You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Even more bizarre, Ai Baoquan's hearty laughter came from the phone.

Ai Baoquan: "You guys want to invite me to dinner. It's really rare."

Li Tianyu: "A rare opportunity, do you want to come over?"

Ai Baoquan sighed: "Unfortunately, I can't make it to this meal. I'm not in the imperial capital. I'm in the magic capital."

It turned out that Ai Baoquan was on a business trip at the magic city, or had an appointment with a little girl.

Li Tianyu: "Then there is no way, I can only ask you to rub it another day."

Ai Baoquan: "Then you have to arrange a good place for me, I don't want to go to places with no special features."

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Ai, how old are you and do you want special features?"

Ai Baoquan laughed loudly: "Brother Li, you have a bad study, why do you think so crookedly?"

The others in the box listened.

Ai Baoquan and Li Tianyu actually joked in public, still a very private joke.

This is unbelievable.

Ai Baoquan is the kind of high-ranking business leader. How could he casually make such jokes with others or a younger generation?

Not to mention others, even Shi Feng felt a very unreal feeling.

But Shi Feng also knows that Li Tianyu has long been reborn, and it should be impossible to lie and fake.

Just listen to Li Tianyu smiling and saying: "That's OK, Mr. Ai, let's talk together when you come back."

Ai Baoquan said a few "good" words, as if thinking of something, and asked: "Right, has Heping contacted you recently?"

Li Tianyu was startled: "Peace? No, I haven't heard from him for several days, and he is not at home again?"

Li Tianyu's first reaction, this kid Ai Heping won't be kidnapped by someone again, right?

For some top wealthy people, being kidnapped is not new.

As the saying goes, it’s the crime of Bi, who makes these people rich.

When Li Tianyu thought of this, he was suddenly shocked. If there is an accident, he should be a rich man in the future, and he will have to hire a few bodyguards.

I only heard Ai Baoquan replied: "He has gone to the South Island. What kind of activity is he going to participate in."

Li Tianyu: "Yacht Show?"

Ai Baoquan: "Yes, it's a yacht show. Last time he told me that he would let you go with me later."

Li Tianyu thought to himself, Ai Heping didn't slip away, and he didn't contact him for several days.

The event held in the South Island is said to be a yacht show, but it is actually called "Sea and Sky Feast".

The predecessor was indeed a yacht show.

The various yacht merchants in the South Sea Island will unite to hold such an exhibition, inviting wealthy people from all over the country and even the world to visit and negotiate the order of luxury yachts.

Of course, if there are big money and rich second-generation exhibitions, it will certainly not be too simple.

Therefore, the annual yacht show gradually became more and more complicated and "strange". When the rich, big money and rich second generations had not yet rushed past, there were many foreign girls. , The 18th line star ran over.

On the one hand, it is to make money.

Undoubtedly, a place where a variety of wealthy people gather like this can make money very quickly and the amount is considerable.

On the other hand, it is also to have the opportunity to get big money, live a life of worry-free, rich clothes, drunk and gold fans, and hustle and bustle.

Anyway, the big money, rich second-generation and these beauties who came from all over the world all get what they need.

Of course, things like this should be kept low-key, so as not to cause any major trouble.

Based on this point, only those who are qualified to participate in the event will understand some specific matters such as the Haitian Feast.

Those who are not qualified cannot enter the door at all.

This is similar to high-end clubs and clubs, which implement a membership system and non-members are not allowed to enter.

Speaking of it, Li Tianyu is also a big boss who owns several companies, so he should be eligible to participate.

Why didn't anyone come to tell Li Tianyu to attend this Haitian feast?

The reason is simple. Li Tianyu's current reputation is not enough, he still needs to work hard.

Also, if Li Tianyu really wants to go, it is also very simple. People like Ai Baoquan have channels to introduce people in.

However, Li Tianyu has a lot of things right now, and he really hasn't had the time to participate in the grand event.

Anyway, the life of the rich second generation is still the best.

As the host of the bragging taxation system, Li Tianyu is already quite ridiculous and easy enough, but many things still need to be handled by himself, making him busy all day long, really like a hardworking scalper.

However, it is different from when I was a little white-collar worker at work before. Now I do it for myself, so I don't have any psychological barriers. Both sides are making money.

After the Tianyu Group headquarters is settled, Li Tianyu will find an agent to give him the dirty work, and just go there by himself.

Li Tianyu: "Your son thinks he is playing, he has forgotten me to the sky a long time ago."

Ai Baoquan laughed: "That can't, Heping told me last time, he said that you are more intimate than his elder brother."

Ai Heping’s eldest brother is Ai Zhengyi who is developing real estate business in Australia and Oceania.

Li Tianyu has never seen him before, and it is estimated that he has not returned to China for a long time.

At this time, Ai Baoquan said again: "By the way, speaking of Phoenix Hotel, it seems that President Xia is there now."

Li Tianyu was startled, "Ms. Xia?"

Immediately, Li Tianyu reacted: "Xia Lei, President Xia?"

Ai Baoquan: "Yes, that's him. He called me yesterday and said that he had arranged a meal at the Phoenix Hotel and asked me to go over for dinner, so I refused."

Li Tianyu: "It turned out to be like this. I have a chance to meet him for a drink."

The two chatted casually, and Li Tianyu said, "Mr. Ai, I won't bother for now. Let's sit down and have a good conversation when we turn back. You can go ahead."

Ai Baoquan: "There is no problem, I will call you as soon as I get back."

After talking with Ai Baoquan, Li Tianyu hung up.

Only then did Li Tianyu realize that the others in the private room looked at him with very strange eyes.

They have different expressions.

Some were surprised inexplicably.

Some are unbelievable.

Others have a thoughtful look.

Li Tianyu can understand the psychology of these people.

Although the conversation between Li Tianyu and Ai Baoquan was not long, the amount of information was so great that they might not be able to digest them for a while.

Even Shi Feng, Li Tianyu's brother-in-law, couldn't understand what position Li Tianyu is now.

Let's not talk about the content of the dialogue. People who can talk so much with Ai Baoquan are probably very difficult to see in the imperial capital of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.Gougou Novel Network

And in the dialogue between Li Tianyu and Ai Baoquan, there are two characters, Ai Heping and Xia Lei.

Among the few people present, Meng Dahe's family has been living and living in the imperial capital, and the circle is relatively advanced. Of course, I have heard of Ai Heping and Xia Lei.

Needless to say, Ai Heping is Ai Baoquan's second son, except for the dude among the dudes.

Even Meng Dahe has been around for so long. Anyway, people in their forties have to retreat when they see Ai Heping.


Ai Heping has a great reputation. He is a well-known gangster. Whoever doesn't pleasing to the eye will immediately be stunned. This is not bad, maybe you have to get started.

From the dialogue, it can be heard that Ai Heping's relationship with Li Tianyu is also inconsistent, and may still be called a brother.

Besides, Xia Lei is also very impressive.

However, investors who are gaining momentum lately are star actors of angel funds.

Xia Lei started as a foreign trade business, and his own financial strength and personal network resources are very deep. Later, he opened an investment company and it became even more powerful. He invested in several technology companies one after another, all of which have been listed.

Now is the time when Xia Lei is in full swing, even a powerful figure like Ai Baoquan cannot ignore his existence.

If Li Tianyu even made friends with characters like Xia Lei, it would be even more critical.

Li Tianyu looked at Meng Dahe: "Sorry, you heard that too, Mr. Ai is on a business trip to Modu, and there is no way to come."

Meng Dahe smiled awkwardly: "It's okay, it's okay, I will definitely invite Mr. Ai to drink and chat when I have the opportunity in the future. By the way, I'll be the host next time."

Gu Shujing glanced at Meng Dahe: "What next time, let's do it this time."

Meng Dahe suddenly realized: "Yes, this time I will be the host!"

When Shi Feng heard that it was okay, he waved his hand quickly: "Manager Meng, it's my treat today, so don't change it."

Shi Feng also knew that his brother-in-law was showing off again today, and he surrendered Meng Dahe's difficult bones with just one phone call.

Looking at Meng Dahe's appearance, as long as Shi Feng works harder, the cooperation with Huayu Real Estate should be no problem.

Bringing Li Tianyu today was really right. Otherwise, Fu Hongsheng would definitely be upset.

After this call.

Not only Meng Dahe, but even Gu Shujing and Meng Xiaoke's eyes looking at Li Tianyu were wrong.

Especially Meng Xiaoke, originally thought that Li Tianyu was so handsome, but he had no ability. He didn't expect that he was not bronze, but a king.

Apart from anything else, Ai Baoquan was a man who went to heaven for Meng Xiaoke, and most people couldn't see him.

It is amazing that the young man in front of him can talk and laugh with Ai Baoquan on his mobile phone, and can also gag.

There are many men around Meng Xiaoke, and there are also many good men, but it is the first time that Meng Xiaoke has seen someone as ridiculous as Li Tianyu.

There are people outside, there are heaven outside, and Li Tianyu has such a demeanor at a young age, it is not too charming.

At this time, Fu Hongsheng was much more embarrassed than Meng Dahe.

Just now, Fu Hongsheng looked for Li Tianyu's fault, thinking that he would definitely be able to help Li Tianyu, a young man, but he did not expect to be ordered by others instead.

Although Fu Hongsheng still felt that Li Tianyu was "suspicious".

The most obvious "loophole" is that since Shi Feng has such a big brother-in-law, why does he still have such a lowly relationship with Meng Dahe?

Not to mention that in Yanyun City, based on his relationship with Ai Baoquan, Shi Feng should be able to walk sideways.

Anyway, Fu Hongsheng didn't believe that Shi Feng's brother-in-law was a god.

It's not logical at all.

Thinking of this, Fu Hongsheng calmed down, and looked back on Shi Feng's brother-in-law, Li Tianyu, and then exposed him.

See how long this kid can have.

Just then, there was a knock on the door outside.

Everyone thought it was a waiter and didn't care.'

Shi Feng said, "Please come in."

The door opened, and everyone was stunned to see that the people came.

The man who came in was a man who was not wearing the uniform of the restaurant. He was definitely not a waiter.

Fu Hongsheng and Shi Feng were at a loss. They didn't know who this person was, but looking at the style, it seemed that their status was not low, so they didn't dare to speak first.

It turns out that the two of them are quite wise.

Meng Dahe hurriedly stood up, and said quickly: "Xia, President are here, hurry, hurry and sit here."

That's right, the person who came in was not someone else, but Xia Lei.

Xia Lei came here suddenly, even Li Tianyu didn't even think of it, so he had to mention others.

Just now Ai Baoquan said that Xia Lei was also at the Phoenix Hotel. Li Tianyu was still wondering if he would take the initiative to say hello. Later, because of the special occasion, he gave up this idea.

Unexpectedly, Xia Lei took the initiative to come to him.

There is another question. How did Xia Lei know the private room where Li Tianyu was located?

At this time, hearing Meng Dahe, Xia Lei said with a smile, "I came here so suddenly, didn't I bother you?"

Meng Dahe quickly said, "Yo, Mr. Xia, what are you talking about?"

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Xia, if you can come, you just give us face. You can't go, at least you have to drink a few glasses."

At this time, Meng Dahe had already given up the main position quite consciously.

Xia Lei patted Li Tianyu on the shoulder, with a very affectionate look, and then he was not polite and just sat on the main seat.

At this time, Meng Dahe quickly poured a glass of wine for Xia Lei.

Meng Dahe quickly introduced the identity of Xia Lei to everyone.

When everyone heard it, they all stood up and ran to shake hands with Xia Lei.

Xia Lei's name has often appeared in online media in the past two years, and this name is also easy to remember, so most of the people present have heard of him from different channels.

Seeing a real person at this time was a little excited.

Xia Lei can be regarded as a celebrity after all.

At this time, while everyone was excited, they also paid attention to Li Tianyu's every move.

The content of the conversation between Li Tianyu and Ai Baoquan just now can be heard clearly.

Could it be that Xia Lei came for Li Tianyu?

Apart from this, there is no other clear explanation.

At this time, Xia Lei looked at Li Tianyu and said, "Brother Li, it’s a coincidence that I also had a dinner at the Phoenix Hotel. Mr. Ai called me just now and said you were here, so I just cheered up. call."

Li Tianyu stood up, holding the wine glass and said: "Mr. Xia, look at what you said, you are here to give me face, come, I will toast you a glass of wine."

With that said, Li Tianyu really poured a glass of wine, and then went to Xia Lei.

Of course Xia Lei would not refuse. He came here to have a drink with Li Tianyu.

As a result, the two drank to each other, happily.

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