You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Since just now, Li Tianyu has been carrying this plastic bag, forgetting that there is bitter coffee ice cream in it.

After turning into this, there was no way to eat, so Li Tianyu had to throw all of these in the trash can.

It's too wasteful. If it was Li Tianyu before, maybe he would really eat it.

Li Tianyu: "Wait here for a while, I'll go to the convenience store to buy something."

Qin Xuetong nodded: "Okay."

Qin Xiaoyue: "I will go too."

With that said, Qin Xiaoyue was about to get up, but was held down by her sister Qin Xuetong.

Qin Xuetong: "You are not allowed to go."

Qin Xiaoyue: "Why? Why don't you let me go?"

Qin Xuetong: "Don't mess with others."

Qin Xiaoyue saw that Qin Xuetong was a little overwhelmed, so she had to sit back obediently.

Li Tianyu smiled and went into the convenience store to buy things.

Li Tianyu first looked for a pack of cigarettes, and when he was about to choose another one, the phone rang.

Li Tianyu took out his cell phone and glanced at the caller ID. It was Li Junhai.

Li Tianyu immediately pressed the answer button.

Li Tianyu: "Hey, are you okay?"

Li Junhai gasped for a few breaths: "It's okay, it's okay, we have already dumped those people, brother, did you, have you received that, who?"

Li Tianyu: "I got it."

Li Junhai was obviously stunned, and it took him a long time to ask: "I got it? Is it Qin Xuetong?"

Li Tianyu: "Of course it is Qin Xuetong. We are behind the convenience store opposite the pendulum. Come here with you and Tan Jing. Be careful not to be seen."

Li Junhai hurriedly replied: "Okay, okay, we will go over immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Li Tianyu continued to choose things.

After choosing things, I went to the front desk to check out and walked out the back door of the convenience store.

At this time, Li Tianyu saw that besides Qin Xuetong and Qin Xiaoyue, there were two more people.

These two people are of course Guan Hekai and Su Shulan.

After the two successfully completed the "task" given to them by Li Tianyu, they couldn't wait to run over to join Li Tianyu and the others in order to see Qin Xuetong's star demeanor.

At this time, Guan Hekai was full of nervousness, and he was talking hesitantly with Qin Xuetong.

Su Shuyun looked at Qin Xuetong with a face full of worship.

As I said before, Qin Xuetong belongs to the rare type of celebrity who eats all men and women and is suitable for all ages.

Guan Hekai is asking for an autograph with Qin Xuetong.

Of course Qin Xuetong will satisfy his request without hesitation.

However, Guan Hekai and Su Shuyun rummaged in their bags for a long time, and they did not find paper or pen.

Guan Hekai's face turned purple with sorrow: "What can I do, where to sign?"

Li Tianyu: "Would you like to sign your back?"

Li Tianyu also wanted to say that he could just write the words "being loyal to the country".

This is pure joking.

Unexpectedly, Guan Hekai was so happy that he really wanted to undress and undress, and asked Qin Xuetong to write on his back.

Guan Hekai stopped his movements: "No, there is no pen."

Li Tianyu couldn't laugh, thinking that it would be good to just use a knife without a pen.

It's just drawn in blood, not very good-looking.

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu and said to Guan Hekai, "Don't listen to him, there should be some paper and pens in the convenience store."

Guan Hekai realized this and hurriedly ran into the convenience store.

Su Shulan felt a little embarrassed, wrong, it was really shameful.

But then again, if it wasn't for Li Tianyu, then Guan Hekai and Su Shulan would not talk to Qin Xuetong here, the real deity would never have a chance to see them.

Qin Xuetong also gave Li Tianyu a lot of face, and greeted Su Shulan to sit next to him, which made Su Shulan feel quite flattered.

After a while, Guan Hekai ran out of the convenience store, still holding something in his hand.

A notebook and two or three pens.

Li Tianyu was startled: "What are you doing with so many pens? One is not enough?"

Guan Hekai: "Brother, you don't know, I bought different colors, let Miss Qin sign a few more, I have to give it away!"

Li Tianyu waved his hand and said to Qin Xuetong, "When you look back, you also sign a few for me. No, dozens. I can sell them."

Qin Xuetong: "Nonsense."

Li Tianyu: "I'm serious."

Qin Xuetong: "What comes out of your mouth is not a few truths."

When Li Tianyu heard this, he was not convinced: "You can't say that. What I said to you is 100% natural, and there is no added material."

Then Li Tianyu added: "Besides, you are a big star, I dare not tell you lies."

Qin Xuetong: "There is something you dare not dare to? Why do I feel that you are not afraid of it."

Li Tianyu: "It's not me you said."

Qin Xuetong: "It's not you, who is it?"

Li Tianyu: "The sky is not afraid, and the earth is not afraid. That's stunned."

Guan Hekai and Su Shulan are stupid, what is the relationship between Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong?

How come these two talk more and more seem to be flirting.

But when I look back, I saw Li Tianyu walking with Qin Xuetong with my own eyes just now. Such a move was more intimate.

Li Tianyu patted Guan Hekai on the shoulder and motioned him to find Qin Xuetong for autographs.

Only then did Guan Hekai remember what he wanted to do, and immediately put the notebook and the pens in front of Qin Xuetong respectfully.

Guan Hekai: "Miss Qin, help me sign a few more, I don't know if it's possible."

Su Shulan: "I'm sorry."

Qin Xuetong smiled and nodded: "It's okay."

With that said, Qin Xuetong began to write and draw pictures in the notebook, signed a name on each page, drew some simple strokes, and wrote simple blessings.

One page group, about ten pages signed.

Qin Xuetong's signature is also used to signing. A dozen of signatures are signed without changing his face and heartbeat.

Guan Hekai looked at the so many signatures, he was already excited.

Li Tianyu took a closer look, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.


Because of Qin Xuetong's signature, it looks like a painting. It is very beautiful, with blessings and simple paintings. It really looks like a landscape painting.

This is obviously designed and practiced.

Li Tianyu couldn't help but exclaimed: "Big star, do you have a special lesson in autographing?"

Qin Xuetong was startled: "That's not true."

Li Tianyu: "Who designed that for you?"

Qin Xuetong: "Myself." The third Chinese website

Li Tianyu was startled: "You designed it yourself?"

Qin Xuetong nodded.

Li Tianyu laughed: "Aren't you learning acting? How can you do signature design? Isn't this cross-industry?"

Qin Xuetong: "I messed around myself."

Li Tianyu: "Or else, how about you design a signature for me?"

Qin Xuetong glanced at Li Tianyu: "I have to charge."

Li Tianyu laughed and said, "Just ask for a price, I can afford it."

Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong say a word to you and I say a word, and the others can't intervene at all.

Qin Xiaoyue wasn't happy anymore: "Sister, I'm going to be angry again if you two are eye-catching!"

At this moment, two more people ran up not far away.

Needless to say, they are Li Tianyu's cousin Li Junhai and future cousin Tan Jing.

These two people are about to become gods, and they don't know where they went in order to get rid of the crazy "chaser".

Looking at the faces of the two of them, there were some beads of sweat.

When they saw Qin Xuetong, Li Junhai and Tan Jing even forgot to pant, staring straight at the star.

Unbelievable, this is incredible!

Both Li Junhai and Tan Jing were the first to see a star at such close distance.

Moreover, Qin Xuetong is not an ordinary star, she is a super star.

Especially among college students, Qin Xuetong is more famous and influential.

Just look at Guan Hekai, it's crazy.

Having said that, it was not surprising that Li Junhai and Tan Jing saw Guan Hekai and Su Shulan here, but their attitude was rather strange.

The arrogant and domineering and despised Li Tianyu's energy just now, where can I find it?

Especially Guan Hekai, not only towards Qin Xuetong, but also towards Li Tianyu.

This makes people feel amazing.

After about an hour, Guan Hekai's attitude changed too quickly!

Li Junhai thought a lot, but Tan Jing didn't think there was any problem. She was now focusing on Qin Xuetong.

It's hard to meet such a big-name celebrity. If you don't sign, take photos, or take videos, I'm so sorry for this opportunity.

And since Qin Xuetong is here, it means that what Li Tianyu said just now is all true.

Li Tianyu and Qin Xuetong are indeed Happy Valley together.

Although this made both Li Junhai and Tan Jing puzzled, and did not understand how Li Tianyu got involved with Qin Xuetong, it was a happy event for them.

On the one hand, you can ask Qin Xuetong for autographs, take photos, and cover up.

You know, they are still college students, and chasing stars is a great one.

If Li Junhai and Tan Jing, no matter who they are, send a photo with Qin Xuetong to WeChat Moments or a group of classmates, you can imagine what kind of sensation it will cause.

It's absolutely as spectacular as throwing a bomb in the lake.

Needless to say, Tan Jing moved the fastest, and immediately began to get close to Qin Xuetong.

In terms of personality, Tan Jing is indeed a "strong general".

Li Junhai's skin was a little thin, and he couldn't even say a complete sentence in front of the big star, so he was anxious.

Li Tianyu walked over, patted Li Junhai on the shoulder, and whispered: "Don't worry, Qin Xuetong has a very good relationship with me, just treat it as an ordinary friend."

Li Junhai suddenly realized that he turned to Li Tianyu and said, "Brother, is Qin Xuetong really your friend?"

Li Tianyu: "Nonsense!"

Li Junhai looked at Qin Xuetong again. Although his face was indifferent, he was not as indifferent as he had imagined, and he didn't even have a superior attitude.

Obviously, Qin Xuetong may be more accessible than imagined.

Tan Jing has already taken a group photo with Qin Xuetong, and now she is recording a video again.

As soon as Tan Jing finished, Su Shulan went up again, also taking pictures.

Qin Xuetong didn't look impatient at all, and still tried his best to satisfy everyone's requirements.

After a while, the four college students from Jinmen were satisfied and thanked Qin Xuetong one after another.

Qin Xuetong waved her hand, indicating that it was nothing.

The four people gathered together and began to chat about how to deal with these videos and group photos, how to send them to the circle of friends, or the group of classmates, it seemed normal operation, not so abrupt and high-profile.

What a joke, how can this be low-key, it's all nonsense.

Li Tianyu then remembered that he had bought other things, and found a bottle of it and put it in front of Qin Xuetong.

Qin Xuetong: "What is it?"

Li Tianyu: "Soy milk with red dates is still warm, drink it while it is hot."

Qin Xuetong was stunned, he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, but just gave a "um".

No wonder Qin Xuetong was so surprised.

In fact, Qin Xuetong's physique has been relatively weak since she was a child, and later learned martial arts from a certain master, and her physical fitness gradually followed.

But there is another problem, which cannot be improved all the time, and that is body cold.

This can be regarded as a physical problem that many women have, but Qin Xuetong's body cold symptoms are more obvious.

For example, when relatives came, the pain was quite severe.

Especially in autumn, when the weather starts to turn cold, Qin Xuetong often drinks hot drinks like red dates, which can slightly improve the symptoms that may appear.

Qin Xuetong found it strange that why did Li Tianyu know about this and bought herself hot red date soy milk?

This is quite a private matter, except for family members, Qin Xuetong's assistant knows about it.

Didn't Li Tianyu know, but just happened to buy it right?

That's really a coincidence.

Qin Xuetong thought about it, but didn't think of a reason. It was not easy to ask how the other party knew about this kind of thing, so I didn't ask.

Anyway, Qin Xuetong felt that this feeling was quite comfortable.

In fact, it is not unusual for Li Tianyu to know about Qin Xuetong, mainly because Li Tianyu deliberately "explored" Qin Xuetong's preferences during the garden party held at the Imperial Film Academy.

Of course, Li Tianyu could not disclose this to Qin Xuetong.

Li Tianyu not only bought Qin Xuetong, but also some drinks and food for others.

Just now everyone played various projects in Happy Valley for a while, and fought fiercely with those fanatical "Qin Xuetong Iron Fans". The physical exertion was very heavy and they were indeed hungry.

Especially Li Junhai and Tan Jing, which is equivalent to a 3,000-meter long run.

So, everyone sat together while eating and drinking, and started talking.

At this time, everyone seemed to be familiar with it. Even Li Junhai didn't feel any formality.

Li Tianyu opened the cigarette case of Marlboro, took out a cigarette, and was about to get up.

Qin Xuetong: "Where to go?"

Li Tianyu: "Smoking."

Qin Xuetong: "Smoking is unhealthy, you should pay attention."

Li Tianyu said "Oh", "I don't smoke much, one or two a day."

Qin Xuetong didn't say anything, but just said "um".

Li Tianyu got up, went to the trash can not far away, clicked on one, and started swallowing clouds and fog.

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