Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 522 Big Boss, I Can't Be Low-Key

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When everyone heard it, they responded differently.

Some showed a suddenly realized expression.

Some are blank.

Gao Ni: "Guanglan Electronics? What does it do?"

Wang Xuejing: "I seem to have seen it somewhere. It should be on the Internet."

Obviously, Guo Minghui had heard of Guanglan Electronics, and said with a smile: "Is that the company that makes LCD panels?"

Qi Juntao: "Yes, I remember. Recently, Guanglan Electronics has a lot of exposure on the Internet. This company has made a big splash at the recent Imperial Electronic Consumer Products Exhibition, and its popularity has greatly increased."

Guo Minghui nodded: "Indeed, we are in the technology industry. Recently, I have often heard about the company Guanglan Electronics, and I heard that Samsung is looking for them to cooperate."

When everyone heard it, their eyes widened.

"Samsung? Is it the Samsung of the Southern Dynasty?"

"Samsung's big international company still need to find our domestic companies to cooperate?"

"That's right, can't Samsung do everything? It's technologically advanced, right?"

Guo Minghui chuckled and said: "You don't know that. No matter how good Samsung is, it's not that it is good at everything. There are still some domestic companies that have the ability to challenge, such as large companies like HUAWEI."

Qi Juntao: "HUAWEI...the current situation seems to be bad, right?"

Guo Minghui sighed, and shook his head again, as if he felt a bit pity and regret.

At this time, Gao Ni said: "But Guanglan Electronics is not HUAWEI. I have never heard of this company before. Isn't it a small company?"

Liu Dacheng hurriedly said: "It's not a small, at least a medium-sized enterprise, it's just a production-oriented company."

Gao Ni: "To put it bluntly, it is the factory?"

Guo Minghui waved his hand: "Nini, you can't say that. We have studied Guanglan Electronics. It is not as simple as a factory, and has strong research and development capabilities. It has produced the best flexible screen in the world. It is said that the boss behind it is very mysterious, maybe Big development is brewing."

Li Tianyu was quite surprised, but Guo Minghui's judgment was quite accurate.

In fact, seeing others discussing his own business, Li Tianyu felt strange.

They didn't know that Li Tianyu was the boss behind Guanglan Electronics.

If you know it, it will definitely cause a series of shocking reactions.

However, the question is, what major does Liu Dacheng study?

What job does Jinguanglan want to do?

Li Tianyu had not shook hands with Liu Dacheng just now, nor did he understand his situation.

At this time, waiters came in one after another and brought up the food.

Hu Qiaoqiao is still very generous, and the meals served are all the specialties of the Phoenix Restaurant, and of course the price is not cheap.

I don't know if Boss Hu's membership card can hold it.

Everyone ate a few mouthfuls of food and all gave thumbs up.

The dishes at Phoenix Restaurant are available in both the north and the south, and the blend is better, and the taste is neutral, and most people can get used to it.

At this time, Hu Qiaoqiao asked: "Dacheng, if the light blue electronics is really that good? It should be difficult to enter, right?"

Wang Xuejing: "Yes, it's better to submit a resume first and try to get an internship first. If you perform well, it will be easier to become a regular employee."

Liu Dacheng sighed: "I submitted my resume last month and applied for an internship at Guanglan Electronics, but I haven't received a reply yet."

Hu Qiaoqiao: "Is it sinking into the sea?"

Liu Dacheng nodded helplessly: "It's probably not enough. Maybe they are all busy. I plan to try my resume later."

Wang Xuejing and Hu Qiaoqiao looked at each other, and it seemed that Liu Dacheng was out of play.

Wang Xuejing: "Forget it, it's better to find another company to vote for."

Hu Qiaoqiao: "Yes, your grades are so good. You will graduate next year. You should have a lot of opportunities."

Liu Dacheng nodded, it can be seen that he still wants to go to Guanglan Electronics.

Liu Dacheng took a sip of beer and explained that he went to the consumer electronics exhibition in Imperial Capital some time ago and stumbled upon the booth of Guanglan Electronics.

Liu Dacheng: "That battle is more popular than the Samsung booth opposite."

Why is Liu Dacheng so enthusiastic about Guanglan Electronics?

It is also because of the foldable flexible screen of Guanglan Electronics.

Liu Dacheng: "I have studied the flexible screen of Guanglan Electronics. It is definitely the world's number one black technology. Samsung's technology simply can't be achieved, nor can BOE."

Liu Dacheng's mentality is quite rare among college students.

There is a saying that graduation is unemployment, which refers to the status quo of most college students in China.

Some people have no idea what they will do after graduation.

Moreover, there are very few graduates capable of professionally matching jobs. Usually, the jobs they find are not the same as the professional ones, which is far from the same.

At this time, Gao Ni turned her head and said to Li Tianyu: "Boss Li, can you help Liu Dacheng?"

Hu Qiaoqiao: "How can you help people? He is not the owner of Guanglan Electronics."

I have to say that Hu Qiaoqiao is really proverbial.

Li Tianyu is really the boss of Guanglan Electronics, but they don't know it now.

Gao Ni: "He is also a big boss, he is also a rich man. The big boss has a circle of big bosses. Maybe Boss Li knows the boss of Guanglan Electronics. Let's say hello."

I have to say that Gao Ni still has ideas.

In fact, this kind of thinking is not extreme, and it makes sense.

In modern society, there are relatively solid social circles, and it is indeed easier for the boss to be in the same circle with the boss.

The boss is also divided into three, six or nine grades, with different levels.

However, all the bosses mentioned by everyone are big bosses, or at least the head of an enterprise.

In fact, Gao Ni is just talking about it.

She didn't think Li Tianyu would know the boss of Guanglan Electronics.

Even if you know it, you don’t know it.

At this time, I saw Li Tianyu pondering for a while, and looked at Liu Dacheng: "What position do you plan to join Guanglan Electronics?"

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help turning their heads to look at Li Tianyu.

Is it possible that there is a real drama?

Liu Dacheng said immediately: "I want to enter the R&D department of Guanglan Electronics, but I don't know if there is a suitable position for me."

Li Tianyu: "What are you studying?"

Liu Dacheng: "My major is material science."

Li Tianyu suddenly realized.

No wonder Liu Dacheng wants to enter Guanglan Electronics.

The application range of materials science is quite wide, and the high-tech manufacturing industry can be regarded as a counterpart industry.

Needless to say, the development of LCD panels requires a lot of material research.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, I see, I will help you ask."

Liu Dacheng was startled: "Hey? Why, why?"

Li Tianyu smiled and shook his head, picked up the mobile phone placed on the table, and started looking for the phone number.

Everyone couldn't help looking at each other.

Who does Li Tianyu want to call?

Is it really going to call the boss of Guanglan Electronics?

Hu Qiaoqiao: "You, who do you call." 33 Xiaoshuo

Li Tianyu found the number and pressed the dial key: "The boss of Guanglan Electronics."

Everyone was shocked, all with expressions, their eyes staring round, and their eyes were about to fall out.

Except for Qi Juntao, everyone felt that Li Tianyu's words were a bit fanciful.

Everyone knows Li Tianyu, so he is too great, right?

At this time, Liu Dacheng's mind was short-circuited, and he didn't know if what Li Tianyu said was true or false.

He really wanted to go to Guanglan Electronics, but he couldn't believe he would have such good luck.

At this time, the call Li Tianyu dialed was connected.

Li Tianyu: "Hey, Comrade Xiaolu, what are you doing? Are you busy?"

Li Tianyu: "I still work overtime. It's really hard work. By the way, let me tell you something."

After that, Li Tianyu glanced at Liu Dacheng: "That's it. I have a friend here who will graduate from university soon. He is studying materials and wants to enter the R&D department of Guanglan Electronics. Is there any related R&D there? position?"

Li Tianyu: "Okay, you can ask Han Minghai, and call me back later."

With that, Li Tianyu hung up the phone and threw the phone on the table again.

Li Tianyu raised his head and said to Liu Dacheng, "Wait a while later, and Mr. Lu will reply to me immediately."

Liu Dacheng: "Lu, President Lu?"

Li Tianyu responded lightly: "He is Lu Hui, the general manager of Guanglan Electronics."

The others in the room were dumbfounded.

Is this Li Tianyu really calling the boss of Guanglan Electronics?

Why are you so unkind?

Don't talk about anything else, first ask if there are any related positions.

He also asked the other party to ask others immediately, and then immediately called him Li Tianyu.

This is really reckless!?

No matter how hard the relationship with the boss is, it can’t be this way, right?

Liu Dacheng: "The boss of Guanglan Electronics... will he really call back?"

Li Tianyu took a bite of food: "He will call you back."

Everyone saw that Li Tianyu said so surely, as if that light blue electronic Lu was always his subordinate, they all felt that Li Tianyu was a little blindly confident.

They didn't know that Lu Hui was indeed his subordinate.

Gao Ni "tsk tsk" twice: "The boss is the boss, he's really stylish."

With that said, Gao Ni also glanced at Hu Qiaoqiao.

Hu Qiaoqiao knew that Gao Ni wanted to be sarcastic again, and quickly stopped her with a stern look.

Gao Ni pretended not to see it, and whispered to Guo Minghui: "Why do I think this person is unreliable?"

Guo Minghui didn't know what to say.

He is a person who has already stepped into the society, knowing that some people are really evil, that is, everything is awesome, everything can make people envy and hate.

Who can guarantee that Li Tianyu is not such a person?

Qi Juntao was the only one who felt that Li Tianyu could not brag.

Because he has seen Li Tianyu's energy with his own eyes, more than once.

At this moment, a burst of music rang, Li Tianyu's cell phone ringtone.

Everyone was shocked.

So fast?

Was it the general manager of Guanglan Electronics?

Li Tianyu picked up the phone slowly and pressed the answer button.

Hu Qiaoqiao was so curious that he leaned over, trying to hear what they were saying, so he almost didn't put it on Li Tianyu's body.

Li Tianyu: "Hey, Comrade Xiaolu, how is it?"

Li Tianyu: "...Okay, I see, then I will send you the contact number of that person, and you can arrange it later."

Li Tianyu looked up to Liu Dacheng and said, "Tell me your phone number."

Liu Dacheng didn't react for a while, but Wang Xuejing, who was sitting next to him, pushed him with an elbow.

Liu Dacheng recovered and immediately said, "One, one, three, eight, five, nine..."

Li Tianyu followed Liu Dacheng and read to the mobile phone: "Please remember, one, three, eight, five, nine, six, two, eight, three zero... OK, that's OK, you can arrange it next."

Li Tianyu: "I think this young man is not bad, it's that piece of material."

Li Tianyu: "Okay, don't disturb your work, you are busy, bye."

Li Tianyu hung up and found that everyone was looking at him.

Li Tianyu smiled and said: "What's the matter? Why are they all looking like this?"

Hu Qiaoqiao reluctantly listened to a general idea, and quickly asked, "It's Dacheng's work, is it done?"

Li Tianyu shook his head: "The work has not been settled yet."

Everyone felt quite surprised by Li Tianyu's answer.

Looking at Li Tianyu's expression just now, everything seems to be under control.

Could it be that this is all bluffing?Are you pretending?

Liu Dacheng's face was obviously disappointed.

Just listen to Li Tianyu saying indifferently: "Liu Dacheng."

Liu Dacheng quickly raised his head.

Li Tianyu: "I just told Mr. Lu that he should arrange for HR to send you an interview invitation tomorrow."

Liu Dacheng's eyes widened, and he didn't react for a while.

It was Wang Xuejing who kicked Liu Dacheng under the table again.

Liu Dacheng: "Interview, interview? Is it the interview of Guanglan Electronics?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, for the interview in the R&D department of Guanglan Electronics, the head of the R&D department is Han Minghai, and he will be responsible for chatting with you."

Liu Dacheng was overjoyed.

As a college student, although there are many interview opportunities, Guanglan Electronics is the company he most wants to go to. Even if it is just an interview, he is satisfied.

Gao Ni: "Don't be happy too early. It's just an interview. Can you go and talk about it?"

Liu Dacheng: "No, it doesn't matter, I still have to thank Boss Li, as long as I have a chance, I will be satisfied."

Li Tianyu: "As long as your grades in school are okay, you can go for an internship."

Liu Dacheng: "Well, thank you, boss Li."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "You work hard, if you can prove that you are indeed an individual talent, Guanglan Electronics will be responsible for the cost of your further studies."

When everyone heard it, they were all dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Li Tianyu is sure again.

It's as if Guanglan Electronics was opened by his Li Tianyu's house.

But now everyone present no longer dared to doubt Li Tianyu's strength.

In case that Mr. Lu is really his brother or something, it is not impossible.

Apart from Qi Juntao and Guo Minghui, all of you present here are college students who have not yet entered the society. They are not deeply involved in the matter, and their minds are relatively simple. Now they are stunned by Li Tianyu.

Hu Qiaoqiao was sitting next to Li Tianyu, Li Tianyu obviously felt that she was getting closer to her.

A faint scent can be smelled in the nose, quite intoxicating.

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