You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Even Li Guohua knows Jiang Weimin, which shows that this person is extraordinary.

Another meaning of the big local tyrant is that Jiang Weimin is a super rich man.

Jiang Weimin is very famous throughout Yanzhou City.

Although he is not a celebrity in business, or a wizard, his ability to make money is not bad at all.

Why is Jiang Weimin a "big local tyrant"?

That's because Jiang Weimin really started from contracting a mining plant.

Of course not in Yanyun, but in other places in Yanzhou Province, such as mountainous areas, there are indeed some mineral deposits.

At that time, Jiang Weimin didn't have much money to contract the mining plant. Most of the money was borrowed and borrowed. He was carrying millions of foreign debts, which shows how great the pressure was at that time.

However, Jiang Weimin just dared to do it, and he did it successfully.

Then again, as long as there is a mine at that time, as long as there is no major accident, it will definitely make a lot of money.

Within two years, Jiang Weimin made a lot of money and became a wealthy man with assets of hundreds of millions.

This is the family history of Jiang Weimin.

In the following years, the mining industry ceased, and profits fell sharply. Jiang Weimin started real estate.

Real estate has been a real hit for a while, and Jiang Weimin has made more money.

However, it is a pity that Jiang Weimin has never made real estate bigger and stronger.

Therefore, Jiang Weimin's real estate company has a very poor ability to engage in risk. In the past few years, it has been declining, and there is not much profit, and there are still several loans in the bank waiting to be repaid. The prospects are really worrying.

But Jiang Weimin is not worried. After all, he is a lean camel and is bigger than a horse, and he has accumulated enough wealth. There are deposits in the bank, and the poor development of his career will not affect the quality of life.

As for why Jiang Weimin called Xu Dacai, the explanation is very simple.

Jiang Weimin is Xu Dacai's eldest cousin, and can be regarded as a close relative.

When Xu Dacai started a business with Guo Yucheng, she encountered financial difficulties and borrowed money from Jiang Weimin several times.

Jiang Weimin was quite generous, and the money was nothing to him, but Xu Dacai still paid back all the money.

As a result, the money invested by Xu Dacai and Guo Yucheng has long been made back.

Secondly, as the saying goes, it is easy to borrow and repay.

Anyway, this woman Xu Dacai is very powerful and very smart. Relatives like Jiang Weimin must maintain a good relationship.

After all, there are many more when it is needed.

This time before Guo Yucheng and Xu Dacai came to Yanyun City, they contacted Jiang Weimin.

Jiang Weimin said that he will also be in Yanyun City today, but he may not have time. If he has time, he will call Xu Dacai again.

Now that Jiang Weimin has contacted Xu Dacai, it means he has time.

Of course, Xu Dacai immediately pressed the answer button.

"Hey, brother, we are eating and we will finish eating soon."

"...Okay, okay, where are you?"

"Okay, that should not be far from us, we will pass."

At this time, the other party didn't know what was said, Xu Dacai rolled her eyes and continued: "Then how many friends do we have, is it convenient to take them there?"

Xu Dacai: "Okay, okay, then we'll be there in a while, brother, you can do it first."

Xu Dacai hung up the phone with a smile on her lips.

Guo Yucheng asked in a low voice: "How is it? What did the big brother say?"

Xu Dacai glanced at Guo Yucheng, saying that everything is under control.

Xu Dacai said to Li Guohua: "Lao Li, Sister Ye, my cousin happens to be working in Yanyun City, and he is not far away. Let's go and have a look together later, how about?"

Li Guohua was stunned: "That's not good, right? We don't know each other, so we won't pass."

Xu Dacai waved his hand: "It's okay, my eldest brother is not a local, and I may invite you and Sister Ye if there is a problem."

Of course, Guo Yucheng has understood Xu Dacai's intentions: "Yeah, Lao Li, you won't help without this kind of help, right?"

Li Guohua was speechless for a while.

Although Li Guohua is not sure what Guo Yucheng and Xu Dacai want to do, what is certain is that the couple must have no good intentions.

Li Guohua was about to refuse again, but he heard Ye Cuiping speak first.

Ye Cuiping: "Okay, as long as you find it convenient, let's go together. Anyway, there is nothing wrong with today."

Li Guohua glanced at his wife Ye Cuiping, but said nothing.

Xu Dacai turned to Li Tianyu and said, "Tianyu, you should have time too, let's go there too."

Li Tianyu said lightly: "Yes, I'm fine."

In this way, Xu Dacai opened her eyebrows and smiled, as if she had accomplished a major event.

Li Tianyu didn't know what medicine Xu Dacai sold in the gourd, but he didn't care anymore.

In Yanyun City, even if these two people turned out flowers, they would not have much effect on Li Tianyu.

Li Guohua, Ye Cuiping, and Li Tianyu all agreed, and Wang Youquan and Wang Ju, father and daughter, didn't have any problems. They also came to play anyway.

After eating, everyone checked out and walked out of the restaurant.

Guo Yucheng drove his wife Xu Dacai and Wang Youquan and his father and daughter in a big Ben, driving forward, while Li Tianyu was with his parents, driving a Porsche Cayenne behind.

Wang Youquan sat in the back seat of Da Ben and said, "Is it appropriate for so many of us to meet President Jiang?"

Xu Dacai: "Appropriate, nothing inappropriate. Just let Li Guohua's family know what a real boss is."

Guo Yucheng laughed, as if echoing his wife's words.

Wang You all understood that Xu Dacai and Guo Yucheng had suffered a loss just now, and wanted to treat Li Guohua and Ye Cuiping, as well as his son Li Tianyu.

Wang Quan hesitated again, and said, "Lao Guo, it's not necessary. Lao Li is very low-key, so don't think about it so much."

Guo Yucheng snorted coldly. Look at that Li Tianyu's attitude, as if he is a successful person.

Wang Ju couldn't help saying: "But he seems to be a successful man, and he opened such a big hotel."

Guo Yucheng was speechless for a while.

To open a hotel in a popular scenic spot in the Imperial City and become a big boss is indeed a successful person.

At this time, Xu Dacai smiled and said, "Xiaoju, you are still young, and I don't know how complicated the world is now."

Wang Ju blinked: "Aunt Da Cai, why is it complicated? What do you mean?"

Xu Dacai: "He said he was opening a hotel. We don't know what the situation is."

Xu Dacai paused for a few seconds, and then said: "Maybe Li Tianyu is just one of the shareholders or a partner of that hotel. The salary is high in the Imperial Capital. It is not impossible to earn a few years and invest millions of dollars." Electronic Chinese Network

Guo Yucheng: "I think Li Guohua's son does have two brushes. It is impossible to say that he is incapable, but he is definitely not as strong as Li Guohua and his wife."

Xu Dacai: "I just said, "Blow their son like a god, I don't believe it, a young man in his twenties is so capable? Just opened a hotel that big. Even if he started working hard to make money from his mother's womb, it is not enough!"

Guo Yucheng was so convinced that he nodded.

Wang thought it over carefully, and Xu Dacai's words were not unreasonable.

Li Tianyu is such a young man, and there is no background in the family. It is impossible to have too much wealth. That is unreasonable.

However, Wang Youquan still felt that Guo Yucheng and Xu Dacai overreacted.

Li Guohua is having a good life. His son is not a good man. What does it have to do with their couple?

Those bad things in the army should not be left to now.

Guo Yucheng couldn't think of it too much.

After a while, Guo Yucheng drove to a very wide street.

It is located in the eastern suburbs of Yanyun City. Both sides of the street are full of 4S shops of different sizes and different brands. This is the street where locals often call car sales.

Li Guohua was stunned: "Why did Guo Yucheng come here while driving? Isn't Jiang Weimin buying a car?"

Ye Cuiping: "Well, it's not surprising that buying a car is the same as buying vegetables."

At this time, I saw Guo Yucheng drove into a yard.

This yard should belong to a car dealer.

The area of ​​the yard is large, and at first glance, there are cars everywhere.

And judging from the wheels and paint colors of these cars, most of them should be new cars, with white film paper on the surface, unopened.

However, the cars here are of all brands. It should not be a special 4S shop, but a car dealer, which sells all cars.

Li Tianyu drove the car behind Da Ben, entered the yard, and said with a smile, "I really came to buy a car."

He ran to the side of the yard, found a parking space, and stopped.

Upon seeing this, Li Tianyu also parked the Porsche Cayenne next to Da Ben.

Pushing the door and getting out of the car, Xu Dacai called and greeted everyone into a room.

One side of this room is leaning on the main road. It is full of floor-to-ceiling glass, which is very bright.

There were several cars parked in the hall, and it was exactly the same as the layout of the 4S shop.

Li Tianyu glanced at these cars, but his eyes lit up.

There are several Tesla electric cars parked around the hall.

Visually inspect all models of Tesla.

There are ModelX, ModelS, and of course the most common and cheapest Model3 on the street.

What made Li Tianyu even more surprised was that there was actually a Tesla car with a dazzling appearance, similar to a supercar.

But Li Tianyu was far away from the car and couldn't see the model number on the identification plate.

Li Tianyu: "Yeah, that's good, I really didn't expect a Tesla to sell in Yanyun City."

Xu Dacai glanced at Li Tianyu, as if saying, young man, there are so many things you don't know.

Guo Yucheng: "Is Big Brother here?"

Xu Dacai: "I already called him, and he will be here right away."

As they were talking, a few people walked over.

The first person walking was a middle-aged man with a chubby body. His complexion was ruddy and he was well maintained. It was not obvious from his age, and he should be older than it seemed.

Li Tianyu estimated that this person was probably Jiang Weimin, who Xu Dacai and Guo Yucheng said.

After all, this person is full of style, and in terms of momentum, he does have the meaning of some superiors. That is the feeling of being used to being a leader.

Li Tianyu was right.

When this group of people came closer, Xu Dacai introduced: "This is my eldest brother, Jiang Weimin, the big man in our family."

Jiang Weimin smiled and said, "Hey, any big people are all fools."

Even so, Jiang Weimin didn't have a humble look on his face. Instead, he looked at the few people who came with Xu Dacai and Guo Yucheng with the eyes of big shots.

Obviously, Guo Yucheng was also in awe of Jiang Weimin, and began to introduce him to Li Guohuayi and Wang Youquan.

Jiang Weimin nodded to them casually, but didn't even plan to shake hands with them.

Jiang Weimin pointed to the sofa over there and said, "Sit down first. I will deal with some things first."

Xu Dacai asked Guo Yucheng to say hello, and then followed Jiang Weimin.

After everyone sat down on the sofa, the staff in the store brought tea.

Li Guohua touched the teacup and asked, "What are you waiting for?"

Guo Yucheng raised his eyebrows: "Of course I am waiting for Big Brother."

Li Guohua: "This is your elder brother's shop?"

Guo Yucheng: "Yes, have you seen these cars? The Tesla family car series, let alone Yanyun City, even in Yanzhou Province, there is no such complete model."

Of course, Li Guohua also knew about Tesla, and shook his head: "This is an electric car. It's too old to recharge. It's boring."

Guo Yucheng pointed to Li Guohua: "You are too old-fashioned. Tesla's long-range version can run 600 kilometers. Isn't it enough for you?"

Guo Yuchenggang wanted to say "It's too expensive, you can't afford it", but he swallowed it abruptly.

After all, Li Guohua's son drove a Porsche Cayenne and honored Li Guohua with an imported Big Ben.

It must be no problem to buy a Tesla.

Li Guohua didn't want to argue with Guo Yucheng either, so he couldn't help asking, "What the hell does Mr. Jiang want to ask us? He has opened a shop here, is there anything he doesn't understand?"

Guo Yucheng was speechless for a while, and finally waved his hand: "What are you anxious for, you will know in a while."

In fact, Guo Yucheng just said that Jiang Weimin had something to ask the locals. He was just talking nonsense, just to bring the Li Guohua family.

The purpose is also very simple. It is to use Jiang Weimin's power to show off Li Guohua and his precious son, let them know what is a truly successful person and what is a big man.

Of course, Guo Yucheng also felt that it was of little significance.

No matter how prosperous, Li Guohua and his son will not lose a piece of meat, think about it, it is not very relieved.

As for Li Tianyu, he didn't even listen to what they were talking about, but looked at the entire store.

The decoration is pretty good, simple and futuristic. It should be designed by a professional designer.

And everything is new, it should have just opened.

The area of ​​this building is large, and the quality of the decoration is not low.

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