it is better to go back and discuss it first, and listen to... everyone's opinions.

Ren Huayang frowned and waved his hand: "What else are we discussing? It doesn't make sense. It's time to discuss with Mr. Li and Guanglan Electronics."

Ren Huayang's resolute attitude surprised Chen Ming.

In fact, Ren Huayang itself is not a particularly democratic leader. Once he makes a decision, it will be difficult for anyone to reverse it.

Ren Huayang turned to Li Tianyu: "I said clearly, I think Guanglan Electronics is a very good partner for our HUAWEI, and I hope we can reach an agreement as soon as possible."

Li Tianyu nodded and agreed: "Mr. Ren, how do you want to cooperate?"

Ren Huayang: "Let’s talk about flexible screens first. As long as the price is right, I want to cover the production capacity of all flexible screens of Guanglan Electronics."

Li Tianyu: "The production capacity of the two production lines?"

Ren Huayang nodded: "I think Mr. Li should also be aware of HUAWEI's current situation. We must make a strange move, otherwise we can only give in step by step."

Li Tianyu certainly knew what Ren Huayang meant.

The current situation of HUAWEI in foreign markets can be described as embarrassed on all sides, which is really miserable.

Ren Huayang added: "The flexible screen of Guanglan Electronics is very strong, and it is also energy-producing, but I don't know how much the price will be set. As long as it is not too expensive than similar BOE products, we can accept it."

It's really rare that Ren Huayang has spoken to this point.

He meant it could accept a higher price than BOE's flexible screen.

That is very beneficial to Guanglan Electronics, you can ask for more, anyway, HUAWEI is not bad money, the bad is good accessories, good technology.

All eyes were focused on Li Tianyu, to see how he made a decision.

Generally speaking, Guanglan Electronics may have a private meeting to study it.

After all, the capacity of the two production lines is not trivial.

Li Tianyu took a sip of the tea, then smiled and said, "Just count it at the price of BOE."

When everyone heard it, they were all startled.

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