You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Anyway, Guo Yucheng's purpose is to let Li Guohua understand that he Guo Yucheng is buried in a small county, and he can still mix better than your Li Guohua, and much better.

So when Guo Yucheng came, he drove in his own best car, a Mercedes-Benz S-Class, which is commonly referred to as a "Big Ben".

It's troublesome, I bought it for 700,000 to 800,000 yuan of soft sister coins!

Guo Yucheng thought at the time that as long as Li Guohua saw his big Ben, his eyes would be widened in surprise, and his chin would soon fall to the ground and break.

However, Guo Yucheng was disappointed.

Li Guohua watched Guo Yucheng drove the car into the parking space, but there was no reaction at all, as if they were driving a broken Poussin.

Guo Yucheng started thinking about it again.

There are only two possible reasons for Li Guohua's "abnormal" behavior.

First, Li Guohua is jealous in his heart, so he pretends to be quiet on the surface, so that it does not appear that Li Guohua is inferior in front of Guo Yucheng. No, he is inferior.

Second, Li Guohua has never bought a car at all, let alone understands cars.

Li Guohua is just a bun, maybe he didn't know that Guo Yucheng drove a luxury car, worth hundreds of thousands of soft sister coins.

But then again, is there anyone who doesn't know Da Ben now?That's so earthy!

Guo Yucheng really didn't believe it.

Anyway, for whatever reason, Li Guohua turned a blind eye to Guo Yucheng's ridiculous car, which made Guo Yucheng a little depressed.

But this is not a big problem. Anyway, there will be opportunities for Li Guohua to surrender to Guo Yucheng's feet.

At this time, Ye Cuiping had also rushed over.

The restaurant has several semi-open private rooms on the first floor, the kind that are enclosed by screens.

Although there is not too strong privacy, the advantage is that it is transparent and has better air circulation.

In particular, the table selected by Li Guohua is still leaning against the window. It is bright and has a good view. It can be regarded as a treasured place in the hotel.

The presence of the two comrades in arms made Li Guohua very happy, serving him with good wine, smoke and tea.

Li Guohua actually didn't think so much about Guo Yucheng's thoughts.

When he was in the army, Guo Yucheng had always wanted to challenge him unilaterally.

Although Li Guohua also had a desire to win, he didn't care much about Guo Yucheng's mood at all.

Even if there were some unpleasant disturbances before, but after so many years, Li Guohua had forgotten all of them.

Now Li Guohua was thinking that if these two people came to him all the way, then they had to entertain them.

Especially the comrades-in-arms, that relationship is more cordial and special than the friends I met at work.

Li Guohua: "Let me tell you, don’t look at the size of this hotel, but the things that are made are extraordinary. They are the characteristics of our Yanyun City. They are very authentic. I have lived in Yanyun City for so many years. It’s not close to the side, but occasionally I have to ride my bike and eat a few bites. I really enjoy it."

Wang Youquan: "Well, this time we can be considered a blessing. I have long heard that the donkey meat in Yanyun City is delicious. I will try it today compared to our Xitian County. What's the difference? My daughter wanted to taste it. Try the donkey meat from Yanyun City."

Having said that, Wang Youquan turned his head and glanced at his daughter Wang Ju.

Wang Ju was also a little embarrassed: "Dad, where did I say that?"

Wang Ju is now in his senior year and is about to graduate from university. Now he is preparing his thesis and does not need to stay in school, so he goes home to live for a while.

At this time, Guo Yucheng laughed and said: "The donkey meat in Yanyun City is actually the same. One of my customers is from Yanyun City, and he opened a large luggage store here. Give me gifts every year and holidays, and donkey meat every time."

When Guo Yucheng said this, he looked up at Li Guohua, and then said: "I tell you, this donkey meat in Yanyun City is okay to eat at the beginning. It's a bit interesting, but I feel like eating two or three times. It's not much fun, it's just that."

Li Guohua and Wang You both heard them and looked at each other.

I don't know what state of mind Guo Yucheng is.

Li Guohua is the host, asking them these comrades-in-arms to eat, is it wrong to invite them?

Even if Guo Yucheng really eats the donkey meat in Yanyun City and gets tired of eating it, he can't say that as Li Guohua's noodles.

This is too rude!

Wang Youquan cried out secretly. As Li Guohua and Guo Yucheng's comrades-in-arms, of course he knew the grievances between them when they were in the army.

This time Guo Yucheng insisted on coming over. Wang Youquan thought that Guo Yucheng would no longer have any eagerness to compete, but Wang Youquan was completely wrong.

Guo Yucheng not only has ideas, but also thinks about making trouble with Li Guohua.

What's the point of this at all this age?

Wang Youquan really regretted it. He had known that he would not tell Guo Yucheng that he would come to Yanyun to meet his comrade-in-arms Lao Li.

In fact, Wang Youquan did not intend to tell Guo Yucheng that the two were playing chess at the time. Guo Yucheng took the initiative to mention Li Guohua, but Wang Youquan didn't pay attention to it for a while. This was a mistake.

This is the end of the matter, regret is useless, I can only take care of both sides as much as possible, which is commonly known as "he thin mud".

Wang Youquan: "Hey, Lao Guo, we're all here now, don't talk about it, as long as we meet a few brothers, everything we eat and drink is the same, it tastes good and it tastes good."

When Li Guohua listened, his expression calmed down.

This is what Wang Youquan said.

However, although Guo Yucheng did not speak any more, he showed a look of disdain, and he obviously did not agree with it in his heart.

Although Li Guohua is a good person, Guo Yucheng always feels that he is too pushy.

At this time, Guo Yucheng's wife Xu Dacai said: "Old Li, don't mind, my old Guo can't speak."

Li Guohua waved his hand: "It's okay, it's okay, I don't speak much, everyone is not an outsider, and I don't pay much attention to it."

Ye Cuiping glared at Li Guohua next to him, as if saying, "You are a bad guy"!

Ye Cuiping is not so talkative as Li Guohua.

But these people are Li Guohua's old comrades-in-arms after all, Ye Cuiping was frustrated when he came up, and could only endure being silent.

At this time, Xu Dacai said again: "By the way, Lao Li, is your son still coming?"

Li Guohua glanced at Ye Cuiping: "It should be coming soon, right?"

Ye Cuiping: "It's coming soon. When I called him, he was already downstairs in our house."

Li Guohua: "Then it will be fast. I'll be here in half an hour at most."

Wang Youquan: "Old Li, is your son still working in the imperial capital?"

Li Guohua smiled and said, "Yes, I have always been there."

Wang Youquan: "How about working there? The salaries in the imperial capital are generally quite high? My Xiaoju is also considering going to the imperial capital to find opportunities after graduation."

Xiaoju naturally refers to his daughter Wang Ju, who is sitting next to him. She is about to graduate now, and she is wondering where to find a job.

Li Guohua waved his hand: "That's it, the big city is under great pressure. In fact, it is not as good as our small place, at least it is more comfortable and practical." 118 Novels

Wang Youquan: "That's right, why do you work so hard?"

Guo Yucheng sullenly said: "It's not that you make a lot of money in the imperial capital. Many of them are made by bragging."

Xu Dacai picked up the conversation: "Yes, we have a neighbor, and the child also works in the imperial capital. Every day I say something interesting and face, but after inquiring about it, I found out that his child only earned 15 thousand in the imperial capital."

With that said, Xu Dacai tried his best to make a gesture of fifteen thousand.

Wang Youquan's eyes widened: "15,000 yuan soft girl coins? That's pretty good too!"

Xu Dacai: "What's not bad, Lao Wang, let me tell you that for outsiders working in the imperial capital, 15,000 is not enough at all, 20,000 can only be said to be just right, 30,000 is not too much."

Wang Youquan looked at Li Guohua and then at Xu Dacai: "Do you want or want to make so much? I only make four to five thousand yuan now."

Wang Youquan is right, the wage level in the county is indeed not high.

Especially for those who eat public food, their wages are increased, but the rate is not large each time.

Of course, in addition to wages, there will be other benefits. These are more complicated, and it is not clear for a while.

Guo Yucheng smiled: "It's not an exaggeration at all. Think about it, how much money you get to buy a house in the imperial capital, the lowest cost is several million, and the better one is tens of millions."

Xu Dacai: "Yes, you don't need to pay a down payment for a house. The down payment is 30 to 40%, two to three million soft sister coins, that's normal. How much is the monthly repayment?"

Wang was startled again: "How much?"

Xu Dacai: "Seven to eight thousand yuan in repayment every month is a small amount. I heard that some families pay tens of thousands of soft sister coins a month!"

This kind of thing is not new, and Wang Youquan has not heard of it, but he is still quite surprised.

After all, for the residents of ordinary small county towns, the ordinary salary is two or three yuan a month, and an extra four to five thousand yuan is considered a high salary.

Tens of thousands of yuan a month, for people who do not work in first- and second-tier cities, it is really hard to imagine at first glance.

Wang Ju listened attentively beside him, and suddenly asked curiously: "Uncle Li, then your son..."

Wang Youquan: "You have to call Tianyu Brother."

Wang Ju said "Oh", "What is the salary of Brother Tianyu now? Is it convenient?"

Li Guohua was startled: "There is nothing inconvenient, but...we don't know."

Wang Ju: "You don't know? Did he never tell you?"

Li Guohua: "Before we knew how much he made, but now he has made a lot. We didn't ask carefully."

Wang Youquan: "Are you earning too much? Lao Li, last time I remember you said what Tianyu's salary was?"

Li Guohua: "Large, probably more than 10,000 points."

Guo Yucheng sneered: "It used to be more than 10,000 points, how much more can I earn now? It would be nice to get to 15,000 points."

Ye Cuiping "cut" and said, "My son may be making money now, and there are several houses now!"

Ye Cuiping also endured this for a long time, and finally broke out.

This Guo Yucheng obviously underestimated his son Li Tianyu, who was 15 thousand?To be honest, they all have to be scared to death.

Xu Dacai glanced at Ye Cuiping: "Houses? Several sets? In Yanyun City?"

Guo Yucheng: "The houses in Yanyun City are not too expensive, right? The most expensive house is only 30,000 yuan per square meter of soft sister coins. How much is it slightly off? Ten thousand or twenty thousand soft sister coins?"

Xu Dacai: "You forgot, the last time Lao Zhao and his family just bought it in Yanyun City, it's in a good location on the edge of the new urban area, and it looks like it's only 18.9%.

Guo Yucheng: "That's right, it's still in a good position. If the position is a little bit off, maybe you can get the 10,000 yuan."

At this time, Li Guohua finally couldn't help but speak: "I didn't buy it in Yanyun City, but in the Imperial Capital."

When everyone heard it, they all showed an expression, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Li Guohua's temper is very smooth now, and he rarely refutes people face to face.

Today I also see that Guo Yucheng and Xu Dacai are too aggressive, and it is too awkward not to refute.

Ye Cuiping gave Li Guohua a big praise this time.

Guo Yucheng: "Wait a moment, a moment, what did you just say?"

Li Guohua: "What did I say?"

Guo Yucheng picked up his tea cup and took a sip: "You just said... How many suites does your son have in the Emperor?"

Li Guohua: "Yes, there are several sets, and they are all in good locations."

Guo Yucheng and Xu Dacai looked at each other and smiled, their faces full of mockery.

They made it clear that they didn't believe it.

Xu Dacai: "You know that a house in the imperial capital must be in a good location. How much does it cost?"

Ye Cuiping's tone was not weak: "We don't know, but my son has several sets."

Xu Dacai curled her lips: "Who believes it."

In fact, it is not only Guo Yucheng and Xu Dacai who do not believe, but even Wang Youquan is also suspicious.

However, Wang also knew all about Li Guohua's character. He was relatively low-key and didn't like to brag.

At least when in the army, it was like this.

As for Wang Ju, although he is a college student, if he often surfs the Internet, he also knows that the housing prices in the Imperial Capital are not generally high, and should be regarded as the most expensive place in China.

If Li Guohua’s son really owned several houses in the emperor, and they were all in good locations, wouldn’t they be worth tens of millions??

is it possible?


If his son really owns several houses in the emperor, why do his parents still stay in Yanyun City?

Wang Ju accidentally asked everything in his heart.

Her daddy Wang also glanced at Wang Ju and blamed her for talking nonsense.

However, if you say something, the spilled water cannot be collected even if you want to collect it.

Surprisingly, there was no embarrassment on Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping's faces.

Li Guohua waved his hand: "We are not used to living in a big city like the imperial capital, but we are still comfortable living in a small city like Yanyun."

Ye Cuiping: "That's right, we went to the hotel run by my son some time ago. We stayed for two days. The facilities were luxurious and the bed was comfortable, but, yes, I still feel homesick."

When the others heard it, they were shocked again.

What, what do you mean?

The hotel opened by their son!?

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