Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 529 A Problem That Can Be Solved With Money, Not A Problem

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wu Mingzhe pushed the door first and walked in, followed by his girlfriend Jiang Lan, and then Liang Wenfeng, his cousin.

When he came in, Jiang Lan still complained about Wu Mingzhe, saying that he just broke in without knocking on the door first.

Li Tianyu is nothing, everyone is a buddy, and he is not very polite.

Mainly there is Xia Lei in the private room, this is a big man.

But Xia Lei laughed loudly: "The private room was ordered by Xiao Wu. Why are you knocking on the door? Come in and sit down."

Wu Mingzhe "cut" at Jiang Lan: "I said Uncle Xia wouldn't mind."

Wu Mingzhe sat beside Li Tianyu.

Li Tianyu asked in a low voice, "Uncle Xia? You and Xia are always related to your uncle and nephew? Are you dear or dear?"

Li Tianyu was speculating about this just now.

How did Xia Lei get involved with Wu Mingzhe?

Wu Mingzhe’s dad is also a boss. Wu Mingzhe is now working in his father’s company, but that company is not large in scale, and is considered a medium-sized company in the Imperial Capital at best.

Xia Lei is the big boss of Qiguang Capital and the actual manipulator. This investment institution is also ranked very high in the country, investing in technology companies.

Logically speaking, it shouldn’t overlap with Wu Mingzhe’s daddy.

Wu Mingzhe whispered: "My dad and Uncle Xia are old classmates, and the relationship is very strong. Uncle Xia has helped our family a lot."

Li Tianyu suddenly realized that Wu Mingzhe's father still had such a relationship with Xia Lei.

It is estimated that they were very good friends or even buddies when they were students, so they can maintain a very good relationship now.

Maybe just like Li Tianyu and Wu Mingzhe, they often drink two cups in private.

Li Tianyu: "Your dad has such good terms, didn't he ask Xia Lei for some funds?"

Li Tianyu remembered that Wu Mingzhe told him some time ago that Wu Mingzhe’s father’s company encountered major difficulties in capital turnover, and some people were laid off for this reason.

It may not even survive.

I don't know if Wu Mingzhe's father asked for funds from Xia Lei to get over the difficulties.

Wu Mingzhe waved his hand: "It's inappropriate. It's best not to have this kind of relationship between friends, you know."

Li Tianyu agreed.

It is best not to do business in partnership with relatives and friends. Interests involved will greatly affect the original relationship.

If you do this, you won't pay for it. If you don't handle some things well, even your friends won't have to do it. There are not a few who become enemies.

Li Tianyu: "By the way, what does President Xia want to talk about with me?"

Wu Mingzhe: "I don't know either."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Don't you know?"

Wu Mingzhe: "Mr. Xia said he wanted to find an opportunity to talk to you, but didn't say anything specifically."

Li Tianyu nodded, knowing it after a while anyway, and it's not in a hurry.

At this time, Li Tianyu called the waiter in and ordered the meal first.

Li Tianyu handed over the menu to Xia Lei, after all, Xia Lei has the deepest qualifications here.

Xia Lei did not refuse, so he ordered a few dishes at random, and then asked Li Tianyu and Wu Mingzhe to order them.

Li Tianyu was too lazy to do this, so he delegated this task to Wu Mingzhe.

So, Wu Mingzhe hurriedly ordered, and asked the waiter to go.

Wu Mingzhe looked at Qiao Zhenli and whispered, "This is your new horse?"

Li Tianyu: "Don't talk nonsense, President Xia brought this."

Wu Mingzhe was taken aback: "General Manager Xia's new horse?"

Wu Mingzhe glanced at Xia Lei's beautiful assistant: "Isn't there already one."

At this time, Qiao Zhenli coughed lightly and whispered: "I am not a horse."

Although Wu Mingzhe's voice just now was quiet, Qiao Zhenli was close, and all of it was in her ears.

Wu Mingzhe closed his mouth quickly.

In fact, what did Qiao Zhenli and Luo Jingyi do and what their relationship with Xia Lei was, Li Tianyu did not figure out.

Anyway, both the left and the right came with Xia Lei, so it didn't make sense to figure it out.

Let's listen to what Xia Lei wants to say to him Li Tianyu.

At this time, Xia Lei finally spoke: "Tianyu, I heard that you are going to talk to Liang Wenfeng, I wonder if we can listen to it together?"

Li Tianyu responded with a smile: "Of course it can, and it's not a particularly serious matter. It is of course good for a few people to listen to it. You can also help us advise."

As soon as Li Tianyu's voice fell, the phone on the table rang.

Li Tianyu saw that it was from Han Minghai.

It seems that this kid will be here soon.

Li Tianyu said "sorry" and pressed the answer button.

Han Minghai had parked the car, and Li Tianyu asked him to come directly to Lugang Town on the fourth floor and told him the number of the private room.

Li Tianyu put down his cell phone and said to everyone, "It's a friend I called."

After a while, there was a knock on the door, and as soon as the door opened, Han Minghai finally came in.

When Han Minghai saw that there were so many people in this room, he was startled.

However, he is also a person who has seen big scenes now, and he didn't get terrified. After Li Tianyu greeted him, he sat down.

Then, Li Tianyu introduced Han Minghai's identity to everyone.

Li Tianyu: "This is the general manager of the R&D department of Guanglan Electronics, Han Minghai."

Others didn't think much, but Xia Lei was quite surprised: "Oh, it turns out to be the hero of Guanglan Electronics, hello, hello."

Li Tianyu could see that Xia Lei was indeed interested in Guanglan Electronics.

At this time, among the people in the private room, both Han Minghai and Liang Wenfeng were a little restrained.

After all, both of them are technically dead, with introvert personalities, and they are models of high IQ and low EQ.

Having said that, Han Minghai has made great progress recently.

If it was before, he might be running away if he couldn't hold on for ten minutes on this occasion.

At this time, returning to the topic just now, Xia Lei wanted to know what Li Tianyu wanted to talk to Liang Wenfeng.

In fact, not only Xia Lei, Liang Wenfeng also wants to know.

Qiao Zhenli looked at Li Tianyu curiously, and felt that this person was really unfathomable.

Xia Lei paid considerable attention to Li Tianyu.

What does it mean for an investment company boss to follow a person?Temple Street Novel

That means he is a very valuable man, a treasure man.

Li Tianyu pondered for a while, and there was really nothing to conceal, so he said: "In fact, I just want to talk to Wen Feng about the chip industry."

Xia Lei was startled, and couldn't help sitting up straight: "The chip industry? Brother Li, don't you want to enter the chip circle?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "I have this idea, now I want to do a feasibility study first."

I have to say that Li Tianyu's words surprised Xia Lei.

When Xia Lei knew that Li Tianyu was going to meet Liang Wenfeng, he faintly felt that Li Tianyu would behave like this, but he felt that he might have misunderstood.

After all, anyone in the technology circle or investment circle knows that the chip industry is equivalent to a black hole. No matter how much money is invested, there will be no sound.

And don't say that the effect will be achieved in three or two years. If you can do something in thirty years, then thank God.

So even if there are investment companies that want to invest in chip companies, the companies that dare to enter this industry can basically be described as rare.

Now the domestic companies that dare to do chip research and development are some giant technology companies.

Such as HUAWEI and Xiaomi.

Only HUAWEI can make achievements through research and development of chips.

And chip manufacturing companies, not to mention, only SMIC can make a dozen.

The others are guys who fish in troubled waters.

Why do investment companies want to invest in the chip industry?

They didn't expect any results from the chip industry, and how much results they could make. They simply wanted to increase the market value of the company, and then they would play a drum to spread the word.

Anyway, just make the money, the other is not important.

Therefore, once a chip company that can see the past emerges, it will inevitably cause a sensation in the investment community and become a market darling.

Of course, just trying to make chip companies "look like what they look like" is hard to compare.

For example, chip manufacturing companies, those chip manufacturing equipment, are big guys with hundreds of millions or billions of U.S. dollars at all times, and ordinary entrepreneurs simply can't do it.

Of course, the equipment threshold for chip development is slightly lower, but the requirements for talents are still high.

Setting up a chip research and development team is no joke.

Anyway, as long as it is a chip company, just at the initial stage, the funds needed are massive.

Now that Li Tianyu wants to make a chip, it sounds a bit fluttering.

Although Guanglan Electronics has achieved very good results, as far as Xia Lei knows, HUAWEI has listed Guanglan Electronics as an S-level supplier, which is the highest level in the supplier sequence.

But with such achievements alone, is it too arrogant to want to squeeze into the chip industry?

However, Xia Lei has carefully studied Li Tianyu and felt that this kid has a very strong sense of mystery. He used to be unremarkable, but he has suddenly emerged in recent months.

Li Tianyu not only maintains a very close relationship with Ai Baoquan's family, but also seems to have no intention of using Ai's resources, but does everything on his own.

Especially the several companies under the name, no matter how big or small, their business is booming, and they have strong profitability.

So Xia Lei still didn't dare to underestimate Li Tianyu, and patiently asked: "Do you want to do chip manufacturing or chip research and development?"

Li Tianyu: "Mr. Xia, you know, I have two factories, both of which are manufacturing enterprises, so I now want to do chip manufacturing."

Xia Lei couldn't help being even more surprised.

Among other people, laymen may not think there is any problem, but Han Minghai and Liang Wenfeng were so shocked that their jaws fell to the ground and broke.

Chip manufacturing?

Just setting up a production line for chip manufacturing does not know how much money is needed.

No, it is not enough to have money now, because key equipment, such as lithography machines and etching machines, cannot be bought at all.

For example, the most high-end lithography machine is the Asim lithography machine of the Dutch windmill country, which is worth more than ten billion US dollars.

Money is not a big problem.

As the saying goes, a problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.

The key point is that due to various international reasons, the latest model of Asmarck’s lithography machine cannot be sold in Central Plains.

Some people will say that it doesn't have to be a high-end chip, but a low-end chip is fine.

But in the chip industry, it is better to do high-end products, and it is better not to do low-end backward products.

Not only will it not make money, but it will also remain in obscurity and development.

Han Minghai couldn't help but said, "Boss, this, this seems unrealistic."

When Qiao Zhenli and Luo Jingyi heard this, they both turned their eyes to Li Tianyu.

Unexpectedly, Li Tianyu is really the boss.

And what Xia Lei said just now, he is not a small boss.

Xia Lei smiled and said: "Tianyu, what do you think about it? It is not a good time to enter the chip manufacturing industry now, unless you have access to advanced manufacturing equipment, but you should know that this is impossible."

Li Tianyu smiled and said, "Mr. Xia, let's not tell you, I have a way to solve the equipment problem."

Xia Lei was stunned, and didn't understand what path he was referring to.

At this time, Liang Wenfeng couldn't help but say: "Now Asmai should not be able to ship domestically. Of course, you can also buy Japanese and national equipment, but the specifications must..."

What Liang Wenfeng meant is that if the specifications of the lithography machine you buy are relatively old, you will not be able to produce competitive chips.

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "Equipment is not a critical issue for me. To tell you, what I want most now is actually the chip research and development team, like a big cow like Wen Feng."

When Liang Wenfeng heard this, he hurriedly responded: "What a big cow, I'm a very ordinary R&D staff."

Li Tianyu smiled: "Okay, don't be humble."

In fact, Li Tianyu also had a headache today.

Originally, he wanted to meet Dang Liang Wenfeng privately, and to be a little low-key.

Li Tianyu does want to enter the chip manufacturing industry, but he is not in a hurry. He plans to talk to Liang Wenfeng first to see how the current talent market is.

It is not easy to build a chip R&D team. Li Tianyu is not afraid of salary. The key is outstanding talents, and other companies will not let it go easily.

Unexpectedly, this meeting with Liang Wenfeng attracted the great Buddha Xia Lei.

This nature has changed a bit.

Xia Lei certainly didn't come here for nothing.

Good investors have a keen sense of smell.

It is estimated that Xia Lei had met Liang Wenfeng through Li Tianyu, and thought of something, so he inserted such a kick in the middle.

At this time, Xia Lei said lightly: "Brother Li, so, where do you really want to dig a chip R&D team?"

Li Tianyu: "It is true, President Xia, equipment is dead, people are alive, I think talent is the key to success."

Xia Lei laughed haha: "Brother Li, your knowledge is good, so let's go, if you can prove that you can indeed solve the problem of chip manufacturing equipment, then I can help you find a chip research and development team."

Li Tianyu was startled: "Mr. Xia, are you kidding me?"

Xia Lei: "I never make a joke about this kind of thing."

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