You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When shaking hands with Zhou Changshan, Li Tianyu certainly took the opportunity to use the "intelligence master" ability.

Although it is said that people cannot look at their faces, Zhou Changshan's appearance is obviously not very trustworthy.

For such a person, Li Tianyu would certainly not spare that little mental power.

After an ability spy, Li Tianyu found that Zhou Changshan had a problem, and it was not a normal problem.

However, Li Tianyu is no longer the former Wu Xia Amon, his mind is deeply hidden.

On the surface, it can be said that the ancient well does not wave, the air is calm, the clouds are light and the wind is light.

Zhou Changshan looked at Li Tianyu a few times, and slightly put away his contempt.

Zhou Changshan has dealt with various bulls, ghosts and snakes for many years, and of course he can see that Li Tianyu is indeed extraordinary.

Not to mention anything else, Li Tianyu's rehabilitative kung fu, as long as you pay a little attention, you can see it.

Zhou Changshanmi raised his eyes and smiled and said, "Mr. Li is really young, are your parents the biggest names?"

Zhou Changshan guessed that Li Tianyu should be a rich second generation.

After all, the prices of shops in Jiade Fashion Plaza are relatively high even if they are located in the core business districts of Imperial Capital and Magic Capital.

For example, the No. A113 shop, which is about 360 square meters, is the storefront of the three-point water milk tea. At the current average price, several million yuan of soft sister coins cannot be bought.

Even if a loan is available, it is not affordable for ordinary people.

Zhou Changshan had this question, but also wanted to explore the details of Li Tianyu.

The average rich second generation is very willing to mention their parents' family background, so that they can lift themselves up and feel very superior in front of other ordinary people.

However, Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "Boss Zhou, my parents are not big names, they are different from you."

Zhou Changshan was stunned for a while, and then he laughed. It seemed that Li Tianyu's city mansion was really deep, and he was definitely not just pretending to be.

Zhou Changshan did not test Li Tianyu again.

After all, who Li Tianyu is in essence, and his background has nothing to do with Zhou Changshan.

For this transaction, Zhou Changshan and Hu Yuqiang's family can negotiate.

As the owner, Li Tianyu just walked through the scene.

Of course, the above is just Zhou Changshan's thoughts.

When Li Tianyu came in, he felt that the atmosphere was not quite right.

Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan's family were either sad or tearful, just like long-time workers in the old society who were persecuted by landlords.

Especially the little girl, the expression on her face is very complicated, mixed with resentment, regret, pain...

And Zhou Changshan, needless to say, is a landlord class.

Li Tianyu had already understood the general situation at this time, had a lot of thoughts in his mind, but still sat down calmly.

Yu Yaqi immediately brought another cup of coffee.

She introduced to everyone: "Mr. Li is the main owner of our Jiade Fashion Plaza. There are five sets of shops under his name, and all of them are worthy of the name."

Everyone was surprised when they heard it.

Hu Yuqiang and Li Tianyu only had a one-sided relationship, and they only played five minutes wrong, so they didn't understand Li Tianyu's background.

At this time, listening to Yu Yaqi's description, I felt that this young man was surprisingly powerful.

As for Zhou Changshan, the first reaction was that this young man was very incomprehensible.

What is the concept of five sets of prosperous shops? If they are all more than 300 square meters of shops like Sandianshui Milk Tea Shop, the total asset value should be hundreds of millions.

If Zhou Changshan knew that the Hema Xiansheng on the basement level of Jiatong Fashion Plaza was rented by Li Tianyu, he would be even more surprised.

Hundreds of millions?

I am afraid that there is no problem with the two hundred million.

Zhou Changshan's eyes kept turning, as if he was planning something quickly.

Li Tianyu's financial resources are too strong, it's hard not to let people have any ideas.

Especially people like Zhou Changshan.

Li Tianyu was drinking coffee and Yu Yaqi began to explain the situation for him.

Li Tianyu nodded and glanced at Hu Yuqiang: "So, boss Hu has agreed to transfer the three-point water milk tea shop to boss Zhou?"

Hu Yuqiang sighed, "I agree."

Li Tianyu: "I'm very curious, how much is the transfer fee?"

Hu Yuqiang was startled, hesitated for a moment, and said nothing.

Zhou Changshan's eyes narrowed: "I can't tell you this, it's between me and boss Hu."

Li Tianyu chuckled and said, "What? Are you afraid that I won't be able to cut it?"

Zhou Changshan was stunned.

To be honest, Zhou Changshan really didn't think about it in this direction.

Under the pressure of Zhou Changshan, Hu Yuqiang promised to transfer the Sandian Water Milk Tea Shop to Zhou Changshan at the price of 1.5 million soft sister coins.

The price is quite low.

But Zhou Changshan is not so worried that others will cut Hu.


Because there are not many people who know how to do it.

Most people only know that the three-point water milk tea shop is a famous Internet celebrity milk tea shop, and they don't know the inside story.

The operating cost of ordinary milk tea shops is not high, even tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands can open a stall shop.

In the imperial capital, there are many people who can put out 1.5 million soft sister coins, but if they use the money to buy a milk tea shop, they will definitely be scared to cry.

But Li Tianyu in front of him is different.

This guy seems to be really rich.

There are five prosperous shops under the name, all of which are worth the old nose's money.

Just taking out a year's rent for a prosperous shop is enough for ordinary people to spend half their lives.

In other words, it would be a breeze to ask Li Tianyu to spend 1.5 million.

However, Zhou Changshan's city mansion is also very deep, and he smiled and responded, "Mr. Li, don't you say that. In your capacity, can you see a milk tea shop?"

Li Tianyu raised his eyebrows: "Why don't I look down on it? This is a three-point water milk tea shop. It is said that the daily turnover can reach 1.8 million. Although franchise stores like this will have a commission, the profit is quite high. Ah, there should be... how many?"

Li Tianyu turned his head and glanced at Hu Yuqiang again, and seemed to finally remember: "Yes, it is about 30%. This profit rate is not low in the current business environment."

Zhou Changshan's face became serious.

Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes.

Li Tianyu is really a man.

The 30% profit margin was calculated recently by Hu Yuqiang and his wife.

If you subtract such big heads as rent and personnel costs, the profit margin in this phase is indeed very high.

At that time, Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan had a good celebration and had a good meal.

Zhou Changshan: "What do you want?"

Li Tianyu did not pay attention to Zhou Changshan, but turned to Hu Yuqiang and said, "Boss Hu, what is his asking price?"

In fact, Li Tianyu knew it a long time ago.

This question is also to dispel other people's doubts and just go through the scene.

Zhao Yan grabbed before Hu Yuqiang replied: "It's 1.5 million soft sister coins. We couldn't accept this price, but... But we really can't help it. We can't find other buyers for a while."

Zhao Yan finished with tears.

The transfer price of 1.5 million soft sister coins made Zhao Yan feel that the sky was about to fall.

This money may be left out of the usury of his daughter Hu Qiaoqiao.

And Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan themselves also carry a loan of more than 200,000 yuan.

The three-point water milk tea shop that I worked so hard to open is gone, so how can the family live?

Zhao Yan now really hopes that someone else can take over, as long as he can make a little bit.

It doesn't matter whether it is 1.6 million, or even 1.55 million.

A little more is a little bit.

Hu Yuqiang sighed.

He doesn't have much hope now.

Running a milk tea shop is actually a chore and requires a lot of energy.

In contrast, collecting shop rent is much easier.

Therefore, people like Li Tianyu are mostly not interested in milk tea shops.

However, I only heard Li Tianyu say: "One and a half million, Boss Zhou, you are too dark."

Zhou Changshan was startled: "Mr. Li, what do you mean?"

Li Tianyu: "It's not interesting. I think it is a high-yield shop like a three-point water milk tea shop with only 1.5 million soft coins. Is it too cheap?"

Zhou Changshan squinted his eyes: "Mr. Li, this matter should have nothing to do with you? Boss Hu and they are willing to sell it to me, which means the price is reasonable."

When Hu Yuqiang heard it, his face was green for a while, purple for a while, changeable and very ugly.

Hu Yuqiang wanted to defend, but endured and endured, and finally he didn't say anything.

He was worried that Zhou Changshan would be offended and would make the deal pornographic.

Where can I go to the next home then?

Hu Yuqiang really doesn't want to sell milk tea shops, but his daughters can't wait. Who knows if you drag on, those lenders will do something extraordinary.Baihui Novel

He had to think about his daughters.

However, Zhao Yan didn't think so much, and couldn't help but said: "No, unreasonable. We used to ask for 2.3 million. It was boss Zhou who bargained too hard!"

Zhou Changshan's expression changed: "What did you say!? Why am I bargaining too hard!? You are not satisfied, so you can not sell it! Did I force you!?"

Zhao Yan was at a loss for words. Strictly speaking, Zhou Changshan did not force them to have sex.

If they hadn't needed a large sum of money to pay off their daughter's loan shark, they wouldn't have transferred the three-point water milk tea shop.

Zhou Changshan's big fat hand slapped the table hard and let out a "pop": "Are you going to sell? I tell you, if you don't want to sell, I will leave immediately. Don't regret it!"

Zhao Yan's face paled when he heard it.

Hu Yuqiang was also taken aback, opened his mouth, trying to say something, but couldn't say anything.

Today may be the most frustrated day of Hu Yuqiang's life.

Selling his own hard work so cheaply, but still making the other party so yelling, it is inevitable that he will feel that the other party is cheap and behaved.

But how can this be?

Hu Yuqiang must sell today.

Although Zhou Changshan roared loudly, his body had no intention to act, and he still sat firmly.

He believed that Hu Yuqiang did not dare to go back.

There is indeed the possibility that Li Tianyu wants to cut Hu, but it is not high.

At this time, Li Tianyu said indifferently, "Boss Zhou, if you want to leave, you can leave. I can talk to Boss Hu about the milk tea shop. I believe Boss Hu doesn't have to sell the milk tea shop to you."

When Zhou Changshan heard it, he was stunned.

Then, his first reaction was to curse.

Is this kid sick and impatient?

He is a landlord who provides a storefront. Is it his turn to make irresponsible remarks here?

However, Zhou Changshan is also an old world. Of course, he will not scold these words out, but press his throat and say: "What? Mr. Li is really interested in milk tea shops?"

Li Tianyu: "So what?"

There was a fire of hope in the hearts of Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan.

Boss Li Tianyu Li still seems to be very kind, if he plans to accept the milk tea shop, at least he will offer a higher price than Zhou Changshan.

Hu Yuqiang was fed up with Zhou Changshan, he really didn't want to do business with this guy.

Hu Yuqiang: "Mr. Li and Li, do you really want to buy my milk tea shop?"

Zhou Changshan shouted: "Hu Yuqiang, are you crazy!? You believe this person too!?"

Li Tianyu: "I can't believe my words, can you believe Zhou Changshan's words? Okay, boss Zhou, you can go now, go slowly and not send it."

Zhou Changshan realized that Li Tianyu wanted to play for real.

Let Zhou Changshan give up?

That's really impossible.

Zhou Changshan finally showed a fierce look: "Li Tianyu, right? Do you know who I am?"

Li Tianyu: "It doesn't matter who you are. The important thing is that the price you pay is too low. I can pay a higher price, and the higher price is paid. This is the unchanging truth in the business field."

Having said that, Li Tianyu looked at Hu Yuqiang: "Boss Hu, what do you think?"

Hu Yuqiang was like a thunderbolt, nodding his head immediately and replied: "This is such a reason."

Zhao Yan finally showed joy, as if someone trapped in the desert suddenly saw a large oasis.

Li Tianyu, for Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan, is a life-saving existence.

Zhou Changshan also played a rogue: "Okay, then I want to listen, how much money do you want to buy this milk tea shop?"

Generally speaking, this is a "commercial secret" and it is impossible for outsiders to know.

However, Li Tianyu was not afraid that Zhou Changshan would know.

There are two reasons for this:

First, Li Tianyu is not afraid to spend money now.

At least two or three million soft sister coins are just drizzle to him.

Second, Li Tianyu wants to rectify Zhou Changshan.

Zhou Changshan has too many slots.

Although Li Tianyu is not a good person, he still feels that such a person can indeed be cured.

At this time, Li Tianyu did not talk to Zhou Changshan again, and said to Hu Yuqiang: "Boss Hu, Boss Zhao, I want to know, what is the ideal price for the two?"

Hu Yuqiang was stunned: "Transfer the price of the milk tea shop?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes."

Hu Yuqiang immediately responded: "We want to get 2.3 million soft sister coins..."

Zhao Yan hurriedly added: "Mr. Li, let’s tell you, the transfer price we set has almost no water, but it's clear that we don’t lose money. Of course, we can also suffer some losses."

Zhao Yan said so, but also worried about scaring Li Tianyu away.

At least to convey to Li Tianyu that the amount of money can be discussed.

In fact, Zhao Yan's worry is unnecessary.

Of course Li Tianyu knows that he can talk.

Even Zhou Changshan's 1.5 million soft sister coins can accept, this negotiation space is too big.

In other words, as long as it is more than 1.5 million, Li Tianyu can get the ownership of this three-point water milk tea shop.

But is Li Tianyu really interested in milk tea shops?

To be honest, both Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan have no bottom in their hearts.

Li Tianyu lowered his head and tapped his fingers on the desktop, making a slight "pop" sound.

The reception room was quiet for a while, and the needles dropped.

Zhou Changshan suddenly smiled: "Young people are young people, with no hair on their mouths, and incapable of doing things, right now?

Before Zhou Changshan had finished speaking, Li Tianyu said: "Boss Hu, Boss Zhao, I'm ready."

When Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan heard this, they all sat upright.

At this time, even Hu Qiaoqiao, who had been crying silently, regained consciousness and looked at Li Tianyu.

This man is quite handsome.

Li Tianyu stretched out two fingers: "Second, I thought of two plans. First, I spent 2.3 million to buy your three-point water milk tea shop."

When Li Tianyu said this, everyone present was shocked.

Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan couldn't speak directly, their eyes widened one by one.

Hu Qiaoqiao covered his mouth with excitement, his eyes looked unusual when he looked at Li Tianyu.

Too rich, why is this man so rich!?

Looking at Zhou Changshan again, it is no longer possible to image the stunned look on his face.

Although his skin is very dark, the pale color can still be seen in it.

Not to mention a few of them, even Yu Yaqi's mouth opened wide in surprise.

Two million and three million yuan of soft sister coins, not even a penny!?

Yu Yaqi has handled so many store transfer cases, and has never encountered such a moat buyer.

Today is regarded as an eye open.

It turns out that there are real masters in this world who take money improperly.

How surprising is Li Tianyu's plan?

The second option is completely ignored.

Zhou Changshan couldn't help yelling: "Are you crazy? What's the use of a milk tea shop? Do you know how to run a milk tea shop!?"

Li Tianyu: "Of course I don't know how to run a milk tea shop, but I can ask Mrs. Hu and Mrs. Zhao to help me run it. I can let them be the store managers.

"What, what!?"

"Can you do this!?"

"You are crazy, you are really crazy!"

Zhou Changshan pointed at Li Tianyu's nose and cursed loudly.

But Li Tianyu's plan also gave Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan a look of surprise and joy.

If Li Tianyu can do what he says, the contract will be signed.

This almost gave their family a way to survive!

Hu Yuqiang: "Mr. Li, then we..."

Li Tianyu: "Boss Hu, don't worry, I haven't finished yet, I have a second plan here."

Hu Yuqiang: "Please tell me."

Li Tianyu: "The second plan is very simple. If you don't want to transfer the milk tea shop just because of lack of money, it will be better. I can lend you money, and the interest will be paid according to the bank deposit rate."


"Mr. Li, is it true, true?"

"Bank deposit interest rate!?"

Hu Yuqiang and Zhao Yan were full of joy on their faces, completely believing them.

Zhou Changan almost fainted on the spot.

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