Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 514 Brother-in-law bragging is rare

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Li Tianyu found it strange, but it was inconvenient to ask now.

Gu Dahe said a few more words to the person, then clutched the handset of the phone and said, "Director Shi, is it convenient to add another person? Lao Fu happened to be nearby. He said he could come over and chat together."

Shi Feng concealed the strangeness on his face, and forced a smile to say: "Old Fu is nearby, that's just right, let him come here."

Gu Dahe nodded, then said a few more words to the phone before hanging up.

Gu Dahe: "Sorry, Director Shi, it cost you money."

Shi Feng waved his hand: "In any case, Manager Gu's friend is my friend, and Lao Fu is also my acquaintance. It would be nice for everyone to sit down and have a drink and chat."

Gu Dahe smiled slightly: "That's good, let me just say it, don't be too serious in private, or it will be too tired."

Shi Feng: "You are right, you are right."

Everyone sat down again.

As mentioned above, the friendship between Shi Feng and Gu Dahe is actually not that deep, so what the two said is also on the surface, and the polite words are far from the point of concealment.

However, this is not the first time Shi Feng has done this kind of thing. In addition, Gu Dahe and Gu Shujing are quite talkative people, and the atmosphere in the private room is not too embarrassing.

At this time, a waiter brought a pot of tea and started pouring a cup of tea for everyone.

It is worthy of being a tall, high-end, old-brand Imperial Hotel. The waiters are all well-trained, and the movements are gentle and neat, without any muddling.

For a while, the fragrance of tea filled the private room.

Shi Feng: "To be honest, it's the first time I have come to the Phoenix Hotel. I have long heard that the tea here is very high-quality, and I really opened my eyes today."

Although Yanyun City is a small place, Shi Feng often travels away from home, so he is well-informed and speaks quite naturally.

Gu Dahe nodded: "Then you are right. The tea leaves in the Phoenix Hotel are exclusively for tea gardens. For example, this pot should be Longjing in Guofuyuan, Nanpai Prefecture. The Longjing in Hongling are all first-class teas."

Gu Shujing: "Yeah, how about it cost Director Shi? The cost here is not low. I heard that this pot of tea costs six or eighty-eight."

Six hundred and eighty-eight means six hundred and eighty-eight, which is quite auspicious.

It's just that the consumption is indeed higher.

However, Shi Feng is not so painful, anyway, the "public relations expenses" of this relationship are reimbursed by the company.

The key depends on the effect.

If the hard bone of Gu Dahe is still not gnawed down in the end, the company leaders will feel the pain.

Gu Dahe laughed loudly: "Director Shi was originally a refreshing person. To be honest, according to the company's regulations, you cannot eat privately with people related to the industry, but Director Shi is different. He treats guests and we have to give face. ."

Shi Feng breathed a sigh of relief now, and it seemed that Gu Dahe was still satisfied with his arrangement.

At this time, Gu Dahe said again: "Right, speaking of it, Lao Fu and Director Shi are still in a competitive relationship. There won't be any problems in meeting after a while, right?"

Shi Feng was startled at first, then waved his hands and said, "No problem, what could be wrong. Although Lao Fu and I are peers and we have some competitive relations, we will not be enemies. Don't worry about this, Manager Gu."

Gu Dahe took his teacup and took a sip: "That's good."

Li Tianyu could see that Shi Feng was quite jealous of the guy called "Lao Fu".

What Shi Feng said to Gu Dahe just now was nothing more than a scene.

Li Tianyu asked in a low voice, "Brother-in-law, who is Lao Fu?"

Shi Feng reluctantly said: "The old payment is also in Yanyun City. Their company is a competitor to our company, and it happens that they are also active in the Imperial Capital recently, so..."

Li Tianyu suddenly understood.

Old Fu's name is Fu Hongsheng, and he is the design supervisor of Yanyun Wei'an Real Estate Design Company.

To put it bluntly, they are both peers and peers with Shi Feng, and they are genuine competitors.

Obviously, Fu Hongsheng also caught up with Gu Dahe's line.

And looking at the appearance of Gu Dahe and Fu Hongsheng talking on the phone just now, the relationship between the two is probably already deep.

This is bad for Shi Feng.

After all, although Huaning Real Estate Company has a relatively large reputation in China, its scale is also very limited. Generally, it only cooperates with a limited number of design companies.

It is really not easy to maintain a long-term cooperative relationship with Huaning Real Estate Company.

This is why Shi Feng attaches so much importance to Gu Dahe.

Speaking of it, the real estate company of the Imperial Capital is indeed different from the local ones, and the design cost is quite high, which has a huge appeal for Shifeng and Fu Hongsheng.

The real estate industry in third- and fourth-tier cities is now extremely sluggish, which can be said to be fraught with crisis.

The real estate industry in first- and second-tier cities is better.

As long as the cooperative relationship can be confirmed with Huaning Real Estate Company, then the performance of the next few years will not worry.

Anyway, today Shi Feng was trying to get closer to Gu Dahe, so he managed to save such a meal.

You know, it's not easy to take care of Dahe, Shi Feng can be regarded as a good result after three visits to the thatched cottage.

However, at this moment, Fu Hongsheng suddenly ran out.

This is not just a disappointment, it's a purely disgusting problem.

At this moment, Gu Dahe's cell phone rang again.

He answered the phone again, and Fu Hongsheng said that he had arrived there and asked Gu Dahe in which box.

Of course Gu Dahe told him directly.

Gu Dahe hung up the phone and said with a smile, "Lao Fu came so fast, this kid is lucky enough, and he happened to be visiting the mall nearby."

Shi Feng asked curiously: "He came alone?"

Gu Dahe laughed loudly: "Yes, it was here alone, Director Shi, don't worry, you won't be poor."

Shi Feng quickly smiled and waved his hands: "I didn't mean that."

At this time, Li Tianyu and Shi Feng thought the same.

That Fu Hongsheng probably got the news that Shi Feng was hosting Gu Dahe in advance, so he could step on it.


He is a big man, can he still have this hobby?

What's more, this is the imperial capital, not Yanyun City. How come he, a person from Yanyun City, came to the imperial capital to visit the mall?

Fu Hongsheng was too thick-skinned to make such an excuse.

This kid is really thief.

But when you think about it, this is normal.

Now this kind of industry environment is very harsh, and everyone will do everything they can to use their 18 martial arts to expand major and key customers.

What is a little trick?

It is common to make some big moves and tricks between each other at critical moments.Girls' Novel Network

After a while, there was a knock on the door outside the private room.

It seems that Fu Hongsheng is here.

No way, Shi Feng stood up immediately and took the initiative to open the door.

After all, the visitor was a guest. No matter how Shi Feng didn't wait to see Fu Hongsheng, he couldn't show it on the surface, at least his attitude had to pass.

As soon as Shi Feng opened the door, he saw Fu Hongsheng's rather annoying face.

Fu Hongsheng chuckled and said, "Director Shi, it's been a long time since I saw you. Today is a coincidence. I just happened to be walking around. Would you mind if I come over for a meal?"

Shi Feng quickly let in Fu Hongsheng: "Don't mind, it's just more chopsticks and more mouths. I'm afraid that I won't be able to eat poorly?"

Fu Hongsheng laughed loudly and immediately exchanged greetings with Gu Dahe.

Fu Hongsheng, this kid, is really not an ordinary thick-skinned, and he shows no uncomfortable performance at all.

In fact, Gu Dahe could not have imagined that Shi Feng and Fu Hongsheng were competitors, and they might not be harmonious.

He did this in order to keep a moderate distance from both sides, so as not to have trouble handling the relationship with them.

Everyone sat down, Shi Feng called the waiter, and ordered two more dishes so as not to have enough food.

Then, the private room seemed to be full of joy and harmony, filled with a quite harmonious atmosphere.

This person Fu Hongsheng has a purpose in everything he does, and it is impossible to come over and eat.

Fu Hongsheng: "Director Shi, what did you invite Manager Gu to say today?"

Shi Feng: "Oh, don't you say that. I didn't just invite Manager Gu, but Manager Gu's family. Come over and chat casually. No other meaning."

Fu Hongsheng smiled: "Just chat? Come here to chat, the cost is really high, Director Shi's salary has increased again?"

Fu Hongsheng intentionally made Shi Feng uncomfortable.

Shi Feng is not an easy master now, so he immediately said: "Is my salary has not risen, whether it is high, but I can't tell you, this is a private matter."

Fu Hongsheng was speechless for a while, thinking that Shi Feng's mouth was more slippery than before.

Shi Feng was often speechless in front of Fu Hongsheng.

At this time, Fu Hongsheng turned his attention to Li Tianyu: "Who is this?"

Gu Dahe: "This is Director Shi's brother-in-law. He works in the Imperial Capital now."

Fu Hongsheng: "Yeah, awesome. I heard that young people are getting more and more uncomfortable in the imperial capital. Many of them live in group rentals or basements. In fact, why bother? We can also find decent jobs in Yanyun City. The salary is not higher than that of God, but the consumption in Yanyun City is lower, and the living conditions are better than those in the Imperial Capital.

Li Tianyu picked up the tea cup and took a sip slowly, without paying attention to Fu Hongsheng.

Fu Hongsheng was a little unhappy, just about to say something, he heard Shi Feng speak.

Shi Feng: "Old payment, my brother-in-law cannot live in the basement, let alone live in a shared house."

Fu Hongsheng sneered and said, "Is it possible that he still bought a house?"

Shi Feng: "Tianyu, can you make it clear, how many houses do you own in the Emperor?"

In fact, Shi Feng did not know how many houses Li Tianyu owned in the Emperor, but he only heard Li Li mention it once, and Li Tianyu bought more than one.

According to Shi Feng's judgment, Li Tianyu has not only one set, but many sets.

I have to say that Shi Feng's guess is normal.

Just listen to Li Tianyu pondering for a moment, and replied: "I really can't remember."

Fu Hongsheng: "Can't remember? Don't say that you have a lot of properties. This is ridiculous."

Gu Dahe's family also dismissed Li Tianyu's words slightly, but because of Shi Feng's face, they were not as embarrassed to say clearly.

This kind of reaction is what Li Tianyu meant.

Gu Dahe: "Director Shi, your brother-in-law is really interesting."

Shi Feng explained: "Manager Gu, my brother-in-law is not bragging. He is now the planner of Aihua Real Estate."

Gu Dahe was startled, and immediately looked at Li Tianyu again: "Aihua Real Estate? Planner?"

Others also looked at Li Tianyu in surprise, but they didn't expect this young man to work in Aihua Real Estate.

Although I don't know what the planner does, it sounds like a great deal.

Li Tianyu was a little helpless, Shi Feng still shakes out his identity.

However, Shi Feng can't be blamed for his lack of thought, but he doesn't know that Li Tianyu is a monk who doesn't strike the bell in Aihua Real Estate.

In the real estate industry, Li Tianyu is a complete layman, and he doesn't know anything about it.

However, Gu Dahe and Fu Hongsheng should not be so boring, so let's give Li Tianyu a question.

Before Shi Feng finished speaking, he added: "Also, don't think my brother-in-law is young, but his relationship with Ai Baoquan Ai is very good."

"What, what!?"

"Are you crazy!? Are you kidding me!?"

"Impossible, would someone like Mr. Ai get involved with him?"

Originally, Li Tianyu worked at Aihua Real Estate, and he still held the position of "planner", which could only make people like them reluctantly believe.

How difficult it is to enter Aihua Real Estate, laymen may not know, but the insiders know it very well.

Not to mention others, people like Gu Dahe have applied for mid-level managers of Aihua Real Estate several times before, but they all failed.

Aihua Real Estate not only has high requirements for management personnel, but even ordinary employees are required to be graduates of 985 and 211 domestic colleges and universities.

If you are a graduate of an ordinary university, can you?

It's okay, but it has to go through a stricter review process.

To put it an exaggeration, even the cleaning staff of Aihua Real Estate must have a university degree and high quality.

Despite this difficulty, a large number of people still apply for Aihua Real Estate every year.

There are two reasons for this.

First, Aihua Real Estate ranks among the top three in the real estate industry, and may even win the championship in terms of comprehensive strength.

If you work in Aihua Real Estate, your waist will be straight when you walk on the street.

Second, it involves salary treatment.

The salary of Aihua Real Estate is the highest in the industry. College graduates who have just joined the company can get a much higher salary than the new recruits of their peers.

And Li Tianyu just said that he owns several houses. If he holds an important position in Aihua Real Estate, his annual salary can get more than one million yuan of soft sister currency. If he buys a house some years earlier, it is indeed possible.

Of course, it is only theoretically possible.

At Li Tianyu's current age, when housing prices in the imperial capital were cheap, he was still talking about not graduating, let alone getting a high salary.

In addition, Shi Feng also said that Li Tianyu and Ai Baoquan have a closer relationship, which is completely a fantasy.

What a person Ai Baoquan is, even employees in the company don't recognize him.

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