You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!As a result, the atmosphere in the triple room was a bit awkward.

Li Tianyu felt it didn't matter, he was still drinking coffee and looking at passersby and beautiful women.

Qiao Zhenli didn't seem to think there was any problem, and continued to enjoy her low-grain soft European buns and half-sugar mocha.

As for Luo Jingyi, I feel uncomfortable.

But no matter how dissatisfied he was, he didn't dare to approve any more. Anyway, Qiao Zhenli didn't order much, so he just finished eating earlier.

At this time, there was another sound of music.

This time it was not Qiao Zhenli's cell phone ringtone, but Li Tianyu's.

Li Tianyu took out his mobile phone from his handbag.

It is worth mentioning that Li Tianyu is still using the HUAWEI MATEXS folding screen phone.

Although it has not been developed into a tablet mode, it is big enough in the hand, like a small brick.

If you don't understand electronic products and mobile phones, you might think that Li Tianyu is a super copycat mobile phone.

Qiao Zhenli and Luo Jingyi couldn't help casting curious eyes.

Li Tianyu saw that it was Wu Mingzhe calling.

Calculating the time, Wu Mingzhe and the others should have arrived.

Li Tianyu immediately pressed the answer button, and Wu Mingzhe's voice came over there.

Wu Mingzhe: "Tianyu, where are you?"

Li Tianyu: "I've arrived at Fangcaoyuan. It's in the cafe in the lobby on the first floor. Where have you been?"

Wu Mingzhe: "I'll be there soon, wait for me."

Li Tianyu: "Who did you come with?"

Wu Mingzhe: "My wife and I, as well as my cousin."

Wu Mingzhe's cousin is naturally Liang Wenfeng.

Liang Wenfeng does not have a car now, so he can only come with Wu Mingzhe.

Li Tianyu: "Okay, I'm not in a hurry, just drink coffee here."

Wu Mingzhe: "Are you alone?"

Li Tianyu hesitated for a moment, and didn't know how to answer, but still replied, "I am alone, and the person I called will arrive in a while."

Wu Mingzhe: "By the way, I forgot to tell you. I also invited someone else. He wants to meet you and have a chat."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Who? Do I know?"

Wu Mingzhe: "You should know each other. Anyway, you will know when you arrive."

Wu Mingzhe also learned to pass the barrier.

But it doesn't matter, Li Tianyu is not in a hurry at this moment.

Li Tianyu hung up and continued to drink coffee.

Qiao Zhenli's coffee and snacks were almost eaten, but she still didn't mean to leave.

Don't get me wrong, she is not reluctant to bear Li Tianyu, mainly because she has to wait for others.

Qiao Zhenli turned her head to Luo Jingyi and said, "Did they not arrive, President Xia?"

Luo Jingyi looked at his watch: "It's coming soon."

Li Tianyu was stunned, thinking that what they called "President Xia", could it be that President Xia, right?

Li Tianyu was naturally thinking of Xia Lei.

I don't know how to do it. Recently Li Tianyu has often met Xia Lei, and it is hard to guarantee that he will not be met again this time.

But then again.

Anyway, Xia Lei is also the boss of the first-line investment company of the Imperial Capital. He shouldn't be so idle. He came to Fangcaoyuan to visit the mall, right?

At this time, Qiao Zhenli: "Did you tell Mr. Luo where we are?"

Luo Jingyi: "I told Mr. Luo in the parking lot, and I met him at the coffee shop on the first floor."

Qiao Zhenli: "That's OK, then wait here."

After that, Qiao Zhenli looked up at Li Tianyu again: "Hey, handsome guy, don't you introduce it?"

Li Tianyu smiled slightly: "You don't mind beautiful women, what do I mind?"

Qiao Zhenli glanced at Li Tianyu again and found that this boy was quite special.

He is not too old, but he doesn't feel a little frizzy. Instead, he puts on a calm, calm temperament.

In short, Li Tianyu has a kind of stability and indifference that transcends his age.

On the other hand, Luo Jingyi, who has been wandering around Qiao Zhenli, feels like the difference between heaven and earth, the difference between clouds and mud, the difference is not a little bit.

Although Luo Jingyi is not bad compared to his peers, it always gives people a naive, silly, naive feeling, and not mature at all.

Of course, at the age of more than 20, it is quite difficult to be particularly mature.

Li Tianyu is a special case.

After all, he is the host of the bragging taxation system, and the ability of the system alone is enough for him to complete a great transformation.

At this time, Luo Jingyi looked around: "Lili, I'll find a waiter and let him arrange another seat for us."

Qiao Zhenli looked at the surrounding environment, it was messy.

With more and more guests, the cafe is more packed.

Qiao Zhenli: "There are no seats at all. It's useless to find a waiter. Just stay here first."

Luo Jingyi still didn't give up so much: "But Mr. Xia will come soon, let's..."

Qiao Zhenli: "Mr. Xia is here, let's go upstairs."

Luo Jingyi is right after thinking about it, so just stay here.

Luo Jingyi pondered, and soon Mr. Xia came over, and the aura alone could shock this person.

Luo Jingyi: "Lili, President Xia is no ordinary person. He is here in a while, so let's be polite."

Qiao Zhenli waved her hand: "I see."

Luo Jingyi: "Mr. Xia was very optimistic about me before. I plan to go to his investment company to work in a while. I think I can learn a lot."

Qiao Zhenli: "Are you going to work at President Xia? Can he agree?"

Luo Jingyi: "Don't worry, my dad has a very good relationship with his President Xia. It should be fine as long as you communicate. And when they were drinking last time, my dad also raised a mouth slightly. President Xia had no objection ."

Qiao Zhenli: "Oh, if you can follow President Xia, you should be able to learn a lot."

At this time, Li Tianyu raised his head and glanced at Luo Jingyi: "You said Mr. Xia, isn't it Xia Dalei?"

Luo Jingyi and Qiao Zhenli both showed a stunned look, but Li Tianyu guessed it all at once.

If you think about it carefully, this is not surprising.

Xia Lei is also a celebrity in the investment industry with relatively high online exposure. As long as you understand the investment circle, as long as you hear "investment" and "General Xia", you can guess what Xia Lei is.

Moreover, in places like China World Trade Center and Fangcaoyuan Mall, there are high-paid people in the imperial capital everywhere.

The person Li Tianyu also wears looks like a dog, he seems to be in this circle.

Luo Jingyi felt very proud. After all, Xia Lei was a celebrity, and he knew Xia Lei, so his status instantly improved.

And as Luo Jingyi said, his father and Xia Lei are indeed friends. Although they can't talk about everything, they have a really good relationship. They often drink and chat together and travel together.

Luo Jingyi: "Yes, it is Mr. Xia Lei Xia, the president of Qiguang Capital and the first partner."

Li Tianyu laughed, thinking that he was really destined with Xia Lei recently, and he could see him and people related to him at any time.

Luo Jingyi just wanted to say something that made Li Tianyu feel in awe, but Li Tianyu spoke first when he saw President Xia Don't talk nonsense.Watch the Chinese website

Li Tianyu: "It's a coincidence. I know Mr. Xia well, and I have to say hello to him later."

Qiao Zhenli and Luo Jingyi were all startled when they heard it.

This person is always familiar with Xia Lei Xia?

Are you kidding me?

This person is bragging and taxing!

Qiao Zhenli: "Do you know Mr. Xia?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, I know."

Luo Jingyi: "It's not surprising that you know President Xia, but President Xia may not know you!"

Li Tianyu: "Sorry, I just said that, President Xia is very familiar with me, and we have met several times."

Luo Jingyi: "This..."

Luo Jingyi couldn't help but glanced at Qiao Zhenli, feeling that Li Tianyu was talking nonsense and nonsense.

Qiao Zhenli had a good impression of Li Tianyu as soon as they met, but now it is greatly reduced.

Although Li Tianyu is handsome and looks like a talent, it is almost impossible to say that he knows Xia Lei and knows Xia Lei very well.

Originally, Qiao Zhenli and Luo Jingyi were waiting for President Xia, and they met someone who was a friend of President Xia?

How could such a coincidence happen?

What kind of person Xia Lei is, and someone who can be called "very familiar" with him is a big business man.

I have never heard of Xia Lei knowing a younger generation, and the relationship can be said to be good.

Of course, if this person is a relative of Xia Lei, or, like Luo Jingyi, is the child of Xia Lei's friend, then it makes sense.

Thinking of this, Qiao Zhenli couldn't help asking: "Then what's the relationship between you and President Xia? Wouldn't it be his relatives?"

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "That's not true, I just met by accident."

Li Tianyu could only answer that way.

He can't say that Ai Baoquan introduced him from it, right?

Ai Baoquan is the president of Aihua Real Estate Group, and he is also a big boss, even higher than Xia Lei.

How will he explain the relationship with Ai Baoquan?

It's not clear to explain the relationship between Li Tianyu and Ai Baoquan.

Luo Jingyi: "I'm afraid. When Mr. Luo comes, you won't even be able to speak."

Li Tianyu smiled: "Then you might be disappointed."

Luo Jingyi snorted coldly: "At that moment, I'd like to see how good your relationship with Mr. Luo is."

Li Tianyu smiled and shook his head, but said nothing.

He didn't care whether Qiao Zhenli and Luo Jingyi believed it or not, anyway, as soon as Xia Lei appeared, things would be "understood".

They can't believe it anymore, the truth is.

At this moment, Luo Jingyi's eyes lit up and he immediately stood up.

Luo Jingyi: "Here is here, President Xia is here."

Li Tianyu turned his head and looked over, and he saw Xia Lei strode in from the door.

And behind him, there was a beautiful woman who was a little older than Xia Qingqing, and she should be someone like an assistant.

As Luo Jingyi said before, Mr. Xia's style is still quite impressive.

In front of Xia Lei, the average young man would indeed look like a silent little chicken.

Even Qiao Zhenli stood up, the expression on her face became respectful and serious, which was completely different from the randomness before.

When Xia Lei came over, Li Tianyu had to stand up, of course, but he was no ordinary young man, and his move was entirely to show his respect for characters like Xia Lei.

Luo Jingyi smiled at Xia Lei, and whispered: "Do you know who is President Luo?"

Li Tianyu smiled: "Don't worry, I am not blind."

Luo Jingyi raised her lips: "Don't run away."

Li Tianyu smiled without saying anything, and didn't pay attention to the meaning of Luo Jing.

This kid is too naive, and Xia Lei is not a big tiger. Why does Li Tianyu want to run?

In a moment, Xia Lei had already come to the front.

He first waved his hand to say hello to Luo Jingyi, and then he saw Li Tianyu and was startled.

However, Xia Lei still came to the front and said with a smile: "Brother Li, I didn't expect to see you again soon."

Li Tianyu also smiled and stretched out his hand and shook hands with Xia Lei: "That's right, President Xia and I have an unexpected relationship."

At this time, Luo Jingyi was already stupid on the spot.

Just now he wanted to stretch out his hand to shake hands with Xia Lei, but he didn't expect Xia Lei to shake hands with Li Tianyu first.

Similarly, Qiao Zhenli also showed a dumbfounded and dumbfounded look, looking at Li Tianyu and Xia Lei in disbelief.

The expressions and attitudes of these two people are completely equal.

Although Li Tianyu is very polite and respectful to Xia Lei, he does not have the feeling of lowering the attitude of the younger generation to the elders.

This, what an incredible thing this is!

Fools can see that what Li Tianyu said just now was not boasting, it was all true.

Li Tianyu does have a very good relationship with Xia Lei.

But the question is, who is Li Tianyu sacred and what does he do?

Why can Xia Lei treat him like this?Even call Li Tianyu "Brother Li"?

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Xia, do you have time to visit the mall too? This is quite surprising to me."

Xia Lei was startled: "You don't know?"

Li Tianyu was also startled: "What do I know?"

Xia Lei: "Oh, the boy who co-authored Wu Mingzhe didn't tell you?"

Li Tianyu suddenly understood.

Wu Mingzhe told him on the phone just now that someone wants to have a good chat with him, Li Tianyu.

Isn't that person Xia Lei?

If this is the case, then everything is right.

No wonder I met Xia Lei here. It was not a chance encounter at all, it was designed.

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Xia, I said, I blame Wu Mingzhe. He just told me that someone wanted to talk to me, but I didn't expect that person to be you."

Xia Lei laughed loudly, and patted Li Tianyu on the shoulder: "How about? Would you like to have a chat with me?"

Li Tianyu: "Yes, of course I do. It just so happens that I also want to develop a relationship with Mr. Xia."

Xia Lei laughed again.

At this time, Luo Jingyi was already stupid there.

What's happening here?

Luo Jingyi came here today to accompany Xia Lei to meet someone.

He was still very curious, the person who could make Xia Lei come over to meet him so aggressively should be a very big person.

But I didn't expect that person was Li Tianyu, such a young man.

At this time, Luo Jingyi suddenly realized, no wonder Li Tianyu was so arrogant just now, because he was emboldened.

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