Shenhao started from bragging about paying taxes

Chapter 548: He's Here, Here Comes The Handsome Guy

You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Guo Yucheng's face changed again, and he was a little speechless.

Xu Dacai rolled her eyes and asked, "Then I don't understand, what is your son's name? Li Tianyu, right?"

Ye Cuiping: "Yes, my son is Li Tianyu, what else do you don't understand?"

Xu Dacai: "Your son should be in his twenties. Where did he go to open a hotel?"

Ye Cuiping was startled: "He earned it himself, anyway, we didn't give it."

Li Guohua immediately added: "We don't have that much money."

Xu Dicai: "Opening a hotel in the Imperial Capital is not cheap, and your son is still in a scenic spot like the Dibei Water Town, so I don’t know how much it will cost just because of the land price. ..."

Xu Dacai: "Then we have to build the hotel, and then we have to hire people. Tell me about such a large sum of money, a young man in his twenties, where can I make it?"

Ye Cuiping raised her eyebrows: "Why can't you make any money? There is a saying that poverty limits your imagination."

Xu Dacai "cut" and expressed disapproval.

Guo Yucheng pondered it for a while, and what his wife Xu Dacai said really makes sense.

Their family is in business and naturally knows the accounting cost.

Even if you don’t know the exact cost of opening a hotel, you can guess the bigger picture with a little calculation.

Needless to say, the price of land, in popular scenic spots, even if you have a lot of money, you may not get usable land even if you spend hundreds of millions or more than a billion yuan?

Because the area of ​​the scenic spot is limited after all, the land that can be used to build a hotel is even more limited. It is impossible to demolish the landscape architecture to build a hotel, right?

Especially the Dibei Water Town, which itself is a mountainous area, the land area is even more limited, and the land price is unimaginable.

And it’s not enough to build a hotel with a piece of land. The luxury hotels in Dibei Water Town attach great importance to design. Ask a designer to design the hotel. The price is not acceptable to ordinary people, let alone follow the design drawings. Built and decorated.

Guo Yucheng watched an overview on the program of "The Runner" some time ago, and knew that the design of Tianyu Palace Hotel was indeed very critical.

Guo Yucheng has been to the Imperial Capital so many times and has never seen such an ingenious hotel design.

Guo Yucheng carefully estimated that to build such a hotel, it may cost more than one billion yuan.

In addition to building a hotel, the propaganda, employees, and maintenance costs behind it, then don’t forget, it’s impossible to figure it out.

Where did Li Guohua’s son Li Tianyu get so much money?

Earn it yourself?

Even if Li Tianyu is promising and capable, he earns one or two million soft sister coins a year.

For a young man, this is a lot, right?

It would take a hundred million, even if he didn't eat or drink Li Tianyu, it would take a hundred years!

Needless to say, there will be one billion to build a hotel.

In other words, it is impossible for people with no background and family history to build a hotel in a scenic spot in a first-tier city.

After thinking about it for a moment, you know that this is a fantasy.

Even if Li Tianyu wins the lottery, it is impossible to put together so much money!

Of course, Li Tianyu can also find a partner to attract investment, but for such a young man, which investor or investment company can see him?Willing to give him a billion dollars?

By the way, there is another possibility.

Guo Yucheng laughed and said, "Lao Li, doesn't your son have a rich woman? He actually gave so much money to open a hotel."

When Li Guohua heard this, he finally got angry: "Your son has just approached the rich woman! Your whole family has approached the rich woman!"

Guo Yucheng picked up the cup and drank a sip of tea, which made Li Guohua angry, which was very refreshing for him.

But before drinking this sip of tea, Ye Cuiping said quietly: "Even if my son finds a rich woman, that's his skill. Some people want to find it but can't find it. Why? Because I don't have the skill. My son, the rich lady looks down upon him, right? Old Li."


When Guo Yucheng heard this, he did not drink the tea in a daze.

Ye Cuiping's remarks were really bad enough.

Guo Yucheng was out of breath directly.

However, judging from the expressions of Guo Yucheng and Xu Dacai, both of them were quite unconvinced. They still felt that Li Banjie and Ye Cuiping just didn't want to lose face in front of them, forcibly blowing awkwardly.

Although there is indeed the Tianyu Palace hotel, it does not mean that Li Tianyu, the son of Li Guohua, opened it.

It may be a coincidence, this kind of thing is not impossible.

Wang Youquan is now full of curiosity about Li Tianyu.

Because Wang You all met Li Tianyu, not only when he was a child, but also occasionally came to Yanyun City later.

After all, Xitian County is not far away from Yanyun City. If you come to work occasionally, you will meet with Li Guohua.

At that time, Wang Youquan frowned every time he saw Li Tianyu.

Because Li Tianyu really does not look like a promising child, and he also gives people a sense of mischief and speechlessness.

At that time, Wang Youquan was still thinking, how did Li Guohua give birth to such a mediocre son when he was so glorious and capable in the army?

It's really a tiger father and dog son.

In fact, Wang Youquan was right to think about this. Li Guohua was indeed very capable, but he didn't become famous later.

The main reason is Li Guohua's character, which is flawed, uncomfortable, and too noble to let the leader show him.

This is also something that can't be helped. For small places, it's not like being able to get to the top, and you have to be talented.

But things are a little weird now.

In the past, Wang Youquan was not optimistic about Li Tianyu, why did he suddenly "make his fortune"?

That's not an ordinary fortune, it was the opening of a luxury hotel in a popular scenic spot in the Imperial Capital.

Wang also didn't know Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping were bragging.

Wang Youquan still understands Li Guohua's personality. Even if he occasionally blows it because of his face, it is a small blow.

Wang Youquan: "Lao Li, Sister Ye, how does your son make money? Tell us about it."

Li Guohua responded with a wry smile: "I don't know. Anyway, he has made a lot of money recently. No, he bought me a car."

Wang sat up straight again: "What car?"

Ye Cuiping: "It's a Mercedes Benz."

Guo Yucheng and Xu Dacai were still drinking tea carelessly. When Ye Cuiping mentioned "Benz", their attention was immediately drawn to them and they couldn't help sitting up straight.


Because Mercedes-Benz is their couple's favorite car brand, they feel tall when they hear it.

At that time, their motivation for doing business was to make money and buy a Big Ben.

After their unremitting efforts, this dream was finally realized.77 e-book

Especially Guo Yucheng, he drove the family car this time and rushed over, wanting to show off before Li Guohua.

Unexpectedly, when they saw it, they didn't care at all.

He still feels quite lost.

Now when I heard that Li Guohua also had a Mercedes-Benz, he was still a little surprised.

Xu Dacai: "There are many Mercedes-Benz cars. The cheapest Mercedes-Benz can be bought with more than 200,000 yuan of soft sister coins."

Guo Yucheng also shook his head, indicating that it was indeed the case.

Mercedes-Benz cars are also divided into grades, not all Mercedes-Benz are representatives of tall.

Guo Yucheng: "Lao Li, Mercedes-Benz is nothing. When we bought a car, we also drove a Mercedes-Benz of two or three hundred thousand. It was nothing interesting. It was just buying a car logo. It's not easy to drive. It's a joke."

Li Guohua raised his eyebrows, and his temper came up: "How can I talk? When did I say that my Mercedes-Benz is two or three hundred thousand? I will tell you that I am an imported Mercedes."

Guo Yucheng was startled: "Imported Mercedes-Benz? Are you sure?"

Ye Cuiping immediately added: "Of course it's confirmed. It will cost more than 900,000 yuan to complete it, one million less. My son swiped the card on the spot and paid the full amount!"

When Guo Yucheng heard it, he broke into a cold sweat.

Xu Dacai was even more dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

Wang Youquan glanced at Li Guohua, then at Guo Yucheng, feeling that Guo Yucheng was completely crushed today.

For Guo Yucheng, this blow is a bit big.

I saw that Guo Yucheng was one green and one white at this time, his face changed, and he really didn't look good.

Guo Yucheng just wanted Li Guohua to show the car key, but was interrupted by a blast of music.

It turned out that Ye Cuiping's cell phone rang.

Ye Cuiping looked at the IDD, and said with a smile: "Did you see, my son is here."

With that said, Ye Cuiping answered the phone.

Everyone couldn't help but listened with their ears upright.

Ye Cuiping: "Hey, son, where is it?"

Ye Cuiping: "Then you go all the way to the south, facing the south gate, there is a restaurant called Lao Xiangping, where you can eat on the first floor."

Ye Cuiping: "Oh, don't you know? This restaurant is very famous and the taste is absolutely authentic."

Ye Cuiping: "Okay, come on, just waiting for you."

Ye Cuiping told her son Li Tianyu to stay safe and stay away, and then hung up the phone.

Just then, the waiter brought all the food.

The presentation of various donkey meat can be called a full donkey feast.

Don't look at the size of this hotel, but the things it makes are full of color, fragrance, and specifications. It can indeed be regarded as one of the most cost-effective restaurants in Yanyun City.

Li Guohua was in a good mood, but he was disturbed by Guo Yucheng and Xu Dacai, who was depressed just now.

Fortunately, I gave these two men a little bit ago, and now I have found the place and my mood has improved.

Li Guohua greeted everyone and said: "Come on, eat quickly, let me tell you, the donkey meat here is absolutely authentic and will never be adulterated."

Wang Youquan: "Isn't Tianyu coming now?"

Li Guohua: "Hey, there are no outsiders, don't wait, eat quickly."

Wang Youquan: "Not bad for a while, wait a minute, we are not that hungry again."

Guo Yucheng and Xu Dacai didn't say anything, they really didn't want to eat, all their attention was on Li Tianyu's side.

They wanted to see if Li Guohua's son was really a three-headed six-armed guy, as the couple said.

Seeing their persistence, Li Guohua didn't say anything, anyway, Li Tianyu would be there soon, and he couldn't wait long.

Xu Dacai: "Hey? By the way, did Tianyu drive over here?"

Of course Ye Cuiping knew what Xu Dacai wanted to do, so she replied, "Yes, it must have come by car. What's wrong?"

Xu Dacai: "Then what kind of car does he drive? Tianyu is so filial to Lao Li. He bought a Mercedes-Benz, or an imported one-million-dollar car, so surely he wouldn't drive a bad car? How could it be... …"

Ye Cuiping waved her hand before Xu Dacai finished speaking, "That's for sure, my son is driving a car that's so cool, what is the name of Poly...what is it?"

Li Guohua finally couldn't help saying: "That's Porsche."

Ye Cuiping slapped her face: "Yes, it's Porsche!"

Everyone was startled when they heard it.

Speaking of Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Audi, they are indeed luxury cars, but these cars are now more common, not surprising.

But Porsche is different. Although it is not uncommon in first-tier cities, it is quite unusual in third- and fourth-tier cities like Yanyun City.

And everyone knows that Porsche is even more advanced than Mercedes, BMW, and Audi.

Wang Ju's eyes lit up: "Porsche, Aunt Ye, it must be expensive, right?"

In the heart of the little girl, Porsche is indeed a very fashionable, very high-end car, much better than a Mercedes-Benz.

Ye Cuiping said with a smile, "I don't know how expensive it is. My son doesn't care anyway. It's a normal scooter."

This is too loud.

But for a big boss who runs a luxury hotel in a popular scenic spot in the Imperial City, it seems that there is really nothing to say to open a Porsche, it is normal operation.

At this moment, the engine sounded outside.

Everyone looked out of the window following the sound and saw a car parked in front of the old Xiangping Hotel.

The car feels very advanced just by looking at it.

The sky-blue body was shining in the sun, and the two headlights "turned out", like the eyes of a frog.

In fact, this car was like a beautiful big frog.

Wang Ju: "Porsche, Aunt Ye, is this this one?"

Ye Cuiping said with a smile, "Yes, it's my son's car, he is here."

I saw a handsome young man pushing the door from the driving position.

I don't know if it was because of getting off the Porsche. Anyway, it seems that the whole person is very temperamental.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that everything that this person wears, steps on his feet, wrists, and hands are all very tasteful.

That's right, this person is Li Tianyu.

Wang was stunned. At that moment, he didn't recognize Li Guohua's son.

Because the person in front of him is really not in line with the unlearned young man before. The changes are too great and the contrast is too great.

As for Wang Ju, the first reaction was to think that this guy is really handsome. No matter in school or in Xitian County, I have never seen a handsome guy of this quality.

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