You can search for "Shenhao from Bragging Taxes to Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The key is who exactly is Li Tianyu?

Why would Jiang Weimin give him a millionaire car!?

Most importantly, it is a Kyoto license car.

The value of the car, plus the value of the imperial capital license, would definitely exceed 1.5 million soft sister coins.

At this time, Li Tianyu pondered, since the other party had already sent the car and transferred it to him, it wouldn't work if he didn't accept it.

Li Tianyu said happily: "That's OK, then I will accept it, and I will go and thank Boss Jiang personally when I look back."

Li Tianyu's words are also very obvious, that is, not only accept Jiang Weimin's wishes, but also intend to establish a long-term and stable cooperation and win-win relationship with the Jiang family.

When Jiang Hong heard this, a look of joy appeared on his face.

It seemed that the task assigned to him by his father Jiang Weimin was overfulfilled.

Jiang Hongcai: "By the way, Mr. Li, I have something to ask you for help."

Li Tianyu nodded: "Just tell me, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you."

Jiang Hongcai: "I heard that you will be attending an important reception today. I would like to ask if you can take me with you?"

Li Tianyu was stunned. The reception Jiang Hongcai said did not refer to the reception where the Fang family met with people from the Xiong Neng Group, right?

Looking at Jiang Hongcai's face, eight achievements are.

Li Tianyu: "Are you interested in attending this kind of reception?"

Jiang Hongcai: "Yes, I am very interested."

Then, Jiang Hongcai added in a low voice: "I fell in love with a girl. I guess she will go there at night."

Li Tianyu was happy, this Jiang Hongcai deserves to be "the son of the landlord's house", and he has the energy to do things like a dude.

Li Tianyu doesn't matter.

After all, it was a reception, presumably Fang Teqiang would not introduce Li Tianyu to take someone there.

Moreover, Jiang Hongcai is the son of Jiang Weimin, and Jiang Weimin is a newly developed partner of the Fang family. There is no reason to reject Jiang Weimin's son.

When Jiang Hongcai saw that Li Tianyu had no words, he was very disappointed and said, "Mr. Li, I really want to go and help."

Li Tianyu responded with a smile: "Okay, at that night, I will take you there."

Jiang Hongcai was overjoyed, his expression was almost as good as kneeling on the street and licking Li Tianyu's toes.

At this time, Li Tianyu discovered that the others were standing there dumbly.

At a loss what to do and what to do.

It's no wonder they reacted like this. After all, what happened just now made them feel incredible, even unacceptable.

It was almost as if the sun came out from the west.

The key point is that Jiang Hongcai's attitude is to beg Li Tianyu to do things, and it doesn't seem like a big person's attitude towards ordinary people.

In other words, in the eyes of onlookers, the roles of Li Tianyu and Jiang Hongcai are completely reversed.

This gives a very weird feeling.

At this time, Li Tianyu saw several of his relatives, all staring at him strangely.

Li Tianyu also knows what these people are thinking, there must be many question marks on his head.

But Li Tianyu doesn't care what they are like. He is so strong now that he doesn't think too much about other people's feelings, and he doesn't need it at all.

Li Tianyu: "Young Master Jiang, do you want to go up there and sit down? After a while, we will go over again."

Han Chunmei reacted quickly and immediately said, "Yes, it's all here, let's go up for a meal together."

Jiang Hongcai hurriedly waved his hand: "Then don't, I have something else to do, so I won't go up and bother."

Of course Li Tianyu will not be detained.

Such a dude’s private life is very exciting. Letting him go to an ordinary person’s house for dinner would be more uncomfortable than killing them, it was like sitting on pins and needles.

Li Tianyu: "Then how do you go? It's not your legs, right?"

Jiang Hongcai laughed and said, "My friend is at the gate of the community while driving. Besides, I can still take a taxi."

Li Tianyu just asked casually, it's impossible for this kind of young man to have no means of transportation.

Legs on?Unless the sky falls, it is possible to smash all the cars.

At this moment, Li Tianyu suddenly saw Li Jianglin staring at the blue Tesla Model X intently, as if he was about to suck the car into his eyes.

No wonder, after all, Tesla belongs to a world-class popular brand, blessed by the real boss of Iron Man, and has its own idol halo.

As long as it is young, it is impossible not to know Tesla's electric cars.Little Tao Chinese

Of course, as an electric car, if Tesla is said to be the second in the world, then other brands of pure electric vehicles will definitely not dare to say that it is the first.

Put the world's first-density Panasonic battery pack and Niubi's advanced electronic control system aside, and the chassis tuning alone can catch up with various old luxury sports car brands.

Tesla's core technical advantage lies in its autopilot system.

Although because of some accidents, Tesla dare not promote a fully automatic driving system, it can only be said to be an assisted driving system, but there is no doubt that Tesla's automatic driving system can be said to be among all car companies today The most advanced one.

Some car owners buy Tesla because it can be used for sleeping and nap while driving on the highway.

Li Tianyu smiled and said: "Brother, aren't you a car that lacks an imperial capital license? Let's drive this for you first."

"What, what!?"


"Oh my God!"

When everyone heard it, they were all startled.

What does Li Tianyu mean?

Give this Tesla to Li Jianglin!?

This, this is a million-level luxury car!

You know that Tesla ModelX is not often seen even on Imperial Street.

On the contrary, Model3 has become a street car.

This will form a strong anomaly, and it seems that Tesla ModelX is quite high-end.

Not to mention Li Jianglin, even Wang Mingsha was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Li Jianglin's cousin would be so lavish, he would directly send them a car with an Imperial license plate.

Of course, Li Tianyu may just say it.

After all, this is a million-dollar car, and it's still a new car. How can ordinary people give it away to drive?

Knowing that they didn't believe it, Li Tianyu said seriously, "I'm not kidding. Since you are working in the Imperial Capital, it is really inconvenient to have no car. I still have a car to drive and I don't need this Tesla.

With that said, Li Tianyu really handed over all the bags in his hands to Li Jianglin.

In fact, Li Tianyu doesn't own a car, but also a super sports car, Feng Zi has been in the garage and haven't driven much.

If it is not enough, it would be too simple for Li Tianyu to have an entire Emperor Du car, and he does not need to brag about the tax system.

Li Tianyu only needs to say, Ai Baoquan, Ai Heping, Hu Haoxuan, Qiu Jian, etc., can all give him more than one car, just drive it casually.

Tesla ModelX is indeed a good car, but Li Tianyu has a Porsche Cayenne, which seems to overlap in function.

Li Jianglin was completely stunned: "This, this can't work, if I crash the car, I can't afford it."

Li Tianyu waved his hand: "It's okay, you don't need to pay, if you have insurance, you can go with peace of mind."

At this time, Jiang Hong spoke, and the kid had obviously not left yet.

Jiang Hongcai: "This is your brother?"

Li Tianyu nodded: "Yes, this is my cousin, who also works in the Imperial Capital."

Jiang Hongcai immediately shook hands with Li Jianglin, obviously very warm.

Li Jianglin is a bit silly, what is this grandson Jiang Hongcai going to do?

Jiang Hongcai: "If you lack a car, it's easy to handle. I'll give you a whole one."

Li Tianyu and Li Jianglin were stunned at the same time.

The others, including Wang Mingsha, were also stupid there.

What do you mean?

Give the whole car again!?

This Jiang Hongcai is too enthusiastic!

Li Tianyu: "Don't let him drive me. What he needs is a car with a license plate of the Imperial Capital, not elsewhere."

Jiang Hongcai waved his hand: "Hey, the imperial capital license is not easy? The green card is OK?"

Li Jianglin nodded foolishly.

Regardless of whether it is a blue card or a green card, as long as it is an imperial capital license, there is no problem.

Jiang Hongcai: "Okay, then leave it to me. I'll bring you the whole one later."

Li Tianyu: "That's not good. This is a car, not a toy. How can I give it away?"

Jiang Hongcai waved his hand indifferently: "Why? This is for your cousin, not an outsider."

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